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Cities as environments   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  

进入后城市化时代的韩国在城市转型为知识城市中一直走在亚洲前列,充分分析韩国城市转型中的几个典型案例,有助于我国在城市化快速发展阶段吸纳新经验,创新新模式,增加新的路径选择。  相似文献   

Critiques of the essentialising tendencies of nationalist discourse are well established in the social sciences—particularly in anthropology. This article builds on the calls for a more processual approach to national identity. It focuses not only on the problematic essentialism of discourses of national identity, but also on their inherent teleology. Social scientists have shared with nationalists a view of national identity as a problem that needs to be solved, and in doing so have adopted a teleological view that assumes that at some point in the future resolution is both possible and desirable. Picking up on recent theorisations of identity, the article argues that identity is inherently irresolvable, and for this reason we are better off investigating not the content of particular national identities, but the processes through which identities are debated—or indeed identity itself as a category is debated. The article concerns national identity in Malta, particularly the role of historians in articulating the identity debates. It links controversies within the historical community to the distinctive polarities of Maltese party politics, which developed in colonial Malta and continue into the post-colonial era. Although initially concerned with defining the content of national identity, political and historical debate shifted in the late twentieth century to focus on how it should be defined—and indeed whether identity was a useful category for describing Malta and its people. The article argues that this shift from content to process should be acknowledged by analysts of national identity, who should revise their analyses accordingly.  相似文献   

王琳 《城市观察》2009,3(3):71-78
城市文化软实力是城市综合竞争力巨系统下的子系统,由文化核心价值水平、城市制度健全程度、城市政府管理效率及创新、城市国际化水平、城市文化中心影响力等指标组成。本文对港京沪津穗五大国家中心城市的文化软实力进行了分析,并就城市如何提升文化软实力提出了建议。  相似文献   

The expansion of cities in the developing economies of the world has one major urban corollary: the proliferation of unplanned parts of the cities, identified by a plethora of terminologies including bidonville, favela, ghetto, informal settlement, shantytown, spontaneous settlement, squatter settlement and township. Such urban conurbations are characterised by a unique form of architecture that historians find difficult to define. The fact that these architectural productions are overlooked by the historiography of modern architecture suggests a narrowed class‐oriented reading of the aesthetics engendered by the Modern Movement in architecture. Any paradigm introduced to bridge the existing gap should go beyond questions of construction methods and materials, and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the experiences of everyday life in such habitations, that is, the rise of modernity. This paper argues that the social environments which facilitated the development of the architecture of the underprivileged residents in African cities began in the late nineteenth century, when the great capitalist cities of the world began to emerge and expand. We expand on this position by examining the architectural construction of the underprivileged classes from four perspectives: a new urban culture of building practices; radical solutions proposed and provided by governments and agents of social change; visual and literary commentaries by artists and writers; and a survey of the writings of architectural historians on these themes.  相似文献   

魏雯艳  李刚 《城市观察》2013,27(5):102-112
采用PCA-SFA组合方法测算2000-2011年间14个沿淮城市的土地利用效率,并按城市土地利用效率水平高低将它们划分为低度有效、较为有效和高度有效三种类型,结果表明:虽然沿淮城市土地利用效率水平存在一定差异,提升速率也不同,但整体处于较为有效状态。利用stata回归分析可知,影响沿淮城市土地利用效率的主要因素是:建成区面积、固定资产投资总额、全年用电量和第三产业从业人数。为提高沿淮城市土地利用效率,在城市化过程中必须合理规划土地利用,实现城市规模扩张与产业发展相互协调,促进沿淮城市健康发展。  相似文献   

随着对城镇化质量的日益关注,媒体与学界对千城一面的批判愈演愈烈。然而,如果将城市看做是地球生态系统的一部分,遵循生物界优胜劣汰、适者生存的丛林法则,那么千城一面现象便是时代背景下环境选择的结果——特定的科技、经济、文化发展水平等客观属性,把在生存竞争中处于劣势的建筑形制与空间范式逐一淘汰,筛选出最符合时代需求与发展方向的特征传承下去。在理解千城一面的时代必然性的基础上,理性认识古典主义与现代主义、空间舒适性与独特性、空间使用者的主与客之间的辩证关系,才能走出"为批判而批判"的误区。  相似文献   

Urban spaces have become blended even more seamlessly with their portrayal. Such representations are generated via a broad range of media which both influence and sculpt our sense of their constitution so that our sense of what the urban 'is' is inflected by a range of interpretations, atmospheres, inherited viewpoints, dialogues and scenarios derived from these media. In this paper this interpretive skew is looked at as generated through intense video gaming activity and from a particular simulated urban context, the city of the game Grand Theft Auto 3: Liberty City. The objective is to conceptualize the linkages between gamers' apprehension of the relative realism of this in-game environment and its influence on their experience of traversing 'real' urban environments. The authors suggest the notions of slipped and segued viewpoints as a means of understanding the differential degrees to which real and artificial interactive representations, based around violence, gang ecologies and dystopian urban space, bleed unevenly into the everyday urban life of these players. This sense of space appears to influence perceptions of risk, the navigation of urban space, and received understandings of social ecologies and stereotypes which overlap with the non-game world. Gamers move within what the authors call the ludodrome - a mediated space between immersion in urban simulation and a real world that is simultaneously generated, destabilized and blurred by the effect of such gameplay.  相似文献   


