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生殖健康中的社会性别问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自1994年开罗人口与发展大会以来,生殖健康概念已经深入到中国计划生育的工作之中,关注社会性别问题,保护妇女权利成为计划生育工作的一个重要问题。尽管“社会性别”的概念已经引入到计划生育工作中,但很多实际工作者仍然不清楚“社会性别”的具体含义以及如何分析生殖健康领域的社会性别问题。本文将介绍社会性别的含义以及在生殖健康领域当中从哪些角度去发现“社会性别”问题,从而为中国计划生育工作的深入开展提供一个发现问题、审视问题的角度。  相似文献   

利用2006年生殖健康社会性别分析项目在北京市宣武区、天津市和平区、山东省即墨市、浙江省德清市和安徽省巢湖市居巢区五个县区的调查数据,运用多层线性回归模型,探讨乡镇/街道的基层服务提供层的生殖健康社会性别意识对服务对象的生殖健康社会性别意识的影响。研究结果发现,服务提供层的生殖健康社会性别意识与服务对象的生殖健康社会性别意识存在显著的正向关系。服务提供层的生殖健康社会性别意识的提高可以减弱男性和女性、已婚和未婚,以及不同年龄的服务对象群体之间的社会性别意识的差异,进而促进整个社会的生殖健康社会性别意识的提高。  相似文献   

对"关爱女孩行动"基层执行者社会性别意识的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高莉娟 《人口研究》2008,32(3):82-87
"关爱女孩行动"旨在标本兼治出生性别比失衡问题,基层执行者是否具有性别平等意识,关系到该政策的制定、实施及结果是否维护了性别平等原则.对出生性别比失衡特别严重的某省180位市县"关爱女孩行动"执行者的调查显示,不少被调查者对中国的社会性别发展形势缺乏了解,对现实生活中两性不平等的现状缺乏辨析、对社会政策及其实施中的性别问题缺乏社会性别敏感等.由此建议增强政策执行者的社会性别平等意识,提高政策执行者的社会性别分析能力,壮大社会性别平等的倡导队伍等.  相似文献   

在大家的共同努力下,国际人口与发展论坛圆满完成了各项预定议程。与会代表围绕消除贫困、生殖健康与计划生育、艾滋病防治以及对艾滋病病人的关爱、青少年性与生殖健康、降低孕产妇死亡率和儿童死亡率、妇女赋权与社会性别问题、非政府组织的作用以及官方发展援助与伙伴关系等8个专题,认真回顾总结了开罗国际人发大会《行动纲领》和联合国“千年发展目标”的执行情况,广泛交流了国际社会特别是发展中国家在人口与发展领域取得的成就、经验和面临的挑战,深入探讨了国际社会在南南合作  相似文献   

家庭中的性别平等问题与社会对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
朱尧耿  付红梅 《南方人口》2008,23(1):7-10,24
我国坚持男女平等和计划生育基本国策,促进了家庭领域的性别平等。但是,当今家庭仍然存在一些性别不平等现象.一定程度上制约了女孩的成长和妇女的发展。要实现家庭中的性别平等与两性和谐发展必须发挥政府和社会组织的作用,进一步倡导社会性别平等意识、建设先进性别文化、推进社会政策的性别主流化,关心女孩成长、提高妇女社会经济地位。  相似文献   

构建社会性别平等、实现两性和谐发展,旨在实现人的全面发展,是促进小康社会均衡建设、和谐发展以及全面建设进程的内在要求和必要前提。本文结合人口计生宣传工作实践,从社会性别的角度着重探讨社会性别平等构建与促进小康社会建设进程之间关系和意义。  相似文献   

社会性别,是近年来从国外引入的一个新概念(英文为Gender),它区别于生理性别或自然性别(一般简称性别,英文为Sex),反映着人们对男女两性在社会的政治、经济、文化等领域的角色、关系、地位和行为模式的认同与规范,对提高妇女地位、促进妇女发展具有直接的影响,对两性和谐与人口发展也具有重要影响作用。人口发展,是一个内涵非常丰富、涉及领域极其广泛的概念,它不是人口增长的代名词,而是反映着人口在数量、素质、结构等方面的进步状态,以及人口与经济和社会发展、与资源和环境关系的良性循环。制约人口发展的因素很多,学者们在这方面已经…  相似文献   

