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王春梅 《求是学刊》2006,33(3):80-85
编纂于20世纪90年代的《俄联邦民法典》是俄罗斯十几年政治、经济改革的经验总结,在私法领域中标志着计划经济向市场经济的过渡,标志着私法自治精神在民法上的回归,为俄罗斯经济和社会的全面发展提供了必要的法律基础和制度保障。但由于传统与现代因素的综合作用,新民法典在未来的朝向中任重道远。我国制定21世纪的新民法典必须崇扬私法自治精神,但如何克服俄联邦新民法典中残留的公法因素,培育和发展作为私法自治基础的市民社会,以及如何协调强制性规范和任意性规范的设置,实现私法自治目标也是我国制定民法典时应当审慎思考的问题。  相似文献   

State policies exert a great influence over Chinese civil justice. Article 6 of the General Principles of Civil Law stipulates that state policies are a source of civil law, but the path by which they enter civil justice is not a rational one and may lead to adjudication difficulties with state policies. State policies are integrated with state law, and the laws and legal interpretations formulated by the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee, judicial interpretations, administrative regulations, autonomous regulations and special regulations, administrative rules and other regulatory documents are forms of expression of state policies. Different rules for adjudication apply depending on the different vehicles of state policy. The Supreme People’s Court can play a role in making public policy and guiding state policy into civil adjudication through “open” and “unseen” channels.  相似文献   

婚姻家庭制度的完善,不仅需要解决立法技术问题,更需要解决立法观念与立法意识问题.要使<婚姻法>成为具有前瞻性、适用性、科学性的法典,则须认真思考如下问题<婚姻法>以独立法典的模式出现,既可兼顾立法传统,又能顺应制定民法典的趋势;确立婚约制度,不仅是婚俗生活的要求,也是完善婚姻家庭立法的要求;离婚损害赔偿制度是对婚姻自由原则的补充,有助于对善意当事人权益的维护;建立完备的亲权制度势在必行.  相似文献   

"外国法的查明和解释"的条文设计与论证   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄进  杜焕芳 《求是学刊》2005,32(2):69-76
外国法的查明和解释是法院在审理涉外民商事案件时通常会遇到的问题.在这方面,我国<民法通则>第八章"涉外民事关系的法律适用"对此缺乏规范,因而成为立法中的一个空白.尽管最高人民法院以司法解释的形式做了补充,但是司法实践还是比较混乱.文章为配合我国正在进行的"涉外民事关系的法律适用法"的立法,对其中的"外国法的查明和解释"的条文做了具体设计,并从立法、理论和实践的角度,对外国法的查明方法、无法查明外国法时的救济以及外国法的解释问题进行了充分的说明和详细的论证.  相似文献   

任何劳动用工形式都是由当时的经济体制决定并随之而发展的。从劳动用工终身制到合同制,再从《劳动法》到《劳动合同法》,改革开放后中国的劳动用工形式发生了重大改变。只有将此过程同30年来中国经济体制转型的大背景相结合,才能从根本上把握中国劳动合同制产生、发展和规范的历史脉络,也才能真正理解《劳动合同法》的真谛。  相似文献   

Since its very release in March 2006, the opinion-soliciting draft of the Labor Contract Law has sparked considerable controversy. Indeed, the whole process of its consideration, promulgation, implementation and amendment has been accompanied by complex questioning and a diversity of views. This has to some extent reduced appreciation of the value of the Labor Contract Law itself. In the economy and society, rational legal construction can minimize the damage done by the failure of private negotiations. The Labor Contract Law is dedicated to changing the action space of workers and enterprises in order to promote efficiency in production and equity in distribution. With the aim of constructing and developing harmonious and stable labor relations, the law seeks to encourage workers and enterprises to forge communities of shared interests, shared undertakings, a common destiny and a joint mission; it is here that the true value of the law lies. In terms of institutional design, in building a system that categorizes workplace employment, the Labor Contract Law makes a breakthrough in workplace labor relations management and sets up an innovative labor relations management system with Chinese characteristics. Faced with the new normal in labor relations, we should make further progress in strengthening democratic enterprise management, optimizing the developmental environment of business, etc.  相似文献   

