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网络文学文本主要由传统文本和超文本组成。隐含“超文本性”的传统文本是网 络文学的根基;而超文本作为网络世界最为流行的表意媒介,它以“比特”之名唤醒 了沉睡于传统文本的开放性、自主性、互动性等潜在活力与灵性,代表着网络文学 发展的方向。超文本以去中心和不确定的非线性“在线写读”方式解构传统、颠覆本 质,在与后现代主义的相互唱和中,改变了文学的生存环境和存在方式。更重要的 是,日益走向超文本的网络文学文本正在悄然改写我们关于文学与审美的思维方式和 价值标准。因此,网络文学如何在持守传统的同时坚持创新,便成了一个值得我们深 长思之的重要问题。

关键词: 网络文学文本?超文本?互文性

Online literature contains both traditional text and hypertext. While traditional text containing “hypertextuality” provides the foundation for online literature, hypertext as the prevalent signifying medium of the cyberworld has awakened the latent energy and spirit of traditional text, making the latter more open, more autonomous and more interactive. The literature of “bits” points to the direction of future development. It deconstructs the traditional and overturns the nature of things through decentered “online reading and writing” that is uncertain and nonlinear. Hand in hand with post‐modernism, hypertext has transformed literature's context and mode of existence. Above all, the shift to hypertext in online literature is transforming our mode of thinking and value criteria in relation to literature and aesthetics. We should therefore conduct in‐depth and long‐term explorations of how online literature may innovate while maintaining tradition.  相似文献   

中国当代文学阅读层面上的价值认同正在经受前所未有的挑战。特别是新世纪以 来,新的写作群体、写作方式不断涌现,使固有的理论批评体系遭到撞击、被撕裂, 从而导致理论批评不时出现失语现象。随着网络文学的迅猛发展,非主流文学在阅读 与消费环节中的影响日益增强,这就使得上述问题转化成了新的矛盾——互相不能包 容的阅读隔膜。十多年来,网络上产生了海量的小说文本,逐渐形成了二十多种类 型;本文兼顾时间跨度和创作类型,遴选了十年中不同类型的十部佳作,并针对它们 区别于纸质媒体的艺术审美和创作特点进行了述评。

关键词: 网络写作?网络小说?话语转变

At the level of the reading of contemporary literature, value identity in China is facing unprecedented challenges, particularly in the new century. New groups of writers and new writing styles are constantly springing up and existing theoretical criticism has been attacked and torn apart, with the result that it has often lost its voice. With the rapid growth of online literature, the influence of non‐mainstream literature in the domain of literary reading and consumption is increasing. Consequently, the above‐mentioned problem is evolving into a new contradiction, i.e. a lack of mutual understanding and tolerance with regard to reading. In the past decade, an enormous number of novels have come out online, falling into over twenty categories. This paper takes into account both chronology and type of writing in selecting for review ten outstanding works of different genres from the last decade, stressing the aesthetic qualities and distinctive styles that differentiate them from their print counterparts.  相似文献   

迄今为止,中国现代文学研究已取得了举世瞩目的成就,但趋于“饱和”的状态 也使其陷入了举步维艰的境地。因此,寻找新的学术增长点就变得异常重要和紧迫。 “书法文化”与“中国现代作家”的关系,几近是一个研究空白,以往很少引人注 意,这是令人遗憾的。事实上,许多中国现代作家都与书法文化有着不解之缘,他们 在书法收藏、书法创作、书学探讨上都做出了重要贡献;反过来,书法文化也对现代 文学的存在方式、文本形式、情感表达、思维方式以及审美趣味等产生了深刻的影 响。另外,通过对书法文化与中国现代作家关系的考察,还可引发我们进一步深入思 考文学、书法、文化、教育等相关问题,以便有助于新世纪的中国文学和文化获得更 大的发展空间。

关键词: 书法文化?中国现代作家?学术创新?第三种文本?书学

Research on modern Chinese literature has achieved results that have attracted wide attention. However, its state of near “saturation” has placed it in a dilemma with no clear way forward. Finding new academic growth points has become exceptionally important and urgent. The relationship between the “culture of calligraphy” and “modern Chinese writers” is virtually a research blank and has so far attracted regrettably little attention. In fact, many modern Chinese writers have had close ties with calligraphy, making important contributions to its collection, creation and scholarly exploration. Conversely, the culture of calligraphy has exerted a profound influence on such things as the mode of existence, textual forms, emotional expression, ways of thought and aesthetic tastes of modern literature. Moreover, an examination of this relationship may stimulate us to reflect more deeply on literature, calligraphy, culture, education and related issues, which may help us gain a larger space for the development of Chinese culture and literature in the new century.  相似文献   

