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Ethics Education complements business administration only if it teaches strategic competencies that help managers to become better leaders. To this end, this article sketches an ordonomic approach to an economic ethics for competitive markets, to a business ethics for firms (corporate citizens), and to a process ethics for new governance. The core idea of this ordonomic approach is the win-win concept of mutually beneficial value creation. Thus, ordonomics is compatible with the market economy and at the same time supplements the management education in business schools: This approach systematically identifies strategic competencies that enable managers to display the kind of entrepreneurial leadership that is necessary for firms to fulfill their social function of value creation—by making use of moral commitments as a factor of production.  相似文献   

The management of managers is an important contemporary concern, but the literature on the issue is not well integrated. This paper reviews key sources on the topic across organizational economics, human resource development and strategic human resource management. It presents a novel interdisciplinary framework for analysing how firms manage senior managers and for guiding future research, arguing that firms adopt different styles to attract–defend, develop–renew and motivate–harvest their senior managerial resource, depending on their contexts and choices that are made in the firm over time. The notion that some styles draw on early identification of élites while others treat management identification as more of an emergent problem is central to the typology. Within each of the styles identified, effectiveness in the management of managers hinges on recognizing and handling certain strategic tensions and problems.  相似文献   

Strategic decision-making in small firms is frequently described as being implicit or even as a process characterized by reactive, short-term oriented and incremental behaviour. Managers of small firms lack methods for analysing systematically and explicitly their strategic situation and the potential for future development of their firms. Strategic portfolio analysis could initiate and guide strategic reasoning. The article describes, on the basis of an empirical investigation, the problems and conditions of an application of this method in small firms and formulates proposals for its introduction and use.  相似文献   

This paper examines the issue of cross-border acquisitions by companies from emerging economies in industrialised countries: an important phenomenon that has recently found increasing emphasis in international business research. In analysing Chinese acquisitions of German firms in the machinery and equipment industry, the paper addresses the question of why firms from industrialised countries are sold to companies from emerging economies. Several real and imagined reasons may induce the German side not to sell; nevertheless, this type of acquisition occurs with increasing frequency. Using case study evidence and interview data, the study finds explanations for the decision to sell to a Chinese company. The results show that German firms can gain substantially from the global ambitions of the Chinese firms for advancement of their own business objectives. This is due to complementarities in the motivations for engaging in the deals, as well as the underlying strategic needs of both firms. In addition, the specific nature of the cooperation between both firms instils in the German managers a sense of control and security—either real or merely perceived—creating conditions that are favourable to the selling decision. Most importantly, in the context of emerging economy enterprises acquiring advanced economy firms, motivations on both sides of the acquisitions appear to go beyond the commonly known goals such as capital transfer and additional market access, as the acquisitions provide the companies involved with conditions favourable to expansion into previously inaccessible market segments. The findings of this study provide useful guidance for the development of future strategic relationships between firms from industrialised and emerging economies.  相似文献   

Government regulation of business activities is increasing rapidly, exposing firms to considerable uncertainty and requiring managers to decide on appropriate strategic postures. To help managers make informed decisions, this study compiles a comprehensive overview of strategies to cope with regulatory uncertainty and illustrates their interdependencies and how they can be combined into overall coping postures, as well as offering management guidelines on deciding which to adopt. A literature review identifies a considerable variety of coping strategies, and we apply unique data from a worldwide cross-industry survey to categorize each into one of three types - offensive, defensive or passive. We find that firms aiming to cope with the uncertainty associated with post-Kyoto regulation typically adopt one of four strategic postures, each characterized by a specific combination of these types: ‘daredevils’ rely solely on offensive strategies; ‘coordinators’ combine them with defensive ones, ‘hedgers’ pursue strategies from all three categories while ‘gamblers’ choose not to specifically cope with uncertainty at all. We exemplify the strategies characteristic of each posture, and illustrate their interdependencies by means of case studies in the European airline industry. We identify two main factors managers should consider particularly when deciding on their firm’s strategic posture: the level of regulatory uncertainty they perceive and the firm’s exposure to future regulations, and find that the higher the level of uncertainty, the broader the range of strategies applied, and the more future regulation seems likely to affect a firm, the more actively it seeks to cope with the associated uncertainty.  相似文献   

