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吴春燕 《唐都学刊》2011,27(3):48-52
七八世纪的日本飞鸟、奈良时代因集中出现了八代六位女天皇而被称为,"女帝世纪"。学界普遍认为,这一时期女天皇的频出源于顺利"过渡"、"中继"皇位。然而,在考察了这一时期女天皇继位的社会、政治背景之后,笔者发现,"女帝世纪"的形成与当时母权制遗风浓厚的社会习俗以及皇位观念和皇室继承制度的历史变迁密切相关。  相似文献   

综合 《东西南北》2013,(13):30-32
在爆出令总统蒙羞的嫖妓丑闻后,负责总统安全的美国联邦特勤局掀开历史性的一页,这个"男人帮"首次迎来女领导。茱莉亚·皮尔森这位一直保卫白宫的低调行事的"精英中的精英"女干将,成为了美国联邦特勤局148年来首位女局长。  相似文献   

周小璐 《东西南北》2014,(13):32-34
他16岁参加红军、20岁参加秘密情报工作,徐向前元帅曾经评价他,"是我党隐蔽战线上的无名英雄"。他是周总理临终前召见的最后一位高级干部。为了台湾问题,总理曾对他连写了四个"托"字。他就是罗青长。从上世纪70年代起,他主管中央调查部工作,随后担任部长,成为共和国情报部门的首脑。原中顾委委员、中共中央调查部部长罗青长因病于2014年4月15日在北京去世,享年96岁。罗青长是中国共产党隐蔽战线的元老之一。  相似文献   

温金童 《社科纵横》2012,(1):133-135
土地革命战争后期,刘志丹、谢子长、习仲勋开创的陕甘边根据地"硕果仅存",成为红军长征的落脚点和抗日战争的出发点。中国共产党以陕甘边根据地为基础,建成了抗日战争的指导中心——陕甘宁边区,推动了第二次国共合作,积极进行抗战准备,为迎接全民族抗战的胜利做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

杜丽霞 《社科纵横》2011,(8):106-108
《女勇士:一个在鬼中间生活的女孩的童年回忆》书名自身已经揭示了汤亭亭这本开山力作的文类属性:个人传记,成长故事。在美国特殊的背景里,这个成功人士的个人传记和成长故事又涂抹着浓重的"美国梦"色彩。事实上,这三种归类不仅依据充分,而且密切关联。重要的是,女主人公的成功和美国梦的实现充满了中国特性。其中国特性主要体现在三方面:首先,女主人公从中国文化中汲取了奋斗的力量;其次,她成为女勇士的动机不只是美国式的个人成功,而是中国式的为美国华裔族群效力;最后,她为自己确定的任务是把中国文化介绍"翻译"给西方读者。  相似文献   

长征途中,党中央针对红军战略转移过程中面临的严峻问题,及时召开了一系列重要会议。这些会议结束了王明"左"倾教条主义在党中央的统治,树立了一切从实际出发、实事求是的战略思想,纠正了红军战略转移的前进方向,确立了毛泽东同志在红军和党中央的领导地位,克服了张国焘"右"倾分裂主义图谋,作出了把红军落脚点放在陕北、并把陕北作为革命大本营的战略抉择,奠定了中国革命成功的基础。  相似文献   

曾一果 《阅江学刊》2012,4(2):91-96
苏童在其以《妇女生活》为代表的小说世界中塑造了各种"叛逆女",却并不是迎合"妇女解放"思潮。侯咏在改编苏童小说的基础上,试图用电影《茉莉花开》打造一部符合女权主义思想的"女性启示录",但最终展现给观众的事与愿违,是一部杂糅、拼贴的"后现代主义"的女性故事。这样的一种拼贴风格或许正是当下中国影像文化的真实处境,缺乏真正的思想意识和艺术创见,许多影像产品只是不同思想观念的大杂烩。  相似文献   

