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在Copeland-Taylor模型的基础上引入技术因素,将外国直接投资(FDI)对东 道国的环境影响分解为规模效应、结构效应和技术效应三种机制,并结合中国2001-2009年36个工业行业的面板数据, 运用结构计量模型和系统广义矩估计方法对FDI进 入程度与污染排放的关系进行经验检验,可以发现: FDI无论是在总体上还是分行业上 都有利于减少我国工业的污染排放,其主要原因在于, FDI通过技术引进与扩散带来 的正向技术效应超过了负向的规模效应与结构效应。此外,中国当前的外资进入程度 距离以环保为目标的最优水平还有一段空间,因此应积极鼓励具有环保技术优势的外 资企业的进入, 实现节能减排和可持续发展的战略目标。

关键词: 外国直接投资 污染排放

This study introduces the technological factor into the Copeland-Taylor model and decomposes the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the environment of the host country into three mechanisms: scale effect, structural effect and technological effect. It also draws on the panel data from 36 Chinese industries in 2001-2009 and uses a structural econometric model and the SYS-GMM to explore the relationship between the level of FDI inflow and pollutant emissions. The major finding of the study is that FDI helps reduce industrial pollutant emissions both in general and in specific industries, because the positive technological effect of FDI brought about by introduction and expansion of technology is greater than the negative scale and structural effects. Furthermore, since the level of FDI inflow still lags behind the optimal level for environmental protection in China, we should encourage the entry of foreign-invested enterprises with technological advantages in environmental protection, so as to achieve the strategic goals of energy conservation, emissions reduction and sustained development.  相似文献   

观察国际和外交问题的视角与观念变化,是中华人民共和国外交史研究中尚需探讨和梳理的课题。在新中国成立后的前30年,中国外交深受在革命过程中形成的外交观念的影响。其基本诉求是建立新型外交关系,核心观念是独立自主与和平,外交政策的基石是和平共处五项原则;此外,国际统一战线策略,对现实世界的战略划分,以及对战争、和平与革命的思考亦对这一时期的外交政策具有重大影响。自20世纪70年代末实行改革开放以来,中国外交转以发展为视角,配合国家经济建设这一中心任务,做出一系列战略和政策调整。中国对国际形势作出和平与发展的新判断,对独立自主的和平外交政策作了新诠释,致力于建立均衡的对外关系,主张以渐进方式推动国际秩序的改进,决心走和平发展道路。中国由此成为现存国际秩序的参与者和建设者。进入21世纪,中国成为令世界瞩目的新兴大国,外交观念也在继承以往的基础上与时俱进。中国强调当代世界是命运共同体,谋求与各国的合作、共赢  相似文献   

现代中国佛教抗战文学是非常时代里出现的具有特殊意义的文学史现象。这种文 学在主题表达上,将现代佛徒的国民意识与传统佛教的菩萨行精神相结合;在个体的 生命体验上,因应时代对佛学观念进行自觉、现代性的创造发挥;在社会角色的身份 认同上,以艺术方式自觉、主动呼应战时国家的文化战略;在艺术生产方式上,有力 推动作者结构的大众化与表现方式的现代化。这些新质素与趋势为学界全面、深入认 识和评估中国抗战文学对民族抗战的作用与贡献,提供了一个不可忽视的角度。  相似文献   

中国收入分配的不平等在很大程度上表现为功能性收入分配的不平等,即随着经 济的发展,工资性收入占国民收入的比例越来越小,而现阶段中国二元经济结构下的 无限劳动力供给则是其主要原因。在一个具有凯恩斯主义特征的非均衡动态模型框架 下,我们的分析表明,劳动力的无限供给,不仅使工资无法对劳动力市场的供求状况 进行反应,而且使劳动生产率和物价变化对工资的影响也不敏感。这意味着,当存在 着劳动生产率的提高或由经济增长所带动的物价上涨时,工资的提高不够显著,从而 由经济增长或劳动生产率的提高所带来的利益大部分转化为利润而非工资。基于此, 要彻底扭转中国收入分配恶化趋势,根本途径仍然是保持经济的高速增长,加快工业 化和城市化进程,从而使农村剩余劳动力能够尽快被吸收。