数字化传媒的革故鼎新已成为推动中国文学世纪转型的强大引擎。网络文学的市 场化崛起打破了传统文学的原有平衡,让当今文学的整体格局遭遇数字技术的创生性 重整。第四媒体不可抗拒的技术力量导致文学大范围转向“数字化生存”,从存在方 式和表意体制上改写了文学惯例。这需要我们厘清数字化媒体在文学转型中“消解” 与“建构”的双重功能,以便从不同的学理维度上为文论拓新建构数字化生存时代的 文学观念,使数字媒介对传统的挑战变成未来文学别创新声的契机,让新媒介成为新 世纪中国文学的强劲动力和有效资源。

关键词: 中国文学?世纪转型?数字化生存

The reform ignited by digital media provided strong impetus to literary transformation at the turn of century in China. The market‐led rise of online literature has destroyed the balance of traditional literature and resulted in a fundamental digital readjustment of the overall literary structure. The fourth medium, with its irresistible technological force, has led to a large‐scale literary shift towards “being digital,” thereby changing literary traditions of existence and expression. Such being the case, we need to clarify digital media's dual function of “deconstruction” and “construction” in this literary shift so as to input new ideas from a different academic perspective into literary theory of the digital era, turn digital media's challenge to tradition into a chance for literary innovation and make the new media into a powerful driving force and effective resource for Chinese literature in the new century.  相似文献   

现代中国佛教抗战文学是非常时代里出现的具有特殊意义的文学史现象。这种文 学在主题表达上,将现代佛徒的国民意识与传统佛教的菩萨行精神相结合;在个体的 生命体验上,因应时代对佛学观念进行自觉、现代性的创造发挥;在社会角色的身份 认同上,以艺术方式自觉、主动呼应战时国家的文化战略;在艺术生产方式上,有力 推动作者结构的大众化与表现方式的现代化。这些新质素与趋势为学界全面、深入认 识和评估中国抗战文学对民族抗战的作用与贡献,提供了一个不可忽视的角度。  相似文献   

观察国际和外交问题的视角与观念变化,是中华人民共和国外交史研究中尚需探讨和梳理的课题。在新中国成立后的前30年,中国外交深受在革命过程中形成的外交观念的影响。其基本诉求是建立新型外交关系,核心观念是独立自主与和平,外交政策的基石是和平共处五项原则;此外,国际统一战线策略,对现实世界的战略划分,以及对战争、和平与革命的思考亦对这一时期的外交政策具有重大影响。自20世纪70年代末实行改革开放以来,中国外交转以发展为视角,配合国家经济建设这一中心任务,做出一系列战略和政策调整。中国对国际形势作出和平与发展的新判断,对独立自主的和平外交政策作了新诠释,致力于建立均衡的对外关系,主张以渐进方式推动国际秩序的改进,决心走和平发展道路。中国由此成为现存国际秩序的参与者和建设者。进入21世纪,中国成为令世界瞩目的新兴大国,外交观念也在继承以往的基础上与时俱进。中国强调当代世界是命运共同体,谋求与各国的合作、共赢  相似文献   

“五四”作为中国现代文学的开端,是绕不开和说不尽的一个传统和话题。文章 选择从20世纪30年代文学界对五四文学传统的反思入手,通过对五四文学与30年代文 学的阐释和评价,探究其背后所隐含的不同言说目的、方式和观照视角,由此来透视 言说者和评价者基于不同历史阶段所持的不同的文学思路。五四文学秉持的是一种人 文学科的思路,而30年代文学信守的则是一种社会科学的思路,而对于两个时代的不 同阐释和评价以及其间的种种复杂纠葛,在此都可找到准确、合理的解释。另外,通 过30年代与“五四”所持文学思路的差异,还可以反观五四文学传统以及把握30年代 文学的转型,总结五四文学传统和30年代文学传统的经验和教训。

关键词: 五四文学传统?30年代文学?文学转型?人文学科思路?社会科学思路

The May Fourth movement that ushered in China's modern literature constitutes a central and inexhaustible tradition and topic. This paper proceeds from the Chinese literary community's reflections on the May Fourth literary tradition to explore the different aims, methods and perspectives of the May Fourth and 1930s literature through the interpretations and evaluations of each period. May Fourth literature followed a humanist approach while that of the 1930s took a social sciences approach. This point can provide us with a correct and rational explanation of the different interpretations and evaluations of the two periods and their complex entanglement. Furthermore, by examining the differences in approach of the two periods, we can look back over the May Fourth literary tradition and gain a better grasp of the transformation of literature in the 1930s, and thus sum up the experience and lessons of the literary tradition of both periods.  相似文献   

