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The study traces the trajectories of Uyghur college students’ subjectivity construction and transformation from Foucault's governmentality perspective. Drawing on ethnographic data of two telling cases, it explores how minoritized students’ subjectivities were linked to neoliberal discourses of English and constituted by power techniques, self-technologies, and affective dispositions embedded in wider institutional transformations. Participants were found experiencing a shift to the individualistic subjectivity associated with academic achievement and performance in English away from the collective identity of “authentic Uyghur” symbolized by the Uyghur language. Two salient discourses of English, i.e., English as constraints, and English as academic excellence, emerging from the neoliberal-oriented institutional English language education policies and practices, shaped the participants either as incompetent English learners or elite subjects. Participants learned to responsibilitize themselves through such self-technologies as confession and preaching, and affective practices. Yet, technologies of hope and optimism became for a few the enjoyment of experiences and performance of elitism while projecting a majority disadvantaged as affectively problematic others. The self-technologies and affective responses without recognition of larger structures of inequality could further reinforce the neoliberal logic. The affective labor of sense of solidarity, commitment to community, empathy for the deprived ones with critical reflection and collective action, nevertheless, may counter neoliberal logic and point to an alternative path to meaning-making and social relations.  相似文献   

Kay R 《Work (Reading, Mass.)》2012,41(Z1):3652-3656
This paper argues that it would be useful for ergonomists and experienced English Language Teaching (ELT) professionals to collaborate as this would be of substantial interest to both sets of professionals. The ongoing debate in ELT on International English (IE) might usefully help to guide ergonomists if and when they require to judge that English is used at appropriately high levels in the workplace in non-English speaking countries. It may also help ergonomists who are non-native speakers (NNSs) of English to gain greater access to the top specialist journals and to found new e-journals on Ergonomics in English that deserve international recognition. At the same time ELT specialists would have great interest in advising ergonomists on these matters, in part, as a means of testing current hypotheses on the tendencies for new varieties of English to develop and win acceptance both from native and non-native speakers of English as setting standards of communicative competence in English both for end users of English in their professional lives and for well-structured and clear written academic debate.  相似文献   

This paper raises questions about ways in which the “imagined community” is discursively patrolled through accents. Drawing on preliminary research with African immigrant women, we argue that “Canadian English” constitutes a border allowing only partial and provisional crossing for those with an “African English” accent. The accent border is material and figurative, affecting access to material benefits such as jobs or housing, as well as shaping perceptions of who belongs in Canada. Thus, accents form a site through which racialized power relations are negotiated and “Others” are reproduced materially and figuratively in Canada.

Citing Literature

Volume 40 , Issue 5 December 2003

Pages 565-573  相似文献   

洪晃 《中外书摘》2007,(5):75-75
(注:本文标题为英语“I want to speak English”的音译,意为:我要说英语) 离奥运越来越近了,北京人学英文的活动已经如火如荼地开展起来,连胡同里面都有英文班,说是万一有外国人问路,咱不能丢脸或者不友好。但是有时候这外国人就是对咱们有偏见,就说个“不知道”,也能得罪人。  相似文献   

This paper made a study on children’s English learning,method of teaching English to children are discussed and the innovation,hope that through this study,to help all children English teaching innovation.  相似文献   

赵歆玥 《现代妇女》2014,(6):282-282
Modern language teaching theory highly emphasizes the effect of"listening"on the learning and the use of language.The teaching of English listening isn’t only a teaching of language,also a training of ability.It isn’t only the main way of acquiring language information,but the base of improving other skills.Many Chinese students regard the listening test as the most difficult part of a whole test.So during the English teaching,it is vital important for teachers to master the skill of designing the listening activities.  相似文献   

陈苡晴 《职业》2014,(24):138-140
依托项目语言学习是一种以学生为中心,基于内容的、探究性的教学组织形式。笔者探讨了Secretarial English Through Comprehensive Projects课程目标“三合一”的教学思路以及实现课程教学方法 “三合一”的好处。教学实践及效果表明,该课程可以对英语专业人才培养起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Following the shooting of Mark Duggan by police on 4 August 2011, there were riots in many large cities in the UK. As the rioting was widely perceived to be perpetrated by the urban poor, links were quickly made with Britain's welfare policies. In this paper, we examine whether the riots, and the subsequent media coverage, influenced attitudes toward welfare recipients. Using the British Social Attitudes survey, we use multivariate difference‐in‐differences regression models to compare attitudes toward welfare recipients among those interviewed before (pre‐intervention: i.e. prior to 6 August) and after (post‐intervention: 10 August–10 September) the riots occurred (N = 3,311). We use variation in exposure to the media coverage to test theories of media persuasion in the context of attitudes toward welfare recipients. Before the riots, there were no significant differences between newspaper readers and non‐readers in their attitudes towards welfare recipients. However, after the riots, attitudes diverged. Newspaper readers became more likely than non‐readers to believe that those on welfare did not really deserve help, that the unemployed could find a job if they wanted to and that those on the dole were being dishonest in claiming benefits. Although the divergence was clearest between right‐leaning newspaper and non‐newspaper readers, we do not a find statistically significant difference between right‐ and left‐leaning newspapers. These results suggest that media coverage of the riots influenced attitudes towards welfare recipients; specifically, newspaper coverage of the riots increased the likelihood that readers of the print media expressed negative attitudes towards welfare recipients when compared with the rest of the population.  相似文献   

