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陈君贤 《社会》2004,11(7):58-60
吸毒已经成为当今世界一个极为严重 的社会问题。近年来我国吸毒人员的数量 也有了明显的上升。这无疑会对社会治安 和人们的生活带来不可忽视的影响。然而,从目前各城市中承担着禁毒任务的社区工作现状来看,其传统的社区机制,即基本上沿承着原有的街道和居委会管理模式,在对社区禁毒这类问题的处理上,已显得捉襟见肘。因此,完善社会禁毒体系和机制  相似文献   

A two-year follow-up evaluation was conducted for a foster parent training program. Data were collected from 105 families with 267 foster children. A substantial positive effect of training on licensing outcomes is observed even after controlling for the foster parents' personal qualities of assertiveness and activism, and childrens' risk characteristics. The process by which training brought about its benefits is illuminated in terms of foster parent program participation. Licensing rates for various combinations of foster parents' characteristics, childrens' risk characteristics, and foster parent training are examined to pinpoint where training helped the most and the least. The discussion concludes with an argument for the mandatory training of foster parents.  相似文献   

贬谪是唐代政治生活与文学创作中一个很常见的现象。唐代贬谪者在从朝堂贬向蛮荒的命运陡降过程中,在其骚怨情感反应与生活被动适应上,普遍表现出一种真切主动的生命关怀色彩。他们在对生命特质的感性体认、对死生问题的关注、对家园回归的渴求、对亲情的向往、对以超越现实苦难为旨归的宗教情怀等方面,都表现出了迥异于往常的生命关怀色彩。  相似文献   

Objective. Researchers have suggested a number of different methods for interpreting the coefficients in a logit model. Unfortunately, many of these interpretations suffer from a lack clarity or involve a substantial number of manipulations of the logit coefficient prior to interpretation. In this article, we discuss a straightforward method of interpreting logit coefficients for continuous dependent variables without the need for extensive transformation. Method. Drawing on Stolzenberg's (1979) techniques for interpreting logarithmic regression models, we demonstrate that the logit coefficient multiplied by 100 can be directly interpreted as the percentage change in the odds given a unit change in the independent variable. We also derive an analogous interpretation for ordinal logit models. Results. After these derivations, the ease of this technique is demonstrated using a simple logit model. Conclusion. Given the generality of this interpretation, as well as its ease of computation, it is hoped that researchers from a number of disciplines will adopt this strategy for interpreting logit models.  相似文献   

每当听到日本政府要员又去参拜靖国神社 ,就会联想到近30年前日本内阁做出的一项决定。那是 1 96 4年 1月 7日 ,日本内阁会议决定 ,继续对二战中的战殁者 (即死于战场者 )进行授衔和授勋 :对在战时已经履行了部分授衔、授勋手续的约 1 0 0万名战殁者继续履行未完手续 ,同时“对在功绩上与这些人没有多少差异的约 1 0 0万名战殁者 ,也予以授勋”。决定还列举了这样做的理由 ,其中提到 :“如果搁置起来 ,不仅对遵从国家的命令而献出生命的战殁者之灵非礼 ,而且还违背国家的道义。”根据这一决定 ,包括许多在侵略战争中罪恶累累的高级军官在内…  相似文献   

新文化运动的最大不足在于启蒙不够充分.由于历史性的诸多原因,新文化提倡者带有浓厚的科举心态,缺乏对文化启蒙及其功能的深刻理解,将启蒙当做一种政治手段,让启蒙承担起其力不能及的过分沉重的民族国家的现代性使命.这种非启蒙心态在启蒙内部构成了一种颠覆,使启蒙丧失了其本身所具有的基本价值及功能.  相似文献   

Can young children frame their own choices in terms of moral considerations, particularly when those choices do not match the practices of immediate authority figures? To answer this question, we studied 6‐ to 10‐year‐old independent vegetarians—children who have elected to become vegetarians, despite being raised in non‐vegetarian families. In Study 1, these children were asked about their reasons for not eating meat; their replies were compared with those made by vegetarian children from vegetarian families (family vegetarians) and non‐vegetarian children from non‐vegetarian families (non‐vegetarians). Unlike the other two groups, independent vegetarians universally focused on the suffering that meat eating implies for animals but, surprisingly, they did not condemn others for meat eating. Study 2 attempted to explain this tolerance by examining if children focus on whether an individual has made a commitment to not eating meat. All three groups of children condemned meat eating by morally committed vegetarians, but not by those who have made no such commitment. The two studies show that independent vegetarians are committed to not eating meat on moral grounds and judge that it would be wrong to break that commitment. Nevertheless, like non‐vegetarian children, they remain tolerant toward people who have made no such commitment.  相似文献   

A narrative approach to group work with men who batter is presented with case examples. The approach is based in feminist and constructionist theory and seeks to expose and undermine the effects of patriarchal discourse in the lives and relationships of group members. The approach emphasizes an understanding of gender discourse, taking responsibility for actions, and exploring new definitional possibilities for participants and their relationships. The techniques of radical listening, the principle of least contest, breaking the allure of male entitlement and its effects, and cocreating a new male way of being are discussed with case examples.  相似文献   

