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Gupta and Kundu proposed a new class of weighted exponential distributions using the idea of Azzalini. In this article, we develop an acceptance sampling plan for the weighted exponential distribution under a truncated life test. For various acceptance numbers, consumer’s confidence levels and values of the ratio of the experimental time to the specified mean lifetime, the minimum sample size necessary to ensure a certain mean lifetime are obtained. The operating characteristic function values and the associated producer’s risks are also presented. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the acceptance sampling plan.  相似文献   

A two-stage group acceptance sampling plan based on a truncated life test is proposed, which can be used regardless of the underlying lifetime distribution when multi-item testers are employed. The decision upon lot acceptance can be made in the first or second stage according to the number of failures from each group. The design parameters of the proposed plan such as number of groups required and the acceptance number for each of two stages are determined independently of an underlying lifetime distribution so as to satisfy the consumer's risk at the specified unreliability. Single-stage group sampling plans are also considered as special cases of the proposed plan and compared with the proposed plan in terms of the average sample number and the operating characteristics. Some important distributions are considered to explain the procedure developed here.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a double acceptance sampling plan for half exponential power distribution when the lifetime experiment is truncated at a prefixed time. The zero and one failure schemes are considered. We obtain the minimum sample sizes of the first and second samples necessary to ensure the specified mean life at the given consumer’s confidence level. The operating characteristic values and the minimum ratios of the mean life to the specified life are also analyzed. Numerical example is provided to illustrate the double acceptance sampling plan.  相似文献   

In this paper, a group acceptance sampling plan for a truncated life test is proposed when a multiple number of items as a group can be tested simultaneously in a tester, assuming that the lifetime of a product follows the Weibull distribution with a known shape parameter. The design parameters such as the number of groups and the acceptance number will be determined by satisfying the producer's and the consumer's risks at the specified quality levels, while the termination time and the number of testers are specified. The results are explained with tables and examples.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a double and group acceptance sampling plans based on time truncated lifetimes when the lifetime of an item follows the inverse log-logistic (ILL) distribution with known shape parameter. The operating characteristic function and average sample number (ASN) values of the double acceptance sampling inspection plan are provided. The values of the minimum number of groups and operating characteristic function for various quality levels are obtained for a group acceptance sampling inspection plan. A comparative study between single acceptance sampling inspection plan and double acceptance sampling inspection plan is carried out in terms of sample size. One simulated example and four real-life examples are discussed to show the applicability of the proposed double and group acceptance sampling inspection plans for ILL distributed quality parameters.  相似文献   

In this article designing of acceptance sampling plans for the truncated life test is proposed using economic approach by assuming that the lifetime of a product follows Frechet distribution based on median. The optimal sampling plans to meet the consumer’s confidence level with minimum total cost are designed. Efficiency of the proposed plan is also analyzed.  相似文献   

In this paper, an attribute control chart under repetitive group sampling is designed for monitoring the production process where the lifetime of the product is considered as quality of the product. We assume that the lifetime follows the Pareto distribution of second kind with known shape parameter. The performance of the proposed chart is evaluated by average run length. The control limits coefficients as well as the repetitive group sampling parameter such as sample size are determined such that the in-control average run length is as close as to the specified average run length. Out-of-control average run length is also reported for different shift constants with corresponding optimal parameters. In addition, performance of proposed control chart is compared with the performance of existing chart. An economical designing of proposed control chart is also discussed.  相似文献   

Acceptance sampling plans for generalized exponential distribution when the lifetime experiment is truncated at a pre-determined time are provided in this article. The tables are provided for the minimum sample size required to ensure a certain median life of the experimental unit when the shape parameter is two. The operating characteristic function values of the sampling plans and the associated producer's risks are also presented. It is shown that the tables presented here can be used if instead of median life, other percentile life is chosen as the criterion or if the shape parameter is not two. Examples are provided for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

In this paper, and based on a progressive type-II censored sample from the generalized Rayleigh (GR) distribution, we consider the problem of estimating the model parameters and predicting the unobserved removed data. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches are used to estimate the scale and shape parameters. The Gibbs and Metropolis samplers are used to predict the life lengths of the removed units in multiple stages of the progressively censored sample. Artificial and real data analyses have been performed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

