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从1963年12月12日到1964年1月23日,中法外交代表在瑞士首都伯尔尼进行了 四次会谈,最终达成了中法建交协议。中方对伯尔尼会谈的基本态度是’速决为 宜?,为此在宣布建交方式、建交公报内容、发表公报时间等问题上对法国作了一 定的让步,但仍坚持至少在中国的单独声明中宣布中华人民共和国为代表中国人民 的唯一合法政府、台湾是中国领土一部分等原则立场。中国采取’速决为宜?的方 针,一方面是由于发展对法关系的必要性,另一方面也是中国高层估计中法建交是 可能的。但伯尔尼会谈并未解决所有问题,其中法台关系问题将成为中法发展正常 关系的障碍之一。  相似文献   

观察国际和外交问题的视角与观念变化,是中华人民共和国外交史研究中尚需探讨和梳理的课题。在新中国成立后的前30年,中国外交深受在革命过程中形成的外交观念的影响。其基本诉求是建立新型外交关系,核心观念是独立自主与和平,外交政策的基石是和平共处五项原则;此外,国际统一战线策略,对现实世界的战略划分,以及对战争、和平与革命的思考亦对这一时期的外交政策具有重大影响。自20世纪70年代末实行改革开放以来,中国外交转以发展为视角,配合国家经济建设这一中心任务,做出一系列战略和政策调整。中国对国际形势作出和平与发展的新判断,对独立自主的和平外交政策作了新诠释,致力于建立均衡的对外关系,主张以渐进方式推动国际秩序的改进,决心走和平发展道路。中国由此成为现存国际秩序的参与者和建设者。进入21世纪,中国成为令世界瞩目的新兴大国,外交观念也在继承以往的基础上与时俱进。中国强调当代世界是命运共同体,谋求与各国的合作、共赢  相似文献   

当代中国农地制度经历了土地改革、合作化运动、人民公社化和家庭承包经营 等发展阶段。其存续和变迁可以用’黏性生成—黏性稀释?分析框架进行阐释:制 度环境与路径依赖是制度黏性的生成诱因,对农地制度的存续发挥了重要作用;非 正式制度的渗入是稀释制度黏性的关键变量,非正式制度与正式制度之间的互动贯 穿整个制度变迁过程,思想观念和意识形态的变化对正式制度的加强、消解或建构 具有重要影响。  相似文献   

当代中国国际法学的话语体系, —方面, 必须准确、系统、全面表达和传递国际 法基本原则、基本制度和本质特征以及国际法研究过程中逐步确立和发展起来的核心 价值、基本概念、关键术语、主流的理论或学说、具有代表性的观点等基本要素;另 —方面, 应充分、及时体现中国对国际法、国际法学和国际法学话语体系所作出的创 造性贡献。当代中国国际法学话语体系的构建应以 “构建和谐世界”为指导理念, 应 全面顾及国际法治和中国外交政策及其实践的国内、多边、区域和双边等四个基本层 面, 应遵行、符合或顺应国际关系和国际法的基本准则, 全球化与多边主义、区域— 体化与区域主义、国际共同体义务(或权利)和中国和平发展需要等原则、规律或趋势, 应将其基本功能定位为: 推动当代国际法的不断发展和广泛适用, 促进当代国际法的教学、研究和传播, 推进中国的法治进步, 维护中国利益、尤其是国家的核心利 益并提升中国作为负责任大国的国际形象与地位。

关键词: 中国国际法学话语体系 当代国际法 多边主义 区域主义 国际共同体义务

The contemporary construction of Chinese international law discourse, on the one hand, ought to precisely, systematically and completely express and communicate fundamental principles, main regimes and substantial features of international law as well as core values, basic conceptions, key terms, mainstream theories or doctrines and representative views gradually established and developed in the study of international law; on the other hand, it should fully and in a timely way manifest China’s creative contributions to international law and its discipline and discourse. The framework of contemporary Chinese international law discourse should take “building a harmonious world” as the guiding rationale; thoroughly cover the four basic dimensions of the international rule of law and Chinese foreign policy and its practice, namely domestic, multilateral, regional and bilateral; coincide with, follow and respect those rules, natural laws and tendencies such as fundamental rules governing international relations, globalization, multilateralism, regional integration and regionalism, the international community’s obligations (or rights) and China’s needs for peaceful development. It should orient its basic functions toward promoting the continuous development and wide application of contemporary international law as well as its teaching, study and dissemination, stimulating the progress of the rule of law in China, protecting Chinese interests, especially those core national interests, and strengthening China’s international image and status as a responsible big country.  相似文献   

