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The paper begins with a theoretical-political positioning regarding globaliz­ation, as a multidimensional phenomenon, loaded with power relations with unequal and ambivalent impacts producing dramatic exclusions but, at the same time, opening possibilities for profound changes in the gender order and in social subjectivities. The effects of globalization on social movements have also been multiple and ambivalent, producing fragmentation and particularization but at the same impelling new ways of articulation, more flexible and inclusive, as well as mobilizations at a global level oriented to ‘dispute’ its hegemonic contents and struggle for an alternative globalization. In the second part, the paper analyses the new dynamics of intervention of feminist movements that follow from this new reality. The Social World Forum is a privileged space for this analysis, due to the convergence of new tendencies and new ways of existence of feminisms, expressing the new conflicts and challenges faced by feminisms in the collective construction of alternative proposals towards globalization.  相似文献   

农民工是我国改革开放和工业化、城镇化进程中涌现出的一支重要力量,随着改革开放的不断深入.农民工中的新生代群体越来越多地受到党和政府以及社会各界的关注。对新生代农民工在经济社会发展、社会关系、文化生活、政治生活、情感心理及主体意识、个人发展等层面社会心态状况的考察发现.新生代农民工社会心态总体呈现健康、积极向上、理性平和的心态,也呈现出与传统农民工相异的特点.部分领域则存在消极、不健康的社会心态,值得关注。如此新生代农民工心态问题的出现既与当前社会变革、社会管理及保障机制不健全、社会支持不足、经济收入低等现实因素有关,同时也与农民工身份认同等主观因素密切相关,需要进行综合的分析。  相似文献   

李旸 《科学发展》2012,(8):77-92
社团、民办非企业单位和基金会构成上海社会组织的主体。尽管上海社会组织建设工作取得了突出的成绩,但面临的现实问题不容忽视,且存在一些先天性的制度障碍。在当前社会转型条件下,上海社会组织建设必须坚持培育发展和监督管理并重的方针,加强分类指导,强化政策扶持,改革管理体制,完善内部机制,严格依法监管,切实发挥社会组织在加强社会建设、创新社会管理中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Much of public relations historiography on World War II focuses on the government uses of the function. This study fills a gap in the literature by exploring how a non-governmental organization called the American Social Hygiene Association (ASHA) used persuasion communication efforts to enlist the aid of management, labor, and local communities in the United States in the control of venereal disease (VD) rates. The case study advances a more diverse understanding of how activists have utilized public relations and found that the social reformers’ use of persuasive communications strategies and activities aligned with the view of public relations as the strategic and intentional participation in the social construction of meaning to achieve a planned outcome.  相似文献   

当前上海社会管理面临的主要问题在于:快速城市化和大规模人口流动使社会管理与公共服务的空间布局出现失衡;城市产业升级和转型发展使社会管理与服务的多样化供给压力增大;利益格局急剧变革导致维护社会稳定的压力长期存在;社会急剧分化和人口高度异质性使社会再组织化和社会体制创新的任务更加繁重。上海社区建设必须立足城市发展全局,有效回应城市人口重新分布和复杂社会结构中蕴含的多重矛盾和问题,顺应健全社会管理新格局的基本要求。在承继上海社区建设传统和借鉴国内外经验基础上,从破解城郊社区建设难题、满足多样化社区需求、适应差异性社区类型等方面提升能力,寻求体制创新和活力激发的新突破。  相似文献   

为推动上海实现更高质量就业,必须通过健全促进就业政策,充分发挥政府、市场、企业与劳动力的合力,以经济发展创造就业岗位,不断提升就业质量,持续扩大就业总量。深入推进城市空间结构调整,有效加快郊区新城建设步伐,充分发挥郊区新城分流人口、扩大就业与推动增长的作用。继续完善创业环境,构建鼓励创业的城市文化与社会氛围,深入促进新兴业态发展,切实发挥创业促就业的作用。进一步构建和谐劳动关系,努力维护劳动者权益,适时制订、修改、完善劳动政策法规,推进劳动合同签订与工资集体协商机制,充分发挥失业保险和社会保障体系推动就业的应有作用。  相似文献   

It is argued that systemic family therapy has much to gain from phenomenological social psychology and the sociology of knowledge. The similarities between social psychological concepts of social rule theory and concepts from structural/strategic therapy are discussed, as is the need for an examination of the construction of reality to complete these concepts. The theory of the social construction of reality is presented and its relevance to the ways in which families behave discussed. A case involving a young anorectic woman and her family is presented in detail to demonstrate the process of altering the processes of reality construction in the family so as to allow the members to pursue alternatives.  相似文献   

