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Orthodox economic theories of the nonprofit sector are focused on its service delivery role but have little to say about nonprofit advocacy. This study explains nonprofit advocacy by building upon the ordonomic approach, a recently developed strand of institutional economics that explores the interdependencies between institutions and ideas. From the ordonomic perspective, the evolution of a modern society occurs through an ongoing realignment between institutions and ideas. The meaning of nonprofit advocacy is shown to be in contributing to this realignment. This leads to a new understanding of the service delivery role of the nonprofit sector. This role is shown to have a compensatory character in that it is intended to maintain a reasonable quality of human life before the time-consuming ideational and institutional adjustments actually take place.  相似文献   

新制度经济学意识形态理论以新政治经济学切入,鼓吹的却是资本主义意识形态,以新自由主义开出,对我国意识形态安全形成了诸多威胁。它具有多种表现形式:泛意识形态化、非意识形态化与攻击马克思主义;科斯定理与促动产权私有化改革;政治科斯定理与推行西方式民主;经济学帝国主义、话语霸权与生搬硬套;工具理性肆虐与信仰缺失;对外扩张与肢解民族国家。清醒认识新制度经济学意识形态理论,是展开针对性应对的必要步骤。  相似文献   

As shown in the many disputes occurring in reforms to collective forest tenure, reforms aimed at clarifying property rights that follow the contract responsibility system for arable land are not wholly compatible with the informal system of property rights followed in village communities up to the present. This highlights the fact that the existing theory of collective property rights no longer provides a sufficient or effective interpretation of the property rights game in the practice of collective forest tenure. Further, the existing institutional arrangements for collective property rights are conducive neither to the resolution of disputes over forest tenure nor to the sustainable management and utilization of forest land. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a more inclusive analytical framework for rural property rights: village communal ownership. This highlights the village community as the main force in the practice of property rights and integrates the communal ownership values accumulated and inherited in the course of village transition. The introduction of a rational mechanism developed through the practice of village communal ownership may be able to further improve and encourage the reform of rural property rights in China, leading to the construction of a modern system of rural property rights involving clear title to the land.  相似文献   

中国集体林权制度改革实践中出现的诸多林权纠纷现象表明,仿效耕地承包制的明晰产权改革设计与村庄社区沿袭至今的非正式产权制度无法完全兼容,由此凸显的问题是:关于集体产权实践的既有理论已不足以对集体林权实践中展现出的产权博弈现象作出充分有效的解释。既有的集体产权制度安排,也不利于林权纠纷调处及林地的可持续经营利用。为此,有必要建构一种更具包容性的农村产权制度分析框架——村庄社区产权,以凸显村庄社区在产权实践中所具有的主体能动性,整合村庄变迁中积累传承的社区产权价值观。引入村庄社区产权实践中形成的合理机制,或许能够进一步完善和促进中国农村产权制度变革,进而建立产权明晰的现代农村产权制度。  相似文献   

随着知识经济和经济全球化的快速发展,知识产权已经成为一种重要的国际贸易壁垒。知识产权贸易壁垒的形成有着深刻的国际政治经济根源:知识经济的发展使国际贸易日益呈现出知识化的发展趋势,而国际贸易的知识化导致贸易壁垒的知识产权化;美国霸权趋于衰落,为了维持霸权地位,美国试图运用自身的知识产权优势打压和遏制新兴国家崛起,以延缓霸权的衰落;由于世界上大多数的知识产权被发达国家的跨国公司所占有,因此,发达国家跨国公司在知识产权贸易壁垒的形成中发挥着重要作用;发达国家与发展中国家之间一直存在国际经济秩序的斗争,在知识经济时代,发达国家开始利用知识产权作为工具实现新的垄断,维护其对发展中国家的剥削和优势地位。  相似文献   

:企业经营管理工作的性质是现代经济理论和管理理论的核心范畴。经营管理工作性质及其运作的机制客观上将表现为经营管理工作的职责、管理行为、管理制度 ,以产权制度为核心的企业制度等相对稳定的制度因素。对经营管理工作性质研究的突破点在于实现从传统的非契约分析方式向制度分析和契约分析的方向演进  相似文献   

