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This paper discusses the risk elements in encounters with six angry male clients of a social services neighbourhood team. Their preoccupation with basic survival needs produced an identification of the worker with an elusive “stolen object”; this leads to a discussion of how we also felt we had become identified with an image of persecuting parent, rooted in their childhood experience. The key notion of our “struggle” with them is linked to that of “boundary-setting” and the therapeutic value of the characteristic escalation of client/worker conflict is examined. The worker's survival is seen as a confirmation of the client's personal integrity. The process of disengagement is then analysed with particular attention to the material transactions between client and worker that served to mark the end of the engagement. We acknowledge the minimalist nature of our strategy with these men, and attempt to examine outcomes.  相似文献   


In the human services confidentiality is a central principle defining the relationship between the worker and the client. In this paper the authors argue that the human services have privileged the notion of confidentiality over the more fundamental right of privacy. They argue there is a persistent confusion between these two concepts and that privacy is an important but neglected ethical concept within human services. The authors discuss the relationship between privacy and confidentiality and identii some of the implications of the privacy concept for practice.  相似文献   


You’ve gotta befriend them but not be their friend’ is how one youth worker thoughtfully described the secret to successful youth practice. This paper draws on experiences of youth workers in the United Kingdom to consider how the growth of digital technologies comes to be negotiated and articulated in professional practice. Situating these experiences alongside young people’s accounts, this article highlights a distinction between young people’s relationship with the digital and adult perceptions of youth and technology. The aim of this paper is to consider what factors contribute towards this divide and where adult perceptions come from, if not from the experiences of young people themselves. The article then goes on to discuss the potential consequences of the presence of technology and discourses surrounding the digital for youth worker’s engagements with young people in professional practice. Overall, this article argues for the enduring relevance of youth workers and physical youth centres in a digital age and joins several scholars in critiquing the chronic under-investment in youth workers and provision in the UK and beyond.  相似文献   

The United States is the world leader in confining bodies behind bars. As scholars, practitioners, and activists struggle against the problem of mass incarceration, this article makes a distinction between two competing perspectives, both of which seek to change the current criminal legal system: “prison abolition” and “reformism.” Each represents ideological and political differences in how mass incarceration should and could be resolved. Prior research has relied on historical methods and data to examine theoretical departures between prison reform and prison abolition, yet to our knowledge, there have been no explorations of these perspectives on new media. This article fills the gap, drawing on a sample of 2,112,206 tweets between 2011 and 2020 and engaging in an in-depth qualitative analysis of nearly 5,000 tweets over a 6-year period in order to investigate the ways Twitter users disclose and define their positions on criminal justice reform on one hand, and prison abolition on the other, and how these discussions have changed over time.  相似文献   


A performance support system (PSS) improves workplace performance by providing on-demand access to the integrated information needed to complete the task or solve the problem at hand. To test the feasibility of a human services PSS, the authors developed the Worker Safety Advisor (WSA), which presents several computer screens on which workers specify the situation they face. The WSA then searches a knowledge base and presents relevant worker safety information in an easy-to-read format. This article describes the development of the WSA, Including its background, rationale, objectives, resources required, and lessons learned. The PSS concepts and experiences presented can help others develop similar applications.  相似文献   

《Public Relations Review》2004,30(2):169-176
This paper asks what we can learn from the parallels between terrorism and PR, either for the understanding of terrorism or—of more direct concern here—for the understanding of PR and its place in contemporary society. The already poor public image of PR may suffer from insufficient clarity about these parallels. It is suggested that while analogising between the two is of value, the differences between terrorism and PR also need to be stressed. Public communications need to be differentiated in two ways, firstly in terms of the distinction between spectacular and participatory types of public sphere, and secondly in terms of the distinction between values-based and power-based modes of address. Combining these concepts generates a simple 2×2 matrix for c1assifying public communications. This can help both to identify terrorism and PR as different forms of public communication, and also to identify the practical PR challenges facing governments and civic society in the struggle against terrorism.  相似文献   

The basic unit of human organization has always been the family, although the meaning and composition of “family” has altered over the millennia of human existence. The current view in Western thought is that there is a distinct schism between the family and other social organizations, particularly those organizations associated with work. As a broad distinction, the family is held to be in the private sphere of human interaction and work organizations in the public. Much feminist theory is predicated on this private/public split, and one of the reasons proposed for the social inequality of women is that the private, which is women's “natural” domain, is held to be of lesser social significance.

