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传统犯罪网络变异的原因是多方面的,直接诱因是网络空间的技术性代际差异;传统犯罪的网络变异表现为犯罪构成要件要素的变异、社会危害性的变异和犯罪形态的变异三个方面。扩张化的司法解释是解决这一问题的首要选择,但其局限性也是明显的;面对网络空间中传统犯罪的变异态势,将部分预备行为提升、独立化为实行行为,将部分共犯行为加以正犯化,将会是未来刑事立法无法回避的两个选择。  相似文献   

传统犯罪网络变异的原因是多方面的,直接诱因是网络空间的技术性代际差异; 传统犯罪的网络变异表现为犯罪构成要件要素的变异、社会危害性的变异和犯罪形态 的变异三个方面。扩张化的司法解释是解决这一问题的首要选择,但其局限性也是明 显的;面对网络空间中传统犯罪的变异态势,将部分预备行为提升、独立化为实行行 为,将部分共犯行为加以正犯化,将会是未来刑事立法无法回避的两个选择。

关键词: 网络犯罪?传统犯罪?社会危害性?刑事立法?变异

The reasons for cyber variants of traditional crimes are many. A direct catalyst is the generation gap caused by the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0. Such variation takes the following three forms: variation in the elements constituting a crime, in the social harm done and in the form of the crime. Expansion of judicial interpretation is the primary choice for handling cybercrime. However, its limitations are also obvious. In the face of cyber variants of traditional crimes, we argue that raising the status of some acts of preparation to that of independent acts of execution and making some joint offenders into principal offenders offers two important solutions that can no longer be avoided by China's criminal law legislation.  相似文献   

论我国刑法司法解释的不足与完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刑法司法解释在弥补我国刑法立法的不足、保持刑法的稳定、克服刑法规范的抽象性等方面发挥了巨大的作用。但我国现行的刑法司法解释违背罪刑法定原则,立法化、抽象化的现象十分严重。同时,刑法司法解释之间、刑法司法解释与我国刑法理论的通说之间存在着明显的冲突。部分刑法司法解释的方法也存在严重的不足。因此,司法机关对刑法进行司法解释必须遵循罪刑法定原则、合理性原则、明确性原则。  相似文献   

由于这部分人年龄的特殊性,因而在处理、对待上与一般成年犯罪有很大差别,我国刑法没有用“青少年”概念,与之相当的是规定了“不满14岁的未成年人”以及“已满14岁、不满18岁的人”犯罪的特殊处理。“软暴力”是在教育过程中,用讽刺性、侮辱性、指责性、蔑视性的语言对青少年进行教育,后果远远超过身体暴力的,伤害青少年自尊带来的心理伤口很长时间难以愈合。  相似文献   

行为无价值论与结果无价值论的争论具有重要意义。行为无价值论的主要缺陷在于:强调犯罪的规范违反性,与保护法益的刑法目的相冲突;突出刑法的行为规制机能,偏离了罪刑法定主义的实质;普遍承认主观的违法要素,导致认定犯罪的整体性,既混淆了违法性与有责性,也不利于区分未遂犯与不能犯,且不利于贯彻共犯从属性说;注重主观的正当化要素,不仅未能限制刑罚适用,反而扩大了处罚范围;采取规则功利主义,导致过度干预国民的行为。结果无价值论在防止过度干预、采取自由主义原则的同时,将违反刑法目的的事态作为禁止的对象,不仅能够克服行为无价值论的缺陷,而且可以在实现报应正义的同时,实现特殊预防与一般预防。  相似文献   

为了惩处非公职人员利用公共权力受贿的行为, 中国刑法反腐败体系先后经历了 以共同犯罪模式处罚到以单独犯罪模式处罚, 以及由司法解释探索处罚规则到由刑法 典直接规定罪刑规范的转变。司法解释格外关注对与公职人员有共同利益关系的非公 职人员的处罚, 利用影响力受贿罪是为解决司法解释产生的刑法真空而设, 但是又出 现了新的法律障碍。利用影响力受贿罪主体的一般化应是今后的完善方向。

关键词: 非公职人员 特定关系人 关系密切人 补漏规则

In order to penalize the acceptance of bribes by non-state functionaries who abuse public power, the anti-corruption system of China’s criminal law has undergone successive transformations: from punishing non-state functionaries who accept bribes in accordance with the joint crime model to punishing them in accordance with the model for a single crime, and from seeking the rules of punishment in judicial interpretations to having the criminal code directly prescribe the criteria for determining a charge. Judicial interpretations have been particularly concerned with the punishment of non-state functionaries who have a relationship of common interests with a state functionary. The crime of accepting bribes given in return for trading in influence was established to solve the problem of the judicial vacuum created by judicial interpretations, but new legal obstacles have emerged. To generalize the class of offenders who accept bribes in return for using their influence is the route future improvement should take.  相似文献   