中西方国家政府绩效管理在宏观环境, 制度基础,功能定位等方面存在着诸多差 异,政府绩效管理的价值定位,指标体系,实施机制等要素也不尽相同。我国各地政 府在实施绩效管理的实践中借鉴西方绩效管理的经验, 又不单纯停留在制度移植与 照搬层面,而是着眼于我国经济社会发展, 人文环境,政府改革现状等实际,立足比 较,反思与超越的眼界,建设体现中国国情的中国式绩效管理模式,以积极推进政府 管理改革事业。基于政府绩效管理中西方之间经验的比较,分析中国特色的政府绩效 管理的实质和理论价值,可以发现这是一种新模式, 即创效式绩效管理模式,这一模 式涵括的体制,机制,功能, 辅助性创效等内在结构是完善的, 其未来发展路径还有 待深入探讨

Chinese and Western government performance management differs in terms of their macro-environment, institutional foundation and functional definition, as well as in their values, indicator systems and implementation mechanisms. In their practice, local governments in China go beyond institutional transplantation and imitation while learning from Western experience in performance management. Through comparison, reflection and efforts to surpass the West, and on the basis of the realities of China’s socioeconomic development, cultural conditions and governmental reform, they have initiated a Chinese performance management model that fits China’s conditions, with a view to vigorously advancing the enterprise of administrative reform. From comparing experience in China and the West and analyzing the essence and the theoretical value of the Chinese model, we can conclude that it is a new model that pursues innovation-led performance improvement. It has a well-established internal structure that seeks performance improvement across the dimensions of institutions, mechanisms, functions and supplementary aspects. Nevertheless, the approach to be taken in its future development remains to be further studied.  相似文献   

如何划分宪法赋予公民的言论自由权利与网络时代言论型犯罪的界限,是当下司 法实务面临的重要问题。在言论型犯罪的构造中,应纳入事实与观点二分法、公事 与私事二分法、客观真实与主观真实二分法,将合理确信规则下的”主观真实”作为 踲法阻却事由;基于网络媒介的科技特点与社会属性,网络服务提供者只具备中立义 务,对之不应简单地以共犯理论或不作为犯罪理论予以入罪。在言论型犯罪的诉讼 中,原则上须根据实际或推定的被害人意愿来启动刑事诉讼程序,当言论行为严重危 害社会秩序和国家利益且被害人无法表踡其是否告诉意思时,可直接蹇用公诉程序; “严重危害社会秩序和国家利益”等入罪基准须是现实物理的秩序混乱,且行为人要 对其有故意而无任何正当目的。对跷微言论犯罪不应跷易蹇用有期徒刑的刑罚;信息 网络工具具有很大的生活用途,一般不应没收。  相似文献   

中国正处于社会转型期, 社会矛盾和利益纠纷呈高发态势, 通过厉行法治, 保证 行政权正确行使, 是预防、减少和妥善应对社会风险的良策。由于行政诉讼在制度架 构方面的缺陷, 其制度功能发挥并不充分。设置行政公诉制度, 应当成为完善行政诉 讼制度的一个重要选择。它具有监督和促进依法行政、引导市民社会生成、化解社会 矛盾等多方面的价值, 也是完善中国特色检察制度的应有之义。建立行政公诉, 应当 从理念和制度建构等不同层面予以设计。