This article examines the strategies for achieving differentiation through a network approach. The generic strategies models of positioning and the resource-based view have opened up the possibility of strategic difference, but, drawing on a social network approach, this article argues that, rather than accepting strategy as simply market given or internally driven, firms can draw on their unique social networks of relations to make a difference to their strategies. Illustrations from three successful Taiwanese computer firms seeking to secure differentiation of action show that one enjoys a policy-driven network advantage over its domestic rivals, another has developed both technological and familial networks, while the third exploits its established management and production links in the Taiwanese industrial culture. These comparative case studies illustrate that strategies for achieving differentiation can be based on a wide variety of external social networks of relationships (including political, familial, friendship and alumni links, as well as alliances via boards, trade unions and banks etc). The implications for managers are that firms need to expand their external networks of relationships to secure their survival and growth, and should seek to identify and develop structures that are resourceful, rare and inimitable.  相似文献   

There are many models and processes aimed at helping the managers of business enterprises in making strategic decisions. However, most of this work is oriented toward large organizations. In this paper, a model based on empirical data observations in 20 small Dutch firms is presented. This is a practical model giving the managers a guideline with checklists to follow in making strategic decisions. The significant characteristics of the model include the capabilities of the managers of small business firms. It attempts to fill the gap which exists between sophisticated theory and the decision-making tools that are used by the entrepreneur. The model was successfully used by approximately 50 firms and this paper demonstrates its applicability and discusses the problems encountered.  相似文献   

This article discusses the originality of European EUREKA consortia. Formed at the initiative of member firms, these consortia generally adopt a decentralised structure. Their main purpose is to conduct applied research, with the ultimate goal of exploiting its commercial opportunities. The consortia strive to ensure collaboration among firms in different countries, and at times, from different industries. Examining the management of R&D consortia, this article focuses primarily on the creation of new knowledge and competencies and on the benefits that member firms can reap from collaboration. Based on 20 interviews with project managers, the article brings to light two main observations: (1) the leader's positioning is a determining factor, and (2) a perfect balance between the firm's technological development and the consortium's strategic orientation facilitates the acquisition of competencies.  相似文献   

中层管理者是企业管理中重要的一个环节.本文关注中层管理者多重角色行为对企业绩效的影响.首先,将中层管理者的多重角色划分为企业家、执行者、辅导者与协调者四个维度;其次,通过结构方程模型,实证性的验证了中层管理者多重角色行为模型及各个角色维度对组织财务绩效与运营绩效的不同影响.结论表明中层管理者企业家角色行为仅对企业财务绩效具有积极影响,其余三个角色行为仅对企业运营绩效具有积极影响.最后,分析讨论研究结论,并给出相应的对策和建议.  相似文献   

The accelerating pace of technological change has made technology a major strategic factor for many organizations. Some firms respond defensively, seeing technology as a problem, while others through strategic use of technology gain permanent advantage.The engineering function typically contains the bulk of the firm's technological expertise, yet engineers and engineering managers are seldom directly involved in strategic analysis. Strategy typically trickles down to engineering in the form of technological problems demanding solutions. This weak linkage between engineering activities and strategic thinking is far from optimal, and in the current turbulent technological environment it can even endanger the firm's survival.The linkage can be strengthened, but it requires behavioral and managerial changes at the top of the firm and at the engineering level. First, both levels must understand the concepts of strategic management and commit to implementing them. Then the strategic nature of technology must be understood, including the limitations and potential traps of technology-based strategies. Finally, creative opportunities for considering technology strategically must be made available at the engineering level, and both design engineers and engineering managers must be rewarded for their strategic contributions.  相似文献   

