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在法律领域,特别是在诉讼等争端解决领域,司法机关可以通过简化简单多数和优化复杂少数实现最优司法资源的配置。司法机关简化简单多数,是要在保证法律主体基本权利的前提下,本着简化程序而不简化权利的原则降低司法活动的边际成本,提高司法效率并促进司法公正。基于被告人认罪案件审理的定量分析结果,中国刑事司法领域通过简化简单多数来优化复杂少数的资源配置机制还有较大空间。2012年《刑事诉讼法》确认的被告人认罪案件简易程序的实施,需要充分保障被告人获得律师帮助的权利,并提高侦查、起诉和审判等环节的司法效率,才能在整体上科学配置刑事司法资源并有效促进司法公正。  相似文献   

行为无价值论与结果无价值论的争论具有重要意义。行为无价值论的主要缺陷在于:强调犯罪的规范违反性,与保护法益的刑法目的相冲突;突出刑法的行为规制机能,偏离了罪刑法定主义的实质;普遍承认主观的违法要素,导致认定犯罪的整体性,既混淆了违法性与有责性,也不利于区分未遂犯与不能犯,且不利于贯彻共犯从属性说;注重主观的正当化要素,不仅未能限制刑罚适用,反而扩大了处罚范围;采取规则功利主义,导致过度干预国民的行为。结果无价值论在防止过度干预、采取自由主义原则的同时,将违反刑法目的的事态作为禁止的对象,不仅能够克服行为无价值论的缺陷,而且可以在实现报应正义的同时,实现特殊预防与一般预防。  相似文献   

Human dignity arises from the dignity and respect people enjoy as members of the human community. The law decrees that human dignity does not involve approbation of someone’s external qualities; rather, it is the acknowledgement of equal status. Human dignity is not determined by positive law, but is above positive law, belonging to the category of preexistent norms that exist independent of positive law. Such norms form the basis for integrating legal systems. These permanent norms cannot be amended at will; they represent the general ethical principles of modern law. Human dignity is not a matter of rights or basic rights; rather, it represents one’s position in society and equal legal status before the law. Many normative laws in China directly define humanity dignity, and affirm the guaranteeing of human dignity as the primary task of the state. Human dignity is related to people’s survival and livelihood; thus a material foundation for the realization of dignity can be provided by providing material assistance and improving public services.  相似文献   

Professionals, including social workers, in the child protection context are frequently required to make decisions on whether to share sensitive personal information about children, their families, and others with colleagues and across institutional and jurisdictional boundaries. Sharing information across agencies and organisations is essential to allow joined‐up service provision and to effectively protect and support children and their families. A legal framework that supports this decision making is a necessary, although not sufficient, condition for effective information sharing. This article examines the complex legal framework that governs information sharing across the Australian states and territories. It identifies a number of structural and regulatory elements that unnecessarily limit information sharing or have a tendency to create a culture that is risk averse, rather than proactive, in sharing information. The article suggests structural and regulatory reforms that would improve the legal framework for sharing information, while at the same time giving due recognition to the human rights that come into tension in this policy context: the right to privacy and the rights of the child.  相似文献   

桂勇  黄荣贵  丁昳 《社会》2018,38(3):203-239
本文在质性观察和归纳的基础上提出一个由“思想理论资源”与“立场取向”两个维度构成的理论模型,用以建构关于网络左翼思潮的类型学。在此基础上,本文使用个案观察加大数据文本分析的混合方法对三种网络左翼思潮进行研究,从经验上辨识与类型学一致的左翼社会思潮,即“国家主义左翼思潮”“民粹主义左翼思潮”与“自由主义左翼思潮”。此外,我们利用监督性机器学习技术与社群侦测技术,辨识各个网络左翼派别的社群结构,并分析它们彼此之间的网络互动与社群结构的演进。研究发现,随着时间的推移,“自由主义左派”逐渐式微,不再构成相对独立的互动社群;“民粹主义左派”与“国家主义左派”之间存在更密切的关系,但两者间裂痕的扩大也带来网络冲突的增加。  相似文献   

就法律规范层面而言,鉴定在刑事诉讼过程中的法律属性体现为两个方面:一是证据的收集方式,一是权力的行使方式。鉴定的这两种法律属性的价值追求是不同的,作为证据收集方式的价值追求是“公正”,而作为权力行使方式的价值追求是“效率”。从涉及刑事诉讼鉴定不同阶段的法律规范分析来看,鉴定正逐步从权力行使属性为主导向证据收集属性为主导过渡,但要真正实现其证据收集这一本质属性的回归,其前提是《刑事诉讼法》的价值追求的变化,即从“效率”到“公正”的转变。  相似文献   

