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沈伟民 《经理人》2012,(7):76-81
2012年,众多家纺企业和其他零售行业一样,正直面消费者信心不足的困境。根据全国商业信息中心截至2月份的统计,全国50家重点大型零售企业零售额同比下降2.78%,自2011年1月以来首次出现同比负增长。  相似文献   

王震 《经理人》2012,(5):100-101
家纺业正成为电子商务领域的一匹黑马。去年,家纺企业纷纷以低价进入电商渠道,然后继续以低价操作线上营销。罗莱却反其道行之,不仅自建电商渠道LOVO,而且把线下品牌营销模式移植到线上营销中来。仅2011年全年,罗莱电商渠道的销售额就达1.1亿元。不以长期低价做低品牌的罗莱,何以能做大线上销售量,领跑家纺业电商?  相似文献   

石章强 《经理人》2006,(2):84-85
2005年9月,罗莱公司罗莱品牌喜获“中国名牌产品”称号;2005年 6月,罗莱把享誉巴黎的时尚家居品牌Saint Marc纳入怀中,并牵手世界著名家居品牌喜来登,结成战略联盟体;2005 年4月,从中国商业联合会、中华全国商业信息中心传来消息,罗莱家纺生产的“罗莱”牌床上用品荣列2004年度同类产品市场销量第一位,按2005年上半年销量预测, 罗莱在2004年突破6个亿的基础上,2005 年有望突破10亿。在当前竞争日益激烈的情况下,作为后起之秀的罗莱,是如何在对手如林的家纺行业中异军突起成为行业黑马的呢?  相似文献   

20014年12月11日,我国已对外资完全开放内地的零售市场,这必将对我国传统的零售行业产生新的冲击。令人担忧的是,我国零售业在即将到来的冲击面前,却一直显现出竞争能力的明显不足。《2003年中国百货业发展报告》指出,在2003年国内大型百货零售企业的年均销售收入增长率达9.8%的同时,利润却同比下降了13%,而有市场号召力的企业品牌依旧没有出现。去  相似文献   

2013年连锁零售百强企业的销售额增幅仅为9.9%,是有统计历史以来首次出现低于2位数的增长,而连锁零售企业百强销售额占社会消费品零售总额的比重也出现明显的下降。种种迹象表明,连锁零售企业正在面临着严峻的挑战。为了应对逆境,连锁零售企业亟需探索创新道路,在扩张模式、运营模式、销售渠道和物流运作等方面寻求突破,以进一步强化其竞争力。在当前环境下,连锁零售企业必须探寻新的扩张路径、加强库存管理、发展电子商务,才能在新一轮的竞争中取得生存和发展。  相似文献   

NO.17英国民调公司You Gov从全球范围内选出了过去80年来影响世界的80座"里程碑",邓小平的"改革开放"位列17。(《新民周刊》)2000-2200小时中青报调查显示,在我国90%的行业中,劳动者每周的工时都会超过40小时,过半数行业每周要加班4小时以上,全年工作时间则高达2000-2200小时左右。(《中国新闻周刊》)11375亿元根据国家统计局公布的最新数据,2014年上半年全国网络零售额为11375亿元,同比增长48.3%。在未来几年,网络零售市场的发展空间依然巨大。(《决策探索》)  相似文献   

未来国内综超零售行业趋势就是,全国布局零售商和优势的区域零售商,向一些实力相对薄弱的零售企业,进行兼并和蚕食,进而实现全国市场格局的形成  相似文献   

零售企业的库存优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售行业历来是竞争激烈的行业.零售业态的多样化,国际零售巨头在我国的快速扩张,消费者需求的复杂多样,为我国零售企业带来了更多的挑战.  相似文献   

李爱君 《经营管理者》2013,(17):105-105
企业的生存与发展离不开其面临的内外环境。与其他企业相比,零售连锁企业的环境在员工学历、来源上有一定的特殊性,企业自身也有不同于其他行业的特点,这些使零售连锁企业的人力资源管理难度加大,这是企业管理者必须认识到的问题。所以研究零售连锁企业人力资源管理中存在的问题及其应对之策无疑是十分必要的。  相似文献   