社会管理创新是一个时代课题。随着以信息技术为支撑的网络社会的逐步形成和深入发展,虚拟网络已经渗透到现实社会生活的各个方面,成为人们社会交往的重要渠道和实现人际关系的重要载体。网络社会对上海社会运行的影响力逐渐强化,现实社会对网络社会的依赖性与日俱增。网络时代的到来,对上海的社会管理工作带来了全新的命题。一方面网络为城市社会管理提供了新的手段和方式;另一方面网络也对上海现有的社会管理体制形成较大的挑战。深入揭示网络社会与现实社会的互动关系及内在机理,阐明网络传播对现实社会管理产生的种种影响,把握利用网络加强社会管理的有效方式,构建涵盖网络社会与现实社会的社会管理的新体制与新机制,是上海社会管理创新的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

This paper examines attempts to synthesize three micro-level sociological theories, namely symbolic interaction, exchange theory, and the construction of social reality. The author argues that although these perspectives are not based on totally incompatable assumptions, previous attempts to synthesize have not been useful in directing the course of research. An alternative to theoretical synthesis, using multiple perspectives, is suggested, and examples of multiple paradigm use are presented.  相似文献   

演化理论范式的发展为创新型城市建设政策研究提供了一种新视角。应用演化理论范式的基本哲学思想和分析框架研究创新发生和扩散的演化过程,可以得到与传统均衡范式有所不同的创新促进政策思路和原则,比如纠正系统失灵的政策主旨、政府的角色和作用更为重要、战略小生境的创新政策、至关重要的经济试验、数量型与质量型相结合的创新政策、创新政策的学习性和民主性等,这些政策思路对广州创新型城市建设大有裨益。  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on health social movements (HSMs) and provides an overview of their main conceptual, theoretical and empirical underpinnings. Health social movements is not a single paradigm but spans several decades’ worth of theoretical and research activity in the areas of social movements, medical sociology and social studies in science. Case studies of HSMs have been accumulating for years, and several new collections of papers attempt to systematize the various strands of health social movements research to answer questions about their origins, different strategic and political approaches to social change, their trajectories and consequences. We provide a selective overview of the literature on health social movements that explore these questions, while distinguishing between health social movements seeking greater access to healthcare, those focusing on health disparities and inequality, and those challenging the underlying science of health and healthcare. We conclude with some suggestions for the direction of future studies.  相似文献   

2012年,在“创新驱动、转型发展”的方针指引下,上海进一步加快社会建设步伐,坚持做优做强公共服务,探索创新社会管理,居民生活质量得到稳步提升,为“四个中心”和现代化国际大都市建设提供了有力的社会支持。当前,上海社会正处于全面转型的关键时期,社会建设的机遇将更好、要求将更高、压力将更大。为此,根据“十八大”的战略部署,2013年上海的社会建设既要守住民生底线,确保社会稳定,又要深化改革、完善制度,推进社会发展,为上海“创新驱动、转型发展”创造良好的社会环境。  相似文献   

In all four countries of the United Kingdom social work education has been subject to detailed review, a process culminating in the launch in England in September 2003 of the new social work degree. This paper surveys this process of change, which is located within the broader social policy modernisation agenda. Those working within social work education have been able to exercise positive influence on the review and can draw comfort from some of the outcomes. Nonetheless, critical reflections are offered about the change process and the organisational framework that surrounds it. The disjunction between the policy vision and the reality of state social work, together with competing perspectives within policy trends, are clearly mapped. The paper concludes that the landscape is not as inhospitable as once feared but continued vigilance is required by social work education and those higher education institutions accredited to provide it.  相似文献   

Literature on change management has changed over the years. Under the umbrella of change management today frequently holistic approaches are discussed. The special significance of soft factors results from the area of tension of subjective/personal risk assessment of certain groups of actors, which entail comprehensive changes. As change projects depend on implementation by executives and employees, change communications is a form of (internal) strategic stakeholder management. Change communications can be identified as the single part of change management, which focuses on the soft factors that are activated through the change of hard factors. With the management of soft factors the aim is to make a contribution to the enforcement of change goals, i.e. to secure or to regain the management's power. For this purpose 60 PR-agencies in Germany have been polled, as to how they assess the possibilities and reality of change communications. The result illustrates a torn of the agency scene between service and consulting claims, which emphasizes the question, if (internal) communication means the organization of messages and its delivery or also becomes part of behavioral economics with the idea to control the power of management.  相似文献   

