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《Social Sciences in China》2003,(3)
我们知识中的绝大部分是由概称句表述的。建立概称句的形式语义对非单调推理以及人工智能中的知识表示等研究都有非常重要的意义。概称句意义分析是建立其形式语义的基础。目前关于概称句意义主要有两类研究:基于概率论的研究和基于可能世界语义学的研究。本文对概率论的研究进行了分析,指出其本质是外延的解释这一根本缺陷,在可能世界语义学研究所提出的正常性概念的基础上,进一步深化研究,强调对正常性概念的内涵分析,提出了概称句的典范形式,进而提出正常个体选择的三个原则,以及据此建立了正常个体的选择函数,避免了原来研究对正常性概念的外延性处理。本文建立了一个新的概称句形式语义的理论基础,提供了建立该语义的技术关键。 相似文献
Han Dongyu 《Social Sciences in China》2017,38(3):47-64
During the seven decades since the war ended, Japan has undergone “changes of direction” involving group expressions of regret, accompanied by the intellectual “soul-searching” of quite a few academics. Ultimately, however, the country has been unable to complete the “transformation” of its political values. Its consciousness of superiority, dating back to the Meiji era, and its dream of being restored to the status of a “normal country” have distorted Japan’s idea of the war and its interpretation of history. As a result, at the critical postwar moment when Japan most needed to develop a truthful view of its history, its national will expressed itself in the rejection of this possibility. Japan has manufactured Sino-Japanese friction and manipulated the United States, on the pretext of a supposed “China threat” into relaxing the constraints upon Japan, and has attempted to abandon the thought and deeds of the postwar international order. Not only has this repeatedly subverted the standards by which the international “left” and “right” assess Japan; it has also once again placed the Asia-Pacific region in a precarious position. 相似文献
We use decomposition and regression to examine the reasons for the changes in nominal and real rates of return of China’s foreign exchange reserves between 2002 and 2009. The results show that the US financial market risk premium is the most important determinant of changes in the nominal rate of return, while the US dollar exchange rate and the bulk commodity price are the two key determinants of changes in the real rate of return. From empirically based research, one may conclude that the loose monetary policy of the US Federal Reserve increases China’s foreign exchange reserves’ nominal rate of return but decreases the real rate of return and that the European debt crisis has an uncertain impact on China’s foreign exchange reserves’ nominal rate of return but may well raise the real rate of return. 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(3)
Characteristics of the regional structure of industrialization in China If we take the year 2004 as a temporal cross-section, 相似文献
郑宗寒 《Social Sciences in China》1994,(2)
Sincetheintroductionofreformin1978,China'sindustrialproductionhasforgedaheadataraterarelyseeninthemodernworld.Atthesametime,thespiralingcostofindustrialproductshasinevitablycausedgreatconcern.Thispaperwillexaminefromamacro-economicperspectivewhycostshavec… 相似文献
江瑞平 《Social Sciences in China》2000,(1)
This paper will attempt to define and analyze the Japanese model ofcorporate-monopoly capitalism, and to explain corporate-monopolycapitalism in Japan based on the fundamental tenets of Marxism.I. The Basic Definition of Corporatemonopoly CapitalismIn this paper I use the following definitions of monopoly capitalismbased on the fundamental tenets of Marxism as a logical starting pointand basis for analysis. I view the Japanese model as an institutionalmodel, a specific model of monopoly ca… 相似文献
A great deal of scholarship has explored why some democratic citizens vote while others do not. This article reviews that literature through a lens presuming that a person's likelihood of turning out on election day is a multiplicative function of his or her ability to vote, her or her motivation to vote, and the difficulty of obtaining the needed information and carrying out the behavior of voting. We conclude that (a) turnout is made more difficult and less likely by onerous registration procedures; (b) turnout is more likely among some demographic groups because of greater motivation or ability or less difficulty; (c) the social setting in which a person lives and the psychological dispositions he or she possesses can affect turnout by shaping motivation, ability, or difficulty; (d) characteristics of a specific electoral contest can inspire or discourage turnout; and (e) canvassing and interviewing people about an election can increase turnout, but preelection polls and election-day outcome projections do not. Consequently, an individual citizen/s turnout behavior is a joint function of his or her social location, his or her psychological dispositions, the procedures involved in voting, and events that occur at the time of each election . 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2004,(2)
随着近十年来我国向社会主义市场经济的过渡,经济的内在矛盾发生了巨大的变化,我国的物价水平经历了从高通货膨胀到通货紧缩的历程。我国出现的通货紧缩有着复杂的背景,既与我国处于市场化转轨过程有关,又与体制上一些特殊因素有关。因此本文试图利用TARCH模型和变参数模型从货币政策对物价影响的非对称效应,通货紧缩的货币原因,总供给曲线和产出缺口,以及消费需求、企业效益对物价的影响等多视角来定量分析和探讨我国转轨时期经济高增长与通货紧缩并存的原因。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2006,(4)