The paper considers, in a light-hearted (but we hope not lightweight) manner, the metaphor of the organization as family. We provide analogies between the notions of “family” as a private social institution and the work organization, drawing no conclusions, but providing some small insights into affinities and congruences which blur the private/public distinction. If we assert anything at all, it is this: because the work organization is family, we are able to slip from one to the other each day with the minimum of psychic stress.

“Travail, Famille, patrie” (the slogan of the Vichy régime)  相似文献   


This paper mainly addresses white social workers who want to practise in an anti-racist manner. It aims to clarify common confusions about the relationship between therapeutic and political goals in anti-racist practice, which can lead workers to feel immobilised and unable to get started. Analysis of a case example based on the author's experience is used to unravel the strands of personal distress and experience of racism which a client may bring to a social worker, and the corresponding strands of personal and institutional racism with which the social worker must wrestle. It is proposed that familiar concepts of transference and counter-transference can be helpful in understanding the confusions about racism which white social workers may experience in practice encounters with black clients. The importance of all this is seen to lie in the likelihood of white social workers unwittingly reproducing racism, unless they are clear about the boundaries between the therapeutic and the political domains.  相似文献   


When a psychotherapist and patient meet for the first time, there may be a multiplicity of assumptions on both sides about expectations and goals. This paper describes that crucial relationship and the work that must take place in order that a patient gives a relatively informed consent about the therapeutic process. Due to the many variables and unknowns, there is no such thing as an absolute informed consent in psychotherapy. A relatively informed patient, however, is one who is better prepared to enter into a therapeutic alliance. These important concepts are illustrated with case examples.  相似文献   


The clearest distinction between webcam-facilitated versus face-to-face psychotherapy is the available sensorial information. The following questions guide this discussion: 1. How do our senses inform the psychotherapeutic process? 2. What are the implications for the therapeutic process when sensory information is different than during face-to-face therapy? This examination of the role of the senses in the creation of knowledge is grounded in phenomenology. Individual unity of consciousness and reciprocal understanding are applied to literature on webcam-facilitated therapy. An amalgam clinical example illustrates these phenomenological concepts and role of intersubjectivity. The core issues are involvement of sensory processes in the process of psychotherapy and co-construction of knowledge. By accepting the limitations of therapist knowledge, the client is encouraged to articulate and develop their own knowledge, and make conscious their unconscious. It is not necessary for therapist and client to share a physical space for co-creation of knowledge necessary for client transformation.  相似文献   

While Erving Goffman's sociology has enjoyed great popularity and is cited often, the career of his work has been largely confined to other scholars reaping, adapting, and utilizing his concepts. Goffman was opposed to science that just reproduces and orders concepts, and opposed to his students using his concepts as easy tools. Instead, he recommended they train their own horses: While there is much to use in Goffman's work, there is little scholarship that continues the genius of his practical approach. As valuable as Goffman's categories are, his collection practice and his analytical scheme may be even more valuable. On the one hand, they offer an intricate framework for research that is as open as it is directed; on the other hand, they allow researchers to argue freedom from the ever more imposing bad imitations of natural scientific method that threaten to overgrow the social sciences. Together, they allow Goffmanesque work without merely parroting his concepts. This article attempts to outline Goffman's eclectic way of collecting material and his technique for fashioning this material into analyses, reordering this material around different metaphors that make Goffman's contribution distinct. I call Goffman's practical research a flaneur approach, and outline it. The paper then makes an argument for its continuation.  相似文献   