关键词: 行政公诉 依法行政 检察权 权力制衡

Since China is now in a stage of social transition that displays a high occurrence of social conflict and interest disputes, strict adherence to the rule of law and ensuring the correct exercise of administrative power is the best strategy for preventing, reducing and properly managing social risks. Structural defects have meant that the institutional function of public prosecution has not been given full rein. The establishment of administrative public prosecution should thus become an important option for the improvement of administrative legal proceedings. It would have value in a multitude of ways, including monitoring and promoting the exercise of administrative functions according to law, guiding the creation of civil society, and resolving social conflicts, and it is also a necessity for the improvement of China’s procuratorial system. The establishment of administrative public prosecution should be designed at the conceptual level, the institutional level, and so on.  相似文献   

全球正在进入具有高度不确定性的”风险社会”时代,风险成为现代社会的重要 特征,并正在改变现代社会的运行逻辑与规则,人类社会的价值理念、行为方式正在 被系统化地重构,全球治理演变为”全球风险社会”治理。当前,全球风险治理的碎 片化、低效率现象严重,现有公共管理、国际治理方式还不能适应风险社会治理的要 求。现代社会是一个具有内生复杂性、测不准性、脆弱性等特征的复杂系统,复杂性 是全球风险社会形成的根本机理,全球风险社会治理离不开复杂性范式与中国参与。 系统研究全球风险社会形成的复杂性机制,构建面向全球风险社会治理的价值、文化 与机制,形成辨识、化解风险的协同治理及反脆弱能力,在理论和实践上具有重要的 价值。  相似文献   


中国有2.8亿儿童,是世界上儿童最多的国家。中国是联合国《儿童权利公约》的缔约国和忠实践行国。改革开放以来,中国经济快速发展,政治和谐稳定,社会文明程度不断提高。与此同时,中国的儿童事业也取得了令人瞩目的成就。  相似文献   

Current thinking suggests that evidence‐based practice (EBP) is a key to unlocking the potential for social work development in mainland China. But Chinese social workers may be confronted by the challenges of EBP in using research evidence, exercising expert judgment, as well as considering client characteristics, as social work is a relatively new enterprise in China's unique social–economic–political context. There is little indigenous research evidence for Chinese social workers to refer to. There are few experienced social workers and researchers since social work practice, education and research were reinstated only in the late 1980s. Mainland Chinese may not be aware of what social workers can do and may prefer authority‐based practice. This paper aims to first review the definition of EBP, followed by a discussion of the challenges and opportunities in applying EBP to social work in China. It then highlights the usefulness of collaboration between academics, practitioners, and clients in implementing EBP. A recent research project on ex‐offenders and their family members in Singapore is used to illustrate the feasibility of collaboration between academia and the field.

当前的理论认为, 以证据为本的实践是一个解开中国大陆社会工作重新发展潜能的钥匙。 然而, 中国社会工作者在运用研究证据、行使专业判断及考虑服务使用者的特质时, 或许会遇到实证为本的挑战, 因为在中国独特的社会、经济及政治环境下, 社会工作是一个相对地新兴的专业, 没有太多本土化的研究证据可供中国社会工作者参考。 同时, 因为社会工作实践、教育及研究在1980年代末期才得以复苏, 也没有太多富有经验的社会工作者及研究人员。 中国内地民众或许未曾意识到社会工作者能够做什么, 宁可依据以权威为本的实践。 本文的主要目的首先是检视以证据为本的实践的定义, 然后讨论在中国应用以证据为本的实践的挑战及机遇。 文章突出了在引用以证据为本的实践时, 学术界、前线工作者及服务使用者相互合作的益处。 藉一项在新加坡进行的前刑事犯人及其家人的近期研究成果, 以说明学术界与社会工作界合作的可行性。  相似文献   

作为“权利”的学术话语权,主要有创造更新权、意义赋予权、学术自主权等类 型;作为“权力”的学术话语权,主要有指引导向权、鉴定评判权、行动支配权等类 型。这些也体现在中国社会学百余年的发展历程中。在中国社会学初创阶段,严复等 人在社会学本土化和学术话语创新方面进行了尝试。费孝通经历了中国社会学前期发 展阶段近20年及后期56年全过程,其学术历程对于中国社会学发展史具有典型意义。 在理论自觉基础上努力达致学术话语权的制高点,是中国社会学从世界学术格局边陲 走向中心的一条必由之路。