大城市超先增长的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今世界和中国的城市化进程中,无论人们的认识有怎样的分歧,大城市超先增长是事实,是不以人们的意志为转移的。大城市之所以超先增长是因为这种模式具有经济、社会和人口的聚集优势,在城市化进程中有辐射和扩散作用,有比较完整的城市化内涵。然而大城市在其增长过程中也有自身的矛盾和问题。研究城市化进程的客观规律,发现困扰大城市发展的矛盾焦点是城市人和城市区位的矛盾。  相似文献   

自1979年刑事诉讼法公布实施以来,中国刑事诉讼体系的构建逐步走过了一条精致化、细腻化的发展历程,形成了相对完整的刑事诉讼框架,并逐步实现了与世界现代刑事诉讼理念的衔接。2012年3月14日《全国人民代表大会关于修改〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉的决定》的通过,凸显了中国立法机关保障人权、推进法治现代化建设的巨大努力,也是对长期改革成果的巩固和吸收。全面审视此次刑事诉讼修正案的框架内容,对于今后刑事诉讼体系的继续完善具有重要意义。  相似文献   

浅析股东知情权制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着公司所有权与经营权分离治理结构的出现,使得公司管理层凭借信息优势侵犯股东权利的现象时有发生,若想恢复经营和管理信息在管理层和普通股东间的对称和平衡,构建和完善股东知情权制度显得尤为必要.股东知情权的确立是基于股东平等原则、公司履行对社会的责任等法理基础之上;股东知情权具有固有权利、基础性权利等性质.我国的股东知情权的完善要从以下方面着手:扩大股东查阅的范围,允许股东选任代理人,隐名股东被确认有股东资格的情况下具有知情权,而隐名股东资格的认定可以从公司章程和股东名册记载、实际出资及工商机关的登记内容等方面来加以认定;未履行出资义务的股东是否剥夺其知情权要视股东未履行出资的主观恶性及客观后果综合认定.  相似文献   

"慎刑"是中国传统法具有和谐价值的重要组成部分,能达到缓和阶级矛盾,维持政权稳定的作用。"宽严相济"是当前我国具有社会主义法制特色的刑事政策,对于化解社会矛盾、最大限度地减少不和谐因素,维护和谐稳定的社会秩序等方面有重要作用。"宽严相济"与"慎刑"存在历史的相通性,宽严相济的传统文化基础是"以人为本"和"德法兼济",而传统社会实现社会稳定、长治久安的法律手段即是"慎刑"。"慎刑"在立法层面上体现为"刑罚世轻世重",在司法层面上体现为程序上的严谨及人伦观照。"慎刑"促进了中国古代社会的稳定及政权的长治久安,对当前"宽严相济"刑事政策的立法及司法实践也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义法律体系的形成为研究中国法律体系的结构、特色和发展趋势奠定了现实基础。可以规范性法律文件的归属和法律规范的性质两个向度作为研究法律体系的框架。前者的目的在于描述中国立法的现状,后者旨在分析不同性质的法律规范在各个法律部门的分布。改革开放以来,由于市场经济、民主政治、和谐社会、生态文明、法制建设和全球化的影响,使各类法律规范在不同法律部门中的分布发生有意义的变化,这种变化一方面反映世界各国法律体系发展的共性,另一方面又有鲜明的中国特色。  相似文献   

知识产权制度是促进人类经济发展、社会进步、科技创新、文化繁荣的基本法律制度。在知识经济时代,中国内地应与香港特区加强各方面包括法律及其相关制度的横向交流。通过对香港与内地知识产权立法的有关问题进行比较、借鉴,完善中国内地惩治知识产权犯罪的路径,切实保护知识产权,实现刑事正义,服务于经济社会发展。  相似文献   

技术侦查是刑事诉讼中“风险系数”最高的一项特殊侦查手段。技术侦查的立法模式和实践运行与一国科技发展情况、社会治安形势、刑事犯罪状况、人权保障水平等密切相关。要使技术侦查在中国刑事诉讼目的实现中达到犯罪控制和人权保障的平衡,必须对其适用原则、决定机制、执行机制、救济机制等进行法制化规制。  相似文献   

