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孙学余 《咨询与决策》2011,(5):62-62,64
2011年全省县域经济工作会议,为我们当前和今后一个时期发展县域经济树立了信心、指明了方向、明确了要求。我县及时召开县委常委会议和县委县政府工作会议,传达贯彻全省县域经济工作会议精神,结合“十二五”发展规划和脱贫奔小康规划,研究确立了县域经济发展的总体思路和目标任务,坚持“生态立县、产业富县、开放活县、惠民稳县”的发展战略,以科学发展观为统领,以解放思想为前提,以扩大开放为先导,以实现脱贫奔小康为目标,。以改善民生为根本出发点和落脚点,举全县之力推进县域经济科学发展、跨越发展。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,企业对财务管理的要求越来越高,随之而来的是规划求解模型在经济管理中的应用越来越广泛。本文针对Excel规划求解工具中的0-1模型在资本预算和人力资源管理中的应用进行了初步探讨,从其模型构建原理的分析到模型的具体建立过程展开较为详尽的阐述,以期使规划求解这一灵活方便的决策辅助工具能在企业日常经济管理中能够得到充分深入的应用。  相似文献   

Excel在多目标规划求解和灵敏度分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多目标规划可以利用Excel中的[工具][规划求解]命令进行求解;但由于在建模过程中引入了优先级和权系数,利用Excel求解多目标规划模型比求解线性规划更复杂,特别是用Excel求解多目标规划模型时输出的敏感性报告没有实际的经济意义。本文运用Excel中的菜单[工具][方案]命令,轻松地实现了多目标规划问题的灵敏度分析,使管理者可以随时检验各种可能的方案,从而为其做出科学决策提供支持。  相似文献   

本文以山东省部分农业、经济系统为背景,构造了随机规划模型、线性规划与动态仿真排序拟合及改进的哪Von.Neumann 均衡增长等若干实用数学模型,对各模型分别给出了有效的解法和最终结果,并在山东省的部分区域和部门成功地应用,收到了良好效果.  相似文献   

进入十一五以来,党中央国务院连续下发了《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》、《全民科技素质行动纲要》和《关于推进县(市)科技进步的意见》三个纲领性文件,在这三个文件中,都突出地强调了改善和加强县级科技工作。这充分说明了党中央国务院对县级科技工作的高度重视,也说明了县级科技工作存在相当的问题,滞后于经济社会发展的要求,必需尽快地改变这种面貌,以服务于县域经济与社会和谐发展的大局。改善和加强县域科技工作,抓好科技创新与成果转化,引领县域科技和经济向前高速发展,为创建和谐社会提供强有力的技术:吏撑,是我们县级科技部门的首要任务。现结合本县的实际,就如何改善和加强县级科技工作,谈几点看法:  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会和实现新跨越新崛起,重点在县域经济,难点也在县域经济。近年来,各地围绕县域经济发展制定了规划,提出了思路,取得了显著成效。然而,与沿海发达地区相比,中西部地区仍处于落后地位,虽然有资金匮乏,工业化、城市化、市场化水平低等方面的原因,但更重要的是缺乏内生环境和内生机制。结合中西部区域经济发展所  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会和实现新跨越新崛起,重点在县域经济,难点也在县域经济.近年来,各地围绕县域经济发展制定了规划,提出了思路,取得了显著成效.然而,与沿海发达地区相比,中西部地区仍处于落后地位,虽然有资金匮乏,工业化、城市化、市场化水平低等方面的原因,但更重要的是缺乏内生环境和内生机制.  相似文献   

基于多目标规划的中国可持续发展模式优化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以人口(Population)、资源(Resource)、经济(Economy)、环境(Environment)和科技(Science & Technolo gy)为核心,构造了PREEST系统模型。以PREEST系统为对象,运用主成分分析法对1987-2001年度中国的可持续发展水平进行了综合评价;借助多目标规划理论,构建了中国可持续发展多目标集成模型,并以"十五"计划纲要为基准,开展了中国可持续发展规划研究的实证分析。在此基础上,通过对"十五"期间中国可持续发展传统模式和规划模式的对比分析,就中国人口、资源、经济、环境和科技等领域的协调发展提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

