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Based on grades in school and on parental educational aspirations the article investigates the influence of siblings’ birth order on educational opportunities and educational success of elementary school pupils. It is examined whether this influence varies by social strata, i.e., whether it is moderated by the socio-economic status of parental households. Theoretical background are the resource dilution model which focuses on siblings’ rivalry for scarce family resources, the confluence model which refers to the intellectual environment within families, and the family niche model which postulates effects of siblings on personality traits of children. Furthermore, status maintenance motives of parents are used to explain birth order effects. Empirical analyses are based on a study of 1369 pupils—4th graders of elementary schools—in the city of Wiesbaden, Germany. It can be shown that the birth order has negative effects on the chosen educational indicators (grades in school, parental educational aspirations). In accordance with prior research, grades of children get worse with their position in the birth order, other things being equal. The birth order also affects educational aspirations which parents hold for their children. In this context, the crucial result of the article is: When older siblings already guarantee the social status of the family in an intergenerational perspective, parents with high SES reduce their educational aspirations for younger siblings (elimination of the status maintenance motive). In families with low SES, however, parental educational aspirations for younger siblings increase, when older siblings successfully have reached higher educational credentials (social learning from role models).  相似文献   

In this article we propose a financial regime typology that adds the role of cultural legitimacy to financial market regulation. Bridging Comparative Political Economy and Economic Sociology we refer to a German Weberian tradition of institutionalist research that has stressed the intermediate position of institutions between social values and concrete market action. Financial regimes do not only define formal rules and organizational patterns, they also install symbolic boundaries between legitimate and illegitimate finance, providing cultural acceptance to these morally and historically “problematic” markets. The article then explores four fields of institutional regulation of stock exchanges in Germany and UK since the 19th century: (1) the creation of an official arena, (2) rules of market access, (3) the legitimate trading goods and (4) rules for penalizing misconduct. We show that German financial regulation was integrative and wanted to protect the real economy by corporatively embedding finance and restrain harmful transactions. In contrast, British financial regulation was segmental and tried to protect the real economy by installing a socially exclusive club of traders governed by professional expertise and hierarchy. This new typification of financial regimes will help to understand the resilience of national financial regulatory patterns across crises and the obstacles to a transnational harmonization of rules. Political reform-making is tied to institutional principles of the past.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the concept of team skills. Based on previous research that broke the concept down into sub-skills and documented no positive relationship between team skills and the performance of a group we measured the social perception of team skills. For this purpose four videos were produced that varied the factors contribution to group atmosphere and contribution to task performance of a single person. The team skills and all related sub-skills of this person were rated by external raters (n?=?136). The results clearly showed that the perception of team skills was based exclusively on the factor contribution to group atmosphere. Contribution to task performance, clearly recognized by raters, was not related to the perceived team skills and had a negative effect on the perceived ability to cooperate, the key element in the team skills concept. If the concept is highly appreciated in organisations as evident from various facts, diverting minority opinion will be avoided and group performance would depend largely on the majority decision. Other means to improve team effectiveness, such as group moderation techniques, need to be found.  相似文献   

In a methodological study recently published in this journal (No. 3, Vol. 51, 1999: 550–564), Klein and Arzheimer compared two competing methods for the measurement of personal value orientations, namely, rating and ranking. Focussing on postmaterialist value orientations, they concluded that ratings are superior. In this article, it is argued that this conclusion is based on a misleading interpretation of findings and a questionable research design. In particular, the authors do not address the validity of the two measurement methods, implicitly assuming that they both capture the same cognitive dimension. Since it is unclear whether or not this assumption holds, a broader research approach is suggested here, which allows assessment of both the validity and the reliability of the competing methods. Given the lack of empirical evidence regarding these points, theoretical considerations, briefly outlined in the last section, are crucial for the selection of an appropriate measurement strategy.  相似文献   

This article discusses the problem of causal inference based on contextual peer effects in education. For this purpose, I first introduce the counterfactual approach to causality and the fundamental problem of causal inference. Subsequently, experiments and a number of statistical methods are discussed as possible approaches to estimate causal effects. In particular, conditioning on observables using common linear regression models as well as matching procedures (such as propensity score matching), fixed-effects models, the difference-in-difference approach, instrumental variables, and the regression discontinuity design are discussed. The introduction of these methods is neither focused on the mathematical background nor on the estimation procedure but rather on the general logic and the assumptions connected with a causal interpretation of the estimated effects. The paper closes with an analysis of compositional peer effects in German elementary schools to illustrate the adequate treatment of selection processes.  相似文献   

