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认同是“同一性”及身份的归属。在现实性上,文化认同往往与民族认同联系在一起,政治认同则与国家认同如影随形。文化认同侧重的是民族成员不可退出的族属命运,政治认同则凸显了社会成员选择和判断的主观意旨。近代以降,悬浮在社会结构表层的政治因时代特征的变化而显现出不断加深的矛盾和困惑,政治认同的现实式微已经成为普遍的社会现象。鉴于文化认同与政治认同之间高度的互补性和相互促进性,以文化认同为支点切入共同体政治的实际,带动制度创新、进行利益调适、强化身份归属,对共同体政治认同的强化格外具有现实意义。  相似文献   

郭台辉 《社会》2013,33(5):1-28
关键词:公民身份认同公民身份认同合法化构建的拒斥性的重新规划的  相似文献   

The era of globalization is posing a variety of challenges to national identity. In order to meet these challenges, it is important to offer theoretical scientific interpretations of them. A scrutiny of national identity as a concept reveals that national identity is actually a “four in one” combination of institutional identity, interest identity, cultural identity and non-national community identity, with formative mechanisms characterized the unity of the primordial state and the constructive, expressive forms characterized by the unity of consciousness and action, content characterized by the unity of politics and culture, and maintenance mechanisms characterized by the unity of emotion and self-interest. In the global age, national identity crisis usually arises in political, economic and cultural levels. The root cause for national identity crisis lies in the ineffectiveness of nation states’ self-governance. In order to promote the construction of national identity in the global age, we need to: (1) promote reform of the political system, explore democratic models of governance, and create the institutional preconditions for national identity; (2) promote economic development, ensure fairness and justice, and guarantee interests in national identity; (3) develop national culture, strengthen value integration and enrich the cultural significance of national identity; and (4) recognize different levels of community development and promote community integration in national identity.  相似文献   

从公民身份的历史发展轨迹来看,公民身份在不同国家和不同历史时期存在着不同的实践形式。公民身份意味着人在一个国家中正式的和负责任的成员资格。公民身份认同意味着公民对自己生活的共同体表示接受、赞同和承认,并且以自己忠诚共同体的实际行动体现出来,积极地参与共同体的生活,履行共同体赋予公民的责任和义务。语言是存在的家,公民通过语言言说认识自己,辨认自己,进而产生归属感。  相似文献   

In this paper we suggest that there is a need to examine what is meant by “context” in Social Psychology and present an example of how to place identity in its social and institutional context. Taking the case of British naturalisation, the process whereby migrants become citizens, we show that the identity of naturalised citizens is defined by common‐sense ideas about Britishness and by immigration policies. An analysis of policy documents on “earned citizenship” and interviews with naturalised citizens shows that the distinction between “elite” and “non‐elite” migrants is evident in both the “reified” sphere of policy and the “common sense” sphere of everyday identity construction. While social representations embedded in lay experience construct ethno‐cultural similarity and difference, immigration policies engage in an institutionalised positioning process by determining migrants' rights of mobility. These spheres of knowledge and practice are not disconnected as these two levels of “managing otherness” overlap—it is the poorer, less skilled migrants, originating outside the West who epitomise difference (within a consensual sphere) and have less freedom of mobility (within a reified sphere). We show that the context of identity should be understood as simultaneously psychological and political.  相似文献   

马俊峰 《阅江学刊》2014,(5):101-106
生活世界开启了人类活动的空间,同样它以自身的整体性纠正着人类前行道路的偏差,它使得人们在社会之中建构的各种权利获得了合法性和合理性支撑,同样,它促使人们认识到,对共同体的忠诚是公民履行自己的义务和责任,人类必须对生活世界或者栖息之地有归属感和认同感,对自己生活的共同体应该负有责任感,正是这种责任促使人们产生一种生态公民身份,以便人们更好地处理人对自然关系,达到人与自然和谐相处。  相似文献   

Objective. Given that the group aspect of party identification forms a central, yet largely unexplored element of American partisanship, social identity theory presents a compelling social‐psychological theory of group belonging through which to reinterpret the contemporary understanding of partisanship. Methods. Using a mail survey of 302 randomly selected Franklin County, Ohio residents, levels of social identification with the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and political independents are measured using the Identification with a Psychological Group (IDPG) scale. Scores on the IDPG are used to predict attitudes toward parties and the consistency of partisan behavior. Results. Levels of partisan social identity proved to be significant predictors of political party ratings, ideology, and party activities, even when taking traditional measures of partisan strength into account. Conclusions. Social identity is a fundamental aspect of partisanship, which, when measured, can lead to superior prediction and understanding of related political attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