基于实时信息的游客行程动态规划问题可适用于城市景点的游客行程规划、主题公园的游客行程规划、博物馆的游客游览路线规划等服务系统的实际场景。本文采用重规划方法将该问题转化为离散时间段上的静态规划子问题,建立了对应的混合线性整数规划模型,并证明了该问题的NP难性质。提出了一种分支定界算法来求解静态子问题的优化模型,并设计了一种变邻域搜索算法来求解对应的大规模问题。通过数值实验验证了所提的模型和算法,并进行了算法参数标定和算法比较分析。数值实验的结果表明,所提分支定界算法和变邻域搜索算法的计算性能都明显优于已有文献的算法。所提的模型和算法可以嵌入到管理信息系统中,对于提升服务系统的工作效率、降低顾客的等待时间、优化服务系统的资源配置等具有实际意义。  相似文献   

正从2011年7月1日启动,历时三年的陕南地区移民搬迁工作从今年开始进入升级模式。6月7日,陕西省出台《关于进一步加强和规范陕南地区移民搬迁工作的意见》,就完善、提升移民搬迁工作做出了新部署。坚持"三位一体"原则,做好六个规划衔接【意见原文】按照民生优先和移民搬迁与城镇化建设、农业产业发展"三位一体"的原则,进一步完善移民搬迁布局规划和安置规划,做好与县域经济社会发展规划、城乡建设规划、土地利用总体规划、产业发展规划的衔接。坚持靠城、靠镇、靠园区布局、利用闲置低效国有或集体建  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of comprehensive community planning on job growth in a US setting. Comprehensive planning is carried out in many communities, usually at the city or county level. Analyzing county-level data from the state of Georgia collected using a survey of planning professionals, we find that several aspects of planning and the subsequent implementation of the plan can have large impacts on job growth. We find that zoning standards increase job growth, but that it makes little difference how strict those zoning standards are. The largest increases in job growth can be captured simply by consistently following the adopted plan. This is likely due to the signal sent by following the plan that the local government can be trusted to keep other promises made in the process of attracting new businesses. Finally, the most innovative comprehensive plans were associated with lower job growth, at least within our 5-year post-plan study period, perhaps because already struggling communities pass innovative plans in hopes of correcting their shortcomings. The lesson our research holds for planners is that following the plan is likely more important for its success related to economic development than the particular features in the plan.  相似文献   

This paper looks at creative or smart city experiments around the world that are aimed at nurturing a creative economy through investment in quality of life which in turn attracts knowledge workers to live and work in smart cities. It highlights the need for and broad nature of human resource/talent development initiatives at the intermediate level, that is regional and city level, as opposed to organizational and national level. Using the literature on economic geography, it provides a useful theoretical framework to cross organizational boundaries and look for factors that influence the decision of knowledge workers in choosing a location to live and work. The implications of urban planning on the theory and practice of human resource development are explored.  相似文献   

The identification of societal vulnerable counties and regions and the factors contributing to social vulnerability are crucial for effective disaster risk management. Significant advances have been made in the study of social vulnerability over the past two decades, but we still know little regarding China's societal vulnerability profiles, especially at the county level. This study investigates the county‐level spatial and temporal patterns in social vulnerability in China from 1980 to 2010. Based on China's four most recent population censuses of 2,361 counties and their corresponding socioeconomic data, a social vulnerability index for each county was created using factor analysis. Exploratory spatial data analysis, including global and local autocorrelations, was applied to reveal the spatial patterns of county‐level social vulnerability. The results demonstrate that the dynamic characteristics of China's county‐level social vulnerability are notably distinct, and the dominant contributors to societal vulnerability for all of the years studied were rural character, development (urbanization), and economic status. The spatial clustering patterns of social vulnerability to natural disasters in China exhibited a gathering–scattering–gathering pattern over time. Further investigations indicate that many counties in the eastern coastal area of China are experiencing a detectable increase in social vulnerability, whereas the societal vulnerability of many counties in the western and northern areas of China has significantly decreased over the past three decades. These findings will provide policymakers with a sound scientific basis for disaster prevention and mitigation decisions.  相似文献   