This article uses a new method to gauge eighteenth-century crime. It counts the crimes committed against metropolitan London's justices noted in newspapers and in the Old Bailey Sessions Papers, and finds crime more prevalent than current historiography acknowledges. The article contests current claims that the manner in which newspapers noted crime constructed their readers' perception of crime, making their readers believe crime was much more horrific, and the judicial system much more just, than readers would otherwise have thought they were. The article also argues that some crimes were attacks on the powerful because they were powerful.  相似文献   

疑罪不仅指罪与非罪之疑,而且包括情节轻重之疑、此罪与彼罪之疑以及一罪与数罪之疑。确立疑罪惟轻原则是坚持正义原则、统一司法规则和保护被害人合法权益的需要。疑罪惟轻原则适用的条件是认定有罪的事实清楚,证据确凿充分;认定此罪彼罪、罪行轻重、罪数的事实证据存在欠缺。其适用范围大致有三:一是在明确此罪与彼罪的定罪方面,二是同一罪名的罪行轻重方面,三是在一罪与数罪的认定上。  相似文献   

In this transitional period, the concept of legally protected interests in Chinese criminal legislation is changing with the imposition of new control measures that endow criminal law with new functions, including taking an active part in social governance. Active legislation will not entail the systemic risk of excessive interference by criminal law. Criminalization does not conflict with criminal law’s concept of modest restraint. In terms of overall approach, we need to establish dynamic, rational and diversified legislative mechanisms for the future. In terms of specifi methods, legislation must maintain an approach of actively intervention in the life of society, changing the current centralized legislative model. However, decentralized legislation should not necessarily adopt the tripartite model of the criminal code plus special enactments and auxiliary criminal law. Rather, it should construct a written criminal law system centered on the criminal code and supplemented by the law on minor offences, in parallel with criminal penalties and public security measures. This will produce a mechanism for the seamless incremental convergence of public security administrative punishment law, minor offences law, and criminal law. The net of justice is fine-meshed but its penalties are light. The addition of new crimes must uphold the rule of law, correspond to specifi social situations, maintain an attitude of sensitivity and clarity toward lawlessness and regard criminal law as a last resort, in order to alleviate the pressures legislators currently face from the growing body of criminal law.  相似文献   

我国身处世界两大毒源地包围之中,近年来已经从毒品犯罪的"受害国"发展到"受害国与输出国兼具"的毒品犯罪重灾区。传统的制毒和贩毒犯罪尚未得到有效控制,以化学方法提炼为主导的新型毒品犯罪接踵而至。文化变迁与亚文化传播诱发演艺圈涉毒违法和涉毒犯罪频发,并且在青少年群体中形成严重的负面"模仿"和"从众"心理效应。以犯罪学和心理学的视角透视毒品犯罪的社会诱因和心理动因,可以突破传统"堵源截流"的预防方法,为控制和减少毒品犯罪提供行之有效的对策:重视新型毒品犯罪理论研究和刑事立法工作,适时排除司法环节上的障碍;继续加强国际禁毒合作,有效遏制毒源向境内渗透;全面加强毒品犯罪的社会防控,将毒品犯罪扼杀在萌生状态。  相似文献   

We-media’s influence on judicial credibility has become increasingly apparent in the changing modes of information communication. Interpretation of a sample of influential lawsuits in the light of reason will reveal the core elements shaping the public’s judgements on criminal cases, including both internal elements centering on trust, reputation and interaction and external elements centering on transaction costs. Our quantitative assessment of the role of trust, reputation and interaction in the public’s views on criminal justice plus a comparison of the differences between their understanding and that of grassroots legal officials reflect the fact that underlying these rational choices is the clouding of judicial credibility due to contravention of the rules of justice. If we are to build judicial credibility, it is essential that we establish a sound relationship between the public and the criminal justice system, a relationship based on upholding the idea of rule of law and respecting the rules of justice.  相似文献   

郑仁敬 《创新》2009,3(11):84-87
刑事和解制度作为我国刑事法律领域的一种全新理念,为我国刑事司法改革及整个刑事法领域一体化提供了一种崭新的思路,体现了我国目前所实行的"宽严相济"的刑事司法政策。而在检察机关审查逮捕阶段,检察机关直接参与刑事案件的审查办理,刑事和解制度在这一阶段也应有适用的空间,但须完善相关机制。  相似文献   

赵微 《求是学刊》2003,30(2):72-76
中国犯罪构成理论在构建之初学习前苏联的模式,认为犯罪与犯罪构成的关系是一般与特殊的关系,而俄罗斯刑法理论已经修正了犯罪与犯罪构成的关系,认为犯罪的外延大于犯罪构成,犯罪构成中没能容纳的决定刑事责任大小的因素都由犯罪概念加以补充,这一理论进步值得我们学习与借鉴.但中国刑法理论与前苏联及俄罗斯一样,都把犯罪构成作为刑事责任的根据,笔者认为,犯罪构成之外存在诸多影响刑事责任的成立及其程度的主、客观要素;司法实践证明,仅以犯罪构成来定罪而无视其他主、客观要素的价值 ,将不足以支持量刑.构筑合理的犯罪构成理论乃是中俄两国刑法理论走向成熟与发展的必经之途.  相似文献   