杨琦 《社科纵横》2006,21(7):33-34
红军长征有1/3或更多的时间行程在民族地区,第一次频繁而广泛地接触少数民族,在理论上认为把正确解决民族问题、争取少数民族看作是对中国革命胜利有决定意义的问题。广大少数民族,在人力、物力及道义上采取各种方式援助红军,踊跃参军,保证部队的供给,掩护伤病员,壮大革命武装力量,对红军取得长征胜利做出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

妲己,原姓苏,女,汉族,约公元前1084年生,属相蛇,约为摩羯座。河南焦作人,殷商王朝最后一位君主商纣王的宠妃,人称"一代妖姬"。  相似文献   

没有人不爱美、不想美的,多元社会对美有多种理解和追求。遗传学发布了新的研究成果:现代人类越长越漂亮,满大街都是美女、帅男,打扮得也更为新潮入时、赏心悦目。天下大美,正如美国希尔顿饭店集团女继承人、"话题女王"帕丽斯·希尔顿所言:"不论到哪里都要打扮俏丽,生命短暂,何苦从众。”  相似文献   

This paper draws upon the findings of a study that looked at women's experiences of mothering in the context of co-occurrence of domestic violence and child abuse, and considers the issue of women's violence towards children – while acknowledging the fact that men are the main perpetrators of violence towards women and children in these families. The paper first explores the relationship between women's victimization and women's violence, and suggests that women's abuse of their children can be seen as a consequence of their own experiences of domestic violence. The findings nonetheless suggest that abused women have agency, and therefore have responsibilities when they chose to use violence towards their children. The paper also considers the feelings of guilt and blame that tend to arise in these circumstances. Implications for research, policy and practice are identified.  相似文献   

金文野 《学术交流》2003,(5):148-151
现代女性的性别觉醒及其性别重塑 ,是对女性自我历史命运的一次深刻的性别自救。这种新女性形象的塑造 ,体现了现代女作家以解构男权性爱霸权 ,建构女性情爱主体为旨归的创作追求。  相似文献   

Anthropological studies of women's same-sex relations in non-Western societies provide an important source for theorizing women's sexuality because they allow us to go beyond a narrow focus on Western cultures and concepts. Looking at studies from groups other than the dominant societies of Europe and America, I explore the diversity of women's sexualities and the sociocultural factors that produce sexual beliefs and practices. This article argues that sexual practices take their meaning from particular cultures and their beliefs about the self and the world. Cultural systems of gender, in particular, construct different sexual beliefs and practices for men and women. I conclude the article by suggesting some broad patterns at work in the production of women's sexualities across cultures.  相似文献   

This article describes some of the major results of a study1 which examines the complex problem of women's underachievement in paid work. Through an investigation of female clerical staff and their experience of one major Civil Service department, an analysis is made of the internal organization and processes and their effect on women's promotion success. The conclusion is that the internal labour market of the Civil Service is structured to men's conventional employment patterns and both formal and informal factors combine to keep the majority of women at a disadvantage in paid work. The very few women who do achieve have to accept and adopt conventionally male characteristics in both their work situation and their family life.  相似文献   

王鹏  干一卿 《社会》2022,42(4):183-213
女性的阶层地位认同研究近年来受到广泛关注,但缺乏多重建构视角下基于长期转型背景的世代变迁分析。本文旨在回答两个重要问题:第一,已婚女性的阶层地位认同是否受到婚姻匹配与代际流动的影响,丈夫、父亲与女性自身的客观阶层及其差异如何影响女性的主观地位认同;第二,上述影响模式如何随出生世代发生变化。在使用对角线参照模型分析中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2010—2017年的合并数据后发现:相较于自身的客观阶层,中国已婚女性整体上倾向于以丈夫的客观阶层来建构自身的阶层认同,但越年轻的世代这一倾向越弱;父亲客观阶层的影响则与自身客观阶层的影响并重,甚至随世代变迁略有增强。上述结果体现了中国特色的家庭现代化模式,即已婚女性虽愈少依赖于配偶,但依然与原生家庭保持着紧密连结。  相似文献   