To address the early performance gap between native-born and immigrant children and to seek ways to reduce the disparity, the study explored the effect of teacher qualification on early math skills of preschoolers, with focused attention to immigrant children. Particularly, the study examined the effects of teacher educational levels, certification, and professional training, by employing Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) analysis to a US nationally representative database from the Head Start Family and Child Experiences (FACES). The study found a significantly positive effect of teacher qualification for immigrant preschoolers in Head Start, who displayed lower early math skills than their native-born counterparts. Among immigrant preschoolers, those who were with teachers of lower educational levels showed significantly lower early math skills compared with their immigrant peers with teachers of higher educational levels. The study also supported teacher certification and professional training as potential mediators in promoting early math competency of immigrant students, especially with teachers of lower educational levels.  相似文献   

Communications around the world becomes common with the quickening of China’s reform and open door policies and widening of international communications,thus it is very pressing to modify the model of high school English class for students’concept of English use as a tool.This paper focuses on the change of English class teaching model in high schools under the direction of New English Curriculum Standard and its purposes and effects.  相似文献   

黄洁 《现代交际》2011,(8):43-43
中国人学习英语,难免会受到与英语相差甚远的母语的影响,这在汉译英中表现得尤为明显。因此弄清中式英语的产生原因以及主要特征,将会有助于我们在汉译英中自觉地克服来自母语的干扰以提高我们的翻译水平。  相似文献   


This article begins with a brief survey of the different manifestations of ‘English studies’ at various South African universities, demonstrating the lack of clarity regarding the roles and responsibilities of the ‘English Department’: should it teach literature in English, or should it teach the English language? Such inconsistency makes the ‘Department of English’ as it currently exists unable to contribute towards the intellectualisaton of African languages (Alexander, 2005) and the transformation of South Africa's universities, particularly with regard to the use of African languages for learning and teaching. The article thus proposes that the ‘Department of English’ and the ‘Department of Eiterature’ should be separated. The former should take its place alongside other language departments and, at English-language universities, be primarily responsible for English language teaching and support (for those students to whom English-medium instruction presents a barrier to learning). The latter should pursue literary studies – not only ‘literatures in English’, but also texts in translation – a pursuit that calls attention to the potential for dialogue between literary texts across linguistic, ethnic, and national divides.  相似文献   

This paper compares and analyzes euphemism in English and Chinese from the perspective of the cognitive linguistics and the specific research object is some euphemism about birth, agedness sickness, and death. And this paper aims to seek the deep reason hidden behind the languages, thus helping language learners to understand the two languages better.  相似文献   

Compliments and their responses are special speech actions which are broadly used in interpersonal communications.And how to give compliments and respond to them constitute a significant part of the communicative competence of every member in a speech community.Complimenting is a particularly suitable speech action to investigate in comparative studies,for it acts as a window through which we can view what is valued by a particular culture.This essay mainly analyzes and researches the differences between Chinese and English compliments,attempting to reveal the contrast between Chinese and English compliments in the aspects of expression,topics and lexical formulas.The comparative study may contribute to understand more about Chinese and English compliment cultures,and furthermore,promote the study of pragmatics and the development of intercultural communication effectively.  相似文献   

In order to explore the deep reason why higher error rate always appears in the reading section, this paper designs a questionnaire focusing on vocabulary, grammatical structure, basic semantic reading ability, discourse strategy, etc. The data analysis shows that Non-English major freshmen in SWUFE have good basic reading ability, while inefficiency in using reading strategies, especially context strategy, is obvious. The results will improve the reading teaching for non-English major freshmen.  相似文献   

The general provision of English course in China's primary schools, which in a large part is under the influence of The Critical Hypothesis, can be opposed by younger learners' lower efficiency and teachers' poor pronunciation.  相似文献   

This article is based on an empirical baseline study undertaken in 2005 which examined the experience of ‘the English’ who have moved and settled into north-west Wales. The movement of the British/white groups and their experiences have been less of a subject for examination and yet a dispersal of ‘the English’/British as both immigrants and colonisers has occurred and is ongoing. Migration between the constituent countries of the UK and the movement of English people into Wales has been a long-standing and accepted practice; it has been resisted by some in the more Welsh parts of Wales as a continuing ‘colonisation’. The rise of devolution within the UK and the burgeoning Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) with its increasing powers for self governance is leading to a decline of English dominance in Wales. This essay explores the experiences of ‘the English’ in Wales as England's influence over Wales becomes diluted, the role of leader and led reversed, and as the ‘empire begins to bite back’ (with apologies to Paul Gilroy).  相似文献   

Much of the existing research examining the acquisition of English language skills amongst refugees and other newly arrived migrants, both in Australia and internationally, assumes a relatively straightforward relationship between English language proficiency and inclusion within the broader community. This article presents contrary findings from a study of two South Australian primary schools with New Arrivals Programmes (NAPs). By examining data from both a questionnaire administered to teachers and ethnographic observations of children at play in the school yard, the findings presented here suggest that students in NAPs will be differentially invested in learning English according to the degree of exclusion they experience in the school environment and the impact this has upon their perception of the value of learning English as a mode of engagement. In response, the article calls for an approach to education that is situated in global contexts of colonisation and power relations, and where the terms for inclusion of NAP students are mutually negotiated, rather than predetermined.  相似文献   

Some noted women painters present their works to Women of China. Huang Qizao, Vice President of the All-China Women's Federation, talks with them.  相似文献   

Advertising is a key point for enterprises carrying out fierce competition to dominate the big market, which generally applies the Cooperative Principle in order to achieve the ultimate goal of boosting sales. The thesis combines the principle with kinds of English commercial advertisements illustrating the deliberate violation of the principle and its maxims of quantity, quality, relation and manner which creates conversational implicatures, aiming to provide useful directions for advertisers to design more attractive and persuasive advertisements.  相似文献   

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