当代中国农地制度经历了土地改革、合作化运动、人民公社化和家庭承包经营 等发展阶段。其存续和变迁可以用’黏性生成—黏性稀释?分析框架进行阐释:制 度环境与路径依赖是制度黏性的生成诱因,对农地制度的存续发挥了重要作用;非 正式制度的渗入是稀释制度黏性的关键变量,非正式制度与正式制度之间的互动贯 穿整个制度变迁过程,思想观念和意识形态的变化对正式制度的加强、消解或建构 具有重要影响。  相似文献   

With the close economic relationship between Hong Kong and the Mainland, work‐related commuting across the border is emerging as a common work/family arrangement in Hong Kong. To examine the costs and benefits of this at the individual and family levels, a cross‐sectional survey with quota sampling was conducted. The target group of the survey was couples with one spouse working across the border and their children between the ages of 8–17, if there were any. A resilience perspective was adopted to address both the positive and negative impacts of the work arrangement on family relationships.

Findings of the survey indicate that disruption in the fulfillment of parental obligations is the most significant cost of the cross border work arrangement. Fathers are more likely to be marginalized in their parental role due to their higher frequency of travel and limited contacts with the children. For mothers with children at dependent age, limitations in parental involvement due to the work arrangement bring a strong sense of guilt. Work‐family conflict significantly intensified their intention to end the cross‐border work. On the other hand, the results indicate that commuting assignments can be stimulating and enriching to a marriage. To maximize the benefits of the cross‐border work arrangement and minimize its negative impacts, family‐friendly work policies and a family‐friendly work schedule are strongly recommended. Successful coping strategies and the necessary resources for the successful adjustment should be further examined.


调查结果发现,未能履行父母的义务是跨境工作安排最大的成本。由于频密的跨境工干和跟子女的接触有限,父亲更容易被排斥于其父亲的角色以外。由于跨境工作的安排以致未能与仍然是依赖年龄的子女有更多的联系,也为母亲带来强烈的罪疚感。工作与家庭的冲突大大增加了他们结束跨境工作的意愿。另一方面,研究发现这种工作安排可以刺激和丰富婚姻。为了发挥跨境工作安排最大的好处,并尽量减少其负面影响,作者强烈建议有利雇员发展家庭生活的工作安排。有效的的应对战略和所须的资源则需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   


关键词: 他性自我情感主体柔性的风格

On the basis of the findings of our fieldwork in Shuanglong Village of the Tujia ethnic group in Enshi, Hubei, we find that woman is neither the subjectless existence of “otherness” as traditionally regarded nor the rational subject embodying multiple survival strategies as defined by some scholars. The female self is primarily an emotional subject with the dual features of inclusion and exclusion. The significance of the female self for society lies in the fact that the inclusive aspect provides a psychological and practical basis for the integration of rural society, while the exclusive aspect creates a space for breaking through this society's existing norms and customs.  相似文献   

如何划分宪法赋予公民的言论自由权利与网络时代言论型犯罪的界限,是当下司 法实务面临的重要问题。在言论型犯罪的构造中,应纳入事实与观点二分法、公事 与私事二分法、客观真实与主观真实二分法,将合理确信规则下的”主观真实”作为 踲法阻却事由;基于网络媒介的科技特点与社会属性,网络服务提供者只具备中立义 务,对之不应简单地以共犯理论或不作为犯罪理论予以入罪。在言论型犯罪的诉讼 中,原则上须根据实际或推定的被害人意愿来启动刑事诉讼程序,当言论行为严重危 害社会秩序和国家利益且被害人无法表踡其是否告诉意思时,可直接蹇用公诉程序; “严重危害社会秩序和国家利益”等入罪基准须是现实物理的秩序混乱,且行为人要 对其有故意而无任何正当目的。对跷微言论犯罪不应跷易蹇用有期徒刑的刑罚;信息 网络工具具有很大的生活用途,一般不应没收。  相似文献   

