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和谐主题与和谐机制一致性关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和谐主题、和则、谐则是和谐管理理论的三个基本概念和构成要素.在变动环境中,围绕和谐主题的和则、谐则机制互动耦合、螺旋推进是和谐管理理论倡导的问题解决思路.本研究从和谐管理理论的三个基本假定出发,考察了和谐主题与和则、谐则机制及其绩效表现之间的关系,并通过来自112家企业数据的经验研究,验证了和谐主题与和谐机制之间存在着一致性匹配关系,而且这种匹配关系对绩效也有显著的影响.这一结论为和谐管理理论的深入研究奠定了基础,也为复杂多变环境下的管理问题求解提供了一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

和谐管理理论的提出及其原理的新发展   总被引:74,自引:11,他引:63  
高度复杂和不确定性的外部环境、难以测知的知识工作者、管理者显著的有限理性和复杂的组织运作模式,使得传统的管理方式面临严峻的挑战,而管理理论仍然处于"丛林"状态,缺乏系统的应对之道.基于目前管理理论应对不确定性的局限性,提出了和谐管理的基本思路为"问题导向"基础上的"优化设计"与"人的能动作用"的双规则的互动耦合机制.和谐管理可视为"组织围绕和谐主题的分辨,以优化设计和人的能动作用为手段提供问题解决方案的实践活动".并论证了和谐管理基本思路的可行性,总结了和谐管理的前提假定.根据和谐管理原型,分析了和谐管理的基本过程及相应的设定和假设.  相似文献   

通过对X公司核心要素创造过程的案例研究,分析了其随时间演化的方式、动力以及趋向和谐的途径.对组织核心要素创造过程的研究表明:(1)和谐主题(组织在特定时期的关键问题和核心任务)是组织创造核心要素的直接依据;(2)"和则"(能动诱导)与"谐则"(优化设计)是组织创造新核心要素所依据的内在机理;(3)和谐主题与双规则的互动展示了组织趋向和谐的途径.本文的贡献是,揭示了组织演化与变革的驱动力;提出复杂多变环境中战略管理应兼顾长期的计划和短期的问题、任务;实践方面告诉管理者如何通过改变组织体系来应对环境变化.  相似文献   

在企业经营管理实践中,如何提高员工的工作满意度是企业激励员工、进行有效的人力资源管理、保证企业长远发展的关键问题。针对这一问题,本文在回顾和分析现有关于工作满意度理论和实践的基础上,利用和谐管理理论提供的复杂管理问题的解决之道,即主题导向下的双规则互动耦合思路对于解决该问题的有益启示和帮助,结合某设计院提高员工工作满意度的实践,从优化完善相关制度与机制、营造能充分发挥员工能动性的工作氛围,以及围绕提高工作满意度这一主题的整合三个方面形成有机系统,从而构建了基于和谐管理理论的提高工作满意度的管理体系,为这一问题的解决提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

和谐管理理论的数理表述及主要科学问题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
席酉民  唐方成 《管理学报》2005,2(3):268-276
力图从基本假定到命题,对和谐管理理论给出一个量化分析框架,并对进一步的发展方向作出预示和展望.首先,通过总结已有的研究工作,界定了和谐这一基本的概念;然后,从企业家对和谐主题的搜索入手,根据企业战略实施的阶段性工作中面临的问题和任务,提炼并给出了辨析和谐主题的方法;最后,通过分析和则、谐则、和谐主题及其与组织、环境、领导和战略之间的一致性关系和动力学机制,得到了和谐管理理论发展和应用需要解决的几个基本问题.  相似文献   

管理学术与实践隔阂:和谐管理的桥梁作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理学术与实践各自自我循环的运作模式,使得二者之间存在较大的隔阂。从管理知识的形成与使用视角来看,原因包括两个方面:首先是管理知识的类型,目前学者们认为面向实际问题解决产生的模式2知识比传统学术研究产生的模式1知识更具实践价值,但分析发现模式1与模式2因其优劣互补而分别适应于不同的管理问题;其次是目前实践者对管理知识的消费偏好,据此给出了缩减管理学术与实践隔阂的整体思路及措施.和谐管理理论揭示了如何定位组织中核心问题以及解决问题的双规则机制,将其应用于上述措施,有助于促进管理学术与实践的有效对话。  相似文献   