庄亚儿  马宁 《西北人口》2004,(1):61-63,F003
随着人们对性别不平等在性关系和生殖健康领域所起作用的认识的提高,男性参与再次成为世界关注的热点,世界各国对男性参与生殖健康的兴趣和承诺在1998年达到高峰。  相似文献   

中国育龄夫妇的生育"性别偏好"   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
刘爽 《人口研究》2005,29(3):2-10
在对国内外"性别偏好"研究综述的基础上,利用1997年人口与生殖健康调查、2001年计划生育/生殖健康调查和2000年全国人口普查数据,通过计算育龄妇女最后一个孩子的性别比、按已有孩子性别的胎次递进比以及分析具有不同孩子性别结构的家庭状况和妇女所生孩子的活产及存活情况等,考察了中国育龄夫妇生育"性别偏好"和性别选择行为的基本状况与特征,强调生育"性别偏好"及其相应的生育性别选择行为是作用于人口出生性别比失常背后的关键性内在动因.  相似文献   

计划生育对社会性别平等的促进效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会性别平等是庞大的系统工程,对我国的各项社会事业发展都提出了要求。作为重要的公共管理和服务领域,我国实行计划生育基本国策以来,人口计生工作的全面开展对推动社会性别平等的实现起到了积极作用,而且这一积极效应今后还将更加显现。  相似文献   

This analysis follows earlier research that hypothesized and substantiated that, in a society with strong son preference, its effect on fertility would be conditional on the level of contraceptive use. Present analysis of the prospective fertility experience of 22,819 women of reproductive age during 3.5 years in Matlab, Bangladesh, shows that this effect is higher among mothers with postprimary schooling versus those with primary or no education. The higher effect conforms with the known positive relationship of contraceptive use with maternal schooling. However, this increase when contrasted with the idea that education promotes modern values, including gender equality, suggests that education in Matlab, with its traditional slant, is not resistant to son preference. In a poor, traditional society with low status for women, schooling alone is not enough to motivate women to abandon low esteem for daughters though schooling promotes child survival. But if preference for smaller family size increases, promoted by education including such modern values as gender equality, then sex preference, although it cannot be completely removed, will have minimal effect on fertility as in most developed countries.Abbreviations DSS demographic surveillance system - ICDDR,B International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh - MCH-FP maternal/child health and family planning - SPEF sex preference effect on fertility  相似文献   

As early as 1985, Rosenfield and Maine began to look at what is called the maternal child field (MCH). More than two decades later, maternal and infant mortality is still among the worst performing health indicator in resource-poor countries and regions, and it has barely changed since 1990. Although three of the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals aim at reducing child mortality, maternal mortality, and promoting gender equality, most literature in the field is either clinical or exclusively deals with women’s health problems. In this study, I proposed an empirical model that tests the impact of gender equality, women’s human rights, and maternity care on MCH with economic and political development as background factors. The proposed model was tested by using structural equation analysis. Data were obtained from 137 developing countries. The proposed model is partially supported by the data. Empirical findings demonstrate that gender equality has a pivotal role to play in the promotion of MCH. The relationship between MCH and maternity care is found to be strong and statistically significant. This finding may permit a probable verification given the current social conditions in some developing countries, particularly the neglect of many of women’s health needs and the assignment of their primary responsibilities in childrearing. The women’s human rights hypothesis is not supported by the data. It is perhaps that human rights instruments provide a legal discourse for political functions and social welfare issues, but that the legal approach alone does not necessarily provide a moral and social foundation to ensure the implementation of social welfare and human well-being, particularly maternal and child health in developing countries. The findings also indicate the importance of economic development in predicting maternity care. Finally, a positive and statistically significant relationship is found between economic development and gender equality. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