A Kind of Loving: A Model of Effective Foster Care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Professor Kate Wilson, Centre of Social Work, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD. E-mail: kate.wilson{at}nottingham.ac.uk Summary The article builds on a companion statistical paper, which drewon the findings of a large sample of foster placements and analysedfactors leading to a successful placement and the avoidanceof disruption. A model of successful foster care was developedwhich suggested that outcomes depend on three aspects of thefoster placement, those that relate to the child, the fostercarer and the interaction between the two. Here, a concreteexample in the form of a case study drawn from interviews undertakenas part of the study is used to illustrate the relevance ofthe model to practice. The qualities that make up the interactionbetween the carer and the child are elaborated through the conceptof ‘responsive parenting’. The analysis is takenfurther by identifying the processes involved in a way thatis detailed and precise and has relevance to theory. The paperargues that the case study provides material that could informboth training and the theories that underpin practice.  相似文献   

The paper reports some of the findings of an exploratory study that looks at foster fathers’ experiences of fostering and discusses their routes into foster care and their perspectives on their roles and tasks. The study collected quantitative and qualitative data by approaching all foster fathers registered with a single independent fostering agency based in south‐east England. They were asked about their personal and professional attributes, and their experiences of and views concerning the role of a foster father. The study discusses the foster fathers’ motivation to foster, and argues that what they see as the benefits and drawbacks of fostering, and how it fits into their own family lives, are all relevant to improving service recruitment, delivery and retention. The study produced some evidence about the distinctive and positive contribution that foster fathers see themselves making to the lives of the children they foster. Further research is needed to refine our knowledge of what this contribution may be. Such knowledge could potentially develop our understanding of the roles of fathers in child development more generally as well as fine‐tuning practice in matching what particular placements have to offer to the needs of individual children.  相似文献   

俗语称,"有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫",奥运史也有如此的佳话流传。克伦茨莱园:牙医也疯狂如果没有参加奥运会,阿·克伦茨莱因也许永远只是一名默默无闻的牙科医生。1876年12月,当克伦茨莱因出生于美国一个医学世家时,他未来的人生蓝图就已被规划好了。即使在1900年,有幸参加巴黎奥运会,他也没有想到自己能成为田径场上的明星人物。那时,他还  相似文献   


This article is both a memoir of one social worker's professional collaboration with Zelda Foster and a tribute to Zelda's legacy in the form of an educational resource on end-of-life care. It reviews achievements of Zelda Foster in social work practice and teaching related to death and dying. Resources presented in this article were supported by the Soros Foundation's Project on Death in America, a funded grant project to which Zelda contributed. The end-of-life care education, training and informational tools discussed in this article are examples of ongoing efforts in the social work profession to improve the lives of the dying and bereaved.  相似文献   

This article is both a memoir of one social worker's professional collaboration with Zelda Foster and a tribute to Zelda's legacy in the form of an educational resource on end-of-life care. It reviews achievements of Zelda Foster in social work practice and teaching related to death and dying. Resources presented in this article were supported by the Soros Foundation's Project on Death in America, a funded grant project to which Zelda contributed. The end-of-life care education, training and informational tools discussed in this article are examples of ongoing efforts in the social work profession to improve the lives of the dying and bereaved.  相似文献   

Objective . We examine cognitive, economic, and partisan heuristic theories of why some people express support for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Methods . Data come from a mail survey of 623 residents of central Pennsylvania, a region in which mitigation costs exceed potential benefits from slowing the rate of global warming. Results . Ordinary least squares analysis shows that people who can accurately identify the causes of climate change and who expect bad consequences from climate change are likely to support both government anti-fossil fuel initiatives and voluntary actions. Economic circumstances and anxieties are not important predictors, but the belief that environmental protection efforts do not threaten jobs for people like the respondent, limit personal freedoms, and hurt the economy is a strong predictor. Democrats are more likely than Republicans to support government efforts to reduce emissions. Conclusions . Cognitive explanations of support for reducing greenhouse gas emissions are more powerful than economic or partisan heuristic ones. People want to reduce emissions if they understand the causes of climate change, if they perceive substantial risks from climate change if average surface temperatures increase, and if they think climate change mitigation policies will not cost them their jobs.  相似文献   

The Limits of Support in Foster Care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Stephen Nixon, School of Continuing Studies, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT; E-mail: Continuing-Studies{at}bham.ac.uk Summary This study was designed to explore the support provided forfoster carers during crises. A sample of sixty-seven fostercarers who had experienced an allegation of abuse against amember of their immediate family were questioned, with a specificfocus on their support needs and experiences during the periodof investigation and its aftermath. Data were also gatheredfrom a smaller sample of twenty family placement social workerswho worked with a sub-sample of these foster carers in orderto establish their perceptions of the issues. Shock, anger,bitterness and a sense of isolation were the prevailing emotionsexperienced by foster carers. It was found that the formal supportoffered by the child-care agencies was not used by 76 per centof foster carers. For most carers there was a lack of congruencebetween the type of support they needed and the support providedby the child-care agency. A number of other useful findingsemerged which are discussed in relation to crises in fostercare. The implications for foster care practice are substantial andrelate to the optimum provision of support for foster carersin such crises. It is suggested that the key role of socialworkers is to encourage and enable foster carers to establishtheir own close network of personal support in anticipationof such events.  相似文献   

随着我国儿童福利事业不断深化改革,儿童福利院逐渐突破传统的养育模式。向社会化、人性化、个性化的方向发展。为使孤残儿童能有一个良好的成长环境,武汉市儿童福利院在现有的福利院集中供养、家庭分散寄养的基础上。于2007年8月开展了“小组家庭寄养模式”。  相似文献   

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