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罗胜 《统计与决策》2016,(10):78-80
断点回归设计是最接近于随机试验的拟随机实验方法,具有因果推断清晰、结果最为可信、易于检验的特点.文章从断点回归设计的基本逻辑、方法、应用和研究进展等几个方面介绍了这一方法.  相似文献   

空间断点回归实现因果关系统计推断的实验场景决定了交互效应是其固有特征。已有交互效应模型设定方法未充分考虑变量间的空间关系,使其应用局限于微观领域。文章在空间断点回归分析框架下,提出了模型化交互效应的更一般化方法,将其应用推广至区际差异分析等宏观领域,充分讨论了能够识别交互效应的主要统计假设、模型设定方法和统计推断方法,以及忽略交互效应产生的影响。基于此方法,对重庆市升级为直辖市的经济效应进行实验设计、统计推断和评价。实证分析表明,当恰当利用交互效应模型进行统计推断时,处理效应和交互效应估计值均显著为正,处理效应t检验显著性更强,且其估计值在一定空间范围内显著大于普通空间断点回归模型的估计值,该结论基本稳健。  相似文献   

文章对普通最小二乘估计中形成的相关系数、回归系数、可决系数R2、F统计量,以及多重共线性问题作出几何分析,指出该分析方法表现为向量的长度和角度关系.这种分析过程使普通最小二乘法及估计结果变得更直观.  相似文献   

随着环境不断恶化带来的生产、生活方面的危害日益突出,环境治理迫在眉睫,为推进生态文明建设、发展绿色环保经济,中国的环保法规不断束紧。以2012年修订的《环境空气质量标准》和2015年实施修订后的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》为准自然实验,设计断点回归的研究结果表明,2012空气质量新标准的落实为环保企业带来良好的政策环境、促进了社会环保需求的同时,也对企业管理优化、CEO能力提出了新的要求,具体表现为,2012空气质量新标准一方面促进了企业商誉,抑制了企业的盈余管理行为,另一方面也增大了CEO的变更和减薪压力;而2012空气质量新标准对环保企业经营结构、风险配置等方面的调整则不明显。研究还表明,具备一定预期的2015新环保法的实施时点上,环保企业上述层面的变量除商誉外的政策效果不显著,即存在预期的政策束紧对社会环保总需求和环保企业管理优化需求的影响均被提前稀释,从而可能使政策效果转向环保企业经营管理的更深层方面。研究启示:束紧的环规冲击对社会环保需求、环保企业管理优化需求均有较好的促进作用,但预期会促进环保参与主体提前完成上述过程,即连续的、可预期的系列环保政策束紧是环保产业调整的可能驱动力量。  相似文献   

分位数回归是现代计量经济学研究的前沿之一,与频率学派方法相比采用贝叶斯分析方法对其进行估计具有一定的优势。基于泊松分布实现了在R中调用STAN对分位数回归进行贝叶斯估计,将尺度参数进行参数化,并比较参数化与否对模型估计系数统计性质的影响;在此基础上通过模拟实验研究参数先验分布的设定对参数估计量统计性质的影响,结果表明:参数化后得到的估计量统计性质更好;适当的先验分布可以提高Hamiltonian Monte Carlo抽样估计量的统计性质。  相似文献   

李坤明  方丽婷 《统计研究》2018,35(10):103-115
本文提出一种遵循空间数据分布特征的空间分位数回归模型,并着重探讨该模型的估计方法和参数检验问题。本文构建了上述模型的一个工具变量估计法,通过数理证明建立了估计量的大样本理论,并基于估计量的渐近分布构造了模型的参数检验方法。本文还通过数值模拟方法和应用实例考察估计方法和参数检验方法的实际应用效果,数值模拟结果显示,估计方法和参数检验方法在有限样本条件下均可以达到较高的精确度和稳定性。在应用实例中,本文利用所构建的理论方法重新检验我国“资源诅咒”效应的存在性,实证结果体现了理论方法的应用价值。  相似文献   

