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With drastic changes in both the international and domestic environment for population and family planning development, China faces nine major challenges in its efforts to further its population and family planning program, said Zhang Weiqing, Minister of the National Population and Family Planning Commission, in an article in Qiushi (seeking truth), a journal published by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The challenges include: 1. Unstable low fertility level. Th…  相似文献   

Thanks to the introduction of the reform and opening up policy, China has achieved rapid economic development and recorded a significant rise in the income level of its urban and rural residents as a whole. However, the level of income varies from industry to industry, from rural to urban areas, and from region to region, and the gap is widening. Estimates show that the Gini coefficient (an economic indicator measuring disparities in personal income) in China was 0.424 in 1996, 0.456 in 1998,…  相似文献   

Sustainable development with Chinese characteristics is key for China抯 future development. This is a consensus reached by environmentalists both at home and abroad who attended the fifth session of the second meeting of the Committee on International Cooperation in Environment and Development in China held in October, 2001 in Beijing. Since the establishment of the committee in 1992, China has made great efforts to improve its policies related to sustainable development. Environment…  相似文献   

China will reach four peaks sometime in the near future in its total population, working-age population, elderly population and floating population, according to SFPC Minister Zhang Weiqing. Zhang made this remark at the second session of the fifth national congress of the China Family Planning Association held this December in Beijing. A number of constraints hinder the furtherdevelopment of China抯 population and family planning cause. These include: a low but unstable fertility …  相似文献   

China will further the reform of the population andfamily planning financial investment system byincluding the population and family planning fund in the government budget, said Zhang Weiqing,Minister of the National Population and FamilyPlanning Commission, at a July teleconference onRewarding Outstanding Organizations andIndividuals in the Anti-SARS War. As one of its ten objectives for the year 2003, theNPFPC is working closely with the financialdepartment to draft a concrete pla…  相似文献   

Background■Basic data of population in China in 2000:Population is 1.266 billion; Growth rate is 8.77? Total fertility rate is below than 2; Average life expectancy is 69.36 years for male and 73.11 years for female.■ The family planning network has covered 95% of China's population in China. There is a MCH system undertaken by the Ministry of Health in China, but majority of its exists only in the cities' areas. There are 4,000,000 family planning cadres and full-time workers in the n…  相似文献   

In its Global AIDS Report for 2002 released on July 2, 2002, the UNAIDS said that AIDS had spread to every corner of the Asia-Pacific region and was rampant in some areas. According to Sandro Calvani, chair of the UN Asia-Pacific AIDS subcommittee, the number of AIDS patients in Asia-Pacific had reached 6.6 million by the end of last year, only next to sub-Sahara. In 2001 alone, one million were added to the total number. India ranked the second in the world with 3.97 million A…  相似文献   

Project Happiness, since its launch in 1995, has been successfully implemented across China. So far, project sites have been established in 466 counties of 28 of the country抯 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions), with a combined investment of RMB160 million including donations, poverty-alleviation funds from the central government and matching funds from local governments. A total of 120,000 poor mothers have been helped out of poverty and more than 500,000 people have benef…  相似文献   

The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviationrecently launched a project to ensure the well-being of mothers and babies in the country's poor regions. Siemens, one of the world's leading multinationalcompanies, has actively joined in the foundation'swork to reduce infant and maternal mortality rates, especially in the remote villages of western China. The company will donate its income from selling its latest model refrigerators in some major cities,including Beijing, for this month. "…  相似文献   

On May 21, SFPC Minister Zhang Weiqing paid a visit to the headquarters of Marie Stopes International in London and the clinic founded by Marie Stopes in 1921. The minister and his entourage were very impressed by the client-friendly environment and warm and easy atmosphere in the clinic, and asked questions about the clinic抯 relationship with the local health department, its advantages in providing community services, scope of service, cost, clients?evaluation of its service quality, an…  相似文献   

The non-agriculturalization of rural labors,which has caught much research attention,is an ecessary phenomenonin the process of urbanization. However, conflicts exsitson some basic issues due to the disagreement on the concept and data of the rural non-agricultural labor force,and there is alack of systemic and quantitative research on the potentials of rural labor’s non-agricultural transfer in the future. By predicting the changing trend of future rural labor force, the demand for agricultural labors, and the trend of rural labor’s non-agricultural transfer, this paper estimated the potentials of Chinese rural labor’s non-agricultural transfer in the next 20 years. It found that the surplus labors in the countryside will decrease annually, and its total number will range between 100 million and 250 million by 2030. Although there is still some increase potential of the stock of rural labor’s non-agricultural transfer in the near future, its increase will approach to zero in 10 years, and rural transferrable surplus labor will also approach to zero in about 5 to 10 years.  相似文献   

China will double its GDP, on the basis of 2000, in 2020 and achieve industrialization, according to anoted researcher. The nation抯overall power will rank among the top three in the world, meeting the requirements for sustainable development, accordingto a report released by a team of scientists from theChinese Academy of Sciences on sustainable development. Niu Wenyuan, head of the team, said by 2020 theurbanization rate of China will be raised from 36% at present to over 55%, capable of…  相似文献   

The talent is the engine factor for Shanghai while transforming the economic development model in the 12the-five-year-plan period.Today the talent development strategy in Shanghai is not only facing the great challenges from international metropolis and domestic cities,but also exists a series of structural problems for itself.To acquire and maintain its competitive advantages in an era of global brain battle in future,Shanghai needs to definitely orient its mission towards a global talent hub,accelerate the pace of talents internationalization, strengthen the adjustment effort to talent structures,enforce the market allocation mechanism,optimize the talent ecosystem and innovate the system and mechanism.  相似文献   

More than twenty years of reform and opening-up has brought remarkable changes to China in both socioeconomic development and the income and living standards of its people. However, with the introduction of the contract responsibility system in rural areas and the reform of the employment and income distribution systems in urban areas, the concepts of an 搃ron bowl?and 揺ating from the same big pot?under the old system have been abandoned. Chinese society has left behind an era of universal p…  相似文献   

This paper systematically studies the impact of fertility, mortality, initial age structure and rural-urban migration on population aging in rural and urban China from 2000 to 2010. The results show that urbanisation plays a crucial role in population aging in both rural and urban areas and its inf luence is closely linked to the age pattern of the migrants. One third of young rural population transformed into urban population during that period. The contribution of rural-urban