我国合同法买卖不破租赁的规则及物权法有关租赁权与抵押权的冲突规则,赋予了租赁权以物权特征;但合同法与物权法构建的租赁权规则体系存在明显漏洞——物权化的租赁权缺乏公示制度的配套,从而有碍交易安全和效率,也损害抵押权制度;我国民商事法律制度中其他物权化之债权以及航空器、船舶租赁却有相对完善的交易安全的制度安排。对买卖不破租赁的立法政策进行法律经济分析,可以发现租赁权物权化从保护承租人的公平的政策考虑,需与公示公信、交易安全的效率的政策考虑相平衡;借鉴其他立法例,我国合同法及物权法与租赁权相关的条款应当适当修改,最终达到公平与效率目标的平衡。  相似文献   

侵权损害赔偿请求权,是侵权损害赔偿理论中的一个重要问题,而实践中往往不被引起重视。《中华人民共和国民法通则》颁布以后,侵权损害赔偿请求权的产生变更和竞合产生了一系列的法律后果。特别是《民法典》即将出台,再不重视这一问题的理论研究及司法实践经验的总结,将会出现理论上的混乱及实践的差误,因此,对民事侵权损害赔偿请求权的研究就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

比照近代民法以财产法为中心,现代民法强化了人文关怀,主要表现为从以财产法为中心到人法地位的提升,并广泛体现于民法中主体制度的发展、人格权的勃兴、合同制度的发展、物权法的发展、侵权法的发展、婚姻家庭法的发展等各个方面。中国未来的民法典应当以人文关怀构建价值理念,注重对人的自由和尊严的充分保障以及对弱势群体的特殊关爱。基于这一理念,在中国未来民法典中有必要增加人格权法和侵权责任法编。在中国民法的适用等方面更应强化人文关怀。  相似文献   


The revised Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers (Consumer Protection Law), which sums up nearly twenty years of the evolution of Chinese punitive damages regulations, sets out a model system of punitive damages. These are in essence a special kind of penalty under a dual public-private legal system in which the punitive and deterrent functions of public law are realized through the mechanism of private law. Their application should be guided by the public law principle that the penalty should be proportionate to the offence. The question of whether the penalty is appropriate arises in the application of the two forms of punitive damages prescribed in the Consumer Protection Law—whether used separately or together, or in conjunction with or independently of fines or financial awards. The application of the new punitive damages regulations may overlap with the application of China’s Food Safety Law and Tort Liability Law.  相似文献   

我国合同法所确立的以主观瑕疵为主、客观瑕疵为补充的瑕疵认定标准.充分体现了立法对当事人之间私法自治的尊重.不足的是,在现行法体系内该标准重叠、散乱、过于抽象,且对建筑物等特种标的物尚无明确规范指引,因此弱化了法典的规范效力,徒增司法操作的难度.因此.有必要借鉴欧盟指令和德国新债法等先进法律文本对我国物的瑕疵认定标准进行细化和补充,以期完善我国物的瑕疵担保责任制度,充分保护买方利益.特别是消费者的权益.  相似文献   

With the issuance of the Principles of Civil Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics, the first, but very important, stage in the new codification of Soviet civil legislation to correspond with the needs of the period of the comprehensive building of communism has been realized. What must now follow is the adoption of civil codes by the union republics, in which the general, fundamental and primary propositions of the Principles will be appropriately concretized and detailed, developed and augmented.  相似文献   

Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) underpin the new knowledge economy and their ownership and control affects the distribution of wealth and power. This paper explores the changing international IPRs regime and its possible impact on the food system, in particular through their connection with biotechnology and marketing. It outlines how IPRs have been extended into agriculture globally through the Agreement on the Trade–Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ( TRIPS) at the World Trade Organization ( WTO) and the other related international agreements. It identifies two problems. One is with the way the global rules are made—which is unbalanced with too few of the interested parties taking part in the process. The other is with whether the rules themselves are appropriate in food and agriculture. Their possible impact, especially patents, on increasingly proprietary, agricultural research and development is discussed as well as the possible effects on seed provision of the requirement for some form of IPRs protection to be available for plant varieties in all WTO members, sooner or later. Possible options for rethinking the rules to make them more appropriate for food and agriculture are discussed, as well as effects on market structure and the environment. Brief mention is made of other IPRs—trademarks, trade secrets and geographical indications—upon the way business in the food system is carried out. The paper concludes that this complex subject area is worthy of much more scrutiny because of the potential impact of these esoteric and complex rules.  相似文献   