我国零售企业发展自有品牌的策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
零售企业自有品牌的出现,是零售业态的创新和发展,是零售商和制造商之间的关系发生深刻变化的产物。这一经营方式被商业零售领域的专家和经营者称为商业经营的一大变革,并日益成为全球商业发展的新热点。我国零售业已全面开放,零售行业在我国的竞争日趋激烈,创建和培育自有品牌成为零售商实施差异化战略,保持竞争优势的有力武器。  相似文献   

研究无人零售业态下自动售卖机的多产品联合补货问题,建立由补货成本、库存持有成本、缺货成本构成的平均补货成本模型,分析容量约束与固定补货阈值下的最优补货策略。结果表明,企业会倾向于在剩余较少产品时进行补货,剩余的产品往往是投影面积最小使得相同面积可容纳最多数量的产品;比较最优补货时间与平均补货成本发现,延长补货时间可以降低平均补货成本,在补货阈值越大、固定补货成本越低或售卖机容量越小时,最优补货时间会降低,反之,平均补货成本会增加。此外,分析不同成本变动对平均成本的影响发现,单位成本变动均会引起平均补货成本的增加,且在单位库存持有成本变动时,最优补货策略会发生转移,向单位库存持有成本降低至一定程度的产品或向投影面积最低即相同面积可容纳数量最小的产品转移。  相似文献   

中国成功零售企业定位点的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对全国样本的零售企业顾客满意度影响因子和评价数据的分析,对中国市场成功零售企业的定位点表现进行了实证研究,本文得出了有价值的五个结论:(1)成功的零售企业有明确的定位点;(2)成功的零售企业一般拥有1个主要、1个次好两个定位点;(3)商品、服务、价格、购物环境等,成为成功零售企业定位点选择的要素;(4)同一零售业态的成功企业可以有不同的定位点;(5)成功零售企业的非定位点都高于行业平均水平,而趋向成功的零售企业达到行业平均水平。  相似文献   

Whereas most retail industries are characterized by a great diversity of competitive retail formats, the automotive industry largely relies on one single retail format, the authorized car dealer. However, both automobile manufacturers and car dealers are trying to expand sales activities for automobiles by implementing new and innovative retail formats. A focal point raised within this context is the question about (potential) customers?? expectations regarding retail formats in the automotive industry. To be able to analyze these expectations, eleven attributes which are specific to automotive retail formats have been derived from a literature overview. The resulting taxonomy of attributes has then been used to systematically identify current and future retail formats in this particular industry. Using an hierarchical adaptive conjoint analysis model, the attributes describing different automotive retail formats have being extensively analyzed. By developing this specific conjoint analysis model, it is possible to both analyze single attributes and entire retail formats regarding their impact on the automotive market as well as particular market segments.  相似文献   

Much of the research on big data analytics has been centered on technical or system development. Research has been carried out on the usage of big data analytics to understand customer relationships and experience, amongst others. Still, there is a lack of research in the retail industry considering big data management, examining the impact on customer satisfaction and organizational performance in the retail sector. Retailers explore analytics to gain a unified picture of their customers and operations across the store or online channels and make strategic decisions contributing to the growth of the retail industry. Thereof, this study has been conducted by majorly focusing on the Singapore retail industry to clarify the feasibility of big data management analytics. Quantitative research method was employed involving 500 participants from the retail industry of Singapore. The results of the study stated that amongst the different big data analytics utilized within the retail industry of Singapore, social media analytics had been majorly answered by the participants. Future researchers can study about the upcoming retail trends in Singapore and how the effects of big data analysis changed in the past few years and deal with the unexpected future recessions in the retail industry within Singapore.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that persistence of Listeria monocytogenes in food processing plants has been the underlying cause of a number of human listeriosis outbreaks. This study extracts criteria used by food safety experts in determining bacterial persistence in the environment, using retail delicatessen operations as a model. Using the Delphi method, we conducted an expert elicitation with 10 food safety experts from academia, industry, and government to classify L. monocytogenes persistence based on environmental sampling results collected over six months for 30 retail delicatessen stores. The results were modeled using variations of random forest, support vector machine, logistic regression, and linear regression; variable importance values of random forest and support vector machine models were consolidated to rank important variables in the experts’ classifications. The duration of subtype isolation ranked most important across all expert categories. Sampling site category also ranked high in importance and validation errors doubled when this covariate was removed. Support vector machine and random forest models successfully classified the data with average validation errors of 3.1% and 2.2% (n = 144), respectively. Our findings indicate that (i) the frequency of isolations over time and sampling site information are critical factors for experts determining subtype persistence, (ii) food safety experts from different sectors may not use the same criteria in determining persistence, and (iii) machine learning models have potential for future use in environmental surveillance and risk management programs. Future work is necessary to validate the accuracy of expert and machine classification against biological measurement of L. monocytogenes persistence.  相似文献   

