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It is usually considered that the proportion of handicapped people grows with age. Namely, the older the man/woman, the more the level of disability he/she suffers. However, empirical evidence shows that this assessment is not always true, or at least, it is not true in the Spanish population. The study tries to assess the impact of age on disability in Spain. Each gender has been treated separately because it can be shown that men and women have their own pattern of behaviour. Three different methods of estimation have been used to check the link between those variables. The results seem to support the idea that the relationship among age and the intensity of disability is not always direct. One of the concluding remarks in this analysis is that the method of estimation has a great incidence in the final results, especially in central ages between 20 and 80 years old.  相似文献   

In a microarray experiment, intensity measurements tend to vary due to various systematic and random effects, which enter at the different stages of the measurement process. Common test statistics do not take these effects into account. An alternative is to use, for example, ANOVA models. In many cases, we can, however, not make the assumption of normally distributed error terms. Purdom and Holmes [6 Purdom, E. and Holmes, S. P. 2005. Error distribution for gene expression data. Stat. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol., 4(1) article 16 [Google Scholar]] have concluded that the distribution of microarray intensity measurements can often be better approximated by a Laplace distribution. In this paper, we consider the analysis of microarray data by using ANOVA models under the assumption of Laplace-distributed error terms. We explain the methodology and discuss problems related to fitting of this type of models. In addition to evaluating the models using several real-life microarray experiments, we conduct a simulation study to investigate different aspects of the models in detail. We find that, while the normal model is less sensitive to model misspecifications, the Laplace model has more power when the data are truly Laplace distributed. However, in the latter situation, neither of the models is able to control the false discovery rate at the pre-specified significance level. This problem is most likely related to sample size issues.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of semiparametric regression models based on a multiplicative frailty assumption with a discrete frailty, which may account for cured subgroup in population. The cure model framework is then recast as a problem with a transformation model. The proposed models can explain a broad range of nonproportional hazards structures along with a cured proportion. An efficient and simple algorithm based on the martingale process is developed to locate the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator. Unlike existing expectation-maximization based methods, our approach directly maximizes a nonparametric likelihood function, and the calculation of consistent variance estimates is immediate. The proposed method is useful for resolving identifiability features embedded in semiparametric cure models. Simulation studies are presented to demonstrate the finite sample properties of the proposed method. A case study of stage III soft-tissue sarcoma is given as an illustration.  相似文献   

Interval-censored data arise due to a sequence random examination such that the failure time of interest occurs in an interval. In some medical studies, there exist long-term survivors who can be considered as permanently cured. We consider a mixed model for the uncured group coming from linear transformation models and cured group coming from a logistic regression model. For the inference of parameters, an EM algorithm is developed for a full likelihood approach. To investigate finite sample properties of the proposed method, simulation studies are conducted. The approach is applied to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s hypobaric decompression sickness data.  相似文献   

Propensity score methods are increasingly used in medical literature to estimate treatment effect using data from observational studies. Despite many papers on propensity score analysis, few have focused on the analysis of survival data. Even within the framework of the popular proportional hazard model, the choice among marginal, stratified or adjusted models remains unclear. A Monte Carlo simulation study was used to compare the performance of several survival models to estimate both marginal and conditional treatment effects. The impact of accounting or not for pairing when analysing propensity‐score‐matched survival data was assessed. In addition, the influence of unmeasured confounders was investigated. After matching on the propensity score, both marginal and conditional treatment effects could be reliably estimated. Ignoring the paired structure of the data led to an increased test size due to an overestimated variance of the treatment effect. Among the various survival models considered, stratified models systematically showed poorer performance. Omitting a covariate in the propensity score model led to a biased estimation of treatment effect, but replacement of the unmeasured confounder by a correlated one allowed a marked decrease in this bias. Our study showed that propensity scores applied to survival data can lead to unbiased estimation of both marginal and conditional treatment effect, when marginal and adjusted Cox models are used. In all cases, it is necessary to account for pairing when analysing propensity‐score‐matched data, using a robust estimator of the variance. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Zero-inflated count data are frequently encountered in public health and epidemiology research. Two-parts model is often used to model the excessive zeros, which are a mixture of two components: a point mass at zero and a count distribution, such as a Poisson distribution. When the rate of events per unit exposure is of interest, offset is commonly used to account for the varying extent of exposure, which is essentially a predictor whose regression coefficient is fixed at one. Such an assumption of exposure effect is, however, quite restrictive for many practical problems. Further, for zero-inflated models, offset is often only included in the count component of the model. However, the probability of excessive zero component could also be affected by the amount of ‘exposure’. We, therefore, proposed incorporating the varying exposure as a covariate rather than an offset term in both the probability of excessive zeros and conditional counts components of the zero-inflated model. A real example is used to illustrate the usage of the proposed methods, and simulation studies are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed methods for a broad variety of situations.  相似文献   

"A graphical method developed by Gabriel to display the rows and columns of a matrix is applied to tables of age- and period-specific cancer mortality rates. It is particularly useful when the pattern of age-specific rates changes with time. Trends in age-specific rates and changes in the age distribution are identified as projections. Three examples [from England and Wales] are given."  相似文献   