关键词: 学术话语权 中国社会学 理论自觉 学术话语

As a kind of right (quanli 权利), academic discourse rights include the right to create and innovate, to endow with meaning and to academic autonomy. As a kind of power (quanli 权力), it refers to the power to guide, judge, control and so on. These rights and powers have been pursued as Chinese sociology developed for over a century. At the inception of sociology in China, Yan Fu and other scholars experimented with localizing sociology and innovating academic discourse. Fei Xiaotong’s life covered nearly 20 years of Chinese sociology’s early development and another 56 years of its later development; his academic journey epitomizes the historical development of Chinese sociology. The only way for Chinese sociology to move from the periphery of world academia into the center is to endeavor, on the basis of theoretical self-consciousness, to seize the commanding heights of academic discourse rights.  相似文献   

网络文学文本主要由传统文本和超文本组成。隐含“超文本性”的传统文本是网 络文学的根基;而超文本作为网络世界最为流行的表意媒介,它以“比特”之名唤醒 了沉睡于传统文本的开放性、自主性、互动性等潜在活力与灵性,代表着网络文学 发展的方向。超文本以去中心和不确定的非线性“在线写读”方式解构传统、颠覆本 质,在与后现代主义的相互唱和中,改变了文学的生存环境和存在方式。更重要的 是,日益走向超文本的网络文学文本正在悄然改写我们关于文学与审美的思维方式和 价值标准。因此,网络文学如何在持守传统的同时坚持创新,便成了一个值得我们深 长思之的重要问题。

关键词: 网络文学文本?超文本?互文性

Online literature contains both traditional text and hypertext. While traditional text containing “hypertextuality” provides the foundation for online literature, hypertext as the prevalent signifying medium of the cyberworld has awakened the latent energy and spirit of traditional text, making the latter more open, more autonomous and more interactive. The literature of “bits” points to the direction of future development. It deconstructs the traditional and overturns the nature of things through decentered “online reading and writing” that is uncertain and nonlinear. Hand in hand with post‐modernism, hypertext has transformed literature's context and mode of existence. Above all, the shift to hypertext in online literature is transforming our mode of thinking and value criteria in relation to literature and aesthetics. We should therefore conduct in‐depth and long‐term explorations of how online literature may innovate while maintaining tradition.  相似文献   


关键词: 中国文学?朝鲜叙事?鉴镜?互动交流

The harmonious relationship among East Asian countries has a very long history. However, it has faced serious challenges in the past hundred years. In these eventful years for our nation, Chinese literature, like the Chinese people, has endured hardships and pondered ways of extricating the country from its malaise. In addition to being concerned over China's enlightenment, salvation, independence and rejuvenation, writers have also paid considerable attention to important international forces that had a strong influence on their country's fate. Concern over and understanding of the Korean nation had a particular emotional charge and relevance to their own fate. Over the course of a century, Chinese literature's awareness of Korea went through four stages. In the first, Korea's loss of independence served as a mirror of China's own dangerous position, menaced on all sides; in the second, the Korean people were seen as comrades‐in‐arms combating foreign foes; in the third, when the Korean Peninsula was divided, North Koreans continued to be regarded as comrades‐in‐arms while South Korea was not acknowledged; and in the final stage, amidst the interaction between “China style” and the “Korean wave,” Chinese literature's awareness of Korea expanded through a penetrating appreciation of Korean history involving deep ties of courage and uprightness.  相似文献   

在市场化过程中,中国出现了收入差距不断扩大的趋势,从而社会上出现了一些将收入差距扩大的原因归结为市场化改革的错误认识。本文通过对我国改革开放以来收入分配格局变化的主要特点和导致收入差距扩大的原因加以细致实证分析, 对一些模糊认识加以澄清。本文认为在个人收入差距扩大的诸多因素中,传统计划 体制遗留下来的一些制度和政策,在部门利益和地方利益驱使下新形成的有悖于市 场体制规则的制度和政策,政府对市场缺失和市场扭曲采取的不作为态度,对资本 节制和劳动保护的不足,政府对经济的过度干预,成为导致收入差距扩大和收入分 配不公的最重要因素。

