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中国的劳动关系正由个别劳动关系调整向集体劳动关系调整转型。《劳动合同法》的颁布实施,标志着中国劳动关系的个别调整在法律建构上已经初步完成,同时也开启了劳动关系集体调整的新起点。现实中的个别劳动关系建构和调整,已经无法解决劳资矛盾和维系劳动关系的稳定。在劳动关系集体化转型的过程中,有两种互补的力量和途径:一是政府主导的自上而下的建构过程,二是劳动者自发的自下而上的促进过程。从权利争议到利益争议,是劳动关系集体化转型的重要特点。中国的劳工政策亟待调整和完善,内容包括劳动关系理论指导和调整模式的选择、集体劳动法的健全、劳动者集体权利的确认以及两种劳工力量的关系处理等。  相似文献   

太平洋战争爆发后国民政府积极参与联合国的筹建活动,外交决策层就联合国的组织架构、运作机制以及中国在其中的地位提出了多个方案,而将确保中国的大国地位作为参与筹建联合国的首要目标。为实现这一目标,国民政府在敦巴顿橡树园会议上采取务实的方针。至旧金山会议中国的大国地位已基本确立之时,中国代表团才更多地关注联合国的组织和机制。  相似文献   

The Tibet policy of the American government is part of its China policy.From  相似文献   

Thevalueoflaborisatheoryofcommodityeconomy.Toestablishthesocialistmarketeconomysystem,Chinaneedstodrawtheoreticalstrengthfromthetheory.Thisessaysetsouttoinvestigatetheformationanddevelopmentofthistheory,andtopresentsomePOintsfordiscussion.KarlMarxcriticallyinheritedthescientificresultsofclassicaleconomicsand,basedonitsgreatdiscoveries,hecomprehensivelydiscussedanddevelopedthetheoryconcerningthevalueoflabor.Marxcanbesaidtohavefinalizedthescientifictheoryonthevalueoflabor.Whatwerethecontributi…  相似文献   

ⅠRemarkableachievementshavebeenmadeintermsoemploymentsincethefoundingofthePeople'sRepublicofChina.1)TheproblemsofunemploymentandpovertyleftoverfromoldChinahavebeenbasicallyresolved.In1949,therewerefourmillionurbanunemployed,andlargenumbersofimpoverishedpeasantslivingindestitutioninthecountryside.Thegovernmenttookactivemeasurestosolvetheproblem,andanationalemploymentpolicywasinstitutedinurbanareas.By1956,asthenationaleconomygraduallyimproved,theproblemsofurbanunemploymentandemploymentofthene…  相似文献   

The “mutual interpenetration of scholars and merchants” was a noticeable social phenomenon after the mid Ming. The appearance of this phenomenon had complex and deep-rooted social causes, among which institutional factors deserve attention, specifically, changes and adjustments in government policy  相似文献   

The "mutual interpenetration of scholars and merchants" was a noticeable social phenomenon after the mid Ming. The appearance of this phenomenon had complex and deep-rooted social causes, among which in-  相似文献   

China does not have the political system of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial divisions but puts into practice a different kind of system for separation of powers and checks and balance among public security, the procuratorate and the trial of cases (to which we may add judicial administration) within the judicial organs themselves. The federalist judicial system finds no place here; instead,  相似文献   

杜鲁门政府未能承认新中国的根本原因并非是国会和舆论的压力,而在于那个时期由反共主义和中美关系神话构成的独特的对华意识形态。正是这一意识形态使杜鲁门政府无论在信仰上还是在情感上都无法接受新中国,对新中国表现出异乎寻常的愤怒和远远超出其他国家的敌意。艾奇逊在这种意识形态的影响下,根本没有考虑承认新中国,他并非过去学者所认为的灵活的现实主义者,所谓的“失去的机会”说是建立在错误的前提和错误的逻辑之上的。  相似文献   

