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In the context of a pilot study the effects of the educational-psychological intervention Introvision were tested with older long-term unemployed people. The project was accomplished in the time by 1.4.2010 to 31.12.2010 in co-operation between ARGE Paderborn and the research group Introvision. In the context of the project 16 employees of ARGE Paderborn participated in an advanced training to Introvision, 31 customers of ARGE Paderborn began a coaching to get introduction in Introvision and 20 have also finished. Nine customers decided to participate five individual coachings. The results show, that the offers have a high individual use for the participants. To the central changes belong improved handling of stress, decrease of social isolation, improved (self-) perception as well as a higher self-confidence and a more open co-operation between customers and employees of ARGE Paderborn. Besides four participation began a job on the first labour market and two could be connected to a honorary activity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the characteristics and requirements of digital leadership and cooperation when teams are working on complex and dynamic project tasks, and cooperation is mediated by modern information and communication technology. Based on current research results we discuss the question, whether the thesis can be supported that leadership of complex digital teamwork can only be successful if leadership functions are delegated to the team and personal leadership is complemented by structural leadership. Despite many ambiguous research results regarding the effects of digital leadership current findings seem to support that more shared leadership in self-managing project teams seems to be helpful for team performance.  相似文献   

The efficiency of publicly financed training measures is discussed. Findings concerning evaluation have for the most part diverged as a result of data problems. The article examines the efficiency of publicly financed training programs for East Germany which aim at reintegrating unemployed persons. The analysis is based on longitudinal data of the ?Berufsverlaufsstudie Ostdeutschland“ (occupational trajectories in East Germany) for the period 1990–1997. Analytically, the effect of training measures is split into a ?human capital“ and an ?institutional“ effect. Both effects are analyzed in a multivariate event history model. They operate in contrary directions: the institutional effect is marked by delayed reintegration of unemployed into work whereas the human capital effect results in better labour market chances due to additional credentials. In times of rapidly changing labour market structures the institutional effect overrides the human capital effect. In the East German transformation process, publicly financed training measures have not proved to bean efficient political instrument to speed up the reintegration of the unemployed people into gainful employment.  相似文献   

This article argues for a culture of mindfulness in schools. It postulates that mindfulness is a necessary part of health promotion in schools since it constitutes an important personal resource in solving urgent problems such as increasing adipositas, addictive behavior and procrastination. Mindfulness of teachers is stated as an essential catalyst for mindfulness-based activities in schools. First results of a research project are presented and discussed which developed a profession-related mindfulness training adapted especially for teachers.  相似文献   

The present study introduces the concept of career-supportive leadership within the contradictory context of career success and psychological strain. We describe four dimensions of career-supportive leadership: delegation, feedback, trust and promotion. In addition to positive relationships with career success, we expected negative relationships with psychological strain and work-home-interference because career-supportive leadership provides resources which might buffer the effects of career-related demands. In a longitudinal questionnaire study with 581 participants of different organizations we found mainly delegation and promotion to be positively related to different indicators of career success. Referring to psychological strain and work-home-interference, feedback was found to be protective. We discuss research prospects as well as practical implications.  相似文献   

Temporary work agencies are constantly seeking new personnel. However, the industry’s image as well as reports on unfavourable working conditions impede the recruitment of new temporary agency workers (TAW). In the present study semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 TAW to identify work characteristics that are perceived as potentially stressful and motivating, respectively. The results of the interview study can yield valuable hints for the improvement of the quality of work and further support the recruitment of new TAW. The results show that the working conditions of TAW contain a multitude of demands – e.g., high levels of insecurity, flexibility requirements and experiences of social marginalization – but only few resources. Starting from these insights possible measures are discussed that are suitable to improve TAW’s working conditions and provide recruiters with valuable arguments for the recruitment of new staff.  相似文献   

In this article the learning between different generations in Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) is discussed. Therefore the development and history of NGOs as a special kind of organisations is presented before the relationship between different generations is analysed within two steps. Firstly the voluntary engagement of different age groups is taken into account and secondly the learning opportunities between different generations in NGOs are theoretically reflected. Finally the challenges of intergenerational relationships within NGOs and the possibilities of institutionalised intergenerational learning are described.  相似文献   

The paper motivates a mixed design for investigating the gender division of labour at the life course transition to parenthood and describes how the design has been realised. The focus is on the sampling strategy which aims to combine two longitudinal methods. Each method is applied in international comparative perspective. The sampling is crucial, for both facilitating the comparison and integrating the research findings. The complementary research design aims at systematically linking social structure to the re-production of gendered divisions of labour and its subjective meanings for dual earner parents. Context-related analysis of qualitative interviews in an explicit comparative design, combined with an analysis of structural patterns of action shows that the agency of expectant parents rises with congruence of dominant gender ideologies and family policies.  相似文献   

Network perspective and health promotion have in common, the orientation on resources and changing from the pathogenic, deficit oriented viewpoint towards a salutogenic one, a perspective based on protective and supporting factors. On principle this means an expanded and integrating orientation which goes beyond the individual by considering the personal circumstances and environmental conditions. The integration of network perspective in counseling processes needs a professional attitude, grounded in a basic understanding of networks as functional and health-promoting in the sense of social support but also as a systemic view considering transactional relations between individual and environment. Here processes of empowerment play a central part. The expansion of opportunities for professional action in the sense of a salutogenic basic attitude refers to foundation and action guiding principles of health promotion.  相似文献   

The enhancement of quality inhigher education is an important task for German universities. As this article point out, peer supervision might serve as an important instrument to accomplish this task, if the interchange of ideas on higher education leads to agreements on goals and the development of behavioral standards. Some requirements that should be met to make sure that peer supervision has these effects are described at the end of the article.  相似文献   

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