杨磊  刘建平 《社会》2015,35(2):218-240
本文通过“混合地权”的概念来解释中国农村土地产权的内在结构、关系和实施机制。借用制度分析方法指出,混合地权的制度系统包括财产权利、公共治理、社会关系和观念习俗等四个维度,它们是具有很强约束力的制度安排。通过对Z村村民小组的个案研究发现,不同维度的规则对混合地权的实施都产生了影响,共同决定了农地产权实施的过程和效果,使得地权实施呈现出不确定性规则的内在逻辑,陷入多重均衡和交易成本高的困境,且承包经营权和集体成员权之间的张力是根本性矛盾。个案研究还发现,农民的财产权利观念不断增强,家庭承包经营权得到了越来越多的农民认可。在经济社会转型中,应完善集体土地所有制的社会化治理机制,构建起一种平衡多方利益的现代农村土地产权制度。  相似文献   

邓小平制度经济理论可以归纳为七个方面:(1)制度是生产力发展的关键因素,制度的优越性在于它能更好地促进生产力的发展;(2)在各种制度中,产权制度的作用最重要;(3)中国的宏观制度变迁是个渐进的过程;(4)人是现实的人,具有机会主义倾向,制度可以抑制人的机会主义动机及行为;(5)意识形态是重要的非正式制度安排,它可以降低正式制度的运行成本;(6)中国制度改革的关键是下放权力;(7)稳定的环境是市场经济运行的最基本条件。邓小平的制度经济理论对我国的社会经济制度变迁指明了方向,提供了理论基础。  相似文献   


The causes of the evolution of human civilization have drawn much attention among social scientists. The new institutional economics (NIE) and its model of property rights explain the rise of the West Europe, but not the Industrial Revolution itself; nor have they addressed the causes for the rise and fall of civilizations in the East. By defining human civilization within the context of the public economic institution, we interpret this change in the public economic institution using swings in the demand structure of public goods. We see these swings as a contributing cause of the evolution of human civilization from traditional to modern. Our conclusions show that the shifts of public economic institutions between the mass democratic one and the elite constitutional one contributes to the current modern economic crisis and the stagnancy of modern civilization.  相似文献   

求职过程的微观分析:结构特征模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张顺  郭小弦 《社会》2012,32(3):38-54
本文将人力资本理论、地位获得模型和劳动力市场分割理论置于中国社会转型背景下的微观求职过程,研究经济地位与社会地位获得影响因素的差异性。研究发现,在控制了其他特征结构变量之后,教育回报率显著下降,显示了结构性因素的重要性;先赋性与自致性因素对社会地位与经济地位获得有不同的影响;体制分割下,先赋性与自致性因素对求职结果的作用强度有着显著差异。  相似文献   


The quality of work and life (abbreviated as QWL) of migrant workers in China is related to urbanization and social development and reflects subjective well-being. This study examined migrant workers’ quality of work and life and constructed an index system to evaluate overall quality. Survey data from 3,375 participants in Guangdong, China, were analyzed using ordinary least square regression. The results showed that migrant workers’ quality of work and life is low. Quality of life is lower than quality of work, indicating that social services provision was rated lower than employment situation. Quality of work and life is influenced both by objective institutional factors and subjective human capital factors, particularly training, social security, public services, and social institutional factors. Subjective quality of work and life is based on evaluation of objective situations. This study proposes several reforms in training, employment, the household registration system, enterprise management, rights protection, social inclusion, and the rural land transfer system. Future research should address the relationship between quality of work and life and related factors using longitudinal survey data, interaction of indexes and individual factors, and differences in quality of work and life of migrant workers under different institutional systems. International comparative research should also be conducted.  相似文献   

"小产权房"建设是农村经济社会转型期出现的自发性经济行为,而政府介入清理和整治"小产权房"则反映了背后的深层利益矛盾或土地制度问题的复杂性。本文从经济演化的视角分析了此问题,认为在尊重农民经济选择意愿尤其是农民对土地拥有完整产权的前提下,依法承认并规范"小产权房"在一定领域内流动和交易,能够显著增加农村经济要素流动性并提高农民实际福利,而政府介入尤其是相关政策制定,需要采取谨慎和科学的方式,着力减少和解决这种交易行为带来的负面外部性,着力减少对自发性经济秩序的干预,这是农村经济社会转型形成良性制度结构的演进过程。  相似文献   

政府影响经济增长机制的制度分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
政府影响经济增长的机制主要是一个制度问题政府界定产权、实施产权,以提供一种生产性的制度;政府制定生产计划和宏观政策以弥补制度的非生产性;通过国有企业使得制度更有生产性.这样便将政府对经济增长的作用机制融入了制度经济学的分析框架之内.  相似文献   