本文挑战三个观点:一是所谓“中美传统友谊”,一是国外学者常指控蒋介石操控美国政策,另一则是国外学者认定对华政策有配合全球冷战大战略的清楚策略。研究发现:美国对台决策受到对蒋介石政权的厌恶,对维持美国威望的关切,以及不愿为远东政策付出太高代价等“主观认知(perception)”的制约。而对台决策过程,可以清楚归纳出三个模式,首先是以保持弹性为最高指导原则。其次,往往被危机强迫行动,让对手掌握先机。再者,决策一厢情愿,政策可行性跟着降低。  相似文献   

同失业率一样,劳动参与率也是反映就业状况的一个重要指标。在失业严重的情况下,那些年龄偏大、教育水平偏低的劳动者,因长期找不到工作而丧失信心,退出劳动力市场;同时,本拟进入劳动力市场的新生劳动力可能推迟或放弃寻找工作。这种劳动参与率的降低造成一种隐蔽性失业现象。本文利用第五次人口普查和五个城市的调查数据,展示了近年来在下岗和失业现象日益严峻化的同时,劳动参与率的下降趋势,并提示了城镇失业率与劳动参与率之间的关系,表明劳动参与率的下降是失业的结果。通过建立两个计量经济学模型,对影响劳动者就业、失业或退出劳动力市场等三种状态的因素进行了分析,并在此基础上阐述了相关结论的政策含义。  相似文献   

1962年中印边界冲突是尼赫鲁外交政策的必然结果。边界冲突所突出的是中国在一系列重大理论问题和国际战略问题上同苏联的根本分歧,并成为中苏论战的重要内容和中苏分裂的重要起因及标志。而苏联和亚非其他国家在冲突期间的反应更使中共中央领导人特别是毛泽东坚信这一理论的正确性,由此对中国外交产生了至关重要的影响。边界冲突还在相当程度上改变了南亚地区的战略格局,对冷战和大国关系具有深远的影响。  相似文献   

Augusl.Ward,theAmericanconsuItoShenyanginnortheasternChina,wasputunderhousearrestsoonafterthePeople'sLiberationArmy(PLA)liberatedthatcityinNovemberl948,becauseherefusedtohandoverhisradioandwassuspectedofbeinginvolvedinspying;ayearlaterhewasexpelledfromChi…  相似文献   

How does Chinese society maintain its orderly operation and show stability and harmony to the utmost while China rapidly transforms its economic system and international circumstances become increasingly complicated? This is an important question that this essay tries to answer, and the analysis mainly involves the exploratory practice of the transformation of Chinese social governance. This exploratory practice is a process through which China constantly breaks through the traditional blockades of vested interests, overcomes newly formed challenges, and forms a new Chinese-style “one axis and multiple components” pattern of social governance during its rapid re-establishment of both social relationship structure and social psychology order on the unbalanced and insufficient conditions of development within its vast territory. During this process, the constant return to the CPC’s mass line, as well as the “mechanism of reversed transmission of pressure,” the “anticipation-led mechanism” and the “mechanism of turning crisis into opportunity” that the CPC has improved during its long-term revolutionary struggles and its deepening of reform and opening-up, has played an important part. The simplistic duplication of Western theoretical analytic paradigms cannot explain the experiential mechanism for the transformation of social governance, which is peculiar to China. The creation of research framework of “system and life” is just an effort for comparison and dialogues with Western classical theories. It is not only helpful for the development of sociology about Chinese transformation, but will provide new knowledge for worldwide social transformation.  相似文献   

本文根据西方发达国家社会政策的发展过程,提出了社会政策时代的概念,指出社会政策时代是现代社会社会福利发展的某种形态,它具有以下主要特征:第一,社会公正的理念被普遍认可;第二,覆盖面较宽的诸多社会政策出台;第三,社会政策被制度化地有效实施。文章指出各国的社会政策时代可能具有不同的表现形式,中国的科学发展观具有深刻的社会政策意涵。作者认为,从社会发展的需求和政府制定社会政策的现状来看,中国有望在不久迎来社会政策时代。在这一过程中,政府的社会政策能力将受到考验,文章认为,中国政府要加强社会政策能力建设。  相似文献   

