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西方启蒙运动的核心理念是科学理性,它虽然促进了现代性的发展,但自身却包含了一系列的悖论,如是与应当的悖论、必然与自由的悖论、普遍性与历史性的悖论等。启蒙理性对中国的消极影响是造成了对科学方法万能的迷信,以及对西方经验和政治原则的迷信,从而使中国的自由主义者不能处理好西方现代文化和本土传统文化的关系,以及启蒙的现代性理想与现实政治客观需要的关系,同时也不能合理鉴别和扬弃西方现代性中的合理因素与不合理因素。启蒙的真正价值是反思批判精神,因此启蒙是一项不断破除迷信和教条的未竞事业。  相似文献   

With regard to discussions on China's diplomatic strategy, an appropriate conceptualization based on social changes in contemporary China can help us grasp the fundamental functions, underlying causes and basic direction of the strategy.  相似文献   

二十世纪中国戏剧发生巨大变化,现代性因之成为发展的重要动力。本文试图从现代性与启蒙的关系,尤其是现代性与本土化的关系等角度说明,认识与研究中国戏剧的发展变化。因此,应该更多地注意到艺术本身出现的具有现代性意义的发展变化,它包括艺术更趋于自律,平民的艺术趣味得到更多肯定等等基于艺术层面的具有现代性精神内涵的变化。这些变化围绕着两个重要的维度展开,其一是中国戏剧开始了它对现代性的探求,与之相对应的另一方面则是源于传统的本土化倾向。几乎所有重要的变化均其于现代性与本土化的互动。只有准确理解二十世纪中国戏剧发展进程的现代性与本土化倾向,才能真正理解二十世纪中国戏剧。  相似文献   

Reflection on and criticism of enlightenment reason is an indispensable part of the Enlightenment itself. It is an important counterbalance to the Enlightenment myth and the crisis of modernity, as well as being a major theoretical subject for political philosophy in the age of globalization. This reflection and criticism must be grasped and examined from both the external perspective of socio-historical requirements and the internal perspective of intellectual history. While giving full credit to the achievements of Enlightenment reason and modernity, we need to review their inherent conflicts, reveal the resultant social crisis, and sort out, reflect on and reference postmodernism’s denunciation of Enlightenment reason and the crisis of modernity in order to provide a more far-reaching solution to these issues. Marx turned the critique of Enlightenment reason and modernity into a critical reconstruction of the logic of capital and the capitalist mode of production, seeing the resolution of these evils as lying in transcendence of capitalist private ownership. In this way, he brought the critique of Enlightenment reason to a climax and showed modern society a way to more advanced development.  相似文献   

The objective phenomenon of reliance on confessions is the source of many problems in the practice of criminal justice in China. Although successive amendments to the law have endeavored to improve the handling of confessions, they have been unable to resolve the dilemma of a rigid management mode, incompatible management strategies, and conflicting attitudes towards management. This paper has made a multi-dimensional reinterpretation of it from the judges’ perspective, including functional analysis, cultural interpretation and immediate considerations. It reveals that behind its functions of offering moral comfort or allowing evasion of responsibility, confession, as a medium of physical and intellectual management, has the more important function of supplementing and improving the legitimacy of criminal verdicts. The remolding of the legitimacy of criminal verdicts with the coordinated improvement of the management of confessions will change the mode of association between those who currently govern confession and those they govern and will clash with the current closed mode of criminal justice management, thereby promoting a transformation in the governance of criminal justice.  相似文献   

现代性在中国的生成与建构,是与马克思主义中国化历史地联系在一起的;中国现代性的建构,也历史地确定了马克思主义中国化的起点、任务与方向。马克思主义中国化的理论任务就是要求确立以建设为核心的观念、以促进人与社会的全面发展为主旨的马克思主义理论话语系统,构造一套符合全球化时代要求、有利于中华民族复兴及长治久安、并具有自检与防御机制及能力的开放性的社会、政治与文化体系。  相似文献   

在苏联处理波匈事件的初期,中国因情况不明未及参与。而在苏联决定从布达佩斯撤军和再次武装占领匈牙利的问题上,中国的意见起了主导作用。这就是说,在危机处理的后期,苏联听从了中国的建议和主张,其结果是毛泽东既批判了苏联的大国主义,又保证了社会主义阵营的团结。波匈事件标志着中共在国际共产主义运动中的地位和声望已经迈上了一个新台阶。  相似文献   

Modern analytical models for anti-monopoly laws are a core element of the application of those laws. Since the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China was promulgated in 2008, law enforcement and judicial authorities have applied different analytical models, leading to divergent legal and regulatory outcomes as similar cases receive different verdicts. To select a suitable analytical model for China’s Anti-Monopoly Law, we need to consider the possible contribution of both economic analysis and legal formalism and to learn from the mature systems and experience of foreign countries. It is also necessary to take into account such binding constraints as the current composition of China’s anti-monopoly legal system, the ability of implementing agencies and the supply of economic analysis, in order to ensure complementarity between the analytical model chosen and the complexity of economic analysis and between the professionalism of implementing agencies and the cost of compliance for participants in economic activities. In terms of institutional design, the models should provide a considered explanation of the legislative aims of the law’s provisions. It is necessary, therefore, to establish a processing model of behavioral classification that is based on China’s national conditions, applies analytical models using normative comprehensive analysis, makes use of the distribution rule of burden of proof, improves supporting systems related to analytical models and enhances the ability of public authorities to implement the law.  相似文献   

