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A method to create a Markov transition matrix for Markov chain Monte Carlo studies is presented and applied to the Fibonacci probability distribution.  相似文献   

A tutorial on adaptive MCMC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We review adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms (MCMC) as a mean to optimise their performance. Using simple toy examples we review their theoretical underpinnings, and in particular show why adaptive MCMC algorithms might fail when some fundamental properties are not satisfied. This leads to guidelines concerning the design of correct algorithms. We then review criteria and the useful framework of stochastic approximation, which allows one to systematically optimise generally used criteria, but also analyse the properties of adaptive MCMC algorithms. We then propose a series of novel adaptive algorithms which prove to be robust and reliable in practice. These algorithms are applied to artificial and high dimensional scenarios, but also to the classic mine disaster dataset inference problem.  相似文献   

Students of statistics should be taught the ideas and methods that are widely used in practice and that will help them understand the world of statistics. Today, this means teaching them about Bayesian methods. In this article, I present ideas on teaching an undergraduate Bayesian course that uses Markov chain Monte Carlo and that can be a second course or, for strong students, a first course in statistics.  相似文献   

Mode Jumping Proposals in MCMC   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms generate samples from a target distribution by simulating a Markov chain. Large flexibility exists in specification of transition matrix of the chain. In practice, however, most algorithms used only allow small changes in the state vector in each iteration. This choice typically causes problems for multi-modal distributions as moves between modes become rare and, in turn, results in slow convergence to the target distribution. In this paper we consider continuous distributions on R n and specify how optimization for local maxima of the target distribution can be incorporated in the specification of the Markov chain. Thereby, we obtain a chain with frequent jumps between modes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach in three examples. The first considers a simple mixture of bivariate normal distributions, whereas the two last examples consider sampling from posterior distributions based on previously analysed data sets.  相似文献   

We review and discuss some recent progress in the theory of Markov-chain Monte Carlo applications, particularly oriented to applications in statistics. We attempt to assess the relevance of this theory for practical applications.  相似文献   

Two strategies that can potentially improve Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms are to use derivative evaluations of the target density, and to suppress random walk behaviour in the chain. The use of one or both of these strategies has been investigated in a few specific applications, but neither is used routinely. We undertake a broader evaluation of these techniques, with a view to assessing their utility for routine use. In addition to comparing different algorithms, we also compare two different ways in which the algorithms can be applied to a multivariate target distribution. Specifically, the univariate version of an algorithm can be applied repeatedly to one-dimensional conditional distributions, or the multivariate version can be applied directly to the target distribution.  相似文献   

When MCMC methods for Bayesian spatiotemporal modeling are applied to large geostatistical problems, challenges arise as a consequence of memory requirements, computing costs, and convergence monitoring. This article describes the parallelization of a reparametrized and marginalized posterior sampling (RAMPS) algorithm, which is carefully designed to generate posterior samples efficiently. The algorithm is implemented using the Parallel Linear Algebra Package (PLAPACK). The scalability of the algorithm is investigated via simulation experiments that are implemented using a cluster with 25 processors. The usefulness of the method is illustrated with an application to sulfur dioxide concentration data from the Air Quality System database of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

Bayesian analysis often requires the researcher to employ Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to draw samples from a posterior distribution which in turn is used to make inferences. Currently, several approaches to determine convergence of the chain as well as sensitivities of the resulting inferences have been developed. This work develops a Hellinger distance approach to MCMC diagnostics. An approximation to the Hellinger distance between two distributions f and g based on sampling is introduced. This approximation is studied via simulation to determine the accuracy. A criterion for using this Hellinger distance for determining chain convergence is proposed as well as a criterion for sensitivity studies. These criteria are illustrated using a dataset concerning the Anguilla australis, an eel native to New Zealand.  相似文献   

The rjmcmc package for R implements the post‐processing reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm of Barker & Link. MCMC output from each of the models is used to estimate posterior model probabilities and Bayes factors. Automatic differentiation is used to simplify implementation. The package is demonstrated on two examples.  相似文献   