关键词: 功能性收入?二元经济?劳动力供给

China's unequal income distribution is to a large extent expressed in unequal functional income distribution, that is, as China's economy develops, the share of wage income in national income falls. The unlimited supply of labor under China's current dual economic structure is the major reason for this. In a disequilibrium dynamic model framework with Keynesian features, empirical analysis shows that the unlimited supply of labor not only prevents wages from responding to supply and demand situation in the labor market, but also makes them insensitive to labor productivity and price changes. This suggests that when there is a rise in labor productivity or prices following economic growth, the rise in wages may not be sufficiently marked. The benefits derived from economic growth or labor productivity increases have been, to a very large extent, converted into profits and not wages. Therefore, if we are to reverse China's worsening income distribution, our fundamental path should remain the maintenance of high‐speed growth and the acceleration of urbanization and industrialization so that surplus rural labor can be absorbed as soon as possible.  相似文献   

对中国史学理论若干前提性问题的重新思考,是对以往那些被认为是无可置疑 的理论前提和历史前提进行重新认识和评价,是把中国历史置于历史哲学的理论视 域中来加以重新分析和观察,是对旧的历史史观的清理和矫正,也是对马克思唯物 史观核心价值的辩证把握和具体运用。从历史研究的出发点、比较历史研究的方 法、历史事实及其规律的认定、历史观和历史价值观的阐释上,坚持唯物史观的基 本传统,把现实、历史、理论和价值统一起来,形成整体的长时段的大跨度的观察 历史的理论和方法。

关键词: 前提性问题?比较史学?历史差异?普世史观?历史逻辑?历史评价

A re‐thinking of several premise issues in Chinese historiographic theory involves reconsidering and reassessing hitherto unquestioned theoretical and historical premises, re‐analyzing and re‐observing Chinese history with the theoretical vision of the philosophy of history, and sorting out and correcting ideas of history. It is a process of dialectical comprehension and specific application of the core values of Marxist materialist history, involving adherence to the basic traditions of materialist history in the following areas: the starting point of historical studies, methods of comparative historical research, establishment of the facts and laws of history, explanations of historical concepts and values and integration of reality, history, theory and values, so as to develop a holistic theory and method of historical observation covering a long period and a broad span.  相似文献   

China's health care reform of the 1990s has not yielded much success. The market‐oriented health system has resulted in declines in fairness of health services and efficiency of investment in the health sector. Further health care reform will be required. Among many options, asset‐based policy has demonstrated some potential in domestic policy development. To provide evidence to inform health policy development in China, this study focuses on the effects of household assets on health in China. Specifically, the current study examines how household assets may affect health status and how assets differ from income in predicting health status. Using a random sample of Chinese elderly, we find that asset holding in the form of household durables and household utilities has both direct and indirect effects on health status. Household assets directly affect access to medical care and indirectly affect health by influencing health behaviour and psychological condition. In other words, in addition to economic effects, household assets appear to have behavioural and psychological effects on health. Interestingly, these effects appear to be associated with assets, but not with income. Implications for asset building policy are suggested as a complement to existing health care models.

