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“五四”作为中国现代文学的开端,是绕不开和说不尽的一个传统和话题。文章 选择从20世纪30年代文学界对五四文学传统的反思入手,通过对五四文学与30年代文 学的阐释和评价,探究其背后所隐含的不同言说目的、方式和观照视角,由此来透视 言说者和评价者基于不同历史阶段所持的不同的文学思路。五四文学秉持的是一种人 文学科的思路,而30年代文学信守的则是一种社会科学的思路,而对于两个时代的不 同阐释和评价以及其间的种种复杂纠葛,在此都可找到准确、合理的解释。另外,通 过30年代与“五四”所持文学思路的差异,还可以反观五四文学传统以及把握30年代 文学的转型,总结五四文学传统和30年代文学传统的经验和教训。

关键词: 五四文学传统?30年代文学?文学转型?人文学科思路?社会科学思路

The May Fourth movement that ushered in China's modern literature constitutes a central and inexhaustible tradition and topic. This paper proceeds from the Chinese literary community's reflections on the May Fourth literary tradition to explore the different aims, methods and perspectives of the May Fourth and 1930s literature through the interpretations and evaluations of each period. May Fourth literature followed a humanist approach while that of the 1930s took a social sciences approach. This point can provide us with a correct and rational explanation of the different interpretations and evaluations of the two periods and their complex entanglement. Furthermore, by examining the differences in approach of the two periods, we can look back over the May Fourth literary tradition and gain a better grasp of the transformation of literature in the 1930s, and thus sum up the experience and lessons of the literary tradition of both periods.  相似文献   

迄今为止,中国现代文学研究已取得了举世瞩目的成就,但趋于“饱和”的状态 也使其陷入了举步维艰的境地。因此,寻找新的学术增长点就变得异常重要和紧迫。 “书法文化”与“中国现代作家”的关系,几近是一个研究空白,以往很少引人注 意,这是令人遗憾的。事实上,许多中国现代作家都与书法文化有着不解之缘,他们 在书法收藏、书法创作、书学探讨上都做出了重要贡献;反过来,书法文化也对现代 文学的存在方式、文本形式、情感表达、思维方式以及审美趣味等产生了深刻的影 响。另外,通过对书法文化与中国现代作家关系的考察,还可引发我们进一步深入思 考文学、书法、文化、教育等相关问题,以便有助于新世纪的中国文学和文化获得更 大的发展空间。

关键词: 书法文化?中国现代作家?学术创新?第三种文本?书学

Research on modern Chinese literature has achieved results that have attracted wide attention. However, its state of near “saturation” has placed it in a dilemma with no clear way forward. Finding new academic growth points has become exceptionally important and urgent. The relationship between the “culture of calligraphy” and “modern Chinese writers” is virtually a research blank and has so far attracted regrettably little attention. In fact, many modern Chinese writers have had close ties with calligraphy, making important contributions to its collection, creation and scholarly exploration. Conversely, the culture of calligraphy has exerted a profound influence on such things as the mode of existence, textual forms, emotional expression, ways of thought and aesthetic tastes of modern literature. Moreover, an examination of this relationship may stimulate us to reflect more deeply on literature, calligraphy, culture, education and related issues, which may help us gain a larger space for the development of Chinese culture and literature in the new century.  相似文献   

与古代希腊、罗马及日耳曼不同, 中国古代国家起源走的是一条构建和谐的道 路, 即没有打碎氏族制度, 而是在普遍存在的氏族组织的基础上滥觞国家的萌芽, 国 家与氏族长期并存而使早期国家完善与发展。氏族制度的长期存在和发展, 这一古代 中国独具特色的社会结构是和谐构建之路的深厚社会基础。古代中国早期国家构建过 程中, 十分关注各个氏族、部落的情、义、利、患等问题。这种关注与社会实践成为 构建和谐的基石, 也是那个时代的领导者成功的标识。直到古代中国早期国家成熟 时, 还能够看到构建和谐理念的痕迹。

