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Most studies on interpersonal conflict at work have been conducted in Western countries. However, cultural differences may affect how people behave towards each other, and understanding these differences may shed light on how people in culturally dissimilar countries experience stress. Using the Cross-Cultural Interpersonal Conflict Scale (CC-ICS) developed for this research, we assessed both direct (face-to-face) and indirect (negative behaviour behind someone's back) conflict at work in 166 and 204 university employees from China and the United States (US), respectively. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a three-factor structure (direct conflict, indirect conflict engaged in by oneself, and indirect conflict by others) of the CC-ICS in both countries. MANCOVA and Bonferroni-adjusted univariate tests revealed that US employees reported more indirect conflict, both by self and by others against self. Moderated regression analyses showed that country moderated the relations between interpersonal conflict and job strains. Direct conflict played a more important role in predicting US employees’ psychological strains, whereas indirect conflict played a more important role in predicting Chinese employees’ physical symptoms. Hotelling t-tests showed that in China indirect conflict by others was more strongly related to psychological strains than was direct conflict. Thus, employees’ cultural backgrounds appear to be associated with how they express conflict behaviours.  相似文献   

This paper presents a cross-cultural comparison of U.S., Canadian-Anglophone, Canadian-Francophone, and Mexican managers' attitudes toward upward influence strategies. Generally, it was found that all four groups have similar perspectives in terms of the relative acceptability of various influence strategies. However, examination of absolute ratings of influence behaviors suggests that Canadian-Francophones could serve as a cultural “linking-pin” along a continuum anchored by Anglo cultures at one end and the Latin-American culture of Mexico at the other. Implications for cross-cultural interactions within the NAFTA region are discussed.  相似文献   

Data from managers in Australia (N=505) and Hong Kong (N=653) support the findings of studies using American managers and their companies that shared values, or person-organization values fit, is strongly related to positive work attitudes. This relationship is unaffected by culture, as two-way analysis of variance reveals no interaction effect between shared values and country. Managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study looks at similarities and differences between entrepreneurs in two different cultures, the United States and Greece. Values and risk assessment are key ingredients in the planning process. If they differ across countries, American research on decision making will have little applicability. Entrepreneurs in Greece and the United States were compared using the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values and the Choice Dilemmas Questionnaire. Our findings indicate strong similarities between the Greek and American Entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare the ethical decision making of respondents from two different cultures. Perceived organizational support for ethical decision making was also compared. The samples include residents of South Florida, United States of America and Jamaica, West Indies. Respondents were employed full time. Results indicate that for the majority of business dilemmas presented, no significant differences were found. Implications for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines motivational profiles within the Arab culture and compares them with the U.S. culture. The associations of needs for achievement, affiliation, and power with effectiveness (salary, promotion, and GPA) and job satisfaction in the Arab culture are investigated. The need for affiliation is negatively associated with effectiveness for managers and students, and the need for power is positively associated with effectiveness for managers. The Arab culture exhibits higher affiliation need, while the U.S. culture exhibits higher power and achievement needs. However, the two cultures exhibit similar profiles of effective motivation for managers, students, and professionals.  相似文献   

We explore the ethical facets of within-company upward influence behavior. Our focus is Vietnam, where only minimal research has been conducted, with comparison data from China, France, and the US—countries that have had both past and present relationships with Vietnam. Our hypotheses are developed within the contexts of the historical, business ideology, and socio-cultural relationships that Vietnam has shared with these countries. The findings indicate that Vietnam is a country that is largely unique unto itself regarding the perspective on upward influence ethics that is held by its professional workforce.  相似文献   

This article examines the aerospace defense sector and the national export control regime within which U.S. corporations operate. While the U.S. federal government plays many roles in this industry, the focus here is on its role as regulator of defense exports from the United States. From this vantage point, ten case studies illustrate the difficulties faced by companies in this challenging environment, and highlight factors that lead to noncompliance with U.S. government regulations. Firm performance effects are investigated, including impacts on profits, share price, and reputation. The paper concludes with implications for international management practice and international business research that reflect realities in the aerospace defense sector.  相似文献   

Lester D  Templer DI  Abdel-Khalek A 《Omega》2006,54(3):255-260
Data are reported from samples of undergraduates around the world who have been administered Templer's Death Anxiety Scale. Data from 24 American samples and from 16 nations were identified. Strong sex differences were found and an association between the scores of men and women.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(2):42-50
This article lists the five important characteristics for the ideal acquisition candidate for investment in the United States. A good and long-lasting relationship takes much thought, planning and patience and the authors set out practical guidelines for companies seeking to acquire U.S. companies.  相似文献   


Global growth in service employment highlights the need to understand how cross-cultural differences impact emotional labour processes for service employees. The current study investigates these differences by examining the impact of national and individual level collectivistic values on emotional labour strategies and employee strain (emotional strain, turnover intentions, job satisfaction, and organisational commitment). Cross-sectional data was collected from U.S. (n?=?191) and Turkish (n?=?249) customer service employees. Results indicate that collectivism impacts the process model of emotional labour via direct and interaction effects. Collectivism was associated with higher emotional labour engagement and lower employee strains. Surface acting was uncorrelated with Turkish employees’ strain, though moderated regression analyses revealed interaction effects associated with national and individual level collectivism. These results suggest that collectivistic values may serve as a buffer against harmful effects associated with surface acting. This study is the first to directly compare emotional labour processes in U.S. and Turkish service employees and expand the process model of emotional labour to include collectivism. The theoretical implications of this expanded model are discussed, along with future research directions and practical applications of these findings.  相似文献   