中国自20世纪90年代开始的卫生保健改革还没有取得很大成功。市场主导的医疗系统使卫生部门提供的健康服务无论在公平性和效率都有所下降。进一步的医疗保健改革是需要的。在众多的选择当中,以资产为基础的政策已显示出一定的潜力。为向中国的卫生政策发展提供证据,这项研究的重点是家庭资产在中国对健康的影响。具体来说,目前的研究探讨家庭资产如何影响健康状况,以及资产如何不同于收入来预测健康状况。作者用随机抽样的方法研究中国的老年人,发现家庭耐用消费品和家庭水电费都直接和间接影响健康状况。家庭资产直接影响到能否获得医疗照顾和间接影响有关影响健康的行为和心理状态。换言之,除了经济影响,家庭资产似乎对行为和心理健康有所影响。有趣的是,这些影响似乎是与资产相关,而并非收入。作者建议以资产建设政策补充现有的医疗保健模式。  相似文献   

The original hypothesis of this research was that China has developed public policies to protect the rights and interests of its ethnic minorities. Using literature and web materials from different sources, however, the authors were unable to obtain findings to test this hypothesis. Nevertheless, from an analysis of 31 articles and books, eight research and news websites, and three Chinese government websites, we found three discussion areas on the relationship between public policies and ethnic minorities in China. These three areas are the characteristics of ethnic minorities in China, the theoretical underpinnings of studies of ethnic minorities in China, and recent migration patterns that affect ethnic minority populations. Limited by using scarce resources from existing literature, including general demographic and government websites, this article analyses whether policies have been formed to help ethnic minorities to be economically and politically productive.

本研究最原先的假设是中国已发展了一系列的公共政策以保护境内少数民族的权益。但是,作者无法从不同的文献和网络等获得资料以考证这个假设。不过,通过对三十一篇文章和书籍,八个研究及新闻网站,和三个中国政府的官方网站的分析后,我们发现有关研究中国公共政策和少数民族关系的三个范畴。这三个领域包括:中国少数民族的特征,中国少数民族的理论基础研究,以及近代移民模式对少数民族的影响。用现今有限的文献,包括一般人口资料和政府网站,本文分析了协助少数民族提高经济和政治生产力的政策是否已经形成。  相似文献   

“五四”作为中国现代文学的开端,是绕不开和说不尽的一个传统和话题。文章 选择从20世纪30年代文学界对五四文学传统的反思入手,通过对五四文学与30年代文 学的阐释和评价,探究其背后所隐含的不同言说目的、方式和观照视角,由此来透视 言说者和评价者基于不同历史阶段所持的不同的文学思路。五四文学秉持的是一种人 文学科的思路,而30年代文学信守的则是一种社会科学的思路,而对于两个时代的不 同阐释和评价以及其间的种种复杂纠葛,在此都可找到准确、合理的解释。另外,通 过30年代与“五四”所持文学思路的差异,还可以反观五四文学传统以及把握30年代 文学的转型,总结五四文学传统和30年代文学传统的经验和教训。

关键词: 五四文学传统?30年代文学?文学转型?人文学科思路?社会科学思路

The May Fourth movement that ushered in China's modern literature constitutes a central and inexhaustible tradition and topic. This paper proceeds from the Chinese literary community's reflections on the May Fourth literary tradition to explore the different aims, methods and perspectives of the May Fourth and 1930s literature through the interpretations and evaluations of each period. May Fourth literature followed a humanist approach while that of the 1930s took a social sciences approach. This point can provide us with a correct and rational explanation of the different interpretations and evaluations of the two periods and their complex entanglement. Furthermore, by examining the differences in approach of the two periods, we can look back over the May Fourth literary tradition and gain a better grasp of the transformation of literature in the 1930s, and thus sum up the experience and lessons of the literary tradition of both periods.  相似文献   

商业贿赂在中国的公职腐败案件中占有较大比重, 必将成为当前和今后反腐败 的重心。为了更好实现对公共权力约束的目的, 应当结合商业贿赂犯罪的特点和新表 现, 对中国刑法的反腐败罪名的构罪标准、具体评价尺度等微观内容进行调整, 以更 有效打击商业贿赂犯罪。关键词: 商业贿赂 刑法规制 机制重构 Commercial bribery makes up a high proportion of all corruption involving public functionaries in China. As such, it must be a present and future focus of the fight against corruption. In order to better achieve the objective of restraining public power, we should adjust the criteria for what constitutes the crime of corruption and the content of the specific assessment of this crime in Chinese criminal law in the light of the characteristics and new manifestations of commercial bribery, with a view to combating it more effectively.  相似文献   