关键词: 早期国家 氏族制度 礼制 和谐

Unlike the ancient Greek, Roman and German states, ancient Chinese states took a path of harmonious construction which did not involve abolition of the clan system. It was on the basis of the existing clan organization that the first shoots of the state sprouted, and the state and the clans underwent a long coexistence which allowed the early state to develop and be perfected. The unique social structure of ancient China—the long existence and development of the clan system—was the underlying social foundation for harmonious construction. The early Chinese states were much concerned with the feelings, opinions about right and wrong, advantages and calamities of the clans and tribes. This concern and social practice was the foundation stone for harmonious construction, as well as the benchmark for success for the leaders of the time. Traces of the idea of harmonious construction are apparent up to the full development of the early state in ancient China.  相似文献   

网络文学文本主要由传统文本和超文本组成。隐含“超文本性”的传统文本是网 络文学的根基;而超文本作为网络世界最为流行的表意媒介,它以“比特”之名唤醒 了沉睡于传统文本的开放性、自主性、互动性等潜在活力与灵性,代表着网络文学 发展的方向。超文本以去中心和不确定的非线性“在线写读”方式解构传统、颠覆本 质,在与后现代主义的相互唱和中,改变了文学的生存环境和存在方式。更重要的 是,日益走向超文本的网络文学文本正在悄然改写我们关于文学与审美的思维方式和 价值标准。因此,网络文学如何在持守传统的同时坚持创新,便成了一个值得我们深 长思之的重要问题。

关键词: 网络文学文本?超文本?互文性

Online literature contains both traditional text and hypertext. While traditional text containing “hypertextuality” provides the foundation for online literature, hypertext as the prevalent signifying medium of the cyberworld has awakened the latent energy and spirit of traditional text, making the latter more open, more autonomous and more interactive. The literature of “bits” points to the direction of future development. It deconstructs the traditional and overturns the nature of things through decentered “online reading and writing” that is uncertain and nonlinear. Hand in hand with post‐modernism, hypertext has transformed literature's context and mode of existence. Above all, the shift to hypertext in online literature is transforming our mode of thinking and value criteria in relation to literature and aesthetics. We should therefore conduct in‐depth and long‐term explorations of how online literature may innovate while maintaining tradition.  相似文献   

毛泽东辩证法是中西两种不同文化和思维方式碰撞的产物,其中包含着十分丰厚 的中国传统辩证法元素。这主要体现在毛泽东不仅主张主要矛盾与次要矛盾、主要矛 盾方面与次要矛盾方面的区分,而且更强调主要矛盾与次要矛盾、主要矛盾方面与次 要矛盾方面在一定条件下的互相转化,以及关于矛盾的精髓问题这些西方传统辩证法 所不能容纳的内容。这使得毛泽东的辩证法独树一帜,构成了中西思维方式内含张力 的融合的一种典范。对此典范的深入理解,当能对当代中国哲学的复兴与发展有莫大 的益助。

关键词: 中西思维方式?毛泽东辩证法?西方传统辩证法?矛盾

As the outcome of the encounter of Chinese and Western cultures and modes of thinking, Mao Zedong's dialectics contains considerable elements of traditional Chinese dialectics. Mao advocated differentiation between principal and secondary contradictions and between the principal and secondary aspects of a contradiction; but more importantly, he also emphasized that each can transform into its opposite under certain conditions and attached considerable importance to the “quintessence” of a contradiction, ideas which are alien to traditional Western dialectics. This makes Mao's dialectics distinctive, so that it constitutes a model of the integration (not without tension) of Chinese and Western patterns of thinking. A deeper understanding of this model will be of great benefit to the revival and development of contemporary Chinese philosophy.  相似文献   

数字化传媒的革故鼎新已成为推动中国文学世纪转型的强大引擎。网络文学的市 场化崛起打破了传统文学的原有平衡,让当今文学的整体格局遭遇数字技术的创生性 重整。第四媒体不可抗拒的技术力量导致文学大范围转向“数字化生存”,从存在方 式和表意体制上改写了文学惯例。这需要我们厘清数字化媒体在文学转型中“消解” 与“建构”的双重功能,以便从不同的学理维度上为文论拓新建构数字化生存时代的 文学观念,使数字媒介对传统的挑战变成未来文学别创新声的契机,让新媒介成为新 世纪中国文学的强劲动力和有效资源。