Against the background of high-speed development and the continuing deepening of market-oriented reform there have appeared at least the following three unique contradictions in the disequilibrium of China's economic growth: 相似文献
An Analysis of the Unemployment of University Graduates and Their Expectations of Employment 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Social Sciences in China》2005,(4)
Different groups of people have differ-ent views on the difficulties university gradu-ates face in finding jobs. One mainstreamview holds that the graduates’ failure to getjobs is due mainly to their too high expecta-tions of employment, that theirs is a selec-tive unemployment: it is not difficult for themto get jobs, only difficult to get better jobs.People holding this view base their argumenton the gap between the income of workingemployees and the graduates’ expected pay.However, this a… 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2001,(3)
I.Introduction MarkedchangeshavetakenplaceinChina ssocio economicstructuresincethereformandopening upasdemonstratedbythefollowing :thegradualsubstitutionofamarketeconomyforthehighlycentralizedplannedeconomy ;arapidincreaseintheproportionsaccountedforbyt… 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2005,(4)
Lin Duan pointed out in his paper “Lawand Society in Taiwan” published in Qinghuafazhi lunheng, no. 5, that one of our con-cerns is whether the public have faith in thejudiciary in Taiwan and what the public’sopinion is of legal personnel such as judges,procurators and policemen. Forensic soci-ology has put an end to the “forensic myth.”Through forensic sociological studies we notonly have an understanding of the limitedusefulness of lawsuits but know that law-suits are not necessarily … 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(1)
领导责任是问责制的核心组成部分,规定在党的纪律条例和行政法规之中。领导责任和直接责任相对,在事故发生之后,如何确定非直接的领导责任,在现行的理论中并没有得到阐释。从目前的规则和实施来看,领导责任不仅属于政治责任,而且也是法律责任,是对由于懈怠和不作为,和事故之间存在“非直接因果关系”的一种新型责任。公法上并不存在着“非直接责任”的司法审查,而私法的侵权模式也不能通过法院对行政机关的自由裁量进行审查,由此,领导责任类似于公司法的“督导系统”的责任,包括“红色警报”和“警察巡逻”的事前义务,以及作为免责事由的“业务判断规则”。同时,责任追究和组织的激励之间存在着紧密关系,政府组织的公共性也要求有更广泛的免责事由,进而本文批评了现有的领导责任实施中的不足。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(1)
After comparing ten company technical economic indicators, this paper selected the value-added rate of industry, overall labor productivity, the total asset contribution rate, the ratio of profit to industrial costs and the debt-to-asset ratio as the basis for a study of industrial efficiency. 相似文献
The success of the poverty elimination program, as an important element in the strategy of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020, depends on the accurate identification of the population living in poverty. An analysis of 2013 data from the China Household Income Project (CHIP 2013) shows that in terms of the income-based poverty line, the targeting of the current rural minimum living standard guarantee or subsistence allowance program (dibao) program is very imprecise; it improves with the use of multidimensional poverty criteria, but coverage remains poor. In order to unify the criteria for the rural poverty alleviation (fupin) criteria and the dibao criteria, a uniform set of national criteria should be established. This should shift from income as the sole criterion to multidimensional criteria, so that a uniform scheme can be developed to identify those in need. At the same time, the coverage of the dibao program should be extended and the transfer amounts increased, so that the scheme genuinely covers all of the target population in rural China. 相似文献
采用分解和回归方法,考察2002-2009年间中国外汇储备名义收益率与真实收益率变动的原因,可以发现:美国金融市场风险溢价是影响中国外汇储备名义收益率变动的最重要因素,美元汇率和大宗商品价格是影响中国外汇储备真实收益率的最重要因素。基于实证的研究还可以推断:美联储宽松货币政策会提高中国外汇储备名义收益率,但降低了真实收益率;欧洲债务危机对中国外汇储备名义收益率的影响不确定,但很可能提高了真实收益率。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(1)
As a world of meaning, a piece of literary work is structured by a system of organized discourse, and literary discourse grows in specific ecological environments. This is to say that the meaning of literature is generated in the ecosystem of discourse in which it exists. And so any cognition and interpretation of the meaning of a given piece of literary work, 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2014,(4):100-116
2000年以来中国家庭结构变动表现为:核心家庭比例明显下降,单人户显著上升,直系家庭没有降低反而略有增加。城乡家庭结构变动有别:城市核心家庭构成缩小,单人户明显增加,直系家庭稍有降低;农村核心家庭构成降幅较大,单人户提高,直系家庭上升。城乡二级家庭结构变动也不尽相同。人口流动、子女数量、人口老龄化、婚姻和住房情况对家庭结构及其变动有显著影响。在家庭结构小型化为主导的时代,政府及社会组织应加强以家庭为目标的公共服务建设;改进户籍制度,减少劳动者与其家庭成员的地域分割;为增进和改善家庭代际关系创造条件。。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》1996,(3)
Theterm"comprehensivenationalpower"referstotheorganicsumofallforcesasovereignstatepossessesinagivenperiodoftime.Itisthebasisonwhicheverystatesurvivesanddevelops,andonwhichworldpowersestablishtheirinternationalstandingandexerttheirinfluence.InordertofindoutthegrowthrateofChina'scomprehensivenationalpowersincethe1970s,itscomposition,anditsadvantagesanddisadvantagesascomparedwithothercountries,andinordertoanalyzetheevolutionofitsstatusinachangingworld,theprojectgroupselectedeightfactorsand85indic… 相似文献