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全面正确的理解人工流产中的尊重原则是生命伦理学的根本要求.在人工流产中,既要尊重母亲的生命权、健康权和在生育、人工流产中的自主权,又不能忽视母亲在生育、人工流产中对国家、社会、他人、胎儿的责任和义务;既要尊重胎儿的生命权,又要了解胎儿生命权的有限性;既要协调胎儿、母亲的权利,又要兼顾社会国家的利益.  相似文献   

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia were quite comparable in terms of their socioeconomic development. Despite some differences in overall mortality levels, the three former Soviet republics were also very close to each other in terms of directions of mortality trends and age- and cause-specific mortality patterns. After 1991, all the three countries experienced substantial political and social transformations, and the challenges associated with the transition from a socialist to a market economy system. The sudden changes brought numerous problems, such as rapid growth in unemployment, falling standards of living, and growing social and income inequalities. These factors contributed to the significant deterioration of the health situation in all the countries, but the size and the nature of the mortality crisis was different in Belarus than it was in Lithuania and Russia. The marked similarities in socioeconomic and mortality trends in the countries up to 1991 contrast with their notable divergence during the subsequent years. The nature and success of market reforms seems to be the most plausible explanation for these differences. Russia and Lithuania have chosen more radical forms of economic and political transformations, which have led to massive privatization campaigns. The reforms were more sustainable and systematic in Lithuania than in Russia. By contrast, Belarus has chosen a gradual and slow transition path. Recent mortality trends in Belarus are explored in detail here, and are contrasted with those observed in Lithuania and Russia. Including a cause-of-death analysis sheds more light on the plausible determinants of the variations in mortality levels between the countries.  相似文献   

女性的生态环境包含历史的因素,也有现代的因素:即传统的父权制的叙事和现代的媒介叙事。而这两种叙事对今天的女性的生态,从某种意义上说,都是一种不良的环境,因此,我们必须从传统的伦理和今天发达的科技两方面改善女性的生态环境,打破和改变传统的和现代媒介的叙事方式,构建女性良好的生态环境。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the fertility decline in Russia during theearly and mid 1990s from both a macro- and micro-perspective and presents astriking divergence between these two empirical viewpoints. While the formersuggests that the fertility decline after 1989 is associated with theeconomic hardship accompanying the transition to a market economy, themicro-evidence using the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey is to thecontrary. There is no negative association between labour market uncertaintyor a labour market crisis and fertility, and frequently there is even apositive association. That is, women or couples who are themselves affectedby labour market crises often had a higher probability of having anotherchild in the period 1994–1996 than women/couples who were less affected bysuch crises. The lack of a negative association, and the presence of apositive association in many instances, is surprising from the standpoint ofeconomic fertility theory. It is also contrary to many explanatory theoriesabout the recent fertility decline in Central and Eastern European countriesthat are built on a more or less direct connection between the labour marketor an economic crisis and low fertility.  相似文献   

对应用伦理学的一些典型论争所引发的有关核心概念进行分析研究 ,是当代伦理学的一项重要任务。“人”就属于这样一种核心概念。医学伦理学中有关堕胎、安乐死问题的争论 ,都涉及“人”这个概念的定义。辛格在其名著《实践伦理学》中消解了“人”这一概念 ,挑战了传统观念中人类生命的神圣性 ,指出人的生命权利以及对这种权利的尊重与保护并不取决于宗教或直觉上的准则 ,而是取决于他所具有的客观存在的特征与需求。他的这一论断及其所引发的论争对生命伦理学界产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

俄罗斯政坛出现三大趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
最近,俄罗斯政坛出现三大趋势,一是强化国家政权,实行总统集权;二是改变政党格局,形成一党为主;三是规范民主生活,走向"可控民主".目前,普京总统集权的局面已经形成,令西方国家为之担忧.但这种情况符合俄罗斯的历史传统,符合俄重振大国地位的现实需要.由于时代条件已截然不同,俄罗斯不会再回到苏联时期和沙皇时期,普京的"集权"模式也不可能变成"极权"模式.  相似文献   

