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2012年,众多家纺企业和其他零售行业一样,正直面消费者信心不足的困境。根据全国商业信息中心截至2月份的统计,全国50家重点大型零售企业零售额同比下降2.78%,自2011年1月以来首次出现同比负增长。 相似文献
作为中国最年轻的直辖市,重庆,地处长江上游经济带,是西部地区唯一集水陆空运输为一体的交通枢纽。这座3100万人口的城市,拥有一片广阔的市场。近些年来,在全市经济社会取得长足发展的宏观环境下,重庆零售行业不断成长壮大起来。十五期间,重庆全市GDP平均增长速度 相似文献
还认为宜家只有家居和美味肉圆吗?2014年去无锡吧,那里的宜家会提供全天候服务。你可以在宜家电影院看完好莱坞电影,顺便逛一下宜家家居,最后在宜家餐厅再尝尝肉圆,接着你提个包,到宜家超市买件衣服。这不是开玩笑,这次宜家要大量购地,在全国建立多个这样的家居卖场+购物中心模式的新宜家。 相似文献
消费者信心下挫,对于包括罗莱在内的消费品行业来说,是严峻的挑战。然而,我相信,凭借罗莱目前的优势,在同样担忧市场环境的情绪下,或许我们的“吃重”要少很多。这是因为,创业近20年来,罗莱经历了无数的市场惊险,踏过无数的鬼门关,在很多人看来,罗莱无惧市场风险,因为有行业地位和品牌价值做保障,但这只是表象,不是原因。我们的经验在于。无论市场多艰难,要积极寻找竞争结构中的缺陷和空白,抓住这个机会,领先对手,即使半步也足矣。 相似文献
在家电制造企业的利润“薄得像刀片”的背景下,格力多年维持高达20名的净资产收益率。格力电器2007年三季度财报显示,其净资产收益率(ROE)达18.99%而美的电器只有14.51%,青岛海尔更是只有5.43%。 相似文献
正在中国经济增速减缓,同时整个供暖行业不景气的背景下,阿里斯顿正从三方面挖掘蓝海:中国西部地区以及三四线城市的需求;居室改善型需求;消费者的个性化需求。喜欢F1赛车的意大利人萨尔瓦多·塞里奥,如今很少有时间亲自去现场看这项比赛,即使是看电视,也要先看一下自己的工作时间表。这位阿里斯顿热能集团中国区总裁向《经理人》耸了耸肩表示,自己现在唯一的娱乐,是在上海的意大利餐厅享受家乡的美味。塞里奥现在把他过去对F1的关注,全部转移到了阿里斯顿的产品上,阿里 相似文献
在公司管理结构中,董事会作为核心,上承投资人,由股东选出并对股东负责;下接经理层,任免高级管理人员并承担公司的战略管理职能。借助董事会传统上的这一重要地 相似文献
中海集团自1997年组建以来,加强财务管理,大刀阔斧地开展一系列改革措施,紧紧抓住资金管理这个中心,优化资金管理运行机制,加快了资金集中化管理步伐,不断构筑集团企业资金监控体系,取得了明显成效,为集团资源整合优化配置奠定了基础。集团净资产比组建初期增加164%,营业收入增加476%,利润由亏损到盈利近百亿,净资产收益率是央企平均水平的四倍。中海集装箱运输有限公司的综合实力已经跻身于世界大班轮公司第十位。2004年,集团被中宣部、国资委评为国有企业改革发展的重大典型。 相似文献
《European Management Journal》2020,38(3):425-434
This study aims to understand how firms overcome market-based innovation barriers and achieve innovation performance using the effectuation orientation construct. In so doing, we provide more nuanced insights into how the combination of mindsets and actions helps firms to overcome barriers. Based on a quantitative research design, data from 157 established organizations show variations in how effectual actions are related to perceived innovation barriers. Among the conclusions we draw from the results is the fact that effectual contingency and effectual means orientation are negatively associated with market-based innovation barriers, which are in turn negatively associated with a firm’s innovation performance. Overall, the empirical results provide new insights into the literature of both innovation and entrepreneurship. 相似文献
While life as hospital employees was comfortable, the lure of independence won out for these two emergency department physicians. Breaking away to develop a new company was not easy, but it's paid off for the entrepreneurs of the Capital Region Emergency Medicine, P.C. Developing an emergency medicine business meant learning all aspects of business: billing services, evaluating legal services, raising capital, and becoming employers. The advantage has been an ability to use profits to improve the moral of staff, an increase in salary, and an overall sense of satisfaction. 相似文献
Flower J 《Physician executive》1997,23(8):53-55
The father of hypnotherapy, Milton Erickson, insisted that trance was a fairly common state for individuals, one that we drop into many times a day without any help at all--not at all the sensational image we think of with the magician hypnotizing the audience volunteer, or the psychiatrist the patient. Trances have a number of things in common--they: (1) are an altered state of consciousness; (2) feel autonomous; (3) come packaged with any of a number of "Deep Trance Phenomena"; (4) tend to repeat; (5) are universal. Organizations have trances, too. They have autonomous states of mind, ways of thinking that seem to come from nowhere, that seem impossible to change. They have automatic behaviors--ways of meeting, building of bureaucratic structures, interactions between departments. If organizations had knees, we might call them "knee-jerk reactions." Or communal habits. Or organizational trances. If the trance is a harmful one, how can you loosen its grip? By building up parallel realities. 相似文献
Lazarus A 《Physician executive》1997,23(3):8-13
The glass ceiling is a form of organizational bias and discrimination that prevents qualified professionals from achieving positions of top governance and leadership. This article examines glass ceiling barriers that keep physicians from the upper reaches of management. While these factors apply mainly to women and minority physicians in academia, and are attributable to sexual harassment and discrimination, physicians as a class are frequently denied executive management positions. Such denial results from inadequate preparation for a career in health care administration. Important issues in the professional development of physician executives include mentoring, training and education, administrative experience, and cultural and personality factors. All of those must be considered when making the transition from medicine to management. 相似文献
Florence Law 《European Management Journal》2018,36(3):341-352
The objective of this paper is to develop research on backsourcing, which consists in recalling outsourced activities back in-house. We focus on the processes that firms follow to backsource these activities, particularly when they are locked into outsourcing. We refer to path dependence and path creation concepts to conduct this research. Using a case study methodology, we analyze the process related to the backsourcing of information technology activities in a telecommunications company. This paper highlights the negative effects of the need to control outsourced activities as it maintains outsourcing lock-in. Organizational crises and the perception of backsourcing as a success are two elements that enable significant mindful deviations from outsourcing practices and the development of a backsourcing path. The decision to backsource and its implementation can be facilitated by past successful integration experiences, internal productive capabilities, and capabilities to control activities. Changes in power relations within the firm can sustain the development of a backsourcing path. Our research contributes to research on organizational path breaking by studying the backsourcing process as an outsourcing path breaker. This paper complements studies on organizational practices such as outsourcing and backsourcing and their interplay. 相似文献