This paper outlines a set of considerations on the politics of reading by suggesting a concept of inheritance to think about the reception of Michel Foucault in organization studies. On the one hand we consider what Foucault inherited from others, the interpretations and decisions he made in relation to an earlier tradition, while on the other hand we consider how Foucault s work has been inherited as it has moved into organization studies. We read Foucault with the assistance of concepts of reading and inheritance that we, in turn, have appropriated from Jacques Derrida, which offer potential ways of considering relations between writers and the way that inheritances are instituted in practices of reading. This involves insisting on the necessity of engaging with a number of complexities, contradictions and double-binds in the texts of Foucault (and others).  相似文献   


The Social Workers Registration Bill 2018 is before the Parliament of South Australia. It makes provision to establish a social worker registration board with powers to investigate complaints and enforce penalties for breach of competency and ethical standards. This paper presents an argument for the national registration of social workers; and in addition, outlines key considerations for thinking about risk, protection, safeguarding, and implementation that comes with registration.

  • Risk and protection need to be assessed as part of a more comprehensive regulatory framework in the debates of registration.

  • If registration is to become part of the regulation of social work, a national approach to social worker registration is indicated, so that a person deregistered in one state cannot be employed as a social worker in another.

  • Social worker registration is a potentially useful formal mechanism that offers both a protective safeguard (social worker status) and a corrective safeguard (limiting or de-registering).


Cotê has called for a focus on a political economy analysis, where young people should be thought of as ‘youth-as-class’. Cotê positions youth as having false consciousness, arguing that youth studies is too focussed on subjectivities and a potential apologist for neo-liberalism. While we acknowledge the central importance of economic considerations, this paper critically engages Cotê’s claims while developing an approach to political economy that recognises the importance of inequalities between young people. We engage with a number of Cotê’s claims arguing that his position underestimates the diversity of work in this area and the importance subjectivities to any analysis of political economy. We also identify a number of conceptual problems with ‘youth-as-class’ and the ‘false consciousness’ heuristic. We develop an alternative approach outlining a more integrative understanding of the relationship between the political and the economy highlighting the importance of subjectivity. We draw on ideas of political ecology; reflexivity and consciousness; and concepts from Bourdieu. Our approach recognises that young people's lives can be shaped by economic forces and by classed symbolic and moral forces. Young people are not passive dupes, but are in a constant reflexive struggle to respond to circumstances not always of their own making.  相似文献   


The following paper is a review of research studies examining the relationship between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and subsequent involvement in sex work. The vast majority of research studies in this area are conducted on primarily female street-based prostitutes; however, there has been a recent emergence of studies focused on male, predominantly gay/bisexual, participants. Also, more studies have begun to include mixed gender samples and non-sex worker comparison groups. Highlights of the paper include a critique of studies reporting a prevalence of CSA, the intervening effects of family environment, runaway behavior, and abuse characteristics, and a brief overview of research on other sex worker populations. Limitations as well as contributions of current studies are underscored and directions for future research are indicated.  相似文献   


“Part of living in Britain and being Black entails, at the one end, the denial of difference, and at the other, prejudice and hostility on the grounds of difference” (Ann Kutek, 1987). Local authorities have set up training in Racism Awareness, and more recently, Anti-Racism Training (RAT and ART). These moves have led to the assumption that black clients are now receiving a better service. However, research undertaken at Bradford and Warwick Universities suggests that practice, in terms of social work delivery to the client, still remains unhelpful (Jervis, 1986).

My contention is that the initiatives of RAT or ART may certainly have led to a greater political recognition of the needs of black families, but they have not necessarily led to better service. I find it particularly helpful to look at the Four Life Positions formulated in T. A. Harris' book on Transactional Analysis (1970), “I'm O.K. You're O.K.”. There he says that all human interactions fall into one of the following four categories:

Current training in aspects of Racism emphasises that the white races have perceived black races as being inferior and second class. It then attempts to reverse the situation. From a position where the white races feel “I'm O.K.”, and put down the black races into the “You're not O.K.” position, training reverses the roles. The interaction still remains a struggle for power and control, and moves between positions 1 and 3, often via position 2. The training does not seem to facilitate a move on to the fourth T.A. position above, which involves understanding, valuation and respect for each other's differences, and an ability to move on to a shared equal partnership in the immediate here-and-now situation.