2013年,上海以“创新驱动、转型发展”为总方针,进一步加大社会建设力度,社会发展水平迈上新台阶,有力地支撑了城市创新转型和全球城市建设。中共十八届三中全会拉开了新一轮全面改革的大幕,展望2014年,上海经济增长仍将保持中速水平,社会改革和发展中的深层次问题与困难仍然较多。为此,迫切要求上海更加重视社会建设,既要保障和改善民生,又要强化社会治理,更要锐意改革,完善基本制度体系,促进城市治理体系和治理能力的现代化。  相似文献   

基于社会服务项目的儿童福利资源整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国儿童福利资源存在资源匮乏、供给分散、可获得性弱等问题,而社会服务项目则是解决这些问题的一种路径。以福利治理为理论视角,尝试以一个留守儿童社会服务项目为例的研究发现,该项目通过不同形式的合作整合了来自政府、军队、群团组织、社会组织、企业、社区等资源,提高了福利资源的供给效率,满足了留守儿童多元化的福利需求,但是,由于项目本身的周期性、制度保障的缺乏等限制,导致了项目难以持续发挥作用。因此,基于社会服务项目的福利资源整合只是一种基于实践基础上的暂时的整合,而最根本的还需要在福利制度上进行整合。  相似文献   

精神残疾人多生活困难,构成社会最为弱势的群体。本文采用实地研究与文献研究的方法,对精神残疾人的社会保障需求与供给进行专门考察。研究发现,精神残疾群体的主要需求包括治疗、基本生活支持、康复、长期照护与监管以及社会参与。对此,我国政府已通过多项社会保障制度安排予以回应,基本满足了精神残疾人的基本生活与治疗需求,但还存在社区康复服务匮乏、替代性照护服务供给不足、就学、就业难等问题。基于以上发现,本文认为精神残疾人的基本生存权虽得到较好保障,但是对其发展权和参与权依然关注不足。原因在于当前精神残疾人社会保障存在三个不平衡:经济保障与服务保障发展的不平衡,医疗服务与社会服务发展的不平衡,以及卫健、民政、残联不同部门能力与投入的不平衡。针对这些问题,笔者对未来政策的完善提出了参考建议。  相似文献   

目前,政府通过发展社会保障以增进社会和谐的政策方向基本确立,倡导残疾儿童社会保障制度的适度公正机制是基于经济发展和现代社会平等两者之间的权衡。目的是使社会成员都能够普遍以适度标准不断享受经济社会发展的成果,从而有效地实现社会整合。我国已经初步具备实现残疾儿童社会保障制度的适度公正目标的条件,基于此目标,残疾儿童的社会保障制度仍存在以下制约瓶颈:相关社会保障制度建设法规滞后;政府保障主体地位缺失,财政经费投入不足;残疾儿童参与社会保障层次低、覆盖面窄;保障政策执行部门行政多头管理。因此,残疾儿童社会保障制度的制度设计需要着重于:保持经济发展水平下残疾儿童保障支付享受标准;倡导公正和能动的残疾儿童权利保障价值取向:界定政府责任边界和立法,广泛动员社会力量;整合政府部门残疾儿童社会保障资源。  相似文献   

The erosion of citizenship   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Marshallian paradigm of social citizenship has been eroded because the social and economic conditions that supported postwar British welfare consensus have been transformed by economic and technological change. This article argues that effective entitlement was based on participation in work, war and reproduction, resulting in three types of social identity: worker-citizens, warrior-citizens and parent-citizens. The casualization of labour and the technological development of war have eroded work and war as routes to active citizenship. Social participation through reproduction remains important, despite massive changes to marriage and family as institutions. In fact the growth of new reproductive technologies have reinforced the normative dominance of marriage as a social relation. These rights of reproduction are described as 'reproductive citizenship'. The article also considers the role of voluntary associations in Third-Way strategies as sources of social cohesion in societies where social capital is in decline, and argues that the voluntary sector is increasingly driven by an economic logic of accumulation. With the erosion of national citizenship, Marshall's three forms of rights (legal, political and social) have been augmented by rights that are global, namely environmental, aboriginal and cultural rights. These are driven by global concerns about the relationship between environment, community and body such that the quest for social security has been replaced by concerns for ontological security.  相似文献   

陈家华  陈方 《科学发展》2013,(1):106-113
近年来上海公共安全状况总体可控,市民对上海公共安全状况认可度较高,但综合评分有逐渐下滑态势。上海市民公共安全意识有所增强,但公共安全知识水平有待提高,应对能力还需加强。政府管理部门有必要密切关注社会不同群体对公共安全问题的态度和倾向,以及各类社会问题及其可能引发的社会风险,号准城市安全的“脉搏”,进而采取相应的预防和应对措施,通过营造安全稳定的社会环境,提升市民的安全成喃诫市确丌肄垃右羼打下略壹篡础  相似文献   

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