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What we have argued in this paper is that fundamental changes in the multinational corporate environment are taking place raising proaches to multinational environmental surveillance and multinational strategic management. We arenot offering this as a forecast of what the future will bring. Instead, we are proposing this framework to point to the need for greater environmental orientation and adaptation. MNCs are now in a double squeeze and managers must unlearn past models and criteria to understand problem. But the challenge is more than conventional corporate planning. The problematique can be decribed as one of multinational strategic management. In the area of environment we need research and learning to address three basic questions:What is the MCE? What concepts of the environment should be considered for strategic management? What parameters should be monitored? What are some consequences of the concept of interdependence and turbulence?What multinational environmental surveillance should be done? What methodologies are needed? How can these be made operational? How can the corporation be educated to behave in the new mode required in view of these changes?What new strategic issues and challenges lenges emerges from the MCE? What new demands must be factored into the multinational corporate planning processes? What new content does the changing environment procedure? How can the broadening field of opportunities and threats be systematically mapped and understood?  相似文献   

Soon, most physicians will begin to learn about data warehouses and clinical and financial data about their patients stored in them. What is a data warehouse? Why are we seeing their emergence in health care only now? How does a hospital, or group practice, or health plan acquire or create a data warehouse? Who should be responsible for it, and what sort of training is needed by those in charge of using it for the edification of the sponsoring organization? I'll try to answer these questions in this article.  相似文献   

FL Harrison 《Omega》1976,4(4):447-454
The changes and pressures facing the manufacturing and engineering industries today are increasing the importance of effective aggregate manpower and production planning. Several different theoretical optimisation models to tackle this problem have been described in detail in the literature but there have been few applications of them in practice.The reasons for this are many but include: the difficulty in expressing managements' conflicting and mixed objectives in an objective function; the necessity to oversimplify real life systems to enable these methods to be used; the simplistic approach to manpower planning used in these models; the difficulty in gaining managements' acceptance and finally the fact that what management actually wants is a tool to assist them in planning and decision making.What is being used by many managements is a case-study deterministic simulation model. Many companies are adopting this type of model for all types of planning and twelve out of twenty-seven companies visited in a research project described in this paper were using this type of model for aggregate manpower and production planning. It is proving to be an effective management tool and is being readily accepted principally because modern specialised financial modelling languages are enabling these models to be built, understood and used by non-specialist managers.  相似文献   

In this paper we attempt to identify the research frontier in corporate governance using three different approaches: (1) what challenges does the financial crisis 2007–2009 pose for corporate governance research? We show that the financial crisis is a huge natural experiment which has exposed gaps in our knowledge of corporate governance and is likely to lead of a rethink of central concepts like shareholder value, debt governance, and management incentives (2) what do we know and what do we need to how about the impact of national institutions on corporate governance? (3) What research questions are raised by a focus on current corporate governance practices?  相似文献   

As the capability of new computer systems becomes increasingly sophisticated, so does the application of computer techniques to financial and strategic planning become more relevant to management. Planning and practically all forms of decision-making are concerned with the future, which necessarily is uncertain and therefore difficult to plan for. Forecasting methods, however, can suggest trends and it is possible to reduce the number of possible futures to a manageable number, in effect, creating scenarios. But the viewing of multiple scenarios in a manual accounting system is impractical, given the sheer volume of work, and this is where the facilities offered by computerization can assist decision-making greatly. The case study illustrated here concerns a multinational company with production facilities in seven different countries, using a sophisticated financial software packege for strategic and financial planning applications. The article traces the development of Tioxide's association with a financial modelling package, Planmaster, from initial use on a time-sharing basis to the changes in hardware manufacture which made it possible to run what is essentially a mainframe program on the desk-top microcomputer of the planning department.  相似文献   

Let's say that, by having read the many inspiring articles on medical informatics in this issue of Physician Executive, you are now ready to move ahead with some serious applications of information systems in your organization. Or, you were already a believer in the usefulness of information technology (IT), and are wondering how to proceed. What types of systems should your organization be looking at to acquire or build? How should you get to there from here? Perhaps you'll find what you're looking for in what follows--an initial roadmap through organizational "IT Land."  相似文献   

This study examines a Korean firm, the Samsung Corporation, to find out: What are the characteristics of the organizational innovations in the era of globalization? What are the consequences of the organizational innovations? What problems does the company face in implementing them? And what are the remedies to overcome those problems? The company has made efforts in three ways: 1. operating teams; 2. flattening of hierarchy; and 3. networking. These three innovations were interrelated and can be often observed in a single organization which is labelled a “Clustered Web” organization. The innovations faced problems and required time to be implemented. Remedies for those problems and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