Bayesian model learning based on a parallel MCMC strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We introduce a novel Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for estimation of posterior probabilities over discrete model spaces. Our learning approach is applicable to families of models for which the marginal likelihood can be analytically calculated, either exactly or approximately, given any fixed structure. It is argued that for certain model neighborhood structures, the ordinary reversible Metropolis-Hastings algorithm does not yield an appropriate solution to the estimation problem. Therefore, we develop an alternative, non-reversible algorithm which can avoid the scaling effect of the neighborhood. To efficiently explore a model space, a finite number of interacting parallel stochastic processes is utilized. Our interaction scheme enables exploration of several local neighborhoods of a model space simultaneously, while it prevents the absorption of any particular process to a relatively inferior state. We illustrate the advantages of our method by an application to a classification model. In particular, we use an extensive bacterial database and compare our results with results obtained by different methods for the same data.  相似文献   

Numerous works have recently attempted to develop more efficient estimators for MCMC inference than classical ones. In this perspective and approximate nonstandard discrete distributions, Liang and Liu proposed the equation solving estimator as an alternative to the conventional frequency estimator. The specific MCMC method used is the Metropolis-Hastings (M-H) algorithm. In this work, we propose to adapt the equation-solving estimator to the context of simulation using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with delayed rejection (MHDR). Developed originally by Mira, this algorithm is considered an improved version of the standard M-H sampler which aims to reduce the variance of MCMC estimators. An application to a Bayesian hypothesis test problem shows the superiority of the equation-solving estimator, based on MHDR sampling, over the one introduced by Liang and Liu.  相似文献   

Most Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) users address the convergence problem by applying diagnostic tools to the output produced by running their samplers. Potentially useful diagnostics can be borrowed from diverse areas such as time series. One such method is phase randomization. This paper describes this method in the context of MCMC, summarizes its characteristics, and contrasts its performance with those of the more common diagnostic tests for MCMC. It is observed that the new tool contributes information about third‐ and higher‐order cumulant behaviour which is important in characterizing certain forms of nonlinearity and non‐stationarity.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a review of population-based simulation for static inference problems. Such methods can be described as generating a collection of random variables {X n } n=1,…,N in parallel in order to simulate from some target density π (or potentially sequence of target densities). Population-based simulation is important as many challenging sampling problems in applied statistics cannot be dealt with successfully by conventional Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We summarize population-based MCMC (Geyer, Computing Science and Statistics: The 23rd Symposium on the Interface, pp. 156–163, 1991; Liang and Wong, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 96, 653–666, 2001) and sequential Monte Carlo samplers (SMC) (Del Moral, Doucet and Jasra, J. Roy. Stat. Soc. Ser. B 68, 411–436, 2006a), providing a comparison of the approaches. We give numerical examples from Bayesian mixture modelling (Richardson and Green, J. Roy. Stat. Soc. Ser. B 59, 731–792, 1997).  相似文献   

Nonparametric regression using linear combinations of basis functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses a Bayesian approach to nonparametric regression initially proposed by Smith and Kohn (1996. Journal of Econometrics 75: 317–344). In this approach the regression function is represented as a linear combination of basis terms. The basis terms can be univariate or multivariate functions and can include polynomials, natural splines and radial basis functions. A Bayesian hierarchical model is used such that the coefficient of each basis term can be zero with positive prior probability. The presence of basis terms in the model is determined by latent indicator variables. The posterior mean is estimated by Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation because it is computationally intractable to compute the posterior mean analytically unless a small number of basis terms is used. The present article updates the work of Smith and Kohn (1996. Journal of Econometrics 75: 317–344) to take account of work by us and others over the last three years. A careful discussion is given to all aspects of the model specification, function estimation and the use of sampling schemes. In particular, new sampling schemes are introduced to carry out the variable selection methodology.  相似文献   