Ideas from a USA-FRG conference on risk management are presented. In general, the difficulties confronted by risk management authorities in the two countries are similar, from discovering important risks at an early stage to setting acceptable goals. Government regulation is overburdened and somewhat inefficient in both countries, leading to greater search for alternatives. The many differences in approach between the two countries can inform both. German risk management is done largely through negotiations among the affected parties; when this does not resolve a dispute, a specialized administrative court takes charge. In both countries nonregulatory methods of managing risk should be enhanced and given a larger role. A matrix of risk management method versus criteria proved stimulating in comparing and ranking approaches. The conceptual differences between managing discrete events (auto crashes, boiler explosions, etc.) and chronic exposures have not been appreciated. Although uncertainty and probability are involved in both, there are qualitative differences in both analysis and management. Public perceptions of risk and the role these should play have been characterized by "objectivist" and "subjectivist" positions. In the former view, risks are subject to analysis, are calculable, and the public must be educated to accept the conclusions of experts. In the latter view what people perceive is what is most important, both psychologically and politically, and the risk experts must understand public fears and desires. These are important opportunities for cross cultural studies.  相似文献   

This study uses a sample comprised of U.S. students and Iraqi students to determine if differences occur over ethical perceptions based on cultural/demographic issues. Irrespective of demographics, the results of this study indicate significant cultural differences between Iraqi students and American students with regard to selected ethical issues concerning graduate education. Specifically the differences occurred in the students' perceptions of winning is everything, selling one's soul, logic before emotion, and pander to professors. Iraqi students consistently viewed these beliefs as more necessary for success in their graduate education than did their American counterparts.  相似文献   

Over the past 5 years the authors have been examining the Fortune 1000 U.S. industrials' changes in corporate planning practices with respect to environmental analysis. Results of earlier studies have been reported in the February 1979 and October 1981 issues of Long Range Planning. This article documents the rapid, domestic increase in the use of multiple scenarios between 1977 and 1981. Given the intention for future use by present users and the length of time multiple scenarios have been used by some firms, this is strong evidence that multiple scenarios are a useful conjectural tool which can help corporate management plan in an unstable environment.  相似文献   

The paper presents data about the Organizational Philosophies of fifty-nine Japanese owned companies in the United States. Harmony emerged as the single most popular element in these Organizational Philosophies. Data about specific concepts of Organizational Philosophy (kaizen, correct attitudes) were also obtained. Mechanisms to encourage the adoption and use of Organizational Philosophy were investigated. The evidence suggests that Organizational Philosophy continues to be an important aspect of Japanese companies in the U.S.A., and that American managers of these companies are accepting these Philosophies.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1991 International Academy of Management and Marketing Annual Conference held in Detroit, MI.  相似文献   

This article reports on a brief, informal, reconnaissance study of ‘foresight’ activities now being conducted in the private sector and the Federal government. Such activities include: external environmental assessment, internal organizational assessment, direction setting, definition, and selection of base and contingent plans, implementation, performance evaluation and feedback. The study involved the reading and analysis of the existing literature and discussions with over 50 people in diverse private and public sector organizations. The objective was to determine what foresight activities are being done, how, by whom, with what results, and what are the implications and options.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the U.S.S.R. approach to long-term planning and the relationship of cooperative planning within the Comecon countries. The conception of planning which the author puts forward is comprehensive and is illustrative of what is being attempted at the macro level in the centrally planned economies.  相似文献   

In the United States, it is premature to claim that performance-based budgeting (PBB) will replace line-item budgeting in near future, particularly at the federal and state level. This article attempts to (1) provide a brief historical context of PBB in the U.S.; (2) identify some challenges associated with the theoretical underpinnings and operational principles of PBB; (3) document current practice and research pertaining to designing and implementation; and (4) discuss the prospect of PBB. The locus of PBB in the 21St century will be local, the focus will be comparative, and the impetus will come mainly from the media.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the motives behind business combination decisions. Twenty-one favorable characteristics associated with the motivations for business combinations were selected to serve as the basis for an empirical survey. Our analysis revealed that there are seven motivational variables of varying import and that the motivations underlying business combination decisions are similar for U.S. and Canadian executives.  相似文献   

The association between economic success and adherence to communal values in Israeli kibbutz communes is analyzed over a thirty year period. Adherence to four communal objectives, as independent variables, is considered: Settling the land and absorbing settlers, farming as a way of life, refraining from financial speculation and minimizing consumption. Economic performance was used as the criterion variable. The findings show that the federation of religious kibbutzim (plural of kibbutz) adhered most closely to the social objectives and achieved better economic/financial performance than other kubbutz federations. The economic success of the religious kibbutzim is attributed to a religious rational ethic that was developed during their formative years and maintained consistently over time.  相似文献   

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