本文回顾了过去一个世纪政治学在中国的发展, 尤其是过去30年间的发展。其主 要观点是, 这个学科领域已经走过了两个阶段, 即“取经”与“效仿”。它正在进入 第三个阶段, 即本土化或中国化。不过, 即使对中国学者而言, 本土化也并非易事。本土化要求我们具有清晰的本土问题意识, 善于从我们独特的视角对中国和世界政治 现象进行创造性的思考, 并有意识地在思考过程中创造新关键词、新概念体系、新基 本假设、新分析框架、新研究方法, 最终把这种思考上升到一般性理 论。

关键词: 政治学 中国政治 学习 本土化

The article reviews the development of political science in China in the last century, especially in the last 30 years. It shows that the discipline has gone through two stages, namely, uncritical learning and gullible emulating. It is entering a new stage: conscious indigenization of political science. It argues that indigenization is not an easy task even for indigenous academics. Therefore a project of indigenization requires a conscious and active effort on their part. Without critical introspection, indigenization is impossible.  相似文献   

中国的决策体制是中国政治体制的中枢系统, 也是决定中国发展的关键因素。以 中国共产党为领导核心的决策体制是在中国共产党领导革命、创建新中国的长期历史 中形成的, 具有其历史合理性。决策体制从建立到改革开放前呈现集中化的趋势。决 策权力日趋集中的体制, 存在着决策结构专业化分工程度不高、制度化程度低、偏重 经验决策、决策过程封闭和缺乏自我修正与调节机制等弊端。改革开放后, 决策体制 改革的重点, 是在决策结构、决策方式和决策机制三个主要方面推进决策的民主化、 科学化和法治化建设。决策体制改革的实践证明, 以决策民主化、科学化和法治化为 导向的决策体制改革, 成功应对了中国由经济和社会迅速变迁所带来的各种挑战。从 政治发展的角度看, 决策体制改革呈现出的基本趋势是: 从个人决策向民主决策、从 经验决策向科学决策、从决策组织高度集中向决策组织结构分化、从封闭式决策向开 放式决策、从被动参与决策向自主参与决策、从决策非制度化向决策制度化转变。一 个中国共产党主导、多方参与、科学论证、过程开放、依法运行的决策模式在决策体 制改革的实践中初步形成。

关键词: 决策体制 集中决策 民主决策 科学决策 依法决策

The decision-making system is the backbone of China’s political system and a crucial factor determining its development. The decision-making system with the CPC lying at the core results from the CPC’s long history of leading China’s revolution and establishing the People’s Republic of China; therefore it has historical rationality. Decision-making was centralized over the period from the foundation of the PRC to reform and opening up. This centralized decision-making system had faults such as a low level of specialized division of labor, low institutionalization, an undue emphasis on experience, a closed decision-making process and the absence of any self-correcting and adjustment mechanisms. The reform of China’s decision-making system in the post-reform period has attached much importance to promoting democratic, scientific and law-based decision-making with regard to decision- making structures, modes and mechanisms. Practice proves that this reform has successfully met the challenges arising from rapid social and economic transition. Viewed from the perspective of political development, it involves an evolution from personal to democratic, from experience-based to scientific, from centralized to decentralized, from closed to open, from passive to active participation and from non-institutionalized to institutionalized decision-making. A decision-making model has gradually taken shape that is characterized by CPC domination, participation by multiple entities, scientific proof, open process, and law-based operation.  相似文献   

With the close economic relationship between Hong Kong and the Mainland, work‐related commuting across the border is emerging as a common work/family arrangement in Hong Kong. To examine the costs and benefits of this at the individual and family levels, a cross‐sectional survey with quota sampling was conducted. The target group of the survey was couples with one spouse working across the border and their children between the ages of 8–17, if there were any. A resilience perspective was adopted to address both the positive and negative impacts of the work arrangement on family relationships.

