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From my teaching experience in the past years, I have found that for Chinese students of the English language, English emphasis is a point of great difficulty. This study is an attempt to localize thse cause of this difficulty and indicate a remedy for it.  相似文献   

"Everything happens for the best," my mother said whenever I 1 disappointment. "If you can carry on, one day something 2 will happen. A.nd you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that 3 disappointment."  相似文献   

英语动名词复合结构中的逻辑主语探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动名词复合结构的逻辑主语由人称代词、名词或名词词组等成分充当,使用其所有格或宾格、通格形式,例如:“please excuse my/John′s coming late”或“Please excuse me/John coming late”。然而,上述两种结构在很多情况下并不能通用。在实际使用中,动名词复合结构的逻辑  相似文献   

之一 签证官陷阱:What's your Salary? 错误的回答:400 yuan per month. 结果:Negative 正确的回答:I could have made 10000 yuan a month working for IBM, just like many of my Classmates. However, I do not Want to breach the contract with my current employer. 结果:Pass. 分析:十年前签证官是不会问薪水问题的,因为在那个时代每个人的收入都一样。可现在不同了,既然“让一部分人先富起来”,而且也的确富起来了,那么收入低从一定程度上也就反映了能力的低下。美国人价值观的标准之一就是  相似文献   

I.Significance and merits I have been teaching Comprehensive English Course(CEC)at junior teachers colleges for years, and I have been insisting on conducting classroom discussions (CDs) in my course no matter how many of my fellow teachers involved in the teaching of the same course have been  相似文献   

一位女士听到有人敲她的门,开门一看,是一位男士站在外面。“打扰您了,”他说,“我每天去工作的路上都会路过您的房子。每天您都是用一片面包打您儿子的头!”“对啊,”女士说。“是的,但是今天早上您却用一块大蛋糕打他的头,为什么?”“哦,今天是他的生日。”女士说。 A woman hears a knock on her door and opens it. A man is standing outside. "Excuse me,"He says,"I pass your house every morning on my way to work. Every day,you hit your son on the head with a piece of bread!" "That's right." the woman sa…  相似文献   

Teaching English     
Having spent nearly two years in the P.R.of China,I am usually asked questions about“Howto Speak English”.However,I have been working all this time in a Teachers’College and my mainconcern has been“How to Teach English”.I feel very strongly that teaching a modern language stands apart from the teaching of other aca-demic subjects but my main concern here is to demonstrate the utmost importance of motivation.There are basically three areas which,adequately mastered,make“good teaching”:knowledge,discipline and motivation.If one of these elements were to be taken out,the equation would flounder.  相似文献   

王露 《社区》2006,(20)
“Why you want to learn English?(您为什么学英语呢?)You are not youngand you said it was not easy。(我是说,您岁数比较大而且您自己也说不是易事。)“”Because I want to be a volun-teer for2008Olympic Games inBeijing.If I can speak English,I willshow our city  相似文献   

(一)Buy a Car for Me as Well Mr Johnson wants a car for long. His home is far from his factory. He has to set the alarm clock(闹钟) for his wife every evening before he goes to bed. The Woman has to get up earlier. When breakfast is ready, she wakes him up. Then he hurried to catch the early bus. Once something was wrong with the clock, he was late for work. At the gate of the shop he met with the head. He was hardly sent away.  相似文献   

工作努力获加薪 For all of his hard work, Adrian's boss decideto reward him with a promotion! He feels on top othe world and wants to celebrate with Ping, so hinvites her to meet him at their favorite restaurantHe also has something very important he wants to asPing. What could it be?(In the office)Boss: Adrian, can I see you in my office for a few minutes?Adrian:Sure, boss. Is something the matter?Boss: Sit down. Ther…  相似文献   

This paper tries to give an outline of the Norwegian educational system for primary schooland middle school and as understood by me during my visit to Vorway in September 1996. Myunderstanding is based on a introduction meeting in the ministry of Education, Research andReligion, and through meetings and talks with representatives for "Norges skoleforbund"(Teacher's association of Norway)and personal talks with teachers.  相似文献   

<正> 近读两本英译汉的对照物,发现李煜的《浪淘沙》(帘外雨潺潺)下片“独自莫凭栏,无限江山”中的“莫”字都被译成了否定词.下面是这两句的两种英译本:Alone,I wouldn’t rest,on a railing,my hand,To scan what was once my limitless land.(《词百首英译》,北京语言学院出版社)  相似文献   

A I'm sorry to be late.很报歉,我迟到了。B No problem.没关系。A How does it taste?味道如何?B Very good.很好。A That looks good.看上去不错。B It sure does.的确如此。A He is very strong.他很强壮。B Yes.是的。A She is pretty,isn't she?她真漂亮,不是吗?B Yes,sh  相似文献   

Language testing is very important and necessary,and moreover as we all know,nowadays,in English language testing, the muhiple-choice item is most widely used and many users regard the multiple-choice item as the most flexible and probably the most effective of the objective item types.The multiple-choice item has its characteristics,advantages and disadvantages.We should bring out its strengths to make up for its weaknesses and use it appropriately.Although it has its limitations,it is suitable for large-scale tests and tests dealing with wide-range knowledge.We should correctly ap- ply testing principles and methods in order to make testing more effective and reliable.  相似文献   

At the bank, Amber must wait for another client before her turn. Then she gets some general accountinformation before being directed to the right place for opening a new account.Clerk: Good afternoon, Miss. What can I do for you?Lady: Could you give me my account balance? My account number is ...Clerk: Just a moment, please (enters the account number into the computer). Your name?Lady: Barbara Winters.Clerk: Here is your balance (hands her a computer printout).Lady: Thank you. I want to…  相似文献   

1.阅读下面短文,根据其内容所给词的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺。每词限用一次。 A tooth, hard, harm, relax, cool, sick, cost, nothing Some people think that smoking makes them look (1)______ and helps them (2)_____.I don't agree. In my opinion, smoking is (3)_____for people' s health, it also makes people look bad.  相似文献   

Chinese students learning English face a number of problems resulting from their isolation from the target language. One problem is that they are not exposed to the varieties of expression within the English language. This makes it difficult, for example, for them to distinguish between formal and informal English.  相似文献   

A Welcome to my home!欢迎来我家做客!B Thank you.谢谢。A How about some more chicken?再吃点鸡肉怎么样?B I'm full.Thankyou.我吃饱了,谢谢。ATea or coffee?想喝茶还是咖啡?B Tea,please.喝茶。A May I takea message?我可以留个口信吗?BYes.Say it,pleaese.可以,请说。Sit down,please.请坐。Thank you.谢谢。英语读吧  相似文献   

现用初级中学课本《英语》第三册,第六课The Moving Blackboard的注释五(P.55)是这样解释的:“Then he started to word on it.接着他开始演算那道数学题.on是介词,‘从事(某工作)’的意思.work on在这里可译作‘演算’.”对此笔者不敢苟同。 按注释者的意思,work on是个短语动词,当“演算”讲,it指“那道数学题.”  相似文献   

(一) My interest has been in books instead in food since I went to high school. In the past I was real interested in all kinds of food. In summer day I liked to buy ice cream and cold drink, when in winter I liked to buy sweets and some another food. Whenever I went for a walk with my parents I would ask them buy me something.  相似文献   

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