Objective. Scholars have long held that presidents use various tools to control the federal bureaucracy. Yet, despite their importance to presidents in achieving their policy goals in Congress, few scholars have examined the impact of presidential speeches on bureaucratic activity. This article analyzes the impact of both positive and negative policy signals on civil rights policy in the bureaucracy. Method. I test this hypothesis using speeches coded from the Public Papers of the Presidents and their impact on criminal cases filed by the Civil Rights Division over time. Given heteroskedasticity in the dependent variable, log‐linear time‐series methods are appropriate. Results. The president's positive speeches increase the number of criminal civil rights cases filed in U.S. District Court. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 also has had a significant, positive impact on bureaucratic activity. Conclusions. In part because bureaucrats have discretion to resist presidential preferences that oppose an agency's core task, negative signals do not affect the implementation of civil rights policy. Yet, positive presidential speeches are available to presidents who may wish to influence the bureaucracy.  相似文献   

比照近代民法以财产法为中心, 现代民法强化了人文关怀, 主要表现为从以财产 法为中心到人法地位的提升, 并广泛体现于民法中主体制度的发展、人格权的勃兴、 合同制度的发展、物权法的发展、侵权法的发展、婚姻家庭法的发展等各个方面。中 国未来的民法典应当以人文关怀构建价值理念, 注重对人的自由和尊严的充分保障以 及对弱势群体的特殊关爱。基于这一理念, 在中国未来民法典中有必要增加人格权法 和侵权责任法编。在中国民法的适用等方面更应强化人文关怀。

关键词: 人文关怀 民法典 价值理念 人格尊严

In contrast to early modern civil law, which centered on property law, modern civil law shows intensified humanistic concerns. This is mainly reflected in the rising status of personal law, and is also widely evidenced in the development within civil law of the subject, personal rights, the contract system, real right law and tort law, as well as marriage and family law. China’s future civil code should construct civil law values based on humanistic concerns and highlight the full protection of human freedom and dignity and special care for disadvantaged groups. In line with this idea, it is necessary to include law on personal rights and tort law in the future civil code. Humanistic concerns should be strengthened in the application of civil law.  相似文献   

翟羽艳 《求是学刊》2007,34(3):71-76
百年前中国物权立法道路的选择奠定了当代中国物权立法的模式选择和价值取向,也导致了中国物权立法进程的艰难曲折。中国当代的物权立法必须走出功能价值定位偏失、忽略本土法律传统等误区,在中国本土法律资源的基础上引入现代性的价值目标,对物权理念进行更新,将法律的文化意义和形式品质作为物权立法的新理念,实现中国物权立法现代性的转变。  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》实施中应予关注的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许建宇 《阅江学刊》2009,(2):104-107
《劳动合同法》的实施,提出了若干需要予以准确解读、重点规制和进行理论创新的重大课题。首先,应从“倾斜保护”与“利益平衡”相结合、最终实现劳资共赢目标的高度,来认识并践行《劳动合同法》的立法宗旨。其次,针对有些用人单位采取某些规避法律行为(包括“准规避法律行为”)从而影响《劳动合同法》严格实施的现象,立法上应设置相应的反规避措施和方法。最后,劳动法学界应尽快进行全面的理论创新,为《劳动合同法》的正确实施提供理论支持和指导。  相似文献   

The Principles of Civil Procedure of the USSR and the Union Republics provide that every party concerned has the right, under procedure established by law, to go to court for protection of a violated or challenged right or of an interest protected by law (Art. 5). Because of the particular importance of this right, the same article of the Principles provides that refusal to grant the right of recourse to a court is invalid.  相似文献   

法制现代化的目标与实现途径是法制现代化的核心 ,民法现代化是法制现代化的基础。民法现代化的目标在于民法的法典化和民法文化的平民化。实现这一目标的途径不是单一的 ,它必须是法文化继承、吸纳和创新的完美结合  相似文献   

Article 4 of the Labor Contract Law lays down the right of the Staff and Workers’ Representative Congress (SWRC) to deliberate on the formulation of (intra-enterprise) work regulations, but this has become a “soft” law in judicial practice. The judicial criteria for judging the validity of work regulations are in essence determined by the judge’s judgment on their reasonableness. As an important embodiment of Chinese politics, economics and culture, the transformation of the SWRC that accompanied the market economy has not negated its value as an indigenous traditional resource. The SWRC does not just enjoy deliberative rights in the formation of regulations, as clearly specified in constitutional law, but also has rights under the law in local legislation and practice. Hence the system of work regulations is neither a unilateral decision on the part of management nor a contract, but rather an autonomous norm developed through the SWRC mechanism. Given the mandatory nature of Article 4 of the Labor Contract Law, regulations will only be valid after they have gone through a democratic process. The further development of the theory of normative system formation should endow the SWRC with greater rights and integrate it smoothly with the collective contract system to standardize collective labor relations.  相似文献   

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