法哲学、哲学诠释学的任务从来就是认识知识产权本质及知识产权制度本质。其目的是为了更好地安排知识产权制度,而其困难在于法律专业的分工导致法律思维的专业限制,只有超越知识产权法才能看清知识产权及其制度本质。用法哲学思维、辩证逻辑的方法分析知识产权制度,探索不同性质的制度结构及相互关系,证明知识产权制度本质是一个均衡对价的制度安排,蕴涵了高超的政治智慧。知识产权立法只有具备这种政治智慧,才能使人们心悦诚服地按照知识产权规则从事生产和生活。  相似文献   

Property rights have multiple attributes, and these are correlated with national governance. In the West, property rights have the economic function of maximizing efficiency and the political function of rights protection, but in China, they also have a strong social character. With the modernization of national governance, these functions interact with and transform each other. When the state’s ability to supply public goods is relatively weak, property rights take on more of a social character, meeting public demand for welfare at the grassroots level. When the state is better able to provide public goods, the social function of property rights lessens as their economic function grows. The social character of property rights was the institutional foundation for China, as a huge agrarian state, to realize “governance through inaction,” and at the same time was the secret key that could break the code to the millennial continuity of Chinese agrarian civilization. Reforms including the collectivization of rural property rights after 1949, the “separation of two rights” (to collective ownership and household contracted land, with a focus on the latter), and the “separation of three rights,” (to collective ownership, household contracts and revitalized land management). These changes constitute a process in which the economic function of property rights has been growing while their social character has lessened under conditions of national governance modernization.  相似文献   

农村妇女土地承包权问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙宇 《学术交流》2004,(12):39-42
土地是农民生存和发展的根基,农村妇女由于传统习惯和文化素质的影响对土地的依赖性更强,所以对农村妇女土地权益的保护更为重要。农村妇女土地权益受侵害的现象比较严重和突出,在一定程度上扰乱了农村的经济秩序和社会秩序。关注农村妇女权益保护、对侵犯妇女权益的原因进行阐述和法理分析,明确农村妇女在家庭承包中的法律地位以及土地承包权的物权性质,对解决农村妇女土地,问题是非常必要的。  相似文献   

经济学不能单纯建立在理性经济人假设的基础上,必须注重人的非理性方面的研究,将学理与现实统一起来.在此基础上,要看到经济学理论的价值倾向性和意识形态性,从社会的、文化的、政治的方面综合研究经济和经济学问题.  相似文献   

基于分配冲突视角下的新制度变迁理论以及产权结构-行为选择-经济绩效分析框架,对新中国农地制度变迁的过程及其对经济绩效的影响进行分析,从历史经验的反思中得到如下对深化我国农地制度改革方向、方式有益的启示:其一,农地制度始终是影响我国农业经济绩效的核心因素,其中由农地产权决定的农业剩余分配问题是构建科学合理农地制度的核心;其二,国家须适当参与农业剩余分配,落实农民应有土地财产权益;其三,农地制度改革的价值目标需做次优选择,最大程度地释放提升资源分配效率的制度潜力;其四,控制制度变革的摩擦成本,引导农民内生的制度变革需求和认知选择。  相似文献   

产权作为一个经济学范畴对人类法律制度的变迁具有积极的意义。家庭承包经营作为我国在特定历史背景下的产权制度设计,在目前的农村经济生活中表现出了相对的滞后性:它不具有完全的排它性、完全性、可转让性,表现出非效益性;其制度约束、激励功能下降并产生了较大的诸多负外部性,产权功能缺失。基于此认识,可以考虑从产权的路径出发,克服我国农地使用制度的缺陷。  相似文献   

在诸多民事权利制度中,知识产权具备更多科技含量和知识要素。一般认为:著作权发生在文化创作领域,与文化创新、文化产业息息相关;专利权产生于技术应用领域,与科技创新、科技产业紧密相连;商标权则运作于工商经营领域,涉及商品销售、市场贸易等诸多问题。在知识经济的时代条件下,知识产权的制度实施效果,关系到一国的经济发展、科技进步、文化与教育的繁荣;而在经济全球化的国际背景中,知识产权保护又事关国际政治、国际经贸、国际文化与科技的交流和合作。这就决定了,从民法学理论出发研究知识产权属性,当是应有之义;而结合人权理论、经济学、管理学以及政策科学,多视角、全方位来考察知识产权功能,亦非常必要。这有助于在不同学科层面揭示知识产权的基本蕴意,保持知识产权研究中的问题导向及方法的开放性。  相似文献   

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