关键词: 中国文学?世纪转型?数字化生存

The reform ignited by digital media provided strong impetus to literary transformation at the turn of century in China. The market‐led rise of online literature has destroyed the balance of traditional literature and resulted in a fundamental digital readjustment of the overall literary structure. The fourth medium, with its irresistible technological force, has led to a large‐scale literary shift towards “being digital,” thereby changing literary traditions of existence and expression. Such being the case, we need to clarify digital media's dual function of “deconstruction” and “construction” in this literary shift so as to input new ideas from a different academic perspective into literary theory of the digital era, turn digital media's challenge to tradition into a chance for literary innovation and make the new media into a powerful driving force and effective resource for Chinese literature in the new century.  相似文献   

中国社会心理学在面对急速的社会变迁中,需要以变迁与文化的视角来选择研究 问题,而中国社会文化中群己关系的社会心理机制,即“我们”概念的形成机制及其 转换的可能与条件,正是一个体现着双重视角的基本问题。对这一问题的探讨不仅有 助于解释社会凝聚力、群体行动的逻辑,讨论国家与个人、社会与个人、类别与个人 的关系;也有助于培植社会转型时期的社会心理资源和社会支持系统,从而促进社会 合作。与以往单一机制的分析框架不同,通过对两个个案的讨论,研究提出了一个 新的分析框架,即:中国人“我们”概念是在社会情境的启动和价值取向等因素影响之 下,经由相互交织的“关系化”与“类别化”双重过程形成的。

关键词: “我们”?概念?群己关系?关系?关系化?类别化

Faced with rapid social transformation, the discipline of social psychology in China needs to choose its research topics from the perspective of both change and culture. A basic issue reflecting precisely these two perspectives is that of the formation of the social psychology mechanism of individual‐group relations, namely the formation of the concept of “us” in Chinese society and culture, as well as the possibility and conditions for the transformation of this mechanism. Exploring this issue will not only help us to understand social cohesion and the logic of group behavior and to discuss the relationship between the state and the individual, society and the individual, and the category and the individual; it will also help cultivate social psychology resources and support systems at a time of social transition, and thus promote social cooperation.. Unlike previous analytical studies that focused on a unitary mechanism, this study uses the discussion of two cases to put forward a new framework for analysis: that is, the Chinese concept of “us” comes into being through the mingling of “guanxilization” and “categorization” under the influence of social context priming, value orientation and other factors.  相似文献   

“中国价值观” 是相对于 “美国价值观” , “亚洲价值观” , “华盛顿共识” 等 而言的, 是中国社会价值体系长期发展演变的结果, 是当代中国价值复杂性的观念表 现和理论提升。在历史与时代, 中国与世界的多维背景中分析中国当前复杂价值状况 的历史生成, 演进逻辑, 多元构架, 深层原因与内在依据,透视西方几百年现代化进 程中的历时性矛盾在当代中国的共时性并存, 我们主张以复杂性的思维与方法来看待 当前中国的复杂价值现实和价值观念, 在多重线索汇聚和多元变化整合的动态过程中 积极守护 “中国利益” , 合理履行 “中国责任” , 自觉探寻 “中国道路” , 清醒回应 “中国期盼” , 自觉化解 “中国难题” , 恰当彰显 “中国信心” , 更好地发挥出哲学 社会科学在解读与引领社会发展的积极功能。

关键词: 中国价值观 多元价值 核心价值 复杂性思维

“Chinese values” is a concept defined in relation to “American values,” “Asian values” and the “Washington Consensus.” It is a product of the long-term development and evol ut ion of Chi nese soci et y’s val ue syst em and const it ute s the c onc ept ua l representation and theoretical enhancement of the complexity of current Chinese values. We analyze the historical formation, evolutionary logic, pluralistic framework, underlying reasons, and inner grounds of present day China’s complex values in a multi- dimensional context that involves history and the present as well as China and the world, looking at the synchronous coexistence in modern China of diachronic conflicts that unfolded over several hundred years in the course of Western modernization. Our contention is that present day China’s complex value reality and value concepts should be approached by using complex ideas and techniques. In the dynamic process of integrating manifold clues and multiple changes, we will vigorously safeguard “Chinese interests,” reasonably fulfill “China’s responsibilities,” consciously seek a “Chinese path,” soberly respond to “expectations of China,” consciously break down “China’s problems” and appropriately demonstrate “China’s confidence,” in order to better perform the positive function of philosophy and social sciences in interpreting and guiding the development of society.  相似文献   