对中国企业管理实践经验与问题的理论归纳是中国管理学界面临的重要战略任务,目前这方面的研究进展并不理想,研究领域的“跟风”现象普遍,大多数研究只是对西方构念和理论在中国情境下进行了实证检验,而具有中国特色的企业管理理论进展缓慢.本文从制度和历史文化两方面揭示了中国企业面临的情境特征,总结了国内外学者对这些情境特征的理论阐述和研究发现.结合国家自然科学基金委管理科学部“十四五”规划相关领域的前期专家讨论意见,凝练出该领域四个值得深入探索的研究方向,即“中国企业组织演进、管理制度变迁及基础理论”、“市场-政府双重驱动下的企业管理理论”、“不同所有制企业及其产权多元化演化与企业管理理论”和“中国情境和文化要素对企业管理的作用机制”,也同时提出了每个方向的一些关键科学问题示例.  相似文献   

复杂问题求解:和谐管理的大脑耦合模式   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
基于和谐管理理论的思想,借鉴脑科学的相关研究成果,对比分析脑功能原理与和谐的耦合机制,在规则系统的层面上初步描述和提出了和谐管理在复杂问题求解上的大脑耦合模式.该模式指出:和谐的耦合过程是一个和则与谐则围绕和谐主题在组织网络不同层级间相互作用的动态适应和演化的过程,而组织整体一致性的达成也正是"诱导演化"和"理性设计"在一定条件下相互耦合的结果.  相似文献   

企业战略管理若干问题试析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文在评述国内外企业战略管理研究成果的基础上,联系我国企业发展实际,采用“问题导向型”研究思路,从持续竞争优势、业务组合演化、市场竞合互动、内部配套管理四个角度充分讨论了企业战略管理问题,给出了有关提高我国企业战略管理水平的操作思路与对策建议。  相似文献   

和谐管理理论的实践性模型   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
樊耘  余宝琦 《管理学报》2006,3(6):631-636
和谐管理理论经过近20年的发展,其理论框架日臻完善。基于前人的研究成果,对和谐管理理论进行深入分析和思索,结合企业管理实践,提出和谐管理理论的实践性模型,包括和谐管理理论的总体实践性模型、和谐主题的辨识模型、环境和组织的关键问题检索清单、和谐主题形成过程模型、和谐主题或和谐状态的漂移模型以及双规则运用模型,为企业进行和谐管理实践提供帮助。  相似文献   

“盟主-成员”型战略联盟的利润分配   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
"盟主 成员"型战略联盟是企业战略联盟的主要形式之一。而利润分配问题是战略联盟矛盾的焦点。本文分别探讨对称信息和非对称信息条件下"盟主 成员"型战略联盟的利润分配问题。  相似文献   

针对现实中防范"融资铜"风险的需要,本文归纳提炼出三种不同的"融资铜"模式,并就其操作过程中所面临的利率风险、人民币价格波动风险和标的物价格波动风险及其联动性进行深入剖析;采用GARCH-Copula模型,利用上述风险的收益数据及风险因子数据(2011年5月至2014年4月)对单一风险及综合风险进行识别与模拟,对不同模式中综合风险分布进行对比分析,根据在险价值做出警示。结果表明:"融资铜"是一种套利行为,其综合风险收益具有右偏特性,并明显呈现出尖峰厚尾的风险分布特征,相同置信水平下在险价值显著高于单一风险在险价值;其存在极值损失,发生极值损失对企业自身及金融系统会造成严重影响,因此相关监管机构必须对"融资铜"加以重视并实施控制,以引导资金回归实体经济之中。  相似文献   

HSE管理在基层队的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HSE(健康、安全、环境)管理体系是当前国际石油界普遍采用的现代化管理方法,基层队HSE“五个一”管理,是HSE体系在基层队的实践和应用,能有效地提高基层队HSE管理水平。  相似文献   

The European Commission has proposed a radical new policy for the regulation of chemicals in the EU in the form of a White Paper. The current system has separate regulatory provisions for "new" chemicals (introduced to the market since September 18, 1981) and "existing" chemicals (on the market before September 18,1981). The proposed future policy will have a single unified regulatory system for all chemicals, which should result in better regulation of chemicals in the EU single market. It will be better because risk assessments will be targeted at the chemicals of greatest concern. Furthermore, the system will be streamlined, making regulatory decisions faster, and thus reducing the so-called burden of the past (the large number of chemicals that have never been assessed for their risks to human health or the environment). The new system incorporates the precautionary principle, which will be applied where there is an early indication of unacceptable risk or where there is undue delay in the regulatory process. Moreover, the new strategy is intended to promote greater transparency for all stakeholders.  相似文献   