Findings of the survey indicate that disruption in the fulfillment of parental obligations is the most significant cost of the cross border work arrangement. Fathers are more likely to be marginalized in their parental role due to their higher frequency of travel and limited contacts with the children. For mothers with children at dependent age, limitations in parental involvement due to the work arrangement bring a strong sense of guilt. Work‐family conflict significantly intensified their intention to end the cross‐border work. On the other hand, the results indicate that commuting assignments can be stimulating and enriching to a marriage. To maximize the benefits of the cross‐border work arrangement and minimize its negative impacts, family‐friendly work policies and a family‐friendly work schedule are strongly recommended. Successful coping strategies and the necessary resources for the successful adjustment should be further examined.


调查结果发现,未能履行父母的义务是跨境工作安排最大的成本。由于频密的跨境工干和跟子女的接触有限,父亲更容易被排斥于其父亲的角色以外。由于跨境工作的安排以致未能与仍然是依赖年龄的子女有更多的联系,也为母亲带来强烈的罪疚感。工作与家庭的冲突大大增加了他们结束跨境工作的意愿。另一方面,研究发现这种工作安排可以刺激和丰富婚姻。为了发挥跨境工作安排最大的好处,并尽量减少其负面影响,作者强烈建议有利雇员发展家庭生活的工作安排。有效的的应对战略和所须的资源则需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

孤独是主体与对象(自然、社会、信仰)相疏离的深度心理体验,个体的孤独源 于主体需要与实现可能性、主体超越意识与超越有限性之间的悲剧冲突。孤独的作用 是多层面、多向度和辩证的,对城市秩序而言,孤独是建构性与消解性的统一。在现 代性的作用下,孤独率先在西方成为现代社会特别是现代城市社会的普遍心理现象, 在当今快速现代化的中国,城市社会的孤独不仅具有城市世界的普遍共性,其传统文 化中家宗教、家信仰的抽离必然使中国的城市孤独具有鲜明的本土化特征。因此,从 中国实际出发,探索构建心理秩序、城市秩序的具体路径十分必要。

关键词: 孤独?现代性?城市社会?心理秩序?家宗教

Loneliness can be best described as a kind of first‐hand, painful experience etched in the inner world of an individual's psyche. It arises from some degree of estrangement between the subject and the object (nature, society and beliefs). The root causes of individual loneliness lie in the unfortunate tension between the needs of the subject and the possibility of realizing these needs, the consciousness of transcendence on the part of the subject and the limited extent of this transcendence. The impacts of loneliness are multi‐layered, multi‐dimensional and dialectical. Relative to urban order, loneliness can be regarded as a unity of construction and dissolution. As a result of modernity, loneliness is, first in the West, becoming a universal psychological phenomenon in modern societies, particularly the modern urban societies. Since China is now undergoing rapid modernization, loneliness in China's urban society parallels that in urban societies around the world. The weakening of the family worship and beliefs traditionally found in Chinese society gives loneliness in urban China a localized coloration.

It is thus very necessary to proceed from China's realities to explore practical measures to construct a sound psychological and urban order in contemporary China.  相似文献   

腐败案件的高发案率是中国当前所处的社会转型期的突出特点。为了适应治理腐 败犯罪的需要, 中国刑事司法形成了一整套独具特色的侦查体制、办案原则, 并且注 重依靠群众查办腐败案件, 注重打击重点的随时调整。中国刑事司法注重提高腐败案 件的侦查能力和加强反腐败刑事司法的规范化建设等, 这是中国反腐败策略在刑事司 法领域的具体体现。同时, 中国在反腐败刑事程序如何与国际公约对接等方面面临着 一些挑战, 这也指引着中国刑事司法改进的方向。