台湾海峡两岸关系,近几年来继续发展,呈现好势头,表现在:两岸人员来往日益增加;科技、文化、学术、体育等方面的交流不断扩大;通邮、通航、通商既成事实;台湾当局的“三不政策”已有所松动,且成立了“国家统一委员会”等机构,以具体的组织形式来决策大陆工作,又制定“国家统一纲领”、终止“戡乱时期”,从而有利于两岸关系进一步发展。在两岸关系发展趋势方面,虽然存在严重困难和障碍,但是,祖国统一已经成为不可抗拒的历史潮流,且影响两岸关系发展的基本因素都在向着有利于和平统一的方向发展,因而,两岸关系发展的前景无疑是光明的。  相似文献   

近年来,美俄在中亚联合反恐的同时,还在军事、政治、经济领域展开明争暗斗。俄美在中亚的争夺是双方根本性矛盾的一个缩影,其深层原因在于双方在此地区都存在着战略利益。俄美在不同领域各有自己的优势和劣势,目前俄美在中亚大体处于势均力敌的状况。  相似文献   

Between 1989 and 1993, the total fertility rate inRussia dropped from 2.01 to 1.38, a fall ofunprecedented size in peacetime. The more commonexplanation asserts that the fertility decrease is thepopulation's response to the socio-economic crisisoccurring in the country. The alternative hypothesisstates that the fertility decrease is just acontinuation of the long-term trend, while the crisishas accelerated this process. On the basis ofindividual data obtained in the 1994 microcensus,which involved 5 per cent of Russia's population, thispaper attempts to find arguments for and against eachof the two hypotheses The analysis is based onquestionnaires of 798 thousand women born between 1959and 1975. Three indicators of fertility areinvestigated: frequency of birth in 1993, expectednumber of children, and desired number of children.These indicators are linked to 28 backgroundcharacteristics, including marital status, number ofchildren ever born, ethnicity, level of education,housing condition, and income level. The data do notreveal essential fertility differentiation by economicstatus, which would be present of the first hypothesiswere right. At the same time, a clear connection isfound between the frequency of births in 1993 and suchsocio-cultural markers as living in town orcountryside, ethnicity, and the desired number ofchildren. In addition, 1993 fertility actuallyconforms to women's opinions about the number ofchildren they intend to have. These results cast doubton the hypothesis that the economic crisis is the mainand only cause of the recent fertility decrease inRussia.  相似文献   

以重庆南川市市区三所医院1998 年度1068 例人工流产手术记录为样本,作者进行了调查和统计,并在分析结果的基础上提出了相应的对策  相似文献   

20世纪西方政治学:形成、演变及最新趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方政治学的研究传统是古希腊的圣哲们所奠定的。19世纪末至20世纪初,伴随着社会科学分化的一般趋势,西方政治学形成了相对独立的学科框架,完成由传统政治研究向现代政治科学的转变。20世纪中期,行为主义及后行为主义政治学成为西方政治学的主导范式,它的孕育、兴盛和衰弱经历了大半个世纪。“二战”以后,西方政治学研究出现了三种范式或元理论(本体—规范的理论、经验-分析的理论和辩证-批判的理论)共存的局面。在当代西方社会科学的杂交化、整体化大趋势下,世纪之交的西方政治学出现了政治经济整合研究、政治学现实性增强、政治哲学复兴、由国家焦点向全球视野的转变等新趋势。  相似文献   

自从科学家们发现氟氯碳化合物(以下简称CFC)对臭氧层的破坏及其对人类生态环境的危害以来,引起了全世界的关注,并已开展了一系列国际性的行动。本文首先综合介绍了近年来在CFC限用、替代剂研究方面的历史回顾和蒙特利尔协定及其实施动向;其次介绍了CFC替代剂寻找的途径,替代计划及主要替代剂的热物理性质,最后简述了CFC限用对当前制冷空调设备业的影响以及某些国际动向。  相似文献   

近年来,美国对南海争端的介入日渐强烈和明晰,手段更加多样,成为制约中国南海维权的重要变量。不过,美国对南海争端的介入也面临政策抉择困境,对华关系两面性导致“尺度”困境、意愿与能力失衡导致“实效”困境、与相关国家难以铁板一块导致“角色”困境。未来,美国会继续干预南海争端、深入推进“亚太再平衡”战略,且日益重视“软介入”方式,但其政策抉择困境也为中美合作磋商提供可能。  相似文献   