吕萍 《统计教育》2009,(1):56-59,64
小域估计问题日益受到社会各界的关注,它通常利用辅助信息和统计模型提高估计的精度。其中最常用的小域模型是混合模型,即利用域随机效应来解释域间变化,但是这种模型要求严格的假定条件,不易于处理实际中存在异常值或重尾现象的小域估计问题。本文将分位数回归模型引入小域估计中,这个模型不需要强的假定条件,可以处理实际中存在异常值或是重尾现象的小域估计问题,并通过一个模拟案例进一步说明了基于分位数回归模型的小域估计方法可以得到更加稳健的估计量.挖掘更多的信息来提高小域估计的精度,是一种比较好的小域估计方法。  相似文献   

如果一个因变量是由一个或多个自变量来解释的,那么对这些数据可以建立回归模型.但如果因变量和自变量同时又是时间序列,则也可以建立传递函数模型(transferfunction models).与普通的回归模型相比,传递函数模型说明因变量与自变量以及扰动项之间关系时,有着更为丰富的结构.在多变量时间序列模型方面,有关线性回归模型与传递函数序列在时间序列方面应用效果的比较很少,因此,本文拟进行这方面的研究,为多变量时间序列建立模型提供参考.  相似文献   

存在自相关时的自相关检验和参数估计是基础计量经济学的一个重要内容,并且存在自相关时的原模型已转化为自回归分布滞后模型。讨论存在自相关时的自相关检验和参数估计问题,提出了一种基于自回归分布滞后模型的自相关检验法,并同时给出了相应的参数估计。  相似文献   

张征宇  朱平芳 《统计研究》2010,27(4):103-108
近年来运用空间计量经济模型进行实证分析的文献都普遍采用空间自回归(SAR)形式的设定,对参数的估计也多采用极大似然(MLE)的方法。在经典多元线性回归模型中,仅有被解释变量的测量误差并不会影响系数估计的一致性。本文证明对于SAR模型,即使仅当被解释变量存在测量误差时,且无论该测量误差是否与模型本身的扰动项相关,普遍采用的MLE都将是不一致的。为此,Hausman型的设定检验被推广到SAR模型中用以判别是否存在被解释变量的测量误差。当零假设被拒绝时,我们说明由Kelejian&Prucha(1998), Lee(2003)提出的二阶段最小二乘法仍然可以得到参数的一致估计。Monte Carlo模拟的结果与我们的理论预期一致。最后我们用一个估计地方环境支出外溢效应的实例说明如何运用本文所提的方法来检验应用空间自回归模型时可能存在的测量误差。  相似文献   

戴平生 《统计研究》2018,35(9):103-114
普通最小二乘法是进行回归分析最常用的基本方法,但该方法要求满足若干经典假设,对于小样本或在与收入相关回归分析的参数估计中易受奇异值、高收入群体的影响。本文试图利用基尼加权回归弥补以上不足。基尼加权回归可分为参数方法与非参数方法两类,参数方法基于样本残差的基尼平均差最小原则对参数进行估计;非参数方法则是直接由两点间的斜率加权得到。基尼加权回归分析可以进行参数假设检验并定义拟合优度,其中的假设检验在实际应用中采用Jackknife重抽样方法估计方差。文中提出的样本拓展基尼平均差算法,弥补了现有算法对样本数据只能提供近似计算的不足,极大简化相应的计算公式。利用我国2015年省域截面数据、1994至2015年总量时间序列数据分别讨论入境旅游收入对收入基尼系数的影响,发现使用基尼加权回归的结果不仅符合理论预期,而且可以通过不平等厌恶参数的变化反映入境旅游收入对不同群体收入公平性的影响。  相似文献   

In an attempt to provide a statistical tool for disease screening and prediction, we propose a semiparametric approach to analysis of the Cox proportional hazards cure model in situations where the observations on the event time are subject to right censoring and some covariates are missing not at random. To facilitate the methodological development, we begin with semiparametric maximum likelihood estimation (SPMLE) assuming that the (conditional) distribution of the missing covariates is known. A variant of the EM algorithm is used to compute the estimator. We then adapt the SPMLE to a more practical situation where the distribution is unknown and there is a consistent estimator based on available information. We establish the consistency and weak convergence of the resulting pseudo-SPMLE, and identify a suitable variance estimator. The application of our inference procedure to disease screening and prediction is illustrated via empirical studies. The proposed approach is used to analyze the tuberculosis screening study data that motivated this research. Its finite-sample performance is examined by simulation.  相似文献   