关键词: 法律史学方法论?判例?功能主义

The traditional way of describing the history of Chinese law, i.e., fitting Chinese historical materials into the basic framework of the Western conceptual system needs to be thoroughly reconsidered. “Precedent” or “判例” (panli), which has attracted academic attention both in China and abroad, can serve as an example in this regard. The concept “判例,” which may have originated from Japanese kanji in the nineteenth century, was used to translate its Western counterpart. A review of the historical and modern practice of the Western European countries of England and France shows that precedent has always played an important role in achieving consensus in the legal community and guiding future rulings by means of case law. This function, which has something in common with the relevant portions of ancient Chinese legal institutions, can serve as a foundation for constructing a universal theoretical system. At the same time, the relevant Chinese institutions had specific institutional contexts and functions. By combining universal and specific functional analysis, “two‐way functionalism” may be able to avoid the Western‐centric approach and futile conceptual discrimination and turn towards the exploration and elucidation of functional issues, so as to eventually establish a new framework for the narrative of Chinese legal history.  相似文献   

费孝通晚年有关中国社会学方法论的思考开启了超越社会学既有传统的崭新空 间, 这笔精神遗产值得进一步阐释。在费孝通看来, 中国传统文化和智慧中深藏着的 许多观念性资源, 诸如天人合一、将心比心等, 都需要做进一步的界定, 并应以此作 为超越社会学既有传统的支点。

关键词: 费孝通 反思 社会学传统界限

In his old age, Fei Xiaotong’s reflections on Chinese sociological method opened up new room for transcending the existing traditions of sociology. His spiritual legacy is well worth further explanation. According to Fei, traditional Chinese culture and wisdom embodies a wealth of concepts, such as “harmony between nature and man,” “mind for others” and so on, all of which need further definition and should be used as fulcrums for the transcending of sociological traditions.  相似文献   


关键词: 性别话语转型市场化建构

State, market and traditional culture are the three fundamental elements constructing gender discourse. The three decades before the initiation of reform and opening up in 1978 and the three after have witnessed a clear transition in gender discourse in Chinese society, from state‐dominated pan‐politicization to a pan‐marketization orientation. Marketization has changed the content and form of state discourse and led to an alliance of market discourse with traditional discourse. The changed gender discourse is essentially a discourse of quality, one that is no longer presented as an ideological myth of equality constructed by the state and discounted in practice but as a set of deliberate response strategies which are adopted to make independent choices balancing the three forces of the state, the market and traditional culture in the midst of appeals for modernity and individual freedom.  相似文献   

讨论中国人的观念系统在很大程度上离不开儒家思想, 分析儒家思想要从孔子开 始。孔子因 “德命” 受挫而形成 “时命” 观, “时命” 观挑战了 “以德配天” 的思 想, 这需要更为本源的终极观来应对。孔子在内外心理框架的互动中, 反思体悟而形 成 “仁” 的终极观。在此理念的支配下, 向内修德凝道而 “内圣”, 向外践行 “仁 政” 而 “外王” , 内外并重以获得充沛丰盈的生命意义感。

关键词:仁 内圣外王 心理机制

The discussion of the conceptual system of the Chinese is, to a large extent, inseparable from Confucian thought, and its analysis should start from Confucius himself. He developed the idea of shiming (时命), or the mandate of the times, after the idea of deming (德命), or the mandate of virtue, encountered repeated setbacks. Shiming challenged the idea that “Heaven is aligned with the virtuous,” and coping with this challenge required an ultimate worldview of a more original nature. Confucius formed his ultimate world view of “benevolence” (ren 仁) through the interaction between his internal and external psychological framework and his reflections and realizations. Gripped by this idea, he cultivated inward virtue and adhered to the Way while outwardly practicing benevolence, with the goal of becoming “a sage within and a king without.” The balancing of the interior and the exterior was the key to enjoying a rich and meaningful life.  相似文献   

当下的中国处于一个价值多元的时代,以往的建立于进化论、阶级论和启蒙主义 的文学史观也是颇有价值的;但是,进入21世纪,由于“以人为本”与“和谐社会” 目标的提出,也由于社会时空、文学功能和美学趣味的巨大变化,教材型的中国现代 文学史已远不能适应时代、社会和文学的发展需要,因此亟待重建和确立一个更为公 正、平等与合理的价值评估体系。这个评估体系是以人道主义为最高原则,以真、 善、美为三个闪光点,其最大优势是具有普适性、超越性、公正性和人本性的功能特 点。