The media is often referred to as a social institution in that it is a major element of contemporary Western society. Through the media, social processes create narratives or stories within interpretative frameworks that are embedded in the cultural and political assumptions of the wider society. Since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in September 2001, the media has played a crucial role in the developing discourse on contemporary terrorism. In the Australian context, this discourse has emerged as one which implicates Australian Muslims, constructing them as a homogenous monolith with an underlying implication that Islam, and by association Australian Muslims, is secular resistant and at odds with the values of the liberal democratic state. Several textual analyses attest to the bias against Muslims in the popular Australian media discourse. However, there have been no studies into how Australian Muslims are interpreting and responding to this discourse. Based on research into the attitudes and perceptions of the media among Australian Muslims, this paper argues that the interpretation of the media discourse as defiantly anti‐Muslim and the perception of the media as a powerful purveyor of public opinion has impacted on the construction of Australian Muslim identity. In responding to this discourse, Australian Muslims are creating new narratives of belonging which either reinforce or reject the underlying messages that situate them outside mainstream Australia.  相似文献   

More than 200,000 displaced Karen from Burma have been “warehoused” in displaced persons' camps on the Thai-Burma border for more than 20 years. Recently, the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) has embarked on the durable solution of resettlement to third countries for these people. In this paper, the experiences and perceptions of resettlement of Christian Karen are explored through the findings from two focus groups with recently arrived refugees, augmented by contextual discussions with Christian Karen community leaders in Australia. Focus group participants displayed a strong and overt sense of identity, both as individual Karen and as part of the Christian Karen community, locally and trans-nationally, indicating that Christian Karen identity remains intact during displacement and strongly influences the resettlement experience for this group.  相似文献   

Culture is acknowledged to be a critical element in the construction of an individual's identity; however, in today's increasingly multicultural environments, the influence of culture is no longer straightforward. It is now important to explore cultural identity clarity—the extent to which beliefs about identity that arise from one's cultural group membership(s) are clearly and confidently understood. We describe a novel theoretical model to explain why having a clear and confident understanding of one's cultural identity is important for psychological well‐being, as it clarifies one's understanding of personal identity. We propose that a clear cultural identity clarifies one's personal existence, by providing a clear normative template, reducing personal uncertainty, providing an individual with a sense of continuity, and buffering an individual against the fear of death. We discuss the implications of this model within our complex cultural worlds.  相似文献   

Projecting essence onto a social category means to think, talk, and act as if the category were a discrete natural kind and as if its members were all endowed with the same immutable attributes determined by the category's essence. Essentializing may happen implicitly or on purpose in representing ingroups and outgroups. We argue that essentializing is a versatile representational tool (a) that is used to create identity in groups with chosen membership in order to make the group appear as a unitary entity, (b) that outsiders often draw on a group's essentialist self-construal in their judgements about the groups, (c) that judgements about members of forced social categories are often informed by essentialist thinking that easily switches to discrimination and racism, and (d) that under certain historical and political conditions members of social categories and groups may contest their essentialized identity, such as parts of the feminist movement, or that they may attempt to reconstruct an essentialized identity, such as parts of the homosexual movement or the largely defunct European nobility. Besides explicit political and power interests, we see communication processes and language use as a tacit force driving essentialization of social categories.  相似文献   

"身份认同"包括两层含义:第一层指人归属的某一种社会范畴或类型,即所说的身份;第二层特指一个人对自己一套行为模式、价值观的认同。从经济学的角度来看,身份认同具有激励作用、组织文化作用,同时拥有一种强大的市场力量,可以起到类似于制度的功能。身份认同在很大程度上内生于特定政治结构。中国正处于社会经济转型期,身份认同具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The recent trend in postmodern social work discourses in Australia espouses anti-essentialist views of identity for social work subjects and deconstructs the uniformity of self into hybrid and changeable identities. However, there are few studies that focus on the problem of anti- essentialism in social work theories in relation to the analysis of neoliberal discourses in actual social welfare fields for middle-class migrants like the Japanese community in Australia. This paper explores the perceptions toward ethnic identity positioning among ethnic community leaders in social welfare activities. The research also attempts to examine the relationship between social welfare activities by ethnic minorities and ethnic identity discourses in social work. The case studies revealed that the essentialist practices of Japanese community organizations aimed at keeping their Japanese ethnicity could co-exist with the production of an anti-essential, hybrid culture in Australian society. It is important to consider cultural complexity in the ethnic identification processes that emerge through social welfare practices by ethnic minorities.  相似文献   

基于文献研究,文章以职业认同为分析视角,分析了职业认同与专业化发展的互动关系。鉴于社区教育工作者队伍构成的复杂性,以实践为例,从职业认知、职业地位、职业效能、职业情感等梳理了社区教育工作者职业认同危机的表现及原因,围绕社区教育工作者的职业自主性、职业本土化、职业话语权、职业敬业感等问题提出了促进专业化发展思考与建议。  相似文献   