In this article, an attribute control chart is proposed for time truncated tests using the Weibull distribution. The design of proposed control chart is presented using the multiple dependent state (MDS) sampling. The control chart coefficients are determined for various specified average run length. The efficiency of the proposed control chart is elaborated with the help of a simulation data and a real data. The proposed control chart perform better than the existing control chart in terms of average run length.  相似文献   

This article considers the situation where, in the most general case, each observation in a sample has been “truncated” below at a different, but known value. Each observation is truncated in the sense that, had it been 1ess than the truncati on point, it would not have appeared in the sample. A goodness-of-fit test based on Gnedenko’ F statistic is developed to test the hypothesis that the underlying distribution is Pareto against the alternative of lognormality. The Chi-square and Kolmogorov tests are adapted to test the hypothesi s of lognormality with unspecified alternative. The application of these techni ques to the analysis of insurance claim data is discussed.  相似文献   

Design and evaluation of sampling plans by attributes and by variables are important aspects in the area of acceptance sampling research. Various procedures for the selection of conventional single sampling by attributes have been developed and are available in the literature. This paper presents a design methodology and tables for the selection of parameters of single sampling plans for specified requirements (strengths) under the conditions of a gamma prior and Poisson sampling distribution. The relative efficiency of gamma-Poisson single sampling plans over conventional plans is discussed through empirical illustrations.  相似文献   

Acceptance sampling based on life tests: log-logistic model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of acceptance sampling when the life test is truncated at a preassigned time is considered. For various acceptance numbers, confidence levels and values of the ratio of the fixed experimental time to the specified average life, the minimum sample size necessary to ensure the specified average life, are obtained under the assumption that the lifetime variate of the test items follows a distribution belonging to Burr's family XII of distributions - called the log-logistic model. The operating characteristic values of the sampling plans and producer's risk are presented. The results are illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

The use of goodness-of-fit test based on Anderson–Darling (AD) statistic is discussed, with reference to the composite hypothesis that a sample of observations comes from a generalized Rayleigh distribution whose parameters are unspecified. Monte Carlo simulation studies were performed to calculate the critical values for AD test. These critical values are then used for testing whether a set of observations follows a generalized Rayleigh distribution when the scale and shape parameters are unspecified and are estimated from the sample. Functional relationship between the critical values of AD is also examined for each shape parameter (α), sample size (n) and significance level (γ). The power study is performed with the hypothesized generalized Rayleigh against alternate distributions.  相似文献   

Based on ordered ranked set sample, Bayesian estimation of the model parameter as well as prediction of the unobserved data from Rayleigh distribution are studied. The Bayes estimates of the parameter involved are obtained using both squared error and asymmetric loss functions. The Bayesian prediction approach is considered for predicting the unobserved lifetimes based on a two-sample prediction problem. A real life dataset and simulation study are used to illustrate our procedures.  相似文献   

The ordinary-G class of distributions is defined to have the cumulative distribution function (cdf) as the value of the cdf of the ordinary distribution F whose range is the unit interval at G, that is, F(G), and it generalizes the ordinary distribution. In this work, we consider the standard two-sided power distribution to define other classes like the beta-G and the Kumaraswamy-G classes. We extend the idea of two-sidedness to other ordinary distributions like normal. After studying the basic properties of the new class in general setting, we consider the two-sided generalized normal distribution with maximum likelihood estimation procedure.  相似文献   

A double sampling plan based on truncated life tests is proposed and designed under a general life distribution. The design parameters such as sample sizes and acceptance numbers for the first and the second samples are determined so as to minimize the average sample number subject to satisfying the consumer's and producer's risks at the respectively specified quality levels. The resultant tables can be used regardless of the underlying distribution as long as the reliability requirements are specified at two risks. In addition, Gamma and Weibull distributions are particularly considered to report the design parameters according to the quality levels in terms of the mean ratios.  相似文献   


For many years, detection of clusters has been of great public health interest and widely studied. Several methods have been developed to detect clusters and their performance has been evaluated in various contexts. Spatial scan statistics are widely used for geographical cluster detection and inference. Different types of discrete or continuous data can be analyzed using spatial scan statistics for Bernoulli, Poisson, ordinal, exponential, and normal models. In this paper, we propose a scan statistic for survival data which is based on generalized life distribution model that provides three important life distributions, viz. Weibull, exponential, and Rayleigh. The proposed method is applied to the survival data of tuberculosis patients in Nainital district of Uttarakhand, India, for the year 2004–05. The Monte Carlo simulation studies reveal that the proposed method performs well for different survival distributions.  相似文献   

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