沈伟民 《经理人》2012,(7):36-38,16
前33年,对李如成意味着什么? 62岁的雅戈尔集团股份有限公司董事长李如成的答案,一定是百味杂陈:33年前,李如成开始领导这家服装公司,通过产业扩张、股份改制、上市,并高调进军房地产与金融投资,但此后却长期深陷在“不务正业”的质疑声中,然而李如成依然故我,不事争辩;现在,李如成却提出了“严格控制房产投入、适时调整投资规模,集中资源向品牌服装投人’的新战略。难道李如成要否定自己过去设想的“实体经济+虚拟经济”的产业模式?当再一次突出服装业务地位时,又有什么样的思考?  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have revolutionized and redefined the landscape of data analysis in business, healthcare, and technology. These methods have innovated the applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering fields and are showing considerable potential for risk science, especially in the disaster risk domain. The disaster risk field has yet to define itself as a necessary application domain for AI implementation by defining how to responsibly balance AI and disaster risk. (1) How is AI being used for disaster risk applications; and how are these applications addressing the principles and assumptions of risk science, (2) What are the benefits of AI being used for risk applications; and what are the benefits of applying risk principles and assumptions for AI-based applications, (3) What are the synergies between AI and risk science applications, and (4) What are the characteristics of effective use of fundamental risk principles and assumptions for AI-based applications? This study develops and disseminates an online survey questionnaire that leverages expertise from risk and AI professionals to identify the most important characteristics related to AI and risk, then presents a framework for gauging how AI and disaster risk can be balanced. This study is the first to develop a classification system for applying risk principles for AI-based applications. This classification contributes to understanding of AI and risk by exploring how AI can be used to manage risk, how AI methods introduce new or additional risk, and whether fundamental risk principles and assumptions are sufficient for AI-based applications.  相似文献   

How can physician executives create a vision, a strategy, in the face of such overwhelming forces for change? The answer has two pieces. The first is the Weather Channel: scanning the future for warning, for opportunities, for new business possibilities. The second leads us to such questions as: What is your situation? Financially? In market terms? It leads us, as well, back to the question: For you and your institution, what is your reason for being in this business? In other words, what is your foundation? If you can become clear about who you are and what you are here for in the long run, and match that with some sense of the technologies and the political and financial pressures headed your way, then you can begin to create a vision of a future that works for you. In the coming years, we will begin to create entire new ways of doing health care, new roles for hospitals, new types of medicine--and the time to begin the creation is now. If you wait until the hurricane hits, it will be too late.  相似文献   

随着金融创新向更广和更深层面发展,金融体系中的传染风险和系统性风险越来越大,对此类风险进行准确度量是有效宏观审慎管理的重要内容。本文基于复杂网络理论,采用模拟方法对金融传染风险模型进行系统研究。首先,借鉴复杂网络的Watts级联动力学理论,构建了基于随机网络的金融传染模型,其较大的网络连通度水平不仅为传染提供更多的传播渠道,而且抵消了风险共享的能力。其次,引入Gleeson和Cahalane(2007)的分析框架,探讨了计算预期违约银行节点规模的解析模型,并对Watts模型中各种参数对系统风险的影响效应进行测度。最终,形成一个包括网络模拟方法、模型解析结论,以及网络统计分析方法等较全面的计算算法工具集合。  相似文献   

Guidance has been produced for land use planners and decision-makers on how tsunami inundation modelling can be included into land use planning. The process of developing the guideline included exploring the difficulties in integrating physical science models into land use planning with a focus on tsunami. These difficulties included addressing uncertainty and reconciling planners' needs with the capability of the modellers. The guidance was based on two key questions. (1) How can tsunami modelling be incorporated into land use planning? (2) What information do planners need from modellers to improve planning and policy for tsunami? The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of the guideline, with the aim of assisting others in producing similar guidance for implementing tsunami modelling into land use planning. The guideline includes tsunami basics, a decision tree for including tsunami risk into land use planning, which forms the basis of the guideline.  相似文献   