关键词: 反腐败 社会转型 刑事司法 司法改革

A high incidence of corruption cases is a conspicuous feature of China’s present stage of social transition. Responding to the demands of combating corruption, Chinese criminal justice has developed a unique set of investigative methods and principles for handling of such cases, placing a high value on relying on the masses to find and act on cases of corruption and promptly adjusting its focus to the key areas of such crimes. It concentrates on enhancing investigative capacity and strengthening the standardization of anti-corruption criminal justice. These practices represent the concrete embodiment in the field of criminal justice of the government’s anti-corruption strategies. At the same time, China also faces some challenges in adjusting these procedures to accord with international practice. This is one of the aims of the judicial reform in China.  相似文献   

中国县级决策者主要对上级负责 , 追求尽可能高的经济增长率 , 而非居民福利最 大化 , 导致其财政决策偏向生产性支出。基于2067个县(市)2001—2005年财政经济 数据的实证检验,为县级财政生产性支出偏向的存在提供了有力的证据。生产性支出 偏向严重地妨碍公共财政体制的建设和向公共服务型政府的转型。解决这一问题的根 本出路在于逐步增强县级政府满足本地居民需求的激励。

关键词: 财政支出结构 财政支出偏向 县级政府

Being responsible mainly to their superiors, decision-makers at the county level in China pursue the maximum growth rate rather than their residents’ welfare. This leads to a preference for productive expenditure in their fiscal decisions. An empirical test based on 2,067 counties (cities) provides robust evidence for the existence of productive expenditure bias at the county level. Such bias causes a serious impediment to the construction of a system of public finance and the transformation to public service-oriented government in China. An appropriate solution to this problem is to gradually enhance incentives for county- level governments to satisfy the demands of local residents.  相似文献   

The paper explores the longitudinal changes of emotional well‐being of Chinese oldest old adults (80 years or older) and discloses significant factors that influence the trajectories, with a focus on the differences between those residing in rural and urban settings. Data were derived from three waves (1998, 2000, and 2002) of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS), which was carried out in 22 of the 31 provinces in China. We used hierarchical linear modelling to examine how the well‐being of 2490 older adults changed over the three waves of the survey. Results indicate that urban residence and greater involvement in social activities predicted an increase in well‐being over time. Participants with lower cognitive functioning and poorer self‐rated health at baseline tended to show improvements in well‐being over time. Rural oldest old adults were found to report decreases in well‐being, in contrast to an increasing trend found for urban oldest old adults. This finding lends itself to an important conclusion that more social services or formal support should be provided for older adults in rural areas in China.

本文探讨了中国的老年人((80岁或以上))跨时间的情绪变化,并揭示当中具有影响力的重要因素,尤其是农村和城市之间的差异。数据主要来自三次((1998年,2000年和2002年))对中国22个省份进行的中国高龄老人健康长寿基础调查((CLHLS)。作者用了分层线性模型去研究2490名老年人在三次调查之间的情绪变化。结果发现,居住在城市和积极参与小区活动对老人的情绪有正面的影响。认知功能较低和对自我健康评分较低的研究对象往往随时间的推移表现出有所改善。报告发现农村的老年人认为幸福的愈来愈少,相反,在城市的老年人中则有上升的趋势。这一发现本身的一个重要结论就是应该为中国农村地区的老年人提供更多的社会服务。  相似文献   

与古代希腊、罗马及日耳曼不同, 中国古代国家起源走的是一条构建和谐的道 路, 即没有打碎氏族制度, 而是在普遍存在的氏族组织的基础上滥觞国家的萌芽, 国 家与氏族长期并存而使早期国家完善与发展。氏族制度的长期存在和发展, 这一古代 中国独具特色的社会结构是和谐构建之路的深厚社会基础。古代中国早期国家构建过 程中, 十分关注各个氏族、部落的情、义、利、患等问题。这种关注与社会实践成为 构建和谐的基石, 也是那个时代的领导者成功的标识。直到古代中国早期国家成熟 时, 还能够看到构建和谐理念的痕迹。