关键词: 收入差距?改革?城乡?中国

In the course of marketization in China, there has been a trend for the income gap to become ever wider. Some people have mistakenly attributed the gap to market reforms. This article provides a detailed empirical analysis of the changes in income distribution patterns and the reasons for the increasing income gap to clear up such misunderstandings. We believe the most important factors in the widening of the income gap and unequal income distribution are institutions and policies inherited from traditional economic planning; newly emerging systems and policies driven by departmental and local interests that run counter to market laws; lack of government action on gaps or distortions in the market; insufficient capital regulation and labor protection; and excessive government intervention in the economy.  相似文献   


关键词: 法律史学方法论?判例?功能主义

The traditional way of describing the history of Chinese law, i.e., fitting Chinese historical materials into the basic framework of the Western conceptual system needs to be thoroughly reconsidered. “Precedent” or “判例” (panli), which has attracted academic attention both in China and abroad, can serve as an example in this regard. The concept “判例,” which may have originated from Japanese kanji in the nineteenth century, was used to translate its Western counterpart. A review of the historical and modern practice of the Western European countries of England and France shows that precedent has always played an important role in achieving consensus in the legal community and guiding future rulings by means of case law. This function, which has something in common with the relevant portions of ancient Chinese legal institutions, can serve as a foundation for constructing a universal theoretical system. At the same time, the relevant Chinese institutions had specific institutional contexts and functions. By combining universal and specific functional analysis, “two‐way functionalism” may be able to avoid the Western‐centric approach and futile conceptual discrimination and turn towards the exploration and elucidation of functional issues, so as to eventually establish a new framework for the narrative of Chinese legal history.  相似文献   

与古代希腊、罗马及日耳曼不同, 中国古代国家起源走的是一条构建和谐的道 路, 即没有打碎氏族制度, 而是在普遍存在的氏族组织的基础上滥觞国家的萌芽, 国 家与氏族长期并存而使早期国家完善与发展。氏族制度的长期存在和发展, 这一古代 中国独具特色的社会结构是和谐构建之路的深厚社会基础。古代中国早期国家构建过 程中, 十分关注各个氏族、部落的情、义、利、患等问题。这种关注与社会实践成为 构建和谐的基石, 也是那个时代的领导者成功的标识。直到古代中国早期国家成熟 时, 还能够看到构建和谐理念的痕迹。

关键词: 早期国家 氏族制度 礼制 和谐

Unlike the ancient Greek, Roman and German states, ancient Chinese states took a path of harmonious construction which did not involve abolition of the clan system. It was on the basis of the existing clan organization that the first shoots of the state sprouted, and the state and the clans underwent a long coexistence which allowed the early state to develop and be perfected. The unique social structure of ancient China—the long existence and development of the clan system—was the underlying social foundation for harmonious construction. The early Chinese states were much concerned with the feelings, opinions about right and wrong, advantages and calamities of the clans and tribes. This concern and social practice was the foundation stone for harmonious construction, as well as the benchmark for success for the leaders of the time. Traces of the idea of harmonious construction are apparent up to the full development of the early state in ancient China.  相似文献   

现代中国佛教抗战文学是非常时代里出现的具有特殊意义的文学史现象。这种文 学在主题表达上,将现代佛徒的国民意识与传统佛教的菩萨行精神相结合;在个体的 生命体验上,因应时代对佛学观念进行自觉、现代性的创造发挥;在社会角色的身份 认同上,以艺术方式自觉、主动呼应战时国家的文化战略;在艺术生产方式上,有力 推动作者结构的大众化与表现方式的现代化。这些新质素与趋势为学界全面、深入认 识和评估中国抗战文学对民族抗战的作用与贡献,提供了一个不可忽视的角度。  相似文献   


随着和谐社会治国方针的提出与宽严相济刑事政策的深化, 中国刑事和解制度呈 现出不断拓展的态势。2012年新?刑事诉讼法?以“特别程序”编的形式, 专章规定 了“刑事和解”, 第一次在?刑事诉讼法?中全面确立了中国式的刑事和解制度。但就 目前立法来看, 刑事和解程序设置还相对粗放, 也存在诸多争议。刑事和解未来发展 方向应当强化规则性完善与制度性建设。