从1963年12月12日到1964年1月23日,中法外交代表在瑞士首都伯尔尼进行了 四次会谈,最终达成了中法建交协议。中方对伯尔尼会谈的基本态度是’速决为 宜?,为此在宣布建交方式、建交公报内容、发表公报时间等问题上对法国作了一 定的让步,但仍坚持至少在中国的单独声明中宣布中华人民共和国为代表中国人民 的唯一合法政府、台湾是中国领土一部分等原则立场。中国采取’速决为宜?的方 针,一方面是由于发展对法关系的必要性,另一方面也是中国高层估计中法建交是 可能的。但伯尔尼会谈并未解决所有问题,其中法台关系问题将成为中法发展正常 关系的障碍之一。  相似文献   

传统犯罪网络变异的原因是多方面的,直接诱因是网络空间的技术性代际差异; 传统犯罪的网络变异表现为犯罪构成要件要素的变异、社会危害性的变异和犯罪形态 的变异三个方面。扩张化的司法解释是解决这一问题的首要选择,但其局限性也是明 显的;面对网络空间中传统犯罪的变异态势,将部分预备行为提升、独立化为实行行 为,将部分共犯行为加以正犯化,将会是未来刑事立法无法回避的两个选择。

关键词: 网络犯罪?传统犯罪?社会危害性?刑事立法?变异

The reasons for cyber variants of traditional crimes are many. A direct catalyst is the generation gap caused by the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0. Such variation takes the following three forms: variation in the elements constituting a crime, in the social harm done and in the form of the crime. Expansion of judicial interpretation is the primary choice for handling cybercrime. However, its limitations are also obvious. In the face of cyber variants of traditional crimes, we argue that raising the status of some acts of preparation to that of independent acts of execution and making some joint offenders into principal offenders offers two important solutions that can no longer be avoided by China's criminal law legislation.  相似文献   

1949—1954年,中缅关系实现了由疏离到改善的明显变化。由于心存疑惧,从新中国成立伊始,吴努政府就准备承认中华人民共和国。确定了英联邦国家持同样态度后,缅甸成为第一个承认新中国的非共产党国家。然而,此后一段时间内,中国的革命外交与缅甸的亲英美倾向相互抵牾,加之互为近邻的地缘政治因素的影响,两国关系处于冷淡状态。朝鲜战争爆发后,缅甸很快将“中立主义”作为外交指导原则,中国也逐步决定同“中间地带”国家发展关系。1953年,缅美因国民党残部问题交恶,中国对橡胶的需求持续上升,缅甸大米严重滞销。这一切为中缅关系的改善提供了契机。  相似文献   

从20世纪90年代开始,“代际差别”越来越突出地体现在新时期50、60和70年代 出生的三个重要作家群中。他们不仅在叙事内容上表现为宏大叙事和使命意识的不断 弱化、个人化意愿的不断增强;还在叙事形式上体现为或崇尚写实风格,或追求现代 手法,或迷恋于碎片化细节等不同的审美特质,同时也折射了各自不同的审美观念。 从文化人类学的角度看,这种代际差别实际隐含了不同历史文化语境和成长记忆对人 类精神的潜在规约。代际差别虽然是多元文学格局的一种表现,但是,如何加强代际 间的精神交流,有效克服代际内部各自的局限性,同样是促进中国当代文学健康发展 的一个不可忽略的重要方面。

关键词: 代际差别?宏大叙事?个人化?文化记忆?代际交流

Since the 1990s, the generation gap among three important groups of writers born in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s has become ever more evident. Not only do they show a tendency toward the weakening of grand narrative and sense of responsibility and the strengthening of individual aspirations, they also show different aesthetic traits in terms of narrative form. Some advocate a realist style, while others pursue modernist techniques or are enamored of fragmentary details. At the same time, each generation projects its own aesthetic ideas. From the viewpoint of cultural anthropology, this kind of generation gap essentially implies the effect of the latent protocols of different historical‐cultural contexts and memories of growing up on the human spirit. Although the generation gap is an expression of a plural cultural scene, the question of how to strengthen intellectual interaction between different generations of writers and effectively overcome the limitations of each generation remains an important aspect of the promotion of the healthy development of modern Chinese literature.  相似文献   


关键词: 革命话语素质话语男性强势话语

There have been three types of mainstream discourse relating to public understanding of women's employment since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The first was the “revolutionary discourse” that dominated the era of the planned economy. During this period, knowledge about women's employment was heavily influenced by revolutionary discourse, and women were mobilized to take up positions in virtually all areas of social life. The second occurred in the transition from a planned to a market economy. During this process, knowledge of women's employment was constructed by a so‐called “quality discourse,” which depressed women's wages in the course of driving them back into the home. The third important mode of discourse took place in the era of marketization, and saw knowledge about women's employment constructed by male‐centered hegemonic discourse in an organic union between the market economy and the patriarchal system. Meanwhile, female subjectivity in regard to knowledge about women's employment is taking shape. At the same time, women's sense of autonomy in relation to understanding of employment has started to grow and exhibits self‐awareness and use of the discourse of human rights.  相似文献   