Demographic and micro-economic approaches have not sufficiently resolved the explanation of fertility behavior and intergenerational relationships. The “value-of-children-approach” promises a possibility to solve these problems especially with regard to cross-cultural differences. The approach is re-conceptualized in the framework of the theory of social production functions as a special theory of action. Children are seen as strategic intermediate goods to fulfil basic needs of their (potential) parents: Their (1) work and income utility and their (2) insurance utility increases physical well-being, their (3) status utility and their (4) emotional utility increases social recognition. The explanatory potential of this special theory of action is systematically unfolded for six essential dimensions of the action system of the family (size, durability, context opportunities and restrictions, resources, intergenerational relationships, and gender). Finally, the implications for the modernization and social change of intergenerational relationships in societies with different kinship systems are discussed.  相似文献   

This work comprised appendages of the existential-analytical and logotherapeutical theory to accompany teams in change-processes. Based on the value-theory and the fundamental motivations it will be contemplate especially the effects by losing values. The consulting intervention are based on the method for Finding Meaning and the application are demonstrated in an exemplarily workshop.  相似文献   

Banks in Germany are experiencing a profound legitimacy crisis. In the wake of financial and economic crises, failures, and bailouts, as well as new oversight and stricter regulations, banks have lost the reputation and trust they once had. The present article uses an analysis of interpretative patterns to examine how banks seek to legitimize themselves in times of crisis, with reference to sustainability as a guiding principle of society. Following the concept of social legitimacy by new institutionalism in sociology, and based on discursive interviews with 18 representatives of German banks, we reconstructed three interpretative patterns: a) the differentiation from “bad” banks, which abandons profit-maximizing business models and promotes the moral superiority of sustainable banking, b) responsibility for society, which promotes the role and responsibility of banks as socially relevant actors that spur social change, and c) “right” return, whereby banks seek an appropriate relationship between their value orientation and a return on investments. Although a return on investment is economically necessary and confers legitimacy, it may not be understood as an end in itself. Banks discredited during the crisis can refocus on a banking model which promises social legitimacy by referring to sustainability.  相似文献   

The appropriation of micro-political competence affects the promotion of women into executive positions in a positive way. Evidence for this conclusion was found in the intervention study ??Micro-politics??. The study involved a research approach of Micro-politics-Coaching that was carried out on 30 female junior managers. As an introduction to the topic this contribution presents the Micro-political Competence Model (MCM) that was developed during the research project. The importance of micro-political competence for a successful carrier development is explained, based on the relevant action fields ??corporate culture?? and ??impression management??.The results of the research are made explicit by presenting two example cases of the coaching intervention study and by structuring the empirical evidence along the MCM. The conclusion clarifies why micro-political competence can be viewed as a partial area of carrier development competence and moreover provides implications for consultancy practice, for enterprises and for science.  相似文献   

The article describes pedagogical Gestalt concepts of consultancy and professional development of adult educators. The focus change of the adult educators from teachers to consultants is outlined at the beginning. The changed role demands concepts of consultancy and professional development that can reflect and strengthen the self and social competence of the actors. It is shown that the design pedagogical concepts are particularly suitable because the promotion of the conscious perception of one owns’ body, needs, feelings and imagination and their integration into the self image of the learning person (client) are in the center of such approach. The concept and practice of ‘role-playing’ as part of the course instructors’ further professional training related to the design pedagogical concepts are documented in details using case-studies. It is furthermore detailed where the learning opportunities lie, related to the perception, self reflection and enhancement of one owns’ action potential for teaching and consultancy activities. The summary emphasizes one of the most important axioms of the design approach: It is not about a somehow newly defined nice person but about the paradox of change through precise perception of the actual situation.  相似文献   

Unskilled workers often work in culturally diverse workforces. Compared to qualified workers they are exposed to poorer working conditions and have higher risks for health impairments and mortality. In this contribution we will review the literature concerning working conditions and health of unskilled and immigrant workers and present findings from a recent study on working conditions and health among a sample of 454 unskilled workers in culturally diverse workforces. In line with the research literature reviewed the workers in our study report poor working conditions and unfavorable health behavior. There are no differences between immigrant workers and their native counterparts regarding working conditions and health. Immigrants are more often overweight, yet smoke less frequently and report better well-being than their native colleagues.  相似文献   