This is a story of how a group of middle managers moved beyond just implementing their firm’s tightly prescribed strategy for developing an international venture to the point where it could be argued that they failed to accomplish the four clear strategic objectives set by the firm’s executive management. Instead, the authors suggest, their success was in collectively orchestrating an emergent strategy1 which provided the executive with a better, more profitable and durable embodiment of their strategic vision.Operating between the parent firm’s original strategic intent and the political and economic realities of the host country environment, their strategic influence is worthy of close examination. They can be divided into two distinctive groups—parent country nationals and host-country nationals—and the extent to which they co-operate with or obstruct each other will have a significant effect on the success of the enterprise.2 The middle management in this case example, an Irish company launching a mobile telecommunications network in Jamaica, is drawn from both groups. This article investigates the apparent autonomy from executive control afforded these particular middle managers to identify the contingent factors that appear to allow, or constrain, their positive transmutation of the original strategic objectives. The key questions addressed are first, how the two groups, both individually and collectively, played out their roles in shifting strategy, and second, once these contextual dynamics have been identified, how other executive management groups can learn from this Irish/Jamaican experience considering similar international ventures. The authors’ response highlights those elements of strategy design, organisational structure and human resource management that they believe are critical in maximising the strategic contribution of middle managers to international ventures, and hence providing a better chance of success.  相似文献   

This article examines subsidiary-level factors that promote global initiatives in MNCs. Global initiatives are a key capability of MNCs that domestic firms do not possess, yet there has been little research on how MNCs promote initiatives on a global basis. I draw principally on the knowledge-based view to develop a model in which three subsidiary-level variables explain the propensity of the MNC to pursue global initiatives. These variables are: (1) inter-unit networking, (2) subsidiary learning from internal and external sources, (3) shared strategic goals. A survey of 118 subsidiary managers, triangulated with interviews with 20 key informants, provides support for the hypothesized effect of subsidiary learning and shared strategic goals on global initiatives. The result for inter-unit networking is less clear. These variables combine to activate initiatives within the MNC and thus act as a source of competitiveness on a worldwide basis. The results have important implications for MNC managers as well as for theory, and these are discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In diesem Beitrag werden die Faktoren untersucht, die zur Allianzbildung junger Biotechnologieunternehmen beitragen. Aus einer ressourcenorientierten Perspektive wird argumentiert, dass die Entscheidung von Managern, Partnerunternehmen für neue Allianzen zu suchen, von der Ressourcensituation ihres Unternehmens und den Ressourcenanforderungen bzw. -akquisitionsm?glichkeiten der Umwelt abh?ngen. Eine Analyse von 1664 Allianzentscheidungen aus einem Conjoint-Experiment mit 52 Top-Managern der deutschen Biotechnologiebranche zeigt, dass fehlende finanzielle Ressourcen die Haupttriebkraft sind. Au?erdem zeigt sich, dass für die meisten Manager fehlende, für manche Manager jedoch vorhandene Ressourcen eine st?rkere Triebkraft der Allianzsuche darstellen Diese Ergebnisse erweitern die wissenschaftliche Literatur über strategische Allianzen und haben Implikationen für die Managerpraxis.
Why do biotechnology firms seek strategic alliances? An experimental study
Summary  In this article we draw on a resource-based perspective to analyze the drivers for strategic alliance formation in the biotechnology industry. We state that the decisions of managers to seek out new alliance partners depend on the resource endowments of their ventures as well as the resource demands and opportunities the environment places for them. We use a conjoint experiment to collect data on 1664 alliance decisions nested within 52 top managers of German biopharmaceutical ventures. Our data show that missing financial resources are the strongest driver. Moreover, we find that whereas for most managers missing resources are drivers of alliance search, a minority of managers is more motivated by a strong resource position of their ventures. Our results extend the literature on strategic alliances and have implications for practitioners.
Danksagung: Der Autor dankt zwei anonymen Gutachtern für ihre hilfreichen Kommentare. Das Projekt wurde durch ein EXIST-HighTEPP-Stipendium des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung gef?rdert.  相似文献   

This paper presents Manufacturing Resource Planning, an information system that will enable the developing and monitoring of strategic plans. Incorporation proven material and capacity requirements planning techniques, strategic planners can determine readily the impact of their plans on the manufacturing resources of the company. Decision making is more coordinated because all managers work from a common data base. However, the attainment of this level of planning sophistication is costly not only in capital outlays for computer software and hardware but also in the time to train users. But those firms who have successfully incorporated this integrated approach to strategic planning feel strongly that the end results justify the expenditures.  相似文献   