韩国出生性别比失衡的公共治理及对中国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韩国出生性别比呈现先上升后下降的态势,韩国出生性别比偏高的直接原因是性别选择流、引产,而传统文化是根源性的原因,韩国性别失衡带来一系列社会后果,影响了韩国的社会稳定;韩国政府出台了一系列旨在维护女童权益、反对歧视女性、提高女性地位的法律法规;韩国的公民社会也作出了许多有益的尝试,通过公共治理,出生性别比出现显著下降,而且女性地位得到较大提升;韩国性别比失衡问题的治理对中国解决相关人口问题有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

郭志仪  金文俊 《西北人口》2010,31(5):109-112
本文从人口学角度入手分析我国就业问题,认为就业的内涵需要拓展;从人口发展形势分析,就业形势极其严峻,就业问题难以得到根本解决;人口学角度出发的缓解就业的对策包括普及高中阶段教育和实行城市妇女(部分人口)阶段性就业,并认为阶段性就业与社会性别平等并无冲突,而是对其有益的补充。  相似文献   

本研究从不同层面、不同角度调查流动人口性与生殖健康的知识、态度和行为的现状.分析影响该人群性和生殖健康水平以及他们在获取生殖健康服务方面所遇到的障碍。研究提示流动人口婚前性行为相当活跃,婚外性行为相对自由,性满意度较高,性行为的影响因素多,存在一定程度的强迫性行和性压抑。  相似文献   

韩国妇女社会地位问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任明  王艳秀 《人口学刊》2004,11(4):26-29
20世纪60年代以来,韩国妇女社会地位和生活状况不断改善,但实现韩国社会性别平等仍是一个长期的社会化过程。在韩国提高女性的社会地位不仅需要全社会的关注,而且需要一个强化的社会决策机制,才能逐步实现从思想意识领域到社会实践领域彻底地根除性别歧视的观点。  相似文献   

During December 20-21, 2004, the UNFPA/China reproductive health and family planning project held a workshop to discuss HIV/AIDS prevention strategy and planning in Beijing. The workshop was attended by more than 50 experts from home and abroad as well as project managers, including UNAIDS representative Joel Rehnstrom and NPFPC Vice Minister Zhao Baige. On the first day, experts from UNAIDS, UNESCO, PATH, State Council HIV/AIDS Prevention Committee, Chinese Center for…  相似文献   

Gender,power, and population change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Riley NE 《Population bulletin》1997,52(1):[2], 1-[2],48
This report describes fertility and mortality trends in developing countries and discusses how gender is defined and measured in some countries. The discussion relies on case studies and country statistics to reveal how gender shapes the lives of all people in all societies. Gender is defined as the different roles women and men play in society. Gender is manifested in institutional structures, power relations, and culturally determined behavior. In no society do women and men share equal roles. The effects of inequality for women are manifested differently between countries. The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo established the goal of gender equality. Educational enrollment and illiteracy are two measures of gender inequality that affect opportunities in society for advancement, power, and status. Girls are less likely to be enrolled in school than boys and more likely to have higher absenteeism rates. In China, absenteeism of girls is actually increasing under reforms. Marriage practices may devalue the investment in girls' education. Women experience different working conditions: they work longer hours, are paid less or not at all, and hold lower-status jobs. The exceptions are found in the Philippines and Brazil, where women hold more professional jobs than men. Women carry multiple responsibilities that consume time and prevent greater involvement in public life. Dowry and brideprice can constrain family relations. Women generally have fewer inheritance rights. Few women hold high-level public office positions or parliamentary seats. The extent to which gender inequality is reflected in demographic processes depends upon the gap in power in education, employment, and income. The relationship between gender and demographic processes is a central topic currently being researched.  相似文献   

刘慧君 《西北人口》2008,29(2):119-123
基于社会性别和生态系统理论视角,构建KAP拓展模型,探索中国农村育龄群体生殖疾病预防行为的影响机制,并利用安徽巢湖调查数据进行累积Logistic回归检验。研究结果显示,新模型对生殖疾病预防行为的KAP影响机制具有更好的解释力,但模型对两性预防行为的解释存在显著差异,社会性别角色的作用方式也呈现多样性。  相似文献   

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