近年来,伴随着多语交际和多语研究的兴起以及适用语言学概念的提出,系统功能翻译研究已逐渐成为翻译研究中影响与日俱增的重要分支。新时期的系统功能翻译研究充分立足功能语言学自身,采用语言多维度的全息视角,提出了综合的理论模式,研究方法也从传统的以内省为主逐步过渡到以量化数据支撑的实证研究为主,强调翻译研究对语言学的反哺作用,研究范围和研究深度上都得到了较大的拓展。本文梳理了近十年国外系统功能翻译研究的最新成果,总结研究的新特点,并展望今后的发展趋势。   相似文献   

《秦腔》以日常生活流叙述的方式展现了中国农村全面衰败的图景:在权力与市场双重魔咒之下,原先乡村社会精英的作用逐渐消亡,乡村社会的自我治理与完善机制开始丧失,陷于城乡发展不平衡格局之中万劫不复。这种衰败是结构性的,因而如果不立足于整个结构和制度层面,任何救赎都是无望的。  相似文献   

Recent decades have witnessed declining marriage rates and increasing cohabitation in Russia. Are these trends short-term responses to the economic and political crises accompanying the collapse of the Soviet Union in late 1991 or do they represent a longer-term shift driven by ideational changes like those shaping the “second demographic transition” in many developed countries since the 1960s? Our analyses of individual-level rates of entry to first marriage and cohabitation using 3,510 marital histories spanning 1985–2000 from the Survey of Stratification and Migration Dynamics in Russia show that the precise timing of these trends, the patterns of association between marriage and cohabitation rates and individual and contextual covariates, and the relationship between cohabitation and marriage entry mostly confirm the “transition” perspective. However, although Russia’s retreat from marriage, an especially radical departure from historically predominant patterns, involves ideational changes, the mechanisms driving these changes in Russia differ from those identified in accounts of the second demographic transition in other countries.  相似文献   

统计学发展过程中出现过几次重大的争论,这些争论在本质上可以说是一脉相承的。"政治算术"与"国势学"的争论,明确了统计学的学科性质;"描述统计学"与"推断统计学"的争论,构筑了统计学的完整体系;"经典统计学"与"贝叶斯统计学"的争论,带来了统计哲学观的新变化;信念统计学与经典统计学、贝叶斯统计学的争论,使统计推断科学化问题的研究日趋深入。正是通过这些争论完善了现代统计学的思想和方法体系。  相似文献   

While there has been considerable debate about extending the length of working life, relatively little is known about this issue. We use data from the Spanish Continuous Working Life Sample for 2004–2013 to calculate period working life tables, which in turn allows us to assess the impact of the financial crisis on working life expectancy in Spain. Before the recession hit, working life expectancy in Spain was around 38 years for males and 33 years for females. The recession had a tremendous impact on the Spanish labor market, but the effects differed considerably by gender and occupational category. Men working in skilled non-manual jobs were less affected, while men working in unskilled manual jobs lost close to 14 years of working life expectancy. Women were less affected than men. With working life expectancy decreasing, the average proportion of lifetime spent in unemployment and outside the labor market increased markedly, whereas the average number of years spent in retirement changed only a little. When we decompose losses in working life expectancy by age group, we find that economic fluctuations affect both older and younger workers. This result suggests that policies that focus on retirement ages only are incomplete. We also compare our findings to the results obtained by Sullivans method, which is based on prevalence rates rather than the incidence-based working life table approach. We find that the use of Sullivans approach does not accurately reflect the levels of and the trends in working life expectancy.  相似文献   

俄罗斯与欧洲、东方与西方的关系问题长期以来是俄罗斯国内外关注的焦点问题之一。由于地跨欧亚两洲和东西方文明的交汇地带 ,俄罗斯这个民族国家具有很大的特殊性和优越感 ,经常与西方不合拍或与西方不相同 ,但又不得不学习西方的先进 ,因而民族心理常不平衡。俄罗斯与欧洲列强相互存有戒心 ,文化民族主义决定了它们的相互关系 :俄罗斯永远不会变成西方 ,西方也永远不会完全接纳俄罗斯。俄与西欧、中欧、东欧的具体关系也不尽相同。竞争与合作并存 ,妥协与矛盾共生 ,磕磕碰碰 ,不会一帆风顺 ,是俄罗斯与西方关系的未来走向  相似文献   

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