关键词: 早期国家 氏族制度 礼制 和谐

Unlike the ancient Greek, Roman and German states, ancient Chinese states took a path of harmonious construction which did not involve abolition of the clan system. It was on the basis of the existing clan organization that the first shoots of the state sprouted, and the state and the clans underwent a long coexistence which allowed the early state to develop and be perfected. The unique social structure of ancient China—the long existence and development of the clan system—was the underlying social foundation for harmonious construction. The early Chinese states were much concerned with the feelings, opinions about right and wrong, advantages and calamities of the clans and tribes. This concern and social practice was the foundation stone for harmonious construction, as well as the benchmark for success for the leaders of the time. Traces of the idea of harmonious construction are apparent up to the full development of the early state in ancient China.  相似文献   


关键词: 行业垄断?收入差距分解?夏普里值

Regression‐based decomposition of inter‐industry earnings differentials shows that in 1988, 1995 and 2002, inter‐industry earnings differentials made an increasing contribution to urban earnings inequality in China. The primary reason for the widening gap lay in monopoly industries. At the same time, geographical location, educational level, type of enterprise ownership, type of occupation and whether the individual had a second job also contributed to rising earnings inequality, while age and being fully employed made a decreasing contribution. Therefore, if China is to reduce the earnings gap it is imperative that we remove barriers to labor market entry and break down some monopoly industries in the product market. Additionally, reducing obstacles to the free movement of labor and improving workers' educational level should also be important elements of the government's strategy for reducing the urban income gap in future.  相似文献   

本文将Barro模型关于内生公共支出的基本特征引入Chamley模型,考察了经济增 长中的最优税收与公共支出结构问题。利用两阶段逆向归纳法, 分别探讨了社会第一 优和次优的税收与公共支出结构的一般条件, 并通过一个具体例子给出了最优公共支 出与税收的显示路径。最后通过数值计算, 对中国的最优宏观税负水平进行了估计。 关键词: 最优税收 最优公共支出结构 经济增长 宏观税负

Incorporating endogenous public spending, the basic characteristic of the Barro model, into the Chamley model, this paper discusses the optimal taxation and public spending composition in economic growth. The two-stage backward induction method is adopted to explore the general optimality (including the first and second best) conditions for taxation and public spending, and the explicit solutions to optimal taxation and public spending composition are showed in a specific example. Finally, we estimate China’s optimal level of macro tax burden with the help of numerical calculation.  相似文献   

新时期以来的散文研究已走过了30年的历程。由于种种原因,散文研究一直受到 轻视和责难。本文从作家作品研究、专题性研究、散文史建设和散文理论建构诸方 面,对30年来散文研究进行了全面系统的梳理和评析,并追寻散文研究长期被冷落的 原因。文章认为21世纪的散文研究要走向深入和阔大,必须从三方面用力:其一是要 建立现代意识的散文批评视野;其二是“化西方”与“中国化”;其三是思维方式与 研究方法的改变。这三方面不但是认识和解决当代散文问题的重要维度,而且对散文 研究具有方法论的意义。

关键词: 新时期?散文研究?现代视野?理论建构

New Era research on the essay and other occasional writing already has a history of thirty years. For various reasons, however, such research has consistently been slighted and condemned. This article offers a systematic and comprehensive review and analysis of the last thirty years of research in this field in terms of writers and their works, research on special topics, and the construction of the history and theory of this genre, and explores the reasons why it has been slighted for so long. To deepen and broaden this research in the new century, we must exert ourselves in three areas: first, we must adopt a modern vision of criticism of the essay; second, we must “digest Western theories” and “Sinicize essay writing and research”; and third, we must change our research methods and way of thinking. These three points not only offer an important dimension for understanding and solving contemporary issues relating to the essay, but also have methodological significance for research.  相似文献   

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