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近年来,埃及将信息通讯技术作为优先发展对象,确立了信息通讯技术发展的主要战略目标,加强通讯网络基础设施建设,注重信息技术人才的培训,鼓励创建信息通讯公司,加强智能村工程建设,取得丰硕成果,预示着这一领域的美好发展前景.然而,明确有效的相关政策和法律尚未制定,相关负责机构协调不够等问题,制约着埃及未来信息通讯技术的发展.  相似文献   

埃及与阿盟的特殊关系,外在表现为埃及主导阿盟的构建过程、引领阿盟框架下阿拉伯合作机制的基本发展方向,同时也是阿盟经费的重要提供者、阿盟总部的所在国和阿盟秘书长职位的长期占有国;内在表现为埃及民族主义与阿拉伯民族主义互动过程中的一致性与矛盾性。埃及与阿盟的互动实践表明,阿盟需要埃及这样的地区大国支撑才能发挥作用,埃及也需要阿盟泛阿拉伯主义体制来实现其部分对外战略目标和拓展其国家利益。两者的相互需求构成彼此关系的恒久支点,这种关系将会一直持续下去。  相似文献   

埃及是联合国51个创始成员国之一,自联合国成立之日起,埃及就积极支持联合国的各项工作.虽然联合国在维护埃及和阿拉伯国家利益方面也发挥了一定的积极作用,但总的来说,作用有限.埃及希望联合国及其安理会进行改革,加强其在维护地区和平与安全方面的作用.  相似文献   

创建于1822年的埃及学是一门研究古代埃及历史与文化的综合性学科。中国埃及学建立于20世纪七十年代末,我国对这一领域的研究与西方国家相比起步较晚,尚有很大差距。但从20世纪八十年代中期以来,我国埃及学也有了较快的发展。1985年,我国加入了国际埃及学家协会,国内学者也陆续出席国际埃及学家大会;国内有三所大学先后成立了世界古典文明史研究所、世界上古史·埃及史研究所和埃及研究中心;我国学者发表了一批埃及学论文和专著,撰写了古埃及文明的通俗读物,翻译了国外埃及学著作,为中国埃及学的建设与发展作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

创建于1822年的埃及学是一门研究古代埃及历史与文化的综合性学科.中国埃及学建立于20世纪七十年代末,我国对这一领域的研究与西方国家相比起步较晚,尚有很大差距.但从20世纪八十年代中期以来,我国埃及学也有了较快的发展.1985年,我国加入了国际埃及学家协会,国内学者也陆续出席国际埃及学家大会;国内有三所大学先后成立了世界古典文明史研究所、世界上古史·埃及史研究所和埃及研究中心;我国学者发表了一批埃及学论文和专著,撰写了古埃及文明的通俗读物,翻译了国外埃及学著作,为中国埃及学的建设与发展作出了重要贡献.  相似文献   


本文认为,2011年埃及变局主要归因于中产阶级的民生问题。萨达特—穆巴拉克的政策以及各种外力导致了埃及社会结构的扭曲,引发中产阶级的政治地位下降、经济能力减弱、生活困难加剧,使中产阶级由社会的引领者变为政权的抗争者,最终颠覆了穆巴拉克政权。本文分析了中产阶级与这一社会变化之间的逻辑关系后强调,2011年埃及变局将有利于中产阶级的重新崛起与社会结构的合理发展。  相似文献   

本文认为,2011年埃及变局主要归因于中产阶级的民生问题。萨达特—穆巴拉克的政策以及各种外力导致了埃及社会结构的扭曲,引发中产阶级的政治地位下降、经济能力减弱、生活困难加剧,使中产阶级由社会的引领者变为政权的抗争者,最终颠覆了穆巴拉克政权。本文分析了中产阶级与这一社会变化之间的逻辑关系后强调,2011年埃及变局将有利于中产阶级的重新崛起与社会结构的合理发展。  相似文献   

埃及是联合国51个创始成员国之一,自联合国成立之日起,埃及就积极支持联合国的各项工作。虽然联合国在维护埃及和阿拉伯国家利益方面也发挥了一定的积极作用,但总的来说,作用有限。埃及希望联合国及其安理会进行改革,加强其在维护地区和平与安全方面的作用。  相似文献   

The profile of information policy in academic and policy-making circles has been rising in recent decades, a function, presumably, of the expansion of an 'information society'. Nevertheless, there is widespread confusion over its meaning and purpose. This paper seeks to produce a clearer picture, building on useful groundwork in information science and other disciplines. The history of information policy is traced, featuring exposition of the pioneering contribution of Marc Porat in the 1970s. The present state of information policy is then described, with particular reference to some salient themes of current literature: issue inventories (i.e. the scope of information policy); academic identity (including a critique of attempts to appropriate information policy for one discipline); and the ideal - or, it is argued, illusion - of a 'national information policy'. In the final section of the paper, some suggestions are made for the future direction of information policy. First, information policy should engage much more thoroughly with the tradition of political philosophy. Second, information policy may benefit from more forays into the field of futures studies. Finally, it is proposed that information policy could be positioned as a subset of the interdisciplinary specialism of information society studies, in which case its definition might be resolved in terms of the 'normative theory of the information society'  相似文献   