In this increasingly competitive business environment, firms utilise outsourcing as a strategic tool to leverage globally dispersed resources so that they may focus on their core competencies and improve efficiency. The more firms rely on outsourcing, the more they depend on their suppliers, and the more important it is to manage and develop suppliers in order to achieve and maximise the benefits of outsourcing. This paper explores the impact of supplier development on outsourcing performance. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse data collected from 213 manufacturing firms in China. The results indicate that supplier development has a strong direct positive impact on outsourcing performance, and that supplier development also leads to enhanced outsourcing performance through reducing outsourcing opportunism risk and improving outsourcing flexibility. In addition to making a contribution to current theories of outsourcing, our findings also provide outsourcing managers with practical understanding and insights about the role of supplier development in enhancing outsourcing performance.  相似文献   

Some argue that a foundation for planning has been achieved when a firm can state its strategic plan in terms of products and markets. (This is referred to as the ‘business form’ in this article). If this statement is true, what factors will aid a firm in achieving the business form in its strategic plans? In this article, details of strategic planning in over 50 large firms taken from an empirical research sample are examined to illustrate which factors seem to lead to the business form of strategic plan in these firms.  相似文献   

While interest in developing strategic alliances within the food system continues to increase, there remains considerable risk when firms adopt such a cooperative strategy. The risk is due in part to the lack of concrete guidelines that illustrate the steps or stages of alliance development and the important strategic and operational decisions required at each stage. The existence of such guidelines would facilitate alliance formation and enable managers and researchers to better understand alliance practice. This paper provides an alliance formation model that incorporates the process of alliance formation with the strategic and operational considerations required for long term success. The model can be used by managers and academicians to develop and understand alliances.  相似文献   

First and second mover theory, as developed in industrial organization economics, maintains that firms can gain competitive advantage by using optimal timing in the introduction of innovations. Because the industry is the unit of analysis, the theory does not provide specific guidance for individual firms. We analyze the underlying sources of first and second mover timing advantages and clarify several issues regarding the basic theory. We then identify a variety of factors at the industry, firm and product/service levels and develop propositions showing their relations to individual firms in their efforts to benefit from timing advantages. We discuss the link which these indicator factors provide between economic theory and strategic timing choices. Finally, we suggest directions for research which would assist firms and their managers in selecting and pursuing innovation timing strategies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the strategies and routines adopted by small and medium-sized suppliers to develop capabilities that enable them to engage in upgrading, despite a precarious relational and institutional context. To this end, we investigate the strategic behaviour of two Bangladeshi garment manufacturers. Both started out as small suppliers for multinational enterprises (MNEs) and have eventually grown into micro-multinationals. The firms are involved in ‘tacit promissory contracting’ with their buyers, a specific form of international outsourcing relationship. The study adopts a multiple case study design that involves interviews with managers/owners of the firms. The analysis yields two key findings. Both firms have devised strategies and taken coherent routines involving actions to develop skills and motivation needed to perform appropriate functional activities (i.e. pre-production, production and post-production) as they embarked on different stages of upgrading. Furthermore, firms have designed routines to internalise the challenges originating from their relationships with their buyers and the institutional environment at the time that had the potential to affect their upgrading goals. The paper contributes to IB studies by highlighting how suppliers, even in a precarious context, can control their own strategies and routines, so as to develop capabilities that allow them to gradually redress the power imbalance between themselves and their buyers.  相似文献   

This article is based upon an SSRC research project into the influence of computer methods on decision making. During this research, information on the planning systems of a cross-section of British industry was obtained.The paper illustrates how managers in these firms were coping with planning in the present conditions of extreme uncertainty about the future, combined with adverse economic and business conditions. Conventional planning theory, together with some modern observations on it, are briefly described and then the paper shows how, in the firms visited, the structure of planning was more complex than this theory.It goes on to show that today's critical conditions were not leading to management putting aside their plans and computer models and “muddling through’. They were actually leading to an acceleration in the adoption of formal planning and decision making methods but in a somewhat different manner to conventional planning theory.Seven different modes of planning were identified with integrated operational planning being the most common, possibly the most essential to survival and sometimes the only planning possible into today's conditions. A trend to extend the operational plan to 2 to 3 years and to reduce the firm's long range plan from 5 to 3 years was also observed.Long range plans were being considered as planning and decision making tools and not as blue-prints of the firm's future, as accurate long range forecasting was impossible. Three types of strategic planning were identified with that carried out at intervals probably being the most appropriate for medium sized firms in today's conditions.  相似文献   

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