The critical factor in industrial planning in developing economies is the effective implementation of national or regional plans at the individual industrial enterprise level. This article focuses upon the ‘state of the art’ of corporate planning in developing countries and, having considered the difficulties and opportunities for improvement, suggests guidelines for a constructive assistance programme based on the development of planning in terms of progressive modular steps which may be introduced one at a time depending upon individual needs and other local circumstances.  相似文献   

本文从规范研究和实证研究两个层面对持续发展的概念进行了分析。规范研究表明持续发展应具有四个原则:代际公平原则、地理空间平等原则、发展原则和协调原则。实证研究从现实的需求出发,认为持续发展面对的是一个非持续发展的现实,提出持续发展政策应强调有限时间目标、区域发展中的侧重点,进而研究了经济快速增长条件下三个协调问题。最后对可持续发展的政策完备提出了个人建议,如确立后代利益集团的代理人等。  相似文献   

Following the U.K. Local Government Act (1972) the shire countries in England and Wales incurred increased responsibilities in regard to transport planning. From 1974, they were required to produce annual transport plans (TPPs) conveying all aspects of transport within each county, the level of the resulting planning effort being far higher than previously undertaken. As a consequence of examining the application of the TPP arrangements, a number of general issues about corporate management and planning emerged. This article considers these issues and examines the extent to which they have been and will be overcome.  相似文献   

Effectively managing retail is essential for municipalities in terms of meeting land use planning goals, developing revenue sources through taxation, furthering economic growth and providing access to goods and services for residents. In 2013, a survey was conducted to examine the retail planning practices of all the 110 small- and medium-sized municipalities in Washington State. The online survey addressed data collection and analysis, land use, retail recruitment, inter-jurisdictional cooperation and evaluation. A large majority of respondents had retail planning goals in their comprehensive plans, yet only 30% dedicated staff for implementation. Jurisdictions would benefit from regional retail planning (especially in light of changes underway from e-commerce), yet the state tax structure places municipalities in competition.  相似文献   

地区人均GDP分布的基尼系数分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文利用基尼系数对地区经济分布进行分析。首先考察了我国1991 ̄2002年人均GDP基尼系数逐步上升的变动趋势。然后从理论上探讨地区分解对基尼系数的影响,证明地区分解时基尼系数不降只升,并计算了东中西部的基尼系数,从而指出东中西部差异是我国地域经济差异的主要表现。最后计算了各省市的人均GDP基尼系数,并利用人均GDP指数和基尼系数构成了综合判断各省市经济发展水平和均衡程度的4区域模型。  相似文献   

论村级负债的区域差异--农民行动单位的视角   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
贺雪峰 《管理世界》2005,(11):82-92,100
学界与政策部门往往从地方政府积极性的差异,及区域经济发展水平的差异,来解释乡村治理的区域差异。本文以村级债务的区域差异为例,试图从农村社会内部的差异:其中之一即农民认同与行动单位差异的角度,来解释乡村治理的区域差异。本文不仅提供了一个理论框架,而且借公开发表的关于全国及地区村级债务报告的数据,检验了从农民行动单位视角解释村级债务区域差异的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper offers an explanation of the high mobility of skilled workers based on human capital complementarities. If the skill premium is increasing in the average level of human capital of a location, and there exist fixed migration costs, in equilibrium the more skilled the workers are, the stronger the economic incentives to migrate towards the richest regions will be. Moreover, endogenously generated differences in productivity due to migration affect occupational choices and regional specialization. Empirical evidence consistent with the proposed explanation is provided using data on Italian regions. It emerges that, even after controlling for economic conditions, a high population share of individuals who completed college or high‐school in a region seems to be a relevant pull factor for the most educated migrants. In contrast, the importance of this variable, which measures the average level of human capital of a location, drops when unskilled migrants are considered. Finally, the effects of migration on the evolution of regional disparities are taken into account.  相似文献   

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