Despite the World Health Organization's (WHO) call to adopt a national action plan on suicide, Bangladesh is yet to respond proactively to prevent this serious public health problem. The existing government and non‐government prevention interventions are very limited, segmented and almost invisible. Suicide (including attempted suicide) is currently a criminal offense under the Bangladeshi legal framework. The aim of this paper is to propose a framing toward a national suicide prevention action plan in Bangladesh based on a situational analysis of local existing suicide prevention interventions. International policy documents, empirical and review works, and legal documents that speak to suicide interventions were reviewed. Critical analysis of these interventions suggests that Bangladesh should prioritize the adoption of a multi‐sectoral suicide prevention action plan. The issue of decriminalization suicide should be carefully considered and policies harmonized before adopting the plan. Obtaining commitment from the policymakers to launch such intervention may be challenging. Considering the seriousness of the problem, Bangladeshi policymakers should be proactive in adopting a suicide prevention action plan. Neighboring countries provide useful lessons of the implementation measures that may assist with developing a suicide prevention action plan.  相似文献   

大型百货商店改革一直是我国零售业改革的难点和重点.从脱胎于大型百货商店的哈客隆连锁超市的崛起入手,探讨在新的市场环境下,大型百货商店如何摆脱困境,参与市场竞争,重振辉煌,从而找到我国零售业中的新型业态--连锁超市的发展之路.  相似文献   

李克艳 《创新》2010,4(5):46-49
由于各种因素影响,我国刑事错案时有发生。错案的发生不仅严重侵害公民的合法权益,也使刑事诉讼的目的无从实现。司法体制不健全、无罪推定原则的缺失、不合理的证人出庭制度等都是导致我国刑事错案发生的根本原因。因此,必须进一步健全司法体制,完善刑事诉讼的相关制度并转变执法理念,将错案遏制在最小范围内,最终促成立法的不断完善。  相似文献   

许乐 《唐都学刊》2012,28(4):106-112
伴随我国司法体制改革的逐步深入和社会主义法律体系的全面建构,《刑事诉讼法》的再修改势在必行,特别是随着刑事侦查理论的不断完善,被搜查人的人权保障日益受到学界的普遍关注,而作为《刑事诉讼法》重要内容之一的"刑事搜查证明标准"部分的规定却极不完善,相关司法解释对于被搜查人权利实现之救济机制亦存在诸多缺陷。且这些缺陷在《刑事诉讼法》再修改草案中并未得到实质性的改变。当前应借鉴西方国家刑事搜查证明标准的合理内核,从不断完善我国搜查行为的证明标准、被搜查人权利救济途径以及相关配套制度等方面着手,重构我国刑事搜查证明标准。  相似文献   

The High Court decision in the Dietrich case highlighted the perilous state of legal aid in Australia when it instructed judges to refuse to hear criminal trials when a person has no legal counsel due to inability to pay and has been denied legal aid. The decision of the High Court places pressure on the Federal Government to resolve the situation by legislating a guaranteed right of legal representation. This article discusses the inadequacies of the legal system by examining the implications of the Dietrich case. It is argued that recent government reports only provide a piecemeal approach to improving access to justice and what is needed is wider systemic change in the form of universal legal insurance. Only in this way can citizenship rights he reasserted to ensure social justice.  相似文献   

Different public agencies are seeking to draft “better regulation”. Complex or poorly drafted norms are more difficult for economic agents to implement, tending to erode economic efficiency. The literature has so far concentrated on the analysis of regulatory complexity as a phenomenon related to the “quantity” of norms. This article guides the process of adopting new regulations, taking into account that norms can also be complex due to new “qualitative” reasons such as linguistic ambiguity or relational structure (references between legal documents). To perform the analysis, we develop new indicators for legibility and regulatory interconnectedness. Specifically, we construct a new database (RECOS – REgulation COmplexity in Spain) by extracting information from 8171 norms (61 million words) which comprise the regulations of all the Spanish Autonomous regions. Our analysis reveals the relationship between measures of “qualitative” complexity and relevant economic (productivity) and institutional (judicial efficacy) variables. This research shows that the new dimensions of regulatory complexity matter, yield significant results and should be taken into account in governments’ “better regulation” policies.  相似文献   

朱涛 《社会》2009,29(2):99-111
在法律秩序达成官方和民间(国家和社会)两个面向的分析框架下,黄宗智和张静分别从“实践”和“利益分配”的角度提出民间面向上存在的两种解释维度。本文从“叶玉珍”财产继承案出发,着重探讨公正观念的民间认同,认为在抽象原则上,官方和民间都认同“权利和义务一致”的公正观念,但在义务的具体内容上,存在个人义务与家族义务的认同冲突。由此,本文回溯历史,梳理明清以来寡妇财产继承权的变迁,进一步揭示其中所反映的公正观念在官方和民间认同上的一致与冲突,提出在民间这一面向上,“公正观念的民间认同”是以往未注意到的另一解释维度,从而试图对法律秩序的达成加入新的解释维度。  相似文献   

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