In analysing the religiousness of youth positions vary between the hypothesis that religiousness has decreased and the hypothesis that there is a specific youth religion. In this paper it is assumed that the development of religious identities and convictions depends on social contexts and family environments. The paper analyses different religious interpretative patterns adolescents generate in order to position themselves in relation to concepts of life and meaning in societies who are marked by the pluralization of values, the secularization of social relations and the individualization of life styles. Through case studies of youth from West Germany, East Germany and youth from migrant’s milieus—each group of which are brought up religiously in a different environments—it is shown how the religious identities of youth become established under specific social-historical conditions and conditions of socialisation.  相似文献   

Using panel data (N = 1679 married and cohabiting couples), this paper investigates the impact of social contagion processes in first births. The empirical results confirm an association between the transition rate into parenthood and the share of network members (friends, acquaintances, siblings) with young children. Several bridge assumptions concerning the explanation of social contagion are tested. It can be shown that social networks have an impact on reproductive planning in that network members provide Ego with information on the joys and challenges of parenthood. Furthermore, younger couples whose network partners mostly still live with children, place a high priority on starting a family. Beyond that, the transition to parenthood is also found to be functional for maximizing one’s social approval when the share of network members with young children rises. Older childless couples are increasingly exposed to social pressure from friends and siblings with children. This type of social pressure decreases a couple’s propensity to start a family, though.  相似文献   

Within sociology of education living with siblings is almost exclusively considered as having a negative impact on educational success. Drawing on the German Microcensus 2008, the analysis reveals that although sibling constellation is strongly associated with transition to high school, this association is not solely negative. The probability to enter higher secondary school (Gymnasium) is sharply lowered by living in a household with an older sibling that neither attends the Gymnasium nor has a higher education entrance qualification. Vice versa living in a household with an older sibling that attends Gymnasium or has a higher education entrance qualification enhances the probability of transition to upper secondary school. Furthermore it is shown that the positive influence on entering Gymnasium that originates from an older sibling that attends Gymnasium is stronger in federal states (Bundesländer) in which the recommendation of elementary school for secondary school is not binding. What remains unanswered is the question of the mechanisms that underlie these demonstrated associations. However, some of the potential mechanisms can be proved empirically.  相似文献   

The present pilot study explored the structure of writer’s blockades under consideration of the theory of subjective imperatives within an educational-psychological trial. The pilot study had two goals: (1) to test if introvision can be applied to writer’s blockades, and (2) to analyze by means of case studies which subjective imperatives respectively imperativic structures can form the basis of writing blockades. Six student subjects (five female, one male) were counseled individually with the objective of bringing an end to imperative processes that impede writing. The counseling interviews were recorded and transcribed first and subsequently analyzed sentence by sentence on the basis of the ‘theory of (subjective) imperatives’ text analysis method with respect to subjective imperatives, conflict dodging strategies (KUS) and core imperatives. The results revealed layers of subjective imperatives, beginning with imperatives related to writing in the topmost layer. Each of the six subjects showed core imperatives in the bottom layer that were linked to some form of fear of death or similar existential negative emotions and that presumably affect other aspects of live and personality as well.  相似文献   

The author summarizes the outcomes of a survey conducted in 2007 behalf of Carl Duisberg Centren gGmbH in 2007. The surveys topic was the image of Germany seen by Chinese executives that attended a management-training program in Germany. During the survey, the author analyzed what kind of image Chinese executives have, when they get in touch with Germany or Germans. Furthermore the question whether attending a management-training program in Germany will change this image or not was a topic.  相似文献   

Only a few studies have addressed the role of alternative paths in German secondary education. These paths were introduced to reduce social inequalities. However, there is much controversy regarding whether alternative paths actually do reduce inequalities. Schindler most recently discussed in the Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie that this controversy is due in part to different understandings of how empirical studies assess the effect of social origin. This article adopts and critically extends this point by arguing that, from a social inequality point of view, alternative paths can only be understood adequately if research reconstructs the effect of social origin systematically and as holistically as possible. Additionally, we raise the question whether the measure that is traditionally used by educational research to assess social inequalities (Odds Ratios) is really the most adequate one to understand how alternative paths impact on inequalities in educational attainment. Instead we suggest the estimation of Average Marginal Effects.  相似文献   

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