Marx probed into the laws of the evolution of world history and the international system from the perspective of grand history, incisively revealing the inherent historical dynamics and evolutionary secrets of the laws of this development and thus providing a new analytical framework for our understanding of the nature of international relations and the characteristics of the era. Compared with related international relations theories of the same period, Marx’s international outlook had a unique class standpoint and methodological principles and adopted rigorous speculative logic and lofty values. Marx conducted scientific research and dialectical analysis of the laws of evolution and the intrinsic nature of international society, especially the historical mission of the proletariat. These ideas, unique in the intellectual and theoretical spectrum of international relations, provide an intellectual guide for the innovation of Chinese diplomatic theory in the new era.  相似文献   

There can be no doubt of the signifi-cance of a review of the merits and demeritsof China’s population regulation and controlpolicy since 1949 and exploration of the fu-ture direction of population policy reform.  相似文献   

TheerainwhichKarlMarxlivedsawWesternindustryandtransportationexpandbyleapsandbounds.Marxclearlyunderstoodtheimportanceofmoderntransportationforlarge-scalecapitalistproductionandthecloserelationshipbetweenthetwo.InCapitalandotherworks,Marxdescribedthegenerallawsoftransportationeconomicsandthewayinwhichthisconceptwasreflectedinlarge-scalecapitalistproduction.HisdiscussionsremainofgreattheoreticalandpracticalsignificanceintermsoftransportationeconomicsinChina.Ⅰ.TheConceptofCommunicationandTr…  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between family structure and junior high school students’ educational and psychosocial development and its intermediate mechanisms. Our findings show, firstly, that family structure affects children’s development, and children living with both parents have better educational and psychosocial development than those without one or both parents. Secondly, family structure affects children’s development to some extent through the two mechanisms of family socioeconomic status and parental participation in education. Thirdly, fathers and mothers play different roles in children’s development. Mothers are more important to children’s educational development, while fathers are more important to their psychosocial development. In addition, the distribution of family structure shows marked group heterogeneity, and families lacking both parents tend to be groups with a lower socioeconomic status. Since adolescent development is closely related to the acquisition of socioeconomic status in adulthood, the negative impact of parental absence on children’s development should not be neglected by academics and policy researchers.  相似文献   

China has experienced rapid economic growth since its reform and opening up 40 years ago. The prime mover and key driver of these amazing achievements originated in China’s transformation from a planned economy to a socialist market economy, and from a closed economy to an open economy. The optimal allocation of the various factors of production and the interaction of economic growth and structural upgrading also played a significant part. China’s economic growth over the 40 years has applied, and proven effective, the general principles of development economics, and more importantly, based on the realities of China, it has contributed to theoretical innovation and institutional innovation, leading China along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Entering the new era, China is committed to building a modern economic system and promoting high-quality development under the guidance of the new development concepts of innovation, coordination, green development, opening up and sharing.  相似文献   

Features of the current strategic environment Qin Yaqing: Peace and development are the two main themes of the international system in the present era. The features of the current era are in sharp contrast with those of the era of "war and revolution." In the latter, the most striking expression of international relations was war between states. Survival was the first item on a state's agenda,  相似文献   

Sources of tradition that produce a lasting influence upon modern society are fundamental to that society’s development. Among Eastern sources of tradition, the village systems of Russia and India are very unlike the Chinese household system, a system that served as the foundation for China’s unique path of rural development. This system includes the following features: the organization of agricultural operations on the basis of household operations; an economy where agriculture, industry and commerce complement each other on the basis of their integration at the household level; forms of agricultural cooperation based on mutual assistance and cooperation among households; and a system of rural governance based on the joint governance by household and state. In China’s rural development process, the household system, though at one time discarded, still constitutes the institutional backdrop for current and future rural development.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.IntroductionSince1978,Chinahasprogressivelyintroducedmarketforces,decentralizedeconomicdecisionmaking,andstrengthenedmaterialincentivesandcompetition.Inalmostallrespects,itstransformationhasdifferedfromtheswift,comprehensive,andfundamentalpatternthathasbeenwidelyadvocatedforEasternEuropeandtheformerSovietUnion.China'sreformshaveoftenbeenintroducedonanexperhoentalbasis,andaresectorallyandlocallydifferentiated.Theyarestillincomplete-infedefiningpropertyrights,marketization,liberalizingforei…  相似文献   

Safeguard measures constitute a very important part of the WTO framework and permit governments to take trade-restricting measures to resolve  相似文献   

China’s educational enterprise has achieved great successes since reform and opening up in 1978, but the constraints imposed by a number of factors mean that the problem of unequal distribution of high quality educational resources among groups from different strata is becoming increasingly noticeable at the basic education stage, leading to socioeconomic segregation in schools. We utilize baseline data from the China Education Panel Survey for 2013-2014 to investigate this phenomenon in junior high schools and its influence upon students’ educational expectations. Our findings show that marked segregation currently exists at the junior high school level. The extent of the segregation varies from region to region and place to place (urban or rural), and school socioeconomic composition (SEC) exerts a significant influence upon students’ educational expectations. The higher the school’s average SEC or the greater its heterogeneity, the higher the educational expectations of its students. The effect of school SEC upon the educational expectations of students varies depending on the characteristics of different student groups; students who have lower cognitive abilities and fall behind at school are more likely to benefit from an increase in school socioeconomic status (SES) and heterogeneity. Because educational expectations are a decisive factor in academic achievement and educational attainment, the influence of school socioeconomic segregation upon educational equity should not be overlooked. Lessening the degree of school socioeconomic segregation and encouraging integrated schools would be an effective measure for ensuring educational equity in China.  相似文献   

China does not have the political system of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial divisions but puts into practice a different kind of system for separation of powers and checks and balance among public security, the procuratorate and the trial of cases (to which we may add judicial administration) within the judicial organs themselves. The federalist judicial system finds no place here; instead,  相似文献   

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