The immediate future of human services and information technology is examined in terms of their unifying principles and potentials. Effects on human relationships are used as a departure point to forecast changes in professional training and work and changes in the problems people experience. Professional training will incorporate high skill levels in the use and application of information technology. Changes in professional work may include more home based work and more automation of professional tasks. Changes in the problems people experience are addressed in four areas: (1) near consequences of life in an intellect intensive society; (2) human services subject to dramatic improvement; (3) information technology as a "male" technology; and (4) the growth in social support networks. Suggestions are made to explore the conjunction of human service work and information technology.  相似文献   

埃及实行免费教育体制,长期和持续的国家投入保证了教育在大众中间的普及,使埃及教育长期在阿拉伯国家和非洲地区处于领先地位。但随着全球化的日益深入以及埃及国内经济形势的变化,单纯依靠政府投入越来越不能满足人民群众对高质量教育服务的需求。埃及教育主管部门根据形势发展的迫切要求,一方面大力推进教育体制改革,力行非中央化的政策,在教育投入和管理上,加大社会力量参与的力度,加强了教育基础设施建设,提高了教师待遇;另一方面用先进的信息技术手段改造传统教育模式,并在教学过程中引入问责制度,保证教育质量不断提高,使其更好地服务于社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

埃及实行免费教育体制,长期和持续的国家投入保证了教育在大众中间的普及,使埃及教育长期在阿拉伯国家和非洲地区处于领先地位.但随着全球化的日益深入以及埃及国内经济形势的变化,单纯依靠政府投入越来越不能满足人民群众对高质量教育服务的需求.埃及教育主管部门根据形势发展的迫切要求,一方面大力推进教育体制改革,力行非中央化的政策,在教育投入和管理上,加大社会力量参与的力度,加强了教育基础设施建设,提高了教师待遇;另一方面用先进的信息技术手段改造传统教育模式,并在教学过程中引入问责制度,保证教育质量不断提高,使其更好地服务于社会经济的发展.  相似文献   

This paper aims to do three things. First, it will provide a review of key aspects of media events to date. Second, it will consider the relevance and challenge facing the paradigm of media events in the era of post‐broadcasting and terrorism. Third, it will discuss the ways in which media events work in the context of the People's Republic of China. The paper suggests that classic media events were instrumental in recording the significant moments of history during the second half of the 20th century. Although this enchantment with the modern technology of broadcasting and its role in building the national culture has been on the decline in some parts of the world, the concept of media events proves to be remarkably elastic, and as the Chinese case makes clear, innovative media event formats take place in unlikely places and in unpredictable circumstances. As we move ahead into the 21st century, it has become clear – evidenced in the case of China and elsewhere – that the scenario we face is not the replacement of the enchantment of the broadcasting era with the cynicism of the post‐broadcasting era, but rather their uneasy coexistence and curious codependence.  相似文献   

Doctoral education is greatly impacted by context, and the large majority of marital and family therapy (MFT) doctoral programs are PhD programs in research-focused universities. I believe their primary mission is to equip students to become scientist–practitioners and do original research that will advance the science of the discipline, whereas the mission of the typical master’s program is to produce strong practitioners who are research informed. It is the emphasis on the scientific method, not the content specialty area, that should be the hallmark of PhD programs in research-focused contexts. I describe metrics for success that include not only research productivity but also the development of a supportive, open, flexible, and generous program culture. The research mission of these programs has been only modestly helped by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education process and the programs are largely not doing the programmatic intervention research that the field needs. As the universities that house these programs are also “raising the bar,” the long-term viability of the programs themselves will likely hinge on success in this arena.  相似文献   

Good Days, Bad Days: The Self in Chronic Illness and Time , by Kathy Charmaz. At The Will of The Body: Reflections on Illness , by Arthur W. Frank. The Body: Social Process and Cultural Theory , edited by Mike Featherstone, Mike Hepworth, and Bryan S. Turner.  相似文献   

Contemporary news events indicate the continuing relevance of moral panic analysis. Of two versions one is British, formulated by Stan Cohen, exemplified by the 1970s emergence of mugging. The second is American, formulated by Goode and Ben-Yehuda, exemplified by the 1980s missing children campaign. Each model conceptualises the agents and dynamics of moral panics, their causes and consequences. The models have been applied mainly to seven main areas: AIDS, child abuse, drugs, immigration, media violence, street crime and youth deviance. Empirical data have confirmed basic features of the original models and enabled generalisations about the presence and functions of moral panics in capitalist democracies. Critics express reservations about the models' ambiguous terminology, assumptions of media effects, predetermined dynamics, and vague outcomes. Some advocate revision of the models, others their abandonment. Future development of moral panic analysis requires connection to three important sociological themes: discourse, risk and moral regulation.  相似文献   

The historical impact of times, people, and events on the foundation and development of the human sexuality profession is presented. The present status of the field and the efforts of some of today's leading contributors are also surveyed. Some recent research findings and trends in the direction sex research is taking are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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