社交网络和互联网金融的广泛应用给金融市场发展带来机遇和挑战,金融市场呈现复杂多变、交叉融合的特征,传统的金融市场和监管理论难以适应金融市场发展和风险管理需要。本文从金融网络视角,针对互联网金融发展带来的区别于传统金融的信用风险和操作风险,引入信用惩罚函数和操作风险函数,考虑到加强社交网络关系可提高信息透明度、降低交易成本和交易风险,建立了由资金供给者、互联网金融中介、传统金融中介、资金需求者四种类型金融参与组成的、集成资金流动网络和社交关系网络的金融市场超网络模型,进行金融市场各参与主体的行为分析,建立包括净收益最大化、社交网络关系最大化和风险最小化为目标的多目标决策模型;运用变分不等式将约束条件放松为单边约束,研究包括上述金融市场的均衡条件;最后通过算例的MATLAB仿真验证模型有效性。研究结果表明,考虑与否社交网络关系水平,金融市场的均衡状态不同;社交网络关系水平对互联网金融中介和传统金融中介具有影响作用;为提高市场稳定性和有效性,降低金融风险,互联网金融和传统金融中介需要合作和协同发展。  相似文献   

Model building in physical, statistical, simulation or other form, is making an increasing contribution to the problem solving methodology in economics, industry, government, and technological development (1). More specifically, in the present context, simulation models can offer a distinctive and valuable contribution to the understanding by management of complex business systems, interactions and environment and indicate ways toward improvement, financial and otherwise (2). The advent of powerful computers in the last few years is the decisive factor which has decided the means of realizing the full potential of simulation models, hitherto unattainable because of the vast amount of data processing and calculation required. The purpose of this article is to indicate the approach to and scope of a computerized simulation model for long term production strategy decision making (3). While the model relates to the system and data of a specific production unit, manufacturing electronic components, the principles are widely applicable in any size and type of company. It is not a specifically large company technique.  相似文献   

The Alvey Report has resulted in a growing interest in the UK in ‘expert systems’. It is fairly generally accepted, at least in the UK, that such systems function in a particular type of way, i.e. they arrive at decisions through a process of rule based inference. It is suggested that it may be more fruitful to regard rule based inference as one approach to the construction of expert systems, and that proven techniques of operational research may well be more useful in constructing other types of expert system. Alternative applications of expert systems are derived on the basis of a broader definition of an expert system in terms of what it does rather than how it does it. A parallel is drawn between these applications and some typical concerns of business research. It is suggested that a useful aid in identifying promising business applications of expert systems is to set up four ‘dimensions’ along which different types of system differ. Examples are given of where other techniques might conceivably be useful in applications of expert systems.  相似文献   

Other than hold on tight, how does a health care system successfully weather the turbulent conditions facing the industry? This article focuses on key drivers in the three main segments of the health care market: employer-based, commercial/ERISA, and Medicare and Medicaid. Effectively managing the dynamics within these markets will be vital to a delivery system's success and its ability to withstand the forces of change. Given the market changes that are occurring, how does an academic medical center, emerging hospital-sponsored IDS, or a large physician clinic trying to develop a system determine the necessary components and structure? What kind of system will work best? The considerations are numerous and explored in this article.  相似文献   

Part 1 of this series organizes and discusses the sources of value against a background of an evolving managed care market. Part 2 will present, in more detail, the marketing and financial challenges to organizational positioning and performance across the four stages of managed care. What are the basic principles or tenets of value and how do they apply to the health care industry? Why is strategic positioning so important to health care organizations struggling in a managed care environment and what are the sources of value? Service motivated employees and the systems that educate them represent a stronger competitive advantage than having assets and technology that are available to anyone. As the health care marketplace evolves, organizations must develop a strategic position that will provide such value and for which the customer will be willing to pay.  相似文献   

At what ages should managers be recruited? Are the young managers receiving the right sort of experience at an early stage in their careers? What effect will the proposed merger have on the career prospects in the company.....? Questions such as these are likely to face every company from time to time, but finding the answers can be very difficult. The task may be made much easier through the application of some simple analytical techniques. These techniques are discussed here in the form of a case study.  相似文献   

JC Higgins 《Omega》1985,13(6):495-500
This paper reviews the evidence of a number of surveys and case studies of corporate modelling in the U.K. Some general conclusions as to trends are drawn. Thus corporate models will display increasing modularity; will be more likely to include probabilistic elements; will more often incorporate physical flows; and will be generally linked to a greater number of other models in organisations. Micros are making a substantial impact as tools for running decision support systems both of the corporate model and the ad hoc model variety. Forecasting techniques are still greatly underutilised in many organisations. Although most corporate models are currently of the deterministic financial simulation type, the influence of management education will help the adoption of more advanced models by more numerate senior managers and accountants. Indeed there is already evidence that this is happening in some organisations.  相似文献   

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