With the adoption of the governance policy of a harmonious society and with the further strengthening of the criminal policy of mitigating severity with leniency, China’s criminal reconciliation system is undergoing rapid development. In the 2012 Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, criminal reconciliation is stipulated in a separate chapter under “Special Procedures,” thereby comprehensively establishing for the first time a criminal reconciliation system with Chinese characteristics in the Criminal Procedure Law. However, China’s legislation on criminal reconciliation remains relatively broad-brush and controversial. Improved regulation and system construction now point the way for future development.  相似文献   

统筹城乡发展要求政府承担促进农业农村发展的责任。我国政府以国家干预、政 府主导为特征的农业农村政策,在农业发展、农民增收和城乡协调发展等方面都已取 得较大进展,但现有农业政策在提高农业生产率方面的限度日益显现。有鉴于此,急 需构建一个政府调控和引导农业农村发展的新的分析框架,在其中,政府需要界分与 市场、农村社会组织之间的行为边界,在充分尊重市场配置资源的基础性作用、尊 重农村社会自主管理的基础上,体现政府职能的“兜底”特征;而且,政府在构建市 场/社会运行的基本制度、匡正和补充市场/社会失灵、培育市场/社会主体等职能中需 要进行逻辑先后排序。应用这一新分析框架,加强和改善政府对农业农村发展的调控 和引导,就需要基于农业市场化取向改革农村基本经营制度和农业支持保护体系,注 重对农业生产市场主体的培育;需要以政府为主体构建城乡一体化的基本公共服务体 系,创新农村社会管理体制,充分调动社会力量参与公共事务治理;需要基于城乡一 体化要求重构政府行政管理体制,确保农业农村发展政策的落实。

关键词: 统筹城乡发展?政府?市场?社会

The integrated development of urban and rural areas requires that the government take responsibility for the overall development of the countryside. Chinese agricultural and rural policies characterized by state intervention and government leadership have played an important role in promoting agricultural development and increasing farmers' incomes as well as balancing development in urban and rural areas. However, the effectiveness of current agricultural policies in promoting agricultural productivity is now clearly leveling off. Given this situation, the authors argue that it is imperative to construct a new analytical framework featuring government regulation and guidance of agricultural and rural development. In this framework, the government must clearly define the boundaries between its activities and those of the market and rural social organizations. While fully respecting the fundamental role of the market in allocation of resources and rural self‐management, the government should exercise its power as a backstop. Further, the government needs to establish a logical sequence for government functions such as formulating the basic operating system of the market and society, correcting market failure and social dysfunction and cultivating market/social entities. To use this new analytical framework to strengthen and improve its regulation and guidance of agricultural and rural development, the government needs to reform the basic rural management and agricultural support and protection systems and to pay attention to the cultivation of market entities in agricultural production on the basis of agricultural marketization. Furthermore, it needs to construct a basic urban‐rural integrated public service system with the government as the leading actor, carry out innovations in the management system of rural society and fully mobilize the social forces to take part in the administration of public affairs. It also needs to reconstruct the system of government administration and management to ensure the thorough implementation of agricultural and rural development policies.  相似文献   

商业贿赂在中国的公职腐败案件中占有较大比重, 必将成为当前和今后反腐败 的重心。为了更好实现对公共权力约束的目的, 应当结合商业贿赂犯罪的特点和新表 现, 对中国刑法的反腐败罪名的构罪标准、具体评价尺度等微观内容进行调整, 以更 有效打击商业贿赂犯罪。关键词: 商业贿赂 刑法规制 机制重构 Commercial bribery makes up a high proportion of all corruption involving public functionaries in China. As such, it must be a present and future focus of the fight against corruption. In order to better achieve the objective of restraining public power, we should adjust the criteria for what constitutes the crime of corruption and the content of the specific assessment of this crime in Chinese criminal law in the light of the characteristics and new manifestations of commercial bribery, with a view to combating it more effectively.  相似文献   

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