全球化时代的到来,对国家认同产生了诸多的挑战。要应对这一挑战,需要我们从理论的层面加以科学阐释。考察国家认同的概念可以看到,国家认同实质上是包含制度、利益、文化、非国家共同体认同的“四位一体”,其基本特征包含生成机制的原生性和构建性、表现形式的意识性和行动性、内容体系的政治性和行动性、维持机制的情感性和利益性,以及发展状态的稳定性和发展性。全球化时代国家认同危机包含着政治、经济、文化三个层面,民族国家认同危机产生的根源是国家治理的失效。要在全球化背景下推动国家认同的构建,着力点在于:推动政治体制改革,探索治理民主模式,构建国家认同的制度性前提;促进经济发展,维护公平正义,构建国家认同的利益性保障;发展民族文化,加强价值整合,丰富国家认同的文化内涵;正视不同层次共同体的发展,促进国家认同的共同体整合。  相似文献   

邓伟龙  尹素娥 《创新》2012,6(3):106-110,128
从多民族文化认同的角度研究刘三姐文化现象,探讨刘三姐文化符号对于多民族认同的作用、价值与意义,以及这个文化符号在多民族文化认同构建中的历史与变化是新时期刘三姐文化研究的深入和实际需要。刘三姐的多民族文化认同不但没有导致民族文化个性和差异的泯灭,还为多民族的共同繁荣发展提供了一个和谐的社会环境和相互信任与包容的文化心理,这不仅为广西也为其他多民族地区和国家解决民族矛盾与冲突提供了一个成功范例。  相似文献   

Social work's role in creating social solidarity requires an engagement with identity politics through careful negotiation of the boundary between the private and the public spheres and hence ensuring a balance between personal freedom to define one's specific identity and the public entitlement to belong to a political community as citizens. Current political and cultural trends, reflected also in social policies, impact severely on that boundary maintenance task inasmuch as privatisation encroaches on formerly public domains while simultaneously details of private concerns receive public attention through their commercialisation by the new media. It is suggested that social work's political role be asserted more explicitly in terms of the application of the Global Agenda which needs to penetrate to the level of person‐to‐person interaction.  相似文献   

Community Service and Political Identity Development in Adolescence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article addresses the interconnection of political socialization and identity development. We begin with Erikson's work, which identified the development of political commitment in adolescence as a key aspect of identity formation. We then seek to shed light on the social processes through which youth become engaged in political activities and issues. We discuss the influences of family and peers as well as participation in community service and other civic activities. The development of social responsibility and agency, and an understanding of the complexity of social issues are considered as important facets of political commitment. Data from a case study of Black urban adolescents who participated in a year-long service learning program are used to illustrate our perspective. We conclude that social-historical context, instantiated in social relationships and actions, plays a pivotal role in the process and shape of political socialization and identity formation.  相似文献   

Based on a large‐scale survey conducted with parents from Japanese language schools in Sydney in 2015, this paper aims to review multiple dimensions of social cohesion in the Japanese ethnic community in Australia. Looking at several indices such as economic, political, and cultural integration, the paper describes the social profile of the Japanese ethnic community, questioning the generic perception of the community as a coherent body of middle‐class migrants in Australia. This was achieved through a comparative analysis with outcomes of a national survey of the Australian population on social cohesion and draws attention to the ways in which a particular sense of social cohesion with Australian society is constructed by Japanese migrants. The study found a differentiated sense of belonging to the local community, country of residence (Australia), and nation of origin (Japan). It found communal diversity in the Japanese community resulting from there being a majority of women migrants who were part of cross‐border marriages and their children living in multicultural family circumstances. It was concluded that this configuration within the community leads to advocacy related to a re‐identification as a possible ethnic group of migrants that should be recognized in an inclusive migration settlement policy in Australia.  相似文献   

《Social Sciences in China》2012,33(4):129-147
The advent of the Internet era has triggered profound changes in national governance, and the profound complexity and highly uncertain nature of governance have imposed new requirements on political identification in the new era. Whether seen environmentally from the point of view of the governance environment or from the point of view of the subjects and structures of governance, the changes brought about by the Internet to national governance have challenged political identity. Therefore, in response to the challenges to political identification posed by changes in Internet governance in the context of the new era, it is necessary to reconstruct new bonds for the political identity of the mass of the people by promoting the modernization of Internet governance on the basis of maintaining a firm grip on domination of cyberspace ideology: implementing integrated governance to achieve developmental identity; strengthening service-oriented governance to build subject identification; and promoting responsive governance to enhance sustainable identity.  相似文献   

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