I give below a cast-study of an Asian family, in which I hope to demonstrate clearly how they failed to get appropriate help from both a white social worker and an Asian community worker. In looking at these workers' responses, I will attempt to demonstrate how the various interactions during the history of the case stayed locked in Harris' positions 1 and 3, with occasional forays into position 2. In the meantime, the family was pushed further and further down the spiral of total breakdown because the workers remained unable to move on to position 4. Only in this position could they have respected and trusted each other enough to pool the resources of their two agencies in order to move on to concrete constructive steps forward for an extremely stressed and vulnerable family.  相似文献   


This article addresses the divergent outcomes which can result from counseling services offered pastorally versus clinically. As faith leaders often have greater direct access than social workers to supporting religious populations, it is important to explore the intersection between religious pastoral support and clinical social work. Presenting six scenarios from the author’s own experiences as both a rabbi and social worker, this article processes each scenario first through the pastoral lens of an Orthodox rabbi, followed by the clinical lens of a social worker or other mental health professional. The client outcomes which are produced from each modality are radically different. This contrast demonstrates the distinction between the goals, values, and training of each profession, and highlights importance for future work to be done in linking religious and pastoral training to mental health services, as well as broadening the scope of cultural competence for social workers and therapists who may engage with tight-knit religious populations.  相似文献   


From 1934 to 1962, the United Fruit Company owned and operated Hacienda Tenguel, an immense banana plantation in Ecuador's southern coast. In an effort to control the working‐class of Tenguel, United Fruit implemented a system of plantation management that was rooted in the support and manipulation of gendered institutions and practices. In the end, the system backfired and the workers invaded the entire property, using the same sets of gendered relationships, rights, and identities that the company had developed in order to produce a docile labor force. In contrast, the current system of contract farming, backed by the state, has made it impossible to adopt the identity of “worker” in a more subjective and political sense. Plantations, now severed from the daily life of the family and community, are no longer sites where a politically meaningful sense of class identity is forged. In examining this process of restructuring, this essay explores the complex and changing relationships between political struggle, the formation of class and gender identities, and processes of capitalist transformation.  相似文献   

Alexis de Tocqueville discusses extensively the phenomenon of civil society. He distinguishes between the competence of the state on the one hand and the proper competences of free associations on the other. Therefore, the competence of the state should be a limited one. However, since free associations can cause social struggle, the government should also have the ability to limit self-regulation of free associations. Moreover, each government needs a social basis that gives support to this policy of intervention. The central question of this article reads as follows: What method of research is Tocqueville employing to discover this social basis. The conclusion is that his method is to discover what mores form the basis needed by a democratic government to pursue its policy of intervention.  相似文献   

In 1984, Niklas Luhmann published Soziale Systeme in which he applies the idea of autopoiesis (= self-production) to social systems. Abstracted from its biological connotations, the concept of autopoiesis leads to a sharp distinction between different kinds of autopoietic organization, i.e. between life, consciousness and communication. According to Luhmann, the relationship between social systems and human beings cannot be adequately analysed except by taking into account that they are environments for one another. If this theoretical background is accepted, the concepts and theory of socialization need to be revised. Luhmann takes issues with classical notions such as internalization, inculcation, or 'socialization to the grounds of consensus' (Talcott Parsons). After a historical overview of social systems research and general systems theory, it is indicated how communications trigger further communications and realize the autopoiesis of social systems. In the second part of the article, the distinction between social systems and psychic systems is used to discuss issues crucial to socialization theory. Both a revision of the concept of socialization, and lines for an empirical research programme are proposed in accordance with Luhmann's theory of social systems.  相似文献   

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