In this article, the gender and development paradigm is critically reviewed and an alternative framework of research – identities of women – is proposed. This article contends that the gender and development paradigm is primarily guided by the tenets of Western feminisms and economic development. The article also highlights other limitations of the paradigm, including its preoccupation with male–female inequalities, macro generalisations and symbolic representation of women and a limited inclusion of local contexts. The identities of women framework proposes to address the limitations of the gender and development paradigm by studying women's conception of their environment and women's understanding of their relationship with these environments. The identities of women framework is informed by poststructuralist critique of feminism, cultural anthropology and a socio-psychological approach to identity.  相似文献   

日本女性社会保障运行机制是其社会保障体系的重要组成部分,主要通过《生育休假法》、《男女雇用机会均等法》等法律法规确保女性在生育、教育、就业、医疗和养老等方面的权利,并将构筑国民皆参保的医疗保障网作为保障女性权益的重要一环。日本在加强女性社会保障立法和健全女性社保机制方面很值得中国借鉴。  相似文献   

左际平 《社会》2005,6(1):182-209
毛泽东时代的妇女解放和男女平等实践在中外学术界引起很大争 议。一方面人们看到共产党运用法律、行政和舆论手段以确保妇女与 男子享有平等的权利和机会,大大缩小了妇女在婚姻、就业和受教育程 度等方面与男子的差距;另一方面也指出上述方面持续存在的种种不 平等以及平等措施后面隐藏的事实上的不平等。1令学者困惑的是,20 世纪50年代,男女在婚姻、就业和受教育程度等差距最大,但是中国妇 女,尤其是城市妇女对妇女解放的认同感却最强(Croll,1995;Rofel,  相似文献   

70-90% of Africans still live in rural areas, and 25-30% of rural households are headed by women. Standards of living in rural areas are lower than in urban areas. Rural African women's involvement in development is in its initial stages, and social development for women is likely to be slow. Increasing women's opportunities for education is a means of promoting social justice and fairness. Schools should offer courses of practical value for those not planning on higher education and special programs and career counseling for gifted girls. Women's organizations, African leaders, and other influential parties should aggressively create awareness about the oppressive aspects of traditional attitudes, beliefs, and views about women. Laws on ownership of property, inheritance, access to credit, and employment must be equitable and enforced. Consciousness-raising among rural women is an effective means of encouraging rural women to seek and assume new roles and for questioning unreasonable expectations and norms. Women's professional associations serve important functions and fulfill the need for role models. The quality of rural women's life is effectively improved through formulation of policies relevant to women's needs and problems and improve rural conditions. Women should have fair representation at local and national levels of government. Women's role in agriculture is likely to be enhanced through improved transportation systems, electricity supply, and introduction of intermediate technology. This assessment of rural African women's contributions to economic growth emphasizes women's involvement in farming and the informal sector and their lack of equal remuneration or low wages. Illiteracy places women in a disadvantaged position when competing for employment in the formal sector. Lack of access to credit and limits on credit are other obstacles in the informal sector. The reduced participation of rural women in the formal and informal sector is due to lack of economic power, limited educational opportunities, and policies that place industry in urban areas. Social development that reduces illiteracy and poverty should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Researchers and theorists who attempt to generalize about sexuality and sexual orientation in both men and women simultaneously often take male experiences as the norm and ignore unique aspects of women's lives. The purpose of this issue is to focus attention on scientific research and theory about aspects of women's sexualities, with special emphasis on sexual orientation. A new paradigm is presented that recognizes the great diversity of women's erotic experiences and the many sociocultural factors that shape women's sexuality and sexual orientation across the lifespan. This introductory article highlights major themes and provides a brief summary of the articles in the issue. Four central topics are discussed: (1) the complexnature of women's sexualities and sexual orientations; (2) the importance of historical, social, and cultural contexts for adequately understanding women's sexualities; (3) the development of sexual orientation in women; and (4) implications for research and policy.  相似文献   

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