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施衡 《职业时空》2014,(9):110-113
经纪业务是证券公司最基本的业务,有效开展经纪业务,开发和维护目标客户群体,是开展其他业务的基础。开展经纪业务就是进行金融产品的营销与销售,其关键在于人员和过程。金融产品销售的特殊性对从业人员在道德、专业知识与技能、个人基本素养等方面提出了很高的要求。  相似文献   

企业简介: 思源集团创始于1994年,从在深圳成立第一家公司开始,到目前为止已经在北京、深圳、广州、呼和浩特等城市拥有多家成员公司,历经十一年发展,集团旗下已紧紧围绕房地产专业服务,构建了顾问、经纪、投资、软件、经营五大业务板块,业务范围覆盖城市运营与土地一级开发顾问、项目全案策划、经纪代理、地产投资、地产IT服务、物业经营管理等专业性的房地产服务领域,并"以专业顾问为先导,经纪、投资、软件、经营跟进执行"的独有业务模式,集成综合资源,快步发展成为国内顿具规模的领军型房地产综合服务集团.  相似文献   

正公司主要经营房屋买卖居间代理、房屋租赁居间代理、房地产咨询等业务;服务业态涉及中高端住宅、酒店式公寓、别墅、写字楼、零售商业物业、城市规划等。石家庄宏海房产经纪有限公司主要经营房屋买卖居间代理、房屋租赁居间代理、房地产咨询等业务;服务业态涉及中高端住宅、酒店式公寓、别墅、写字楼、零售商业物业、城市规划等。石家庄宏海房产经纪有限公司自成立开始,便始终以"树诚信理念,做行业好榜样"为己任,为顾客提供热情专业、周到的服务,以客  相似文献   

证券公司为期货公司提供中间介绍业务(IB)是证监会借鉴欧美成熟市场和香港、台湾等新兴市场经验,为配合股指期货上市和发挥期货功能推出的一项新业务。文章从IB业务组织架构、杨文武控制流程、交易结算系统对接方式、制度体系和利润分配机制、营销队伍结构等5个方面,研究了IB业务运行模式,分析了业务运行隐患和问题,并结合国际市场金融机构IB业务运行情况,从监管协调机制、规章制度体系、写作监管方式,IB业务对接管理体系提出了IB业务规范发展建议。  相似文献   

FESCO招聘事业部对2008年上半年上千家外企客户职位需求进行了分析整理,并结合行业特点对下半年趋势的研究分析综述如下. 金融业:趋于理性化 从去年年底开始,受大盘下跌影响较大的基金和证券公司,无论是高端人才还是业务人才需求都明显减少、放缓或暂停.但高素质金融人才仍然是至宝,如基金经理、精算师、金融分析师、保险公司的高层核心业务人才等.  相似文献   

余悦 《现代妇女》2014,(10):131-132
JOBS法案为证券登记创造了一种众筹豁免,允许初创企业和小企业从普通投资者处筹集资金。进行股权众筹的众筹平台必须注册为经纪交易商或集资门户。 JOBS法案所创设的集资门户注册是对复杂的经纪商注册的替代。然而,经纪交易商注册在监管规清晰度、经济性、灵活性、功能性以及投资者保护等方面优于集资门户注册,因此众筹平台将更倾向于经纪交易商注册。  相似文献   

随着我国资本市场的发展壮大和居民金融性资产的迅速增长,商业银行、证券公司、信托公司等金融机构的代客理财业务也开展得如火如荼。信托业作为典型的非银行金融机构,对社会经济的发展具有非常重要的作用,信托业有助于提高社会资产的利用效率,有助于分散银行业的风险,也有助于促进金融行业良性竞争。信托是一种创新的财产管理制度,其起源于英国,发展于美国、日本。由于具有财产管理、资金融通的功能,在市场经济发达的国家,信托业已成为与银行业、保险业、证券业并举的金融业四大支柱之一,本义是“受人之托、代人理财”。信托业的发展对金融发展和金融结构的完善起到了重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