For years, Hong Kong has been the worlds largest toy exporter. However, as the costs of rent and labor have increased drastically over the past years, Hong Kong toy manufacturers have moved their labor-intensive operations to other lower-wage areas. The Pearl River Delta (PRD) region of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has been one of their favorite choices for outsourcing because of cheap and available labor. This paper explores, using data culled from interviews with the senior management of five leading Hong Kong toy companies, how some Hong Kong toy manufacturers overcame various strategic management issues after having made the move to the PRD. The results are presented within five major areas of concern: rules and regulations, the less-developed infrastructure, R&D, relationship with suppliers, and new technology, and they are used to show how the manufacturers were able to overcome various strategic constraints in order to accomplish outstanding performance. Supporting data were gathered through factory visits in order to better understand the actual operations within the PRD. This collected experience should be beneficial to other manufacturers interested in operating plants within the PRD.  相似文献   

Though use of the controversial precautionary principle in risk management has increasingly been recommended as a guide for the construction of public policy in Canada and elsewhere, there are few data available characterizing its use in risk management by senior public policymakers. Using established survey methodology we sought to investigate the perceptions and terms of application of the precautionary principle in this important subset of individuals. A total of 240 surveys were sent out to seven departments or agencies in the Canadian government. The overall survey response rate was 26.6%, and our findings need to be interpreted in the context of possible responder bias. Of respondents, the overwhelming majority perceived the precautionary principle and the management of risk as complementary, and endorsed a role for the precautionary principle as a general guideline for all risk management decisions. However, 25% of respondents responded that the lack of clarity of the definition of the principle was a limitation to its effective use. The majority of respondents viewed their own level of understanding of the precautionary principle as moderate. Risk managers appeared to favor an interpretation of the precautionary principle that was based on the seriousness and irreversibility of the threat of damage, and did not endorse as strongly the need for cost effectiveness in the measures taken as a precaution against such threats. In contrast with its perceived role as a general guideline, the application of the precautionary principle by respondents was highly variable, with >60% of respondents reporting using the precautionary principle in one-quarter or less of all risk management decisions. Several factors influenced whether the precautionary principle was applied with the perceived seriousness of the threat being considered the most influential factor. The overwhelming majority of risk managers felt that "preponderance of evidence" was the level of evidence required for precautionary action to be instituted against a serious negative event. Overall, the majority of respondents viewed the precautionary principle as having a significant and positive impact on risk management decisions. Importantly, respondents endorsed a net result of more good than harm to society when the precautionary principle was applied to the management of risk.  相似文献   

We introduce a recent development in the statistical analysis of relational data that offers rigorous discrimination of a variety of structural and behavioural effects of interest to management research. Exponential random graph models account for the highly interdependent nature of network data that are problematic for the predominant inferential statistical analysis used in management research. We illustrate the value of the approach with an application focused on executive recruitment by large UK firms, modelling migrations of managers among firms as a network of relationships. We find rigorous statistical support for the influences of industry origin in executive recruitment, particularly in relation to legal and accounting activities. The flexibility and sophisticated relational variables available in the models offer considerable analytical power of value to a wide range of management applications.  相似文献   

Boholm M 《Risk analysis》2012,32(2):281-293
The analysis combines frame semantic and corpus linguistic approaches in analyzing the role of agency and decision making in the semantics of the words "risk" and "danger" (both nominal and verbal uses). In frame semantics, the meanings of "risk" and of related words, such as "danger," are analyzed against the background of a specific cognitive-semantic structure (a frame) comprising frame elements such as Protagonist, Bad Outcome, Decision, Possession, and Source. Empirical data derive from the British National Corpus (100 million words). Results indicate both similarities and differences in use. First, both "risk" and "danger" are commonly used to represent situations having potential negative consequences as the result of agency. Second, "risk" and "danger," especially their verbal uses (to risk, to endanger), differ in agent-victim structure, i.e., "risk" is used to express that a person affected by an action is also the agent of the action, while "endanger" is used to express that the one affected is not the agent. Third, "risk," but not "danger," tends to be used to represent rational and goal-directed action. The results therefore to some extent confirm the analysis of "risk" and "danger" suggested by German sociologist Niklas Luhmann. As a point of discussion, the present findings arguably have implications for risk communication.  相似文献   

Cox LA 《Risk analysis》2011,31(10):1530-3; discussion 1538-42
Professor Aven has recently noted the importance of clarifying the meaning of terms such as "scientific uncertainty" for use in risk management and policy decisions, such as when to trigger application of the precautionary principle. This comment examines some fundamental conceptual challenges for efforts to define "accurate" models and "small" input uncertainties by showing that increasing uncertainty in model inputs may reduce uncertainty in model outputs; that even correct models with "small" input uncertainties need not yield accurate or useful predictions for quantities of interest in risk management (such as the duration of an epidemic); and that accurate predictive models need not be accurate causal models.  相似文献   

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