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Chu~ng qj看n mfng yu~guang,床前明月光,Moonlight in front of mv bed——Yf sm曲sh&ng shuAng.疑是地上霜。l took it for frost on the ground!Ju tou wang mmg yue举头望明月,l¨ft my eyes to watch the bright moon,DR6u甜g、uxianq.低头思故乡。1 0Wer them and dream of home.(Everybody iswelC0metotrytogueSSthernean-ings of;)5 .SendUs y0Ur anSWerS·SmallP’jz(任xeeutive Edito卜:L.N 21责任编辑:林子)圈学汉语(英文)…  相似文献   

哭犯翠黝攘i燃麒粼淤璐珍绷)鬓撇瓤瓣癫姗巍夔蘸门i涛曝渠黝l不万争缄暴藻}蘸版徽狱鲤纪盔黔蕊鑫吮羹雇滩一, 卜_ -一盆_ .书一书、办,几一_劲日l入‘:若八飞月众。一i篇鸣l.、鸟︸“二~‘.刃.,尸ByWANGWE{ngHo”ow入I术I洲/./renXlar,七)首,、o山hu巨_~人一_一伟~‘_祷‘认_斗万r__:_、O U.…“匕.IL材~以.1.0 .ILI二11.口、产夜静春山空。螃介ng叻奋ns吻咖9,.川e[1 lgrlllS qU]e1,tneSPrlnl公高_.._工__‘_工.月{丫以Ch乙i币,,_丁- 一二.v卜毛塑塔叨I胆二_司_习_、乙之_。‘二_.1.、J…,.J,~护百.、-三,/飞lm】n(:猛咖、二一,_…  相似文献   

A.请问,有空房间吗?QYng wen, you kong fangjian ma? May I ask, are any rooms available?B.有,你要几间?You, ni yao ji jian?Yes, how many rooms do you want?A.我要一间。Wo yao yi jian. I want one room.B.单人房间还是双人房间?Dan ren fangjian haishi shuang ren fangjian? Do you want a single room or a double room?  相似文献   

DO YOU LIKE MUSIC?你喜欢音乐吗?A:你喜欢音乐吗?Do you like music?B:我很喜欢音乐。I like music very much.A:你喜欢哪种音乐?古典音乐还是流行音乐?  相似文献   

A:今天天气怎么样?Jintian tianqi zenmeyang?How is today's weather?B:很好,不冷也不热。Hen hao,bu leng ye bu re.Very good.It's not too cold,and not too hot.  相似文献   

What,S the TJm6p问日寸间请问.现在几点了7QYng wbn,xl“anza、‘l『『dl冱n le?May l ask,what is the time now?现在八点。Xianzai ba dl若n.it is eight 0’clock.商店几点开门7ShAngd&n jYdi~.n kal me…9At what time does the store open?商店八点半开门。Sh~ngd&n b豆di~,n ban k最j m6n.it opens at half past eight。谢谢!Xi岳xl垂!Thank you!不谢lBd xl台。You’re welcome!《l豳王红.几点了? w矗ng Hdng,『rdl葺n le? Wang Hong,what is the time?圜差一刻九点。Cha yfkb iitdi~_n。A quarterto n。ine.豳今天是星期几…  相似文献   

At the AirportA:请问,您是马丁先生吗?Qing wen, nin shi Mading xiansheng ma? May I ask, are you Mr Martin?B:是,您是……?Shi, nin shi......?Yes, who are you?  相似文献   

Greetings 你好! nǐhǎo Hello! These might be the first words you hear when you come to China and talk with Chinese people. It is the most common Chinese greeting  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Vocabulary: 长城 cháng chéng the Great Wall 故宫 gù gōng the Palace Museum 公园gōng yuán park 京剧 Jīng jù Beijing Opera 茶馆 chá guǎn tea house 剧院 jù yuàn theatre 丝绸 sī chóu silk 腊染 là rǎn batik 剪纸 jiǎn zhi paper—cut 参观 cān guān visit  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Vocabulary: 妇女大会 fùnǘdàhuì conference on women 论坛 lǔntán forum 何时 héshi when 在哪里 zàinǎli where 为什么 wèishěnme why 同意 tōngyì agree  相似文献   

Shíyòng Hàn yǔKǒu yǔ实用汉语口语Basic Chinese Sentences现在几点? Xiàn zài jǐdiǎn? What time is it now?今天几号? Jīn tiān jǐhào? What is the date today?明天星期几? Míng tiān xīng qījǐ? What day is tomorrow?  相似文献   

实用汉语口语Basic Chinese Sentences您买什么? Nín mǎi shénme? What would you like(to buy)?  相似文献   

遨蘸酬卿黝啊黝翩蠕赢酬麒麒瓤A请问,oTng有出租汽车吗?氏一请工奉Wer15 the阳a、恕融妙一Ca卜B有,您去哪儿?沙肿确祥r?丫e吕_VV日e阳口oy0UA熟泉弓之ch吞. nthe远吗卜-A.我去银行。B.太远了嗽恕冬如心姗氮沐别尘索一凛嚼纂公红B.请上车。{种赞户扮份份吮,州州钟呼勺嘴,份呼啼oTngs隐ng;丽A.P leaseg献inA.谢谢!去银朽选林?yu勤匕的浦n?乡甲一动蛇111尽nKy0U卜L芝董纂请问,去飞机场远不远?声丫__长_、,,二.丫_只,rlg1w尽{,·甲u..「e,J,,『,a『,导lV旧ylas吮15 Inea}rpo几far away?B.很远。户‘日勘yu渐B.不太远,一会儿就到。\\B…  相似文献   

A:请问,银行在哪儿?Qing wen, yinhang zai nar?May I ask, where is the bank?B:银行在前边。Yinhang zai qianbian. The bank is just ahead.A:远吗?Yuan ma? Is it far away?  相似文献   

DRINKING TEA 请朋友喝茶A:请喝茶! Please, have some tea!B:对不起,我不喜欢喝茶。 Sorry,I' do not like to drink tea.A:什么茶也不喜欢吗?A:你喝点什么? What would you like to drink?B:我喜欢喝茶。 I would like to drink tea.A:喝什么茶?红茶、绿茶还是花茶?  相似文献   

对于罗伯特和吴京燕来说,生活中最大的喜悦来自教 育孩子的过程。  相似文献   

他们的故事很普通,因为他们都是步入婚姻或正在恋爱的普通人;他们的故事又很特别,因为他们来自不同国度,有着不同的文化背景;他们的故事让我们了解跨国婚恋的喜怒哀乐……  相似文献   

命运对于赵丽也许并不公平。丈夫身带残疾,谁料28岁时她也摔伤了一条腿而落下残疾。下岗后,她经营起一家报刊亭。工作时间长,条件简陋,挣钱也不太多,但赵丽总是那么乐呵呵的。  相似文献   

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