中国的城市化建设正在飞速进行。与经济进步相伴随,出现了众多的问题,如大 城市中的交通拥堵、空气污染、资源浪费与匮乏并存等——这只是可见的表面问题。 从长远的角度看,在城市化过程中,空间的资本化使用导致了城市文化、城市样态、 自然环境等差异性的丧失,这将使人的存在更为物化、功能化与功利化。本文认为, 指导空间生产的价值观念是促使上述问题出现的根本原因;只有改变以往的以“技术 和资本增殖”为核心的消费社会的价值观念,建构新的“以人为本”的价值观念,才 能对抗空间生产的资本化洪流。

关键词: 空间生产?城市化?资本?价值观念

Urbanization is proceeding at full speed in China. Economic progress has been accompanied by enormous problems in our big cities, such as traffic congestion, air pollution, the coexistence of resource abuse and scarcity, etc.—and these are merely the problems visible on the surface. The capitalization of space in the course of urbanization has meant loss of diversity in urban culture and configuration and in the natural environment. In the long run, this will make human existence more objectified, functional and utilitarian. This paper argues that the fundamental reason for these problems lies in the value concepts guiding the production of space. Only when we abandon the existing values of consumer society, which revolve around “capital and technology appreciation,” and establish new values “putting people first” will we be able to withstand the mighty torrent of capitalized space production.  相似文献   

新时期以来的散文研究已走过了30年的历程。由于种种原因,散文研究一直受到 轻视和责难。本文从作家作品研究、专题性研究、散文史建设和散文理论建构诸方 面,对30年来散文研究进行了全面系统的梳理和评析,并追寻散文研究长期被冷落的 原因。文章认为21世纪的散文研究要走向深入和阔大,必须从三方面用力:其一是要 建立现代意识的散文批评视野;其二是“化西方”与“中国化”;其三是思维方式与 研究方法的改变。这三方面不但是认识和解决当代散文问题的重要维度,而且对散文 研究具有方法论的意义。

关键词: 新时期?散文研究?现代视野?理论建构

New Era research on the essay and other occasional writing already has a history of thirty years. For various reasons, however, such research has consistently been slighted and condemned. This article offers a systematic and comprehensive review and analysis of the last thirty years of research in this field in terms of writers and their works, research on special topics, and the construction of the history and theory of this genre, and explores the reasons why it has been slighted for so long. To deepen and broaden this research in the new century, we must exert ourselves in three areas: first, we must adopt a modern vision of criticism of the essay; second, we must “digest Western theories” and “Sinicize essay writing and research”; and third, we must change our research methods and way of thinking. These three points not only offer an important dimension for understanding and solving contemporary issues relating to the essay, but also have methodological significance for research.  相似文献   

“斯诺命题”提出了“科学文化”和“文学文化”的矛盾和冲突, 以及“两种文 化”发展中的困境问题。“斯诺命题”在积极意义上涉及提出了人文科学、社会科学 和自然科学之间存在的对象的整体性与既定学科的局部性的矛盾问题, 提出了人文社 会科学“次文化”分裂和分离化倾向的问题。走跨学科之路是破解“斯诺命题”关键 所在, 其中特别要注重解决好学科研究和问题研究的结合、个体研究和团队研究的结 合、学者的个人禀赋发挥、研究的社会导向和环境导向、研究的评价体制和机制优化 等问题。

关键词: 斯诺命题 科学文化 文学文化 人文社会科学 跨学科研究

“Snow’s proposition” points out the contradictions and conflicts between “scientific culture” and “literary culture” and the dilemma of the development of the “two cultures.” In the positive sense, Snow’s proposition concerns the contradictions between the integrity of the research subject and the particularity of established disciplines, as well as the trend toward division and isolation in subdivisions of the humanities and social sciences. The key to solving Snow’s proposition is to take an inter-disciplinary path that pays particular attention to combining discipline-centered with issue-centered research and individual work with teamwork, giving full play to individual endowment, social orientation and environmental orientation and to the optimization of evaluation systems and mechanisms.  相似文献   

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