Since the last decade of the last century,research in the history of the Cold War hasentered a new stage thanks to the declassifi-cation of relevant documents in Russia andEastern European countries as well as a suc-cession of publications of material fromChinese historical archives. In this research,investigation of Sino-Soviet relations is oneof the most striking subjects.The change in Sino-Soviet relations toa considerable extent decided the fate of thesocialist camp, and directly influ…  相似文献   

Eyal, Szelenyi and Townsley discussed in Making Capitalism without Capitalists:The New Ruling Elites in Eastern Europe one of the basic social issues in market transformation: with the elimination in the socialist revolution of the industrial capitalist class embracing the Protestant ethic on which Max Weber set such store,  相似文献   

Drawing principally on a particular example discussed by Machiavelli, this article seeks to clarify the concept of necessity and assess the Machiavellian contentions that evil-doing is in politics often necessary and justified. The example indicates that claims of necessity are best construed as allegations that evil-doing is “indispensable.” The example also indicates that these allegations are often suspect because these typically reflect limited information and knowledge and often biases and rationalizations as well, although this is not stressed by Machiavelli. Instead, Machiavelli stresses the dangers and difficulties statesmen often confront when seeking to secure important political ends or avoid costly failures, dangers and difficulties which he believes are ultimately related to the nature of human beings and the character of political elites. With respect to the morality of evil-doing, Machiavelli is suggestive of different kinds and forms of justification. Five kinds are described, and all are found unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

Were members of the German bourgeoisie capable of forming the foundation for a new self-understanding of post-1945German society? Or did they prove to be unsuited as agents of Germany’s new beginning? This article seeks to answer these questions by focusing on historical developments in the early phase of the Federal Republic of Germany as reflected in the biography of one prominent representative of the German bourgeoisie. Theodor Spitta, who was born in 1873, was elected in 1911as a senator for life in the government of the Free Hanse City of Bremen. Spitta was an outstanding representative of a generation socialized under the last German Kaiser, a generation which perceived itself as part of a politically liberal Bremen bourgeoisie. He feared the gradual decline, indeed the disintegration of his class. None the less – or perhaps for that very reason – he committed himself to the goal of restoring a regionally specific form of bourgeois life in the city of Bremen. Although Spitta declared a ‘farewell to the bourgeoisie’ in his autobiographical texts, that did not prevent him from actively pursuing the revival of a unique urban-bourgeois ‘spirit’. This spirit was to serve as a tool in promoting Bremen’s central political goal in post-1945Germany: the preservation of the city-state’s unique status within Germany’s federal system.  相似文献   

During the 11th Five-year Plan (2006-2010), the total fertility rate of the mainland of China was 1.481 and was stable with a slight decline, exhibiting a spatial pattern of moderately low fertility in the central and western regions, very low fertility in the east and extremely low fertility in the northeast. Except for a rebound in a few provinces and regions with extremely low fertility rates, the ratio of actual fertility rates to policy fertility rates is still falling. The reduced fertility rate is mainly driven by development, notably the proportion of the total population represented by the exuberantly fertile women of child-bearing age and their greater urbanization, growing level of non-agricultural employment and outflow from rural areas, as well as the assimilative effect of urban production, lifestyles and cultural concepts upon the agricultural population. Development has catalyzed an irreversible trend of declining fertility; existing fertility policy has proven insufficient to keep fertility rates stable at reasonably low levels. Policy-based rebounds may emerge in urban areas and the east and northeast, where family planning policy has been better implemented; on the other hand, a non-policy-based rebound may have been released. In the central and western rural areas, multiple births occur on average among only 4.12 percent of the younger generation of women. As fertility policy is adjusted and improved, fertility rebounds in transitional fertility policy adjustment can be effectively regulated through a gradual strategy which will not provoke a sharp rebound. The time is ripe for China to conduct a nationally unified adjustment of the existing fertility policy.  相似文献   

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