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Women's development is a process. It is also a process to await the Fourth World Conference on Women to be held in Beijing in 1995, a process to further mobilize women from various countries to gain equality between the sexes and to take a part in social development. The second international seminar on women's studies was held from November 23 to 26, 1993, at Beijing University in preparation for this day. Some 100 women researchers from Australia, Bangladesh', Canada, the United States, England, Malaysia and Japan, as well as Hong Kong and China participated in the event. It was one of the most lively and active seminars held during this process. To take prompt action in development was a common nderstanding of the participants.  相似文献   

AT the closing ceremony of the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Mme. Peng Peiyun, Chinese State Councilor, said, "I believe that this Conference will become a starting point of the worldwide women's cause. The effect of the Conference depends on  相似文献   

TWO and a half years after the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing once again embraced women from all over the world. This time, the mission was to exchange experiences on implementation of the "Beijing Declaration" and the "Platform for Action" formulated at the Conference; to see how the governments had put into action the commitments that they made then.  相似文献   

THE following is the full text of the Beijing Declaration: 1. We, the Governments, participating in the Fourth World Conference on Women, 2. Gathered here in Beijing, in September 1995, the year of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the United Nations,  相似文献   

Today, the Fourth World Conference on Women will have its grand opening in Beijing. Such a propitious assembly of outstanding women and distinguished guests from around the world has added  相似文献   

1996 To Readers     
AT the golden season of 1995, women and guests from all over the world gathered in Beijing. The UN Fourth World Conference on Women was a complete success. The Conference approved the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, both aiming at accelerating the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women. This will definitely exert a positive and profound influence on the international women's course in the future. Reporters of Women of China magazine went to the  相似文献   

THE United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women is soon going to be held in Beijing, the biggest international meeting China has ever hosted in its history. This Conference is also a major  相似文献   

Editor's Notes     
THE Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in the autumn of 1995 was a cross-century event of great significance. The Platform for Action and Beijing Declaration laid down have had a farreaching influence on women around the world. Proceeding from national conditions, the  相似文献   

EQUALITY was one of the themes of the Fourth World Conference on Women. The motto of the Conference was "Action for Equality, Development and Peace." But is there a real possibility for equality between men and women? Equality in employment remains an important concern. Recently, Zheng Yefu, research worker of the Beijing Academy of Social  相似文献   

Discoverer of the Origin of Life The origin of life on earth has long been a subject explored by scientists around the world. At the 11th International Conference on the Origin of Life held at Orleans University in France on July 9th, 1996, Chinese scientist Zhao Yufen and her partner Cao Peisheng announced the contents of the origin of the seed of life.  相似文献   

The UN Fourth World Conference On Women (FWCW) was held from September4 to 15 1995, in Beijing. It was another United Nations grand gathering discussing women's issues after the Nairobi Conference which was held ten years ago. About 17,600 participants from 197 countries and regions engaged in meaningful discussions on women's issues. At the end of the conference, delegates reached unanimity after removing 438 different points, and adopted the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action.  相似文献   

DURING the Fourth World Conference on Women and the NGO Forum on Women '95, guests from various countries and regions visited the offices of Women of China magazine. As a young staff member of the magazine, I was very lucky and happy  相似文献   

I Will Keep the Copy I just received the copy of Women of China on the Fourth World Conference on Women and the NGO Forum in Huairou, which I had mail-ordered in my last letter. I enjoy it very much as I was a participant at the forum and at the UN Conference. You have captured the spirit of global friendship and support in your pictures, and the coverage is excellent as well. It is indeed one of the magazines from the FWCW that I will keep. ANNE YEDOWITZ U.S.A.  相似文献   

A mainland China and Taiwan women's conference was a grand reunion of women on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. From left to right in the front row are: Wu Peiqin, president of Taiwan Yuanmingyuan Restaurant; Qian Zhengying and Wang Zhaoguo, Vice-Chairmen of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; Chen Muhua, Vice-Chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) and President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF); Lei Jieqiong, Vice-Chairman of the NPC; Bao Deming, founder and head of the Taiwan Private Mingchuan Management College; and Huang Qizao, Vice-President of ACWF and First Member of ACWF's Secretariat.  相似文献   

To welcome the UN's Fourth World Conference on Women, to be held in Beijing this year, Ms. Chen Lihua, chairwoman of the board of the Hong Kong Fuhua International Group Ltd., and her two daughters donated a huge padauk screen carved with dragons, a reproduction of a Qing Dynasty screen In recent years, Ms. Chen has donated about 20 million yuan for activities on the mainland. Her deeds have received  相似文献   

On June 2. the Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China issued a White Paper in Beijing about the situation of Chinese women.The 20, 000-word white Paper consists of a foreuord and eight parts. Through a large number of facts and data, it introduces in details hou' Chinese uomen obtained historical liberation during the new' democratic rerolution and socialist rerolution led by the Chinese Communist Party, and how under the socialist system Chinese women hare stepped onto the path of equality and derelopment and become an important force in China's construction, derelopment and progress.In Seplember 1995, the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women is to be held in Beijing. To satisfy our readers' desire to knou' about the situation of Chinese women, we will publish the excerpls of the White paper, "The Situalion, of Chinese Women," in this and the Norember issue of our, magazine.  相似文献   

On January 28, 1991, the Chinese Government wrote to the United Nations, offering to host the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women. In March 1992, the 36th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women gratefully accepted the invitation of the Chinese government and decided to schedule the conference for September 4-15, 1995, in Beijing. The theme of the conference is to seek equality, development and peace through action. The secondary subjects include issues of employment, education and health. At that time, all the member countries of the United Nations will send the high-level gorernmental delegation to attend the conference. Meanwhile, the Non-Government Organizations Forum will be held as a subsidiary plenary to the conference. The year 1995 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, the 2Oth anniversary of the UN International Women's Year and the lOth anniversary of the adoption of the Nairobi Strategy. This conference is an important event in UN women's affairs and  相似文献   

THIS year, to greet the Fourth World Conference on Women, which will be held in September 1995, the Jiangsu Provincial Women's Federation has worked out a plan to promote women's development all over the province. The aim of this action is to help women improve themselves in various aspects, to promote the course for women and children to develop further. This two-part action is planned to be  相似文献   

The papercuts of Gao Fenglian, a northern Shanxi woman, are collected by Chinese and foreign galleries, museums and individuals. For a time, it has been a hot topic in her hometown. When she returned from the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, the rural woman who has lived on the Loess Plateau for dozens of years was admired by her fellow villagers. The scissors gave the hardworking woman infinite delight  相似文献   

ON January 8, 1996, China Women's News carded this incredible news on the front page: at the second graduate supply-demand meetings held by the national personnel market, 27 of 42 state organizations, said either that they would not employ female graduates, or would restrict the numbers. This news drew strong responses from the public. In September, 1995, the UN Fourth World Conference on Women with "equality, development and peace" as its theme was held in Beijing. At the Conference, Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of China, solemnly announced that gender equality is a basic national policy of China. And the government recently promulgated a platform called The Program for the Development of Chinese Women. The female graduates expressed  相似文献   

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