我国房地产经济的迅速发展,迫切需要房地产市场的专业化,房地产的销售代理,作为房地产业中新兴的经纪活动便应运而生,房地产市场中代理商的经纪活动,对促进房地产商品交流与销售,完善房地产市场机制发挥着重要的作用。 我国房地产经纪活动与房地产业的兴起同时出现,但房地产代理制度的形成与完善却是在房地产业进入盘整和消化时期,房地产市场渐趋成熟以后出现的。其主要原因,一是随着房地产业的逐步完善,房地产市场发展呈现出多元化趋势。在投资主体  相似文献   

妻子是证券从业人员,有证券经纪业务与证券投资分。析资格证书,最近因身体原因,不能情绪激动,在家调养身心,但还是每天去买一张《上海证券报》,关心股市的走向。近日,她看到该报头版一条消息,又激动起来,说这是上市公司的一个大阴谋,又要到股市里来混淆视听,浑水摸鱼。我听她激动地解释了多遍,  相似文献   

个人简介: 陶红兵,思源集团副总经理、思源经纪公司董事长兼总经理.清华大学EMBA(高级管理人员工商管理硕士),1989年毕业于兰州商学院,经济学学士.2004年加盟思源集团,担任思源呼和浩特公司总经理,成功运作"呼和浩特市城市土地开发和经营项目".现任思源集团副总经理、思源经纪公司董事长兼总经理,全面主持思源经纪公司的领导决策及日常工作,其领导下的思源经纪公司业绩年年攀升.  相似文献   

Family businesses consist of family members pooling their resources together to achieve a particular goal for the family business. The objectives of this study were to profile the characteristics of the family businesses and business owners by owners’ goal orientation and to examine the influence of goal orientation on family business performance. The mean differences in values of business size, business age, and business liabilities were statistically significant by owners’ goal orientation. The major findings of this study suggest that owner goal orientation had a statistically significant effect on business performance. Specifically, setting a business goal such as growth or a positive reputation with customers had a significant and positive impact on family business performance.  相似文献   

This study identified factors influencing family business survival using National Family Business Panel and Spatial Hazard Events and Losses data. Sustainable Family Business Theory guided the use of a parametric duration model of long-term survival. Community characteristics, family achievements, family processes during change, business and owner characteristics, and business processes during stability affected long-term survival. Economic vulnerability of rural counties, family income from business, hiring temporary help, business size, viewing business as a way of life, and owner experience were associated with increased duration of business survival. Being home-based, a female owner, and customer-focused were associated with decreased duration of survival. Some family processes and achievements increased the duration of business survival; none decreased it.  相似文献   

The contribution of female small business owners to economic development in Western developed countries such as New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, is generally under–researched and traditionally grounded in male norms. Increasingly policy–makers acknowledge that in countries like New Zealand where 85% of business employs five or less people, small business offers the greatest employment potential. Not enough is known, though, about the growth orientation and characteristics of female small business owners. This article reports findings from the largest empirical study of small business undertaken in New Zealand and provides inter–gender comparison between male and female small business owners and for intra–gender contrast between networked female small business owners and women who did not belong to a business network. The results showed that the networked women, who were in the main better educated and more affiliative by nature, were more expansionist than both other female small business owners and men. The networked women were also more likely to have a business mentor. The findings confound earlier research suggesting women are less growth–orientated and wish only to satisfy intrinsic needs from their businesses. The article concludes by discussing the need to acknowledge the heterogeneity of female small business and what this means for policy–makers when assessing their socio–economic potential.  相似文献   


Viewed from a conflict perspective, governmental agencies are tools of power and privilege. Subservient to powerful economic interest groups, regulatory agencies are claimed to exercise little, if any, effective control over the activities of big business.

