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General linear models with a common design matrix and with various structures of the variance–covariance matrix are considered. We say that a model is perfect for a linearly estimable parametric function, or the function is perfect in the model, if there exists the best linear unbiased estimator. All perfect models for a given function and all perfect functions in a given model are characterized.  相似文献   

Zhijun Liu 《Statistics》2013,47(2):109-119
In this paper, the robustness of the least distances (LD) estimate in multivariate linear models, as defined by Bai, Chen, Miao and Rao (1990), is discussed in terms of the influence function as well as the breakdown point. The LD estimate is shown to be more robust than the least squares (LS) estimate. The robustness of the LD is similar to that of the least absolute deviations (LAD) estimate, a well studied robust estimate in the univariate case. In particular, if there are no outliers in the design matrices, the breakdown point of the LD estimate reaches the highest value, 1/2.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the simple linear errors-in-variables (EV) regression models: ηi=θ+βxi+εi,ξi=xi+δi,1≤in, where θ,β,x1,x2,… are unknown constants (parameters), (ε1,δ1),(ε2,δ2),… are errors and ξi,ηi,i=1,2,… are observable. The asymptotic normality for the least square (LS) estimators of the unknown parameters β and θ in the model are established under the assumptions that the errors are m-dependent, martingale differences, ?-mixing, ρ-mixing and α-mixing.  相似文献   

We consider a two-treatment two-period crossover design in the presence of possible carryover effects, where the treatment responses are binary. We provide some simple probability models incorporating the possible carryover effects. Asymptotic distributions of the estimates of the parameters under the proposed models are derived. We carry out tests for treatment difference and carryover effects. Finally we use a data set to illustrate the applicability of the proposed procedures.  相似文献   

In this paper we use the total time on test transformation to establish a method for construction of parametric models of lifetime distributions having bathtub-shaped failure rate. We study a particular model which is simple compared to the other existing models. We derive expressions for moments and quantiles and treat estimation methods. Particularly, the maximum likelihood method is studied. Consistency proofs are given.  相似文献   

We study minimax robust designs for response prediction and extrapolation in biased linear regression models. We extend previous work of others by considering a nonlinear fitted regression response, by taking a rather general extrapolation space and, most significantly, by dropping all restrictions on the structure of the regressors. Several examples are discussed.  相似文献   

We propose a method of comparing two functional linear models in which explanatory variables are functions (curves) and responses can be either scalars or functions. In such models, the role of parameter vectors (or matrices) is played by integral operators acting on a function space. We test the null hypothesis that these operators are the same in two independent samples. The complexity of the test statistics increases as we move from scalar to functional responses and relax assumptions on the covariance structure of the regressors. They all, however, have an asymptotic chi‐squared distribution with the number of degrees of freedom which depends on a specific setting. The test statistics are readily computable using the R package fda , and have good finite sample properties. The test is applied to egg‐laying curves of Mediterranean flies and to data from terrestrial magnetic observatories. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Autoregressive models with switching regime are a frequently used class of nonlinear time series models, which are popular in finance, engineering, and other fields. We consider linear switching autoregressions in which the intercept and variance possibly switch simultaneously, while the autoregressive parameters are structural and hence the same in all states, and we propose quasi‐likelihood‐based tests for a regime switch in this class of models. Our motivation is from financial time series, where one expects states with high volatility and low mean together with states with low volatility and higher mean. We investigate the performance of our tests in a simulation study, and give an application to a series of IBM monthly stock returns. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 427–446; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The simple linear regression model with measurement error has been subject to much research. In this work we will focus on this model when the error in the explanatory variable is correlated with the error in the regression equation. Specifically, we are interested in the comparison between the ordinary errors-in-variables estimator of the regression coefficient ββ and the estimator that takes account of the correlation between the errors. Based on large sample approximations, we compare the estimators and find that the estimator that takes account of the correlation should be preferred in most situations. We also compare the estimators in small sample situations. This is done by stochastic simulation. The results show that the estimators behave quite similarly in most of the simulated situations, but that the ordinary errors-in-variables estimator performs considerably worse than the estimator that takes account of the correlation for certain parameter combinations. In addition, we look briefly into the bias introduced by ignoring correlated errors when computing sample correlations, and in predictions.  相似文献   

J. Anděl  I. Netuka 《Statistics》2013,47(4):279-287
The article deals with methods for computing the stationary marginal distribution in linear models of time series. Two approaches are described. First, an algorithm based on approximation of solution of the corresponding integral equation is briefly reviewed. Then, we study the limit behaviour of the partial sums c 1 η1+c 2 η2+···+c n η n where η i are i.i.d. random variables and c i real constants. We generalize procedure of Haiman (1998) [Haiman, G., 1998, Upper and lower bounds for the tail of the invariant distribution of some AR(1) processes. Asymptotic Methods in Probability and Statistics, 45, 723–730.] to an arbitrary causal linear process and relax the assumptions of his result significantly. This is achieved by investigating the properties of convolution of densities.  相似文献   

Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) are often used for analyzing cluster correlated data, including longitudinal data and repeated measurements. Full unrestricted maximum likelihood (ML) approaches for inference on both fixed‐and random‐effects parameters in GLMMs have been extensively studied in the literature. However, parameter orderings or constraints may occur naturally in practice, and in such cases, the efficiency of a statistical method is improved by incorporating the parameter constraints into the ML estimation and hypothesis testing. In this paper, inference for GLMMs under linear inequality constraints is considered. The asymptotic properties of the constrained ML estimators and constrained likelihood ratio tests for GLMMs have been studied. Simulations investigated the empirical properties of the constrained ML estimators, compared to their unrestricted counterparts. An application to a recent survey on Canadian youth smoking patterns is also presented. As these survey data exhibit natural parameter orderings, a constrained GLMM has been considered for data analysis. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 243–258; 2012 © 2012 Crown in the right of Canada  相似文献   

A new test for detecting a change in linear regression parameters assuming a general weakly dependent error structure is given. It extends earlier methods based on cumulative sums assuming independent errors. The novelty is in the new standardization method and in smoothing when the time series is dominated by high frequencies. Simulations show the excellent performance of the test. Examples are taken from environmental applications. The algorithm is easy to implement. Testing for multiple changes can be done by segmentation. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38:65–79; 2010 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

We study a randomized adaptive design to assign one of the LL treatments to patients who arrive sequentially by means of an urn model. At each stage nn, a reward is distributed between treatments. The treatment applied is rewarded according to its response, 0?Yn?10?Yn?1, and 1-Yn1-Yn is distributed among the other treatments according to their performance until stage n-1n-1. Patients can be classified in K+1K+1 levels and we assume that the effect of this level in the response to the treatments is linear. We study the asymptotic behavior of the design when the ordinary least square estimators are used as a measure of performance until stage n-1n-1.  相似文献   

The authors consider the linear model Yn = ψXn + ?n relating a functional response with explanatory variables. They propose a simple test of the nullity of ψ based on the principal component decomposition. The limiting distribution of their test statistic is chi‐squared, but this distribution is also an excellent approximation in finite samples. The authors illustrate their method using data from terrestrial magnetic observatories.  相似文献   

Testing homogeneity is a fundamental problem in finite mixture models. It has been investigated by many researchers and most of the existing works have focused on the univariate case. In this article, the authors extend the use of the EM‐test for testing homogeneity to multivariate mixture models. They show that the EM‐test statistic asymptotically has the same distribution as a certain transformation of a single multivariate normal vector. On the basis of this result, they suggest a resampling procedure to approximate the P‐value of the EM‐test. Simulation studies show that the EM‐test has accurate type I errors and adequate power, and is more powerful and computationally efficient than the bootstrap likelihood ratio test. Two real data sets are analysed to illustrate the application of our theoretical results. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 218–238; 2011 © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Discrete associated kernels method and extensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Discrete kernel estimation of a probability mass function (p.m.f.), often mentioned in the literature, has been far less investigated in comparison with continuous kernel estimation of a probability density function (p.d.f.). In this paper, we are concerned with a general methodology of discrete kernels for smoothing a p.m.f. f. We give a basic of mathematical tools for further investigations. First, we point out a generalizable notion of discrete associated kernel which is defined at each point of the support of f and built from any parametric discrete probability distribution. Then, some properties of the corresponding estimators are shown, in particular pointwise and global (asymptotical) properties. Other discrete kernels are constructed from usual discrete probability distributions such as Poisson, binomial and negative binomial. For small samples sizes, underdispersed discrete kernel estimators are more interesting than the empirical estimator; thus, an importance of discrete kernels is illustrated. The choice of smoothing bandwidth is classically investigated according to cross-validation and, novelly, to excess of zeros methods. Finally, a unification way of this method concerning the general probability function is discussed.  相似文献   

The authors propose a profile likelihood approach to linear clustering which explores potential linear clusters in a data set. For each linear cluster, an errors‐in‐variables model is assumed. The optimization of the derived profile likelihood can be achieved by an EM algorithm. Its asymptotic properties and its relationships with several existing clustering methods are discussed. Methods to determine the number of components in a data set are adapted to this linear clustering setting. Several simulated and real data sets are analyzed for comparison and illustration purposes. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38: 716–737; 2010 © 2010 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

We consider the problem of robust M-estimation of a vector of regression parameters, when the errors are dependent. We assume a weakly stationary, but otherwise quite general dependence structure. Our model allows for the representation of the correlations of any time series of finite length. We first construct initial estimates of the regression, scale, and autocorrelation parameters. The initial autocorrelation estimates are used to transform the model to one of approximate independence. In this transformed model, final one-step M-estimates are calculated. Under appropriate assumptions, the regression estimates so obtained are asymptotically normal, with a variance-covariance structure identical to that in the case in which the autocorrelations are known a priori. The results of a simulation study are given. Two versions of our estimator are compared with the L1 -estimator and several Huber-type M-estimators. In terms of bias and mean squared error, the estimators are generally very close. In terms of the coverage probabilities of confidence intervals, our estimators appear to be quite superior to both the L1-estimator and the other estimators. The simulations also indicate that the approach to normality is quite fast.  相似文献   

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