Paired in 1911 as Irish ‘rebels’ by Archie Crawford, their mutual mentor, Tom Glynn and Mary Fitzgerald were pioneers of transnational syndicalism, in South Africa. Arriving separately in the country in 1900, they had taken different routes into labour activism, and despite being close political allies, had markedly different outlooks. She was a feminist, whose syndicalism has been judged ‘eclectic’; he, while committed to gender and racial equality, became a proponent of the ‘virile syndicalism’ of the Chicago-line Industrial Workers of the World. This article discusses their journalism in Johannesburg’s Voice of Labour, their roles as leaders in a number of significant labour disputes, the significance of their ‘Irishness’ in a largely British-oriented milieu, their geographical separation in 1911, and the definitive parting of their political ways on the outbreak of the First World War.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,莫斯科的政治、经济和社会结构经历了重大变革,改变了莫斯科的国家地位和国际排名。本文研究莫斯科在俄罗斯国内和在欧洲城市中的地位。毫无疑问,莫斯科的发展特点是:在逐渐脱离国家城市体系的同时,也逐渐朝着国际方向发展。以经济指标来衡量,莫斯科在国内找不到竞争对手。它远远领先于国内其他城市,因为这些城市正快速融入国内和区域经济的潮流,只在很小的程度上参与经济全球化。相反,莫斯科越来越多地争取融入跨国公司和国际经济体系的行列。虽然莫斯科作为一个国际性城市的概念往往只是城市的政治工具,但事实上,如果俄罗斯的首都想要融入世界,其资本是有限的。从中欧的角度来看,目前莫斯科最重要的功能,是连结中欧、西欧和俄罗斯。但现实是,莫斯科与俄罗斯其他城市之间的差距将会继续扩大。  相似文献   

王廉 《城市观察》2014,(2):7-25
中国城市群与城镇体系的划分建设,是继沿海改革开放、西部大开发、东北振兴、中部崛起之后的第三次全域国土立体改革开放。城市规模之争与城市病治理一直边走边演绎;城乡二元与三农问题按下葫芦漂起瓢;在城市群划分与城镇体系建设上,把乡村当成潘多拉的盒子随处可见。出现上述问题的一个重要原因,是缺乏大理论指导下的系统政策制定。本文提出了中国城市群与城镇体系划分建设方法、标准、政策配置等国土全域覆盖理论,以求城乡一元政策制定的解。  相似文献   

Evaluating wetlands within an urban context   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
Coastal regions are among the most rapidly urbanizing places on earth. The numerous effects of urbanization on hydrology, geomorphology, and ecology make wetlands in urban regions likely to function differently from wetlands in non-urban lands. Furthermore, wetlands in urban regions may take on human-related values that they lack in non-urban areas, as they provide some contact with nature, and some opportunities for recrea-tions that are otherwise rare in the urban landscape. Evaluations of the success of restorations in urban regions require that criteria first determine the kinds and intensities of urban influence on the site, and then secondly assess functional performance. The development of success criteria, at both levels of assessment, depends on the proper definition of a reference domain (the set of wetlands to which success criteria will apply), and the documentation of a set of reference sites within the domain; both must be based within the urban context appropriate for the region of interest. An example is presented from a study of urban wetlands in New Jersey of a procedure for establishing the reference domain, the reference set of wetlands, and criteria for the assessment of urban influence.  相似文献   

About 40 years ago, traditional villages, towns and cities of the Arabian Peninsula started to lose their regional characteristics and embody modern forms and shapes. Since then, these characteristics have been subject to dilution due to social and cultural changes as well as institutionalized changes imposed by planning and architectural practices. This process creates debates and clashes between tradition and modernity. Projects carried out since 1975 are the least representative of the regional characteristics but do attempt to have urban and architectural identity. This paper argues that all the actors in “design formulation” (clients, architects, urban designers and planners) are trying to use historic elements in the creation of architectural identities. In fact they are making efforts to create urban and architectural identity to substitute regional characters. These attitudes flourished as a result of dynamic cultural, economic, political and ritualistic influences. This paper highlights the importance of urban and architectural identity in architectural and urban projects in Arriyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia because such projects create precedents for other Saudi villages, towns and cities. The study identifies the forces behind the initiation, transformation and evolution of the urban and architectural identity and attempts to supplement scholarship in the fields of architecture, urban design, and planning with regard to the role of identity as a tool for improving the spatial quality of the built environment. Architectural identity participates in setting up meaningful schemata which influences human behavior as a cultural process. The paper supports the concern for search for historic symbols which may influence the architectural identity and the quality of perceived environment during the design process of new or transformed physical environments. The paper views the traditional part of the city as an amalgamation of history and economic interests and its symbolic importance seems to be a perfect place for the emergence of different forms of engagement between tradition and modernity. The importance of the traditional part is unique while the importance of continuity of tradition is very likely complementary.  相似文献   