Four hypotheses derived from a conflict perspective on the social control of big business are set forth: (1) less social control is exercised over big business than small business; (2) since the onset of the consumer movement, big business has been more frequently sanctioned; (3) over time big business “captures” regulatory agencies which results in a general decrease in the percentage of social control efforts directed toward big business; and (4) when big business is sanctioned, the smaller, less powerful of those businesses are sanctioned.

In this study the pattern of sanctioning of big business by a major federal regulatory agency is examined. Specifically, data on the issuance of cease and desist orders to business enterprises by the Federal Trade Commission over a twenty‐three year span of time are analyzed. The implications of the findings for each of the four hypotheses and for conflict theory in general are discussed.  相似文献   

The purposes of this article are: (1) to identify internal/micro-level factors associated with perception of family and business success, and (2) to compare single manager and dual manager family business households with respect to factors that contribute to their perceptions of business and family success. The data are from a nationally representative sample of 673 family business households. Using a two-stage least squares regression procedure, the results show a unique relationship between family success and business success. Family success positively impacts business success, but not vice versa, and predictors of family and business success vary widely between household types.  相似文献   

This study examines and extends former theoretical argument of nonprofit rationalization in the Chinese context. Based on a survey study of 179 nonprofit organizations across Zhejiang province of Eastern China, we find that nonprofits led by individuals with prior business experience and with more extensive business networking are more likely to adopt rationalized rules and practices. Moreover, the results indicate support for the mediation effect of business networking on the relationship between prior experience and rationalization. We also find the moderation effects of management training on the direct effect of prior business experience and on business networking, as well as the indirect effect of prior business experience on rationalization via business networking. Our findings contribute to explaining the formation of rationalization in the Chinese nonprofit sector and provide implications for future research, practice, and policy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare groups of women associated with family businesses and ascertain predictors of functionality. The sample consisted of 589 women divided into five groups based on their roles in the business. Of interest were various combinations of work at home, in the family business, and outside the business and how multiple roles affect the family. The women varied on several characteristics with female business managers less likely to be married than other women and generally operating smaller businesses. The women were not significantly different on levels of family functioning. Family goal success, satisfaction with business role, and being married were positive significant predictors of family functionality. Higher levels of household tension were negatively associated with family functionality. Family therapists and family business consultants must be cognizant of the multiple role responsibilities of women associated with a family firm.  相似文献   

政府特许经营是政府实行有限公共资源经营权转让之后从事经营活动的经营模式。城市出租汽车客运使用的道路不是有限公共资源,不是特许经营对象;出租汽车客运经营权属于服务经营权,获得出租汽车客运经营权在于经营资质符合法定要求。  相似文献   

《Rural sociology》2018,83(2):376-401
Access to financial capital is vital for the sustainability of the local business sector in nonmetropolitan communities. In this article we develop two hypotheses and examine the impact of financial sector restructuring on the odds of using a bank loan to finance a new business or expand an existing business. Focusing on nonmetropolitan American businesses, we connect restricted tabulations of the 2007 Survey of Business Owners to data on the commuting zones (CZ) in which businesses are located. We use multilevel logistic regression models to predict the effects of community bank presence within the CZ on the odds of using a bank business loan to start or expand a business for nonmetropolitan businesses started or purchased since 2000. Net of important characteristics of the businesses and owners, we find that the greater the proportion of local banks in a nonmetropolitan CZ, the greater the odds that a conventional business loan was used to either help start a new business or expand an existing business.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》2001,30(5):393-411
This paper focuses on Mexican immigrants who are considering to start a business but do not so for various reasons (latent entrepreneurs). The research design is unusual in that it queries the individuals at the very preliminary stages of the process when they are contemplating the alternatives, so it is well suited to learn about the determinants of business ownership. First, the findings demonstrate the potential value of personality measures (e.g., risk disposition) for predicting who will want to start a business. Second, the results underscore that having close family members in business exposes individuals to role models and sources of financial and nonfinancial help that might put business ownership within reach of people with modest resources. Third, economic resources in the household, in the form of financial investments, also affect the wish to start a business because they furnish available capital for the start-up.  相似文献   

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