为了惩处非公职人员利用公共权力受贿的行为,中国刑法反腐败体系先后经历了以共同犯罪模式处罚到以单独犯罪模式处罚,以及由司法解释探索处罚规则到由刑法典直接规定罪刑规范的转变。司法解释格外关注对与公职人员有共同利益关系的非公职人员的处罚,利用影响力受贿罪是为解决司法解释产生的刑法真空而设,但是又出现了新的法律障碍。利用影响力受贿罪主体的一般化应是今后的完善方向。  相似文献   

The rational choice theory of crime and its cognate field of study, situational crime prevention, have exerted a considerable influence in criminal justice policy and criminology. This article argues that, while undeniably useful as a means of reducing property or acquisitive crime, rational choice‐inspired situational crime prevention initiatives are limited when it comes to offering protection against a growing number of so‐called ‘expressive crimes’. Developing this critique, the article will criticize the sociologically hollow narrative associated with rational choice theories of crime by drawing on recent research in social theory and consumer studies. It argues that the growing tendency among many young individuals to engage in certain forms of criminal decision‐making ‘strategies’ may simply be the by‐product of a series of subjectivities and emotions that reflect the material values and cultural logic associated with late modern consumerism.  相似文献   

违法性论是刑法理论的试金石,研究违法性判断的基准问题,对于形成学派论争,全面推进中国刑法学的发展有重大意义。结果无价值论和行为无价值论思考违法性问题的路径不同,由此导致犯罪成立范围、认定犯罪过程、犯罪和刑罚的关系、刑法和社会的关联性都不相同。(二元的)行为无价值论充分考虑特定时期的社会现实、规范期待,注重刑法的行为引导功能,是合理的理论。根据这种违法性论,违法性判断的核心是行为,法益侵害只是决定“行为性质”的要素;刑法不是单纯为了弥补损害,而要着眼于让国民养成规范意识,防止损害再次发生。当代中国刑法学应当以(二元的)行为无价值论为基点来建构,以回应社会需要,促进公众的规范认同。  相似文献   

Modern analytical models for anti-monopoly laws are a core element of the application of those laws. Since the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China was promulgated in 2008, law enforcement and judicial authorities have applied different analytical models, leading to divergent legal and regulatory outcomes as similar cases receive different verdicts. To select a suitable analytical model for China’s Anti-Monopoly Law, we need to consider the possible contribution of both economic analysis and legal formalism and to learn from the mature systems and experience of foreign countries. It is also necessary to take into account such binding constraints as the current composition of China’s anti-monopoly legal system, the ability of implementing agencies and the supply of economic analysis, in order to ensure complementarity between the analytical model chosen and the complexity of economic analysis and between the professionalism of implementing agencies and the cost of compliance for participants in economic activities. In terms of institutional design, the models should provide a considered explanation of the legislative aims of the law’s provisions. It is necessary, therefore, to establish a processing model of behavioral classification that is based on China’s national conditions, applies analytical models using normative comprehensive analysis, makes use of the distribution rule of burden of proof, improves supporting systems related to analytical models and enhances the ability of public authorities to implement the law.  相似文献   

在刑法理论中,学者都是从故意犯罪的角度对被害人承诺进行研究。在过失犯罪中,被害人承诺的刑法效力的承认往往由于被害人的故意性与行为人的过失性显得更为重要,从行为人的角度去考察被害人承诺的效力是被害人承诺研究的新视野。过失犯罪中的被害人承诺的效力应当从过失犯罪中的风险概率、行为人的阻止义务、被害人承诺时对风险的知晓程度以及承诺的表达方式等几个方面进行考察,以实现对过失犯罪中的被害人承诺效力的准确定位。  相似文献   

非国家工作人员职务犯罪主要是经济经营领域的腐败犯罪,我国刑法、刑法修正案以及司法解释的有关规定表明,它是以侵犯单位的正常管理制度、公平竞争和正当交易的市场经济秩序为客体、以公司企业及其他单位的工作人员为主体、以利用职务之便或者违背职责为行为特征、以刑法第163条为引领罪名的与国家工作人员职务犯罪相对应的概念。探讨这类犯罪有利于在司法实务中惩治职务犯罪,保障市场经济秩序,遏制腐败,完善防范机制。  相似文献   

刘军 《唐都学刊》2014,(3):76-81
北魏宗室阶层是政权的柱石、统治集团的核心,在政治和社会领域里享受充分的特权,北魏时期的法律反映了宗室特权的主要方面.由于拓跋鲜卑历经由游牧部落向文明国家阶段的跃进,宗室成员在身份角色的转换过程中不可避免地会与国家法制和名教礼法发生冲突,表现为具体的犯罪行为.北魏宗室非违主要有政治犯罪、职务犯罪、刑事犯罪和悖逆纲常伦理四类.各类罪行的时间分布特点和惩治力度集中反映出宗室生存境遇的改变和王朝政局的走势.  相似文献   

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