A nonparametric alternative to the extended parametric Satterthwaite method taking into account the correlation between samples obtained from the same animal is presented. Confidence intervals are computed using a modified jackknife standard error. The performance of the method is studied by means of simulation. This nonparametric method has a smaller coverage rate than the parametric one, but still close to the nominal confidence level. In addition, its confidence interval is shorter than that of the parametric method using the generalized Satterthwaite approximation. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary. We compare the robustness under model misspecification of two approaches to fitting logistic regression models with unmatched case–control data. One is the standard survey approach based on weighted versions of population estimating equations. The other is the likelihood-based approach that is standard in medical applications. The conventional view is that the (less efficient) survey-weighted approach leads to greater robustness. We conclude that this view is not always justified.  相似文献   

The study of female labor supply has been a topic of relevance in the economic literature. Generally, the data are left-censored and the classic tobit model has been extensively used in the modeling strategy. This model, however, assumes normality for the error distribution and is not recommended for data with positive skewness, heavy-tails and heteroscedasticity, as is the case of female labor supply data. Moreover, it is well-known that the quantile regression approach accounts for the influences of different quantiles in the estimated coefficients. We take all these features into account and propose a parametric quantile tobit regression model based on quantile log-symmetric distributions. The proposed method allows one to model data with positive skewness (which is not suitable for the classic tobit model), to study the influence of the quantiles of interest, and to account for heteroscedasticity. The model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood and a Monte Carlo experiment is performed to evaluate alternative estimators. The new method is applied to two distinct female labor supply data sets. The results indicate that the log-symmetric quantile tobit model fits better the data than the classic tobit model.  相似文献   

DNA microarray experiments result in enormous amount of data, which need careful interpretation. Biplot approaches show simultaneous display of genes and samples in low-dimensional graphs and thus can be used to represent the relationships between genes and samples. There are several different types of biplots, and these methods need to be evaluated because each plot provides different result.  相似文献   

Errors in measurement frequently occur in observing responses. If case–control data are based on certain reported responses, which may not be the true responses, then we have contaminated case–control data. In this paper, we first show that the ordinary logistic regression analysis based on contaminated case–control data can lead to very serious biased conclusions. This can be concluded from the results of a theoretical argument, one example, and two simulation studies. We next derive the semiparametric maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the risk parameter of a logistic regression model when there is a validation subsample. The asymptotic normality of the semiparametric MLE will be shown along with consistent estimate of asymptotic variance. Our example and two simulation studies show these estimates to have reasonable performance under finite sample situations.  相似文献   

Often a distributed lag response pattern can be usefully represented in rational polynomial form. When the impulse response function decays, the corner table may be useful for model identification if appropriate statistical tests may be done. One or more joint tests are called for since use of the corner table involves studying groups of its elements. We consider an asymptotic x2 statistic that permits joint tests. We report simulation results showing that the distribution of this statistic follows the x 2 distribution, for certain sample sizes and degrees of freedom, well enough to be useful in practice. With two data sets we illustrate how this statistic can be a useful aid when using the corner table.  相似文献   

Survival models have been extensively used to analyse time-until-event data. There is a range of extended models that incorporate different aspects, such as overdispersion/frailty, mixtures, and flexible response functions through semi-parametric models. In this work, we show how a useful tool to assess goodness-of-fit, the half-normal plot of residuals with a simulated envelope, implemented in the hnp package in R, can be used on a location-scale modelling context. We fitted a range of survival models to time-until-event data, where the event was an insect predator attacking a larva in a biological control experiment. We started with the Weibull model and then fitted the exponentiated-Weibull location-scale model with regressors both for the location and scale parameters. We performed variable selection for each model and, by producing half-normal plots with simulated envelopes for the deviance residuals of the model fits, we found that the exponentiated-Weibull fitted the data better. We then included a random effect in the exponentiated-Weibull model to accommodate correlated observations. Finally, we discuss possible implications of the results found in the case study.  相似文献   

We present a hierarchical frailty model based on distributions derived from non-negative Lévy processes. The model may be applied to data with several levels of dependence, such as family data or other general clusters, and is an alternative to additive frailty models. We present several parametric examples of the model, and properties such as expected values, variance and covariance. The model is applied to a case-cohort sample of age at onset for melanoma from the Swedish Multi-Generation Register, organized in nuclear families of parents and one or two children. We compare the genetic component of the total frailty variance to the common environmental term, and estimate the effect of birth cohort and gender.  相似文献   

Summary  In panel studies binary outcome measures together with time stationary and time varying explanatory variables are collected over time on the same individual. Therefore, a regression analysis for this type of data must allow for the correlation among the outcomes of an individual. The multivariate probit model of Ashford and Sowden (1970) was the first regression model for multivariate binary responses. However, a likelihood analysis of the multivariate probit model with general correlation structure for higher dimensions is intractable due to the maximization over high dimensional integrals thus severely restricting ist applicability so far. Czado (1996) developed a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to overcome this difficulty. In this paper we present an application of this algorithm to unemployment data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics involving 11 waves of the panel study. In addition we adapt Bayesian model checking techniques based on the posterior predictive distribution (see for example Gelman et al. (1996)) for the multivariate probit model. These help to identify mean and correlation specification which fit the data well. C. Czado was supported by research grant OGP0089858 of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

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