关键词: 现代中国文学史?评估体系?价值重建?人道主义?真善美和谐统一

China is now in an era of multiple values. While there is some virtue in previous theories on the history of literature based on the theory of evolution, class struggle and the enlightenment, when it comes to the twenty‐first century, the histories of modern Chinese literature used in teaching are far from adequate for meeting the developmental needs of the times, society and literature. This is especially so in view of the putting forward of the goals of “putting people first” and “the harmonious society,” and the great changes taking place in time and space, the function of literature and aesthetic taste. Hence there is an urgent need to restructure this history and establish a more fair, equal and reasonable system of evaluation. Such a system would have humanism as its highest principle, and truth, goodness and beauty as its three virtues. Its great superiority would be its functional characteristics of universality, transcendence, fairness, and human‐centeredness.  相似文献   


随着和谐社会治国方针的提出与宽严相济刑事政策的深化, 中国刑事和解制度呈 现出不断拓展的态势。2012年新?刑事诉讼法?以“特别程序”编的形式, 专章规定 了“刑事和解”, 第一次在?刑事诉讼法?中全面确立了中国式的刑事和解制度。但就 目前立法来看, 刑事和解程序设置还相对粗放, 也存在诸多争议。刑事和解未来发展 方向应当强化规则性完善与制度性建设。

With the adoption of the governance policy of a harmonious society and with the further strengthening of the criminal policy of mitigating severity with leniency, China’s criminal reconciliation system is undergoing rapid development. In the 2012 Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, criminal reconciliation is stipulated in a separate chapter under “Special Procedures,” thereby comprehensively establishing for the first time a criminal reconciliation system with Chinese characteristics in the Criminal Procedure Law. However, China’s legislation on criminal reconciliation remains relatively broad-brush and controversial. Improved regulation and system construction now point the way for future development.  相似文献   

通过对马克思有关社会形态演进的四次论说的考察, 证明他的社会形态理论的核 心内容在于既肯定各民族社会形态从低级向高级发展规律的共同性, 又肯定他们发展 道路的多样性。他在19世纪晚期提出现代化后进国家可能不经过资本主义而建立社会 主义社会的理论设想, 是马克思社会形态理论的重大发展。中国共产党人提出的社会 主义初级阶段理论和建设有中国特色的社会主义理论, 是马克思主义社会形态理论的 最新发展。

关键词: 社会形态演进规律 “人类学笔记” “历史学笔记” 历史哲学

An examination of Marx’s exposition of the evolution of social formations on four occasions shows that the core content of his social formation theory consists in its affirmation of both the universality of the law of the development of social formations from lower to higher stages in different nations and the diversity of their developmental paths. The theoretical assumptions he put forward in the late 19th century about the possibility of late-developing modernizers being able to establish a socialist society without passing through the stage of capitalism represent a major development of his theory of social formations. The theory of the primary stage of socialism and the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics advanced by the Chinese Communists are the latest development of Marx’s theory of social formations.  相似文献   


30多年来,中国思想解放、改革开放的伟大实践推动着哲学社会科学的创新取得了五大成就, 开启了理论创新的时代。“十二五” 时期, 中国哲学社会科学研究将步入系统创新的新阶段, 将从个别观点、个别结论的创新转换到基础理论、理论体系和方法论的创新; 从单一学科、单一视野的创新转换到综合创新、交叉创新和新学科群的崛起; 从无序竞争转换到有序推进。作为创新型国家建设的重要内容, 哲学社会科学创新体系、创新能力建设与自然科学同为 “鸟之两翼” 、“车之两轮” , 同样重要。中国哲学社会科学创新规划应当强化“国家意识”、建立“国家目标”、设立 “国工程” 。系统创新、全面发展、走向世界, 这是当代中国哲学社会科学的基本任务。关键词: 哲学社会科学 创新体系 创新能力 学科群