In recent years, the competition for shelf space has intensified, as more products now compete for a retail space that has remained roughly constant. In this paper, we analyze the dynamics of this competition in a multi‐supplier retail point. Assuming that sales are shelf space dependent, we consider a retailer that optimizes its shelf space allocation among different products based on their sales level and profit margins. In this context, product manufacturers set their wholesale prices so as to obtain larger shelf space allocations but at the same time keep margins as high as possible. We analyze the equilibrium situation in the supply chain, and find that generally the retailer's and the suppliers' incentives are misaligned, resulting in suboptimal retail prices and shelf space allocations. We however find that the inefficiencies induced by suboptimal shelf space allocation decisions are small relative to those induced by suboptimal pricing decisions.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of prompts in the fast food industry is examined in this paper. The study was conducted in three different restaurants associated with the same fast food franchise. Customers who did not order french fries were used as subjects and either did or did not receive a purchasing prompt depending on their treatment condition. The results demonstrated that prompts are associated with a significant increase in consumer purchases. Suggestions for additional research as well as recommendations for the more effective use of prompts in retail environments are discussed.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is among the foodborne pathogens with the highest death toll in the United States. Ready‐to‐eat foods contaminated at retail are an important source of infection. Environmental sites in retail deli operations can be contaminated. However, commonly contaminated sites are unlikely to come into direct contact with food and the public health relevance of environmental contamination has remained unclear. To identify environmental sites that may pose a considerable cross‐contamination risk, to elucidate potential transmission pathways, and to identify knowledge gaps, we performed a structured expert elicitation of 41 experts from state regulatory agencies and the food retail industry with practical experience in retail deli operations. Following the “Delphi” method, the elicitation was performed in three consecutive steps: questionnaire, review and discussion of results, second questionnaire. Hands and gloves were identified as important potential contamination sources. However, bacterial transfers to and from hands or gloves represented a major data gap. Experts agreed about transfer probabilities from cutting boards, scales, deli cases, and deli preparation sinks to product, and about transfer probabilities from floor drains, walk‐in cooler floors, and knife racks to food contact surfaces. Comparison of experts' opinions to observational data revealed a tendency among experts with certain demographic characteristics and professional opinions to overestimate prevalence. Experts’ votes clearly clustered into separate groups not defined by place of employment, even though industry experts may have been somewhat overrepresented in one cluster. Overall, our study demonstrates the value and caveats of expert elicitation to identify data gaps and prioritize research efforts.  相似文献   

On-line or electronic delivery is the newest delivery channel to be offered by the retail banks, and there is wide agreement in the industry that this channel will have a significant impact. This article identifies the approaches being adopted by UK retail banks and the strategies underlying those approaches. The management problems and concerns in implementing these services are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Mostly fueled by mandates, adoption, and implementation of the RFID, technology in the retail industry is growing rapidly. At these early stages of adoption, one puzzling issue for retailers and suppliers is the compelling business case for RFID. In order to explore the potential business case for RFID, we conducted a case study using actual RFID data collected by a major retailer for the cases shipped by one of its major suppliers. We show the physical layout of the RFID readers on a partial supply‐chain covering product movement from distribution centers to retail stores. First, in the analysis phase, we identify several performance metrics that can be computed from the RFID readings. Next, using this RFID data, we compute the values of those performance metrics. These values represent mean time between movements at different locations. Then, we discuss how these measures can assist in improving logistical performance at a micro supply chain level of operations between a distribution center and a retail store. We present how such information can be valuable to both the retail store operator and the supplier. We also discuss the initial lessons learned from actual RFID data collected in the field, in terms of data quality issues.  相似文献   

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