本文首先讨论两项影响当前和日后关于博物馆(尤其是城市博物馆)研究的主题:藏品以及专门陈列藏品的建筑。然后探讨设立城市博物馆的城市(大都市或小城镇)规模的问题。最后,运用档案学、图像学和地图学的资源以及多媒体工具来展现城市在一段历史长河中的更迭,这对于与不同类型的博物馆受众(如游客、市民、新移民和儿童等)进行交流而言是非常必要的。  相似文献   

This article explores the way in which uses or abuses of urban metaphors can inform differing polities and ethics of human organization. From its earliest inception, the city has taken on a metaphorical significance for human communities; being, at one and the same time, a discursive textual product of culture and, reciprocally, a provider of artefacts and architecture that produces culture and meaning. The city can be interpreted as a trope that operates bidirectionally in cultural terms. It is a sign that can be worked to serve the principles of both metonymy and synecdoche. In metonymical or reductive form, the city has the propensity to become weighty and deadening. The work of Michael Porter on competitive strategy is invoked to illustrate this effect. In the guise of synecdoche, on the other hand, the city offers imaginative potential. Drawing inspiration from the literary works of Italo Calvino (in particular, his novel Invisible Cities), the article attempts to reveal the fecundity of the city for interpreting technologically mediated organizational life. Calvino's emphasis on the principle of ‘lightness’ provides a link to the social theoretical writing of Boltanski and Chiapello on the ‘projective city’. A synthesis of these two stylistically different literatures yields a novel way of critically approaching and understanding the reticular form and emerging ethics of contemporary human organization.  相似文献   

In the first, socio-historical part of the study, the main periods of Prague's twentieth century history are described and explained, i.e. the period of Hapsburg monarchy, the period of the interwar Czechoslovak Republic, the Second World War years and Nazi occupation, the 41 years of the communist regime and the years after the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. It was a century of unprecedented discontinuities and the city and its people went through seven different political and economic orders. This kind of history makes legitimate the following question: how were the city and its residents able to retain identity and stability. Different mechanisms were used, e.g. separating culture from politics, inventing civic identity, identity linked to the locality as well as to its history and to the local ways of life, and to stress monument protection. The study hints also at the risks of such defensive mechanisms. The last part tries to exploit the experience of Prague and similar cities for stimulating the interest in urban theory.  相似文献   

A Unit on Crime     

Social dimensions of gradients in urban ecosystems   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Dow  Kirstin 《Urban Ecosystems》2000,4(4):255-275
Urban ecosystems are complex mosaics in which the biophysical characteristics are transformed over time by a concentrated, diverse set of human activities. Understanding their complexity requires the continuing development of interdisciplinary approaches. The use of gradient approaches has pointed towards the need to examine in greater detail the roles of human influences. In this paper, I propose the addition of three social dimensions to characteristics defining urban gradients: landuse, land management effort, and historical context. These dimensions correspond with major types of social activities that modify the physical environment. They are intended to augment research by explicitly elaborating on the social factors contributing to the variation along the complex, indirect gradients that typify urban areas.The diversity of urban landuses has numerous influences, obvious and subtle, on the complex urban land gradients. Incorporating new information on historical and spatial characteristics of management practices supports more direct fine-scale analyses of the impact of human activities on the environment. This path of inquiry also requires engaging in more detailed research on historical dimensions of urban development in conjunction with biophysical analyses. Examples from Columbia, South Carolina, illustrate the ways that social and historical processes contribute to urban ecology.  相似文献   

Urban wildlife ecology and conservation is a discipline worldwide in scope. Although some attention was given the subject in the early to mid-1900s, most activity in the field is of more recent origin. Many European countries have active programs and activities, including the United Kingdom-Man and the Biosphere (UK-MAB) Urban Forum and The Wildlife Trusts of England, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization's MAB Program, and urban ecology research in Germany and Poland. The Netherlands' concept of “ecological landscapes” introduced a new approach to design of urban open space. Durban, South Africa followed with “D'MOSS,” a metropolitan open space system founded on the principles of island biogeography theory. The park connector network of Singapore combines principles of conservation biology and landscape planning. Urban wildlife programs and activities exist in the United States at the federal, state, and local levels as well as in private conservation organizations. The Wildlife Society established an Urban Affairs and Regional Planning Committee in the mid-1970s that later became the Urban Wildlife Committee and then evolved into the Urban Wildlife Working Group. Urban wildlife research is providing knowledge of wildlife and plant populations and communities in urban areas that hopefully will lead to better understanding and greater sustainability of urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

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