In the past three decades, the great practice of intellectual emancipation and reform and opening up in China has given rise to five achievements in philosophical and social science innovation, opening a new era of theoretical innovation. The 12th Five-year Plan period (2011-2015) will witness the arrival of a new stage of systematic innovation in philosophical and social science research: innovation in individual opinions and conclusions will develop into innovation in fundamental theories, theoretical systems and methodologies; the innovation of individual disciplines and perspectives will give way to the rise of new groups of subjects and to innovation based on synthesized and interdisciplinary studies; and disorderly competition will be replaced by orderly progress. As an important component in the construction of an innovative nation, the building of an innovation system and innovation capacity is as important in philosophy and social sciences as in their counterpart, the natural sciences; they are like the two wings of a bird or two wheels of a cart. Our innovation plan for philosophy and social sciences should strengthen “national consciousness,” establish “national aims” and launch “national projects.” Systematic innovation, comprehensive development and going global constitute the basic tasks of contemporary Chinese philosophy and social sciences.  相似文献   

近代中国世界史研究的萌生, 始于19世纪中叶, 这和中国“救亡图存” 的时代主题联系在一起。中国世界史研究的特点是与时代的脉搏同时跳动, 在各个历史时期, 它研究方向的主流, 从不曾脱离时代的主题, 表现出一种强烈的社会责任。在改革开放新的历史条件下, 中国世界史研究的社会责任, 从根本上要在坚持为人民服 务、为社会主义服务的方向上体现出来。

关键词: 中国世界史研究 中国史学 中国社会科学

Modern Chinese study of world history began in the middle of the nineteenth century and was closely related to the main theme of the times, that of saving the nation from subjugation and ensuring its survival. Its chief feature was that it was attuned to the pulse of the times; in all historical periods, the main current of its research has never deviated from the main theme of the times, showing a strong sense of responsibility to society. Under the new historical conditions of reform and opening up, this sense of social responsibility should be reflected in fundamental adherence to the direction of serving the people and socialism.  相似文献   

“文化反哺”是理解处在急速变迁时代中国社会代际关系的一个本土性概念, 它 在由全球化和社会转型所共同引发的变迁维度上理解中国社会代际关系的颠覆或倒置 现象, 将急速变迁时代所发生的年长一代向年轻一代进行广泛的文化吸收现象视为新 的文化传承模式。在新兴食品、移动电话和电子计算机三类现代器物的传播与选择过 程中, 突出表现出代际倾斜、去中心化和数字鸿沟趋势, 而在器物文明传承过程中 出现的这种代际颠覆现象, 是30年改革开放或社会变迁带给中国人的心理体验的一部 分, 它在精神层面上赋予中国经验以完整的价值和意义。

关键词: 文化反哺 器物文明 代际传承 中国体验

“Cultural feedback” (wenhua fanbu, literally “cultural reverse feeding”), an indigenous concept coined to facilitate the understanding of intergenerational relations in China’s drastically changing society, focuses on the subversion or reversal of conventional intergenerational relations in the light of changes triggered jointly by globalization and social transformation and views the extensive absorption of emerging cultural elements by the older generation from the young generation as a new mode of transmission. The process of the dissemination and selection of three kinds of modern artifacts—new foods, cell phones and computers—highlights the intergenerational tilt, the phenomenon of decentralization and the trend towards a digital divide. The subversion of conventional intergenerational relations in the process of the transmission of artifact civilization, as a significant part of Chinese psychological reactions to over three decades of reform and opening up, is indispensable to the psychological integrity of Chinese experience.  相似文献   

研究中华人民共和国历史经验需要掌握一定的科学方法。既要研究新中国不同时 期的经验, 又要把各个历史时期的经验联系起来研究; 既要研究新中国各个领域的历 史经验, 又要从宏观层面对历史经验作综合研究; 既要研究新中国历史中的成功经 验, 又要注意对失误和挫折进行研究; 既要用今天的眼光研究新中国历史的经验, 又 要把经验放到特定的历史条件下研究。

关键词: 中华人民共和国历史经验 “文化大革命” 计划经济

It is necessary to master certain scientific methods in studying the historical experience of the People’s Republic of China; that is, we should study the experience of different periods of New China and at the same time study the experience of various historical periods as related to one another; we should study the successful experience of New China and at the same time study its errors and setbacks; and we should view the historical experience of New China from today’s perspective and at the same time study it by placing it under given historical conditions.  相似文献   

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