We discuss a class of difference‐based estimators for the autocovariance in nonparametric regression when the signal is discontinuous and the errors form a stationary m‐dependent process. These estimators circumvent the particularly challenging task of pre‐estimating such an unknown regression function. We provide finite‐sample expressions of their mean squared errors for piecewise constant signals and Gaussian errors. Based on this, we derive biased‐optimized estimates that do not depend on the unknown autocovariance structure. Notably, for positively correlated errors, that part of the variance of our estimators that depend on the signal is minimal as well. Further, we provide sufficient conditions for ‐consistency; this result is extended to piecewise Hölder regression with non‐Gaussian errors. We combine our biased‐optimized autocovariance estimates with a projection‐based approach and derive covariance matrix estimates, a method that is of independent interest. An R package, several simulations and an application to biophysical measurements complement this paper.  相似文献   

Female labor participation models have been usually studied through probit and logit specifications. Little attention has been paid to verify the assumptions that are used in these sort of models, basically distributional assumptions and homoskedasticity. In this paper we apply semiparametirc methods in order to test the previous hypothesis. We also estimate a Spanish female labor participation model using both parametric and semiparametirc approaches. The parametirc model includes fixed and random coefficients probit specification. The estimation procedures are parametric maximum likelihood for both probit and logit models, and semiparametric quasi maximum likelihood following Klein and Spady (1993). The results depend cricially in the assumed model.  相似文献   

This paper considers residuals for time series regression. Despite much literature on visual diagnostics for uncorrelated data, there is little on the autocorrelated case. To examine various aspects of the fitted time series regression model, three residuals are considered. The fitted regression model can be checked using orthogonal residuals; the time series error model can be analysed using marginal residuals; and the white noise error component can be tested using conditional residuals. When used together, these residuals allow identification of outliers, model mis‐specification and mean shifts. Due to the sensitivity of conditional residuals to model mis‐specification, it is suggested that the orthogonal and marginal residuals be examined first.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the proposal of a new prediction interval and band for the nonlinear regression model. The construction principle of this interval and band is based on an exact (the meaning of the term “exact” will be given later) confidence region for parameters of the nonlinear regression model. This region, fully described in Vila and Gauchi (2007 Vila , J.-P. , Gauchi , J.-P. ( 2007 ). Optimal designs based on exact confidence regions for parameter estimation of a nonlinear regression model . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 ( 9 ): 29352953 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), provides a rigorous justification for the new prediction interval and band that we propose. This new band is then compared to the classical bands (which are asymptotic and thus approximate for small n), and also to the band based on the bootstrap resampling method. The comparison of these bands is undertaken with simulated and real data from predictive modeling in food science.  相似文献   

Estimating a curve nonparametrically from data measured with error is a difficult problem that has been studied by many authors. Constructing a consistent estimator in this context can sometimes be quite challenging, and in this paper we review some of the tools that have been developed in the literature for kernel‐based approaches, founded on the Fourier transform and a more general unbiased score technique. We use those tools to rederive some of the existing nonparametric density and regression estimators for data contaminated by classical or Berkson errors, and discuss how to compute these estimators in practice. We also review some mistakes made by those working in the area, and highlight a number of problems with an existing R package decon .  相似文献   

A flexible sequential approach to the design of clinical trials is discussed herein. This approach is based on a “confidence sequence” viewpoint instead of the rigid stopping and terminal decision rules in conventional sequential testing theory. By using an appropriate confidence sequence, one can always ensure a prescribed degree of scientific rigor (confidence) in establishing the drug to be effective. Moreover, one also has the option of terminating the trial early when there is already enough statistical evidence for concluding that the drug is effective, or when the drug shows uniorseen harmful effects, or when the data predict that there is little chance of arriving at a definitive conclusion in favor of the drug by the scheduled end of the trial. We discuss how these and other ethical and economic considerations can be readily incorporated into the stopping criteria of the trial.  相似文献   

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