Different strategies have been proposed to improve mixing and convergence properties of Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms. These are mainly concerned with customizing the proposal density in the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm to the specific target density and require a detailed exploratory analysis of the stationary distribution and/or some preliminary experiments to determine an efficient proposal. Various Metropolis–Hastings algorithms have been suggested that make use of previously sampled states in defining an adaptive proposal density. Here we propose a general class of adaptive Metropolis–Hastings algorithms based on Metropolis–Hastings-within-Gibbs sampling. For the case of a one-dimensional target distribution, we present two novel algorithms using mixtures of triangular and trapezoidal densities. These can also be seen as improved versions of the all-purpose adaptive rejection Metropolis sampling (ARMS) algorithm to sample from non-logconcave univariate densities. Using various different examples, we demonstrate their properties and efficiencies and point out their advantages over ARMS and other adaptive alternatives such as the Normal Kernel Coupler.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a general formulation of an algorithm, the adaptive independent chain (AIC), that was introduced in a special context in Gåsemyr et al . [ Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab. 3 (2001)]. The algorithm aims at producing samples from a specific target distribution Π, and is an adaptive, non-Markovian version of the Metropolis–Hastings independent chain. A certain parametric class of possible proposal distributions is fixed, and the parameters of the proposal distribution are updated periodically on the basis of the recent history of the chain, thereby obtaining proposals that get ever closer to Π. We show that under certain conditions, the algorithm produces an exact sample from Π in a finite number of iterations, and hence that it converges to Π. We also present another adaptive algorithm, the componentwise adaptive independent chain (CAIC), which may be an alternative in particular in high dimensions. The CAIC may be regarded as an adaptive approximation to the Gibbs sampler updating parametric approximations to the conditionals of Π.  相似文献   

We propose a simulation-based Bayesian approach to the analysis of long memory stochastic volatility models, stationary and nonstationary. The main tool used to reduce the likelihood function to a tractable form is an approximate state-space representation of the model, A data set of stock market returns is analyzed with the proposed method. The approach taken here allows a quantitative assessment of the empirical evidence in favor of the stationarity, or nonstationarity, of the instantaneous volatility of the data.  相似文献   

We consider importance sampling (IS) type weighted estimators based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) targeting an approximate marginal of the target distribution. In the context of Bayesian latent variable models, the MCMC typically operates on the hyperparameters, and the subsequent weighting may be based on IS or sequential Monte Carlo (SMC), but allows for multilevel techniques as well. The IS approach provides a natural alternative to delayed acceptance (DA) pseudo-marginal/particle MCMC, and has many advantages over DA, including a straightforward parallelization and additional flexibility in MCMC implementation. We detail minimal conditions which ensure strong consistency of the suggested estimators, and provide central limit theorems with expressions for asymptotic variances. We demonstrate how our method can make use of SMC in the state space models context, using Laplace approximations and time-discretized diffusions. Our experimental results are promising and show that the IS-type approach can provide substantial gains relative to an analogous DA scheme, and is often competitive even without parallelization.  相似文献   

Methods for choosing a fixed set of knot locations in additive spline models are fairly well established in the statistical literature. The curse of dimensionality makes it nontrivial to extend these methods to nonadditive surface models, especially when there are more than a couple of covariates. We propose a multivariate Gaussian surface regression model that combines both additive splines and interactive splines, and a highly efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm that updates all the knot locations jointly. We use shrinkage prior to avoid overfitting with different estimated shrinkage factors for the additive and surface part of the model, and also different shrinkage parameters for the different response variables. Simulated data and an application to firm leverage data show that the approach is computationally efficient, and that allowing for freely estimated knot locations can offer a substantial improvement in out‐of‐sample predictive performance.  相似文献   

We investigate a Bayesian method for the segmentation of muscle fibre images. The images are reasonably well approximated by a Dirichlet tessellation, and so we use a deformable template model based on Voronoi polygons to represent the segmented image. We consider various prior distributions for the parameters and suggest an appropriate likelihood. Following the Bayesian paradigm, the mathematical form for the posterior distribution is obtained (up to an integrating constant). We introduce a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm (RJMCMC) for simulation from the posterior when the number of polygons is fixed or unknown. The particular moves in the RJMCMC algorithm are birth, death and position/colour changes of the point process which determines the location of the polygons. Segmentation of the true image was carried out using the estimated posterior mode and posterior mean. A simulation study is presented which is helpful for tuning the hyperparameters and to assess the accuracy. The algorithms work well on a real image of a muscle fibre cross-section image, and an additional parameter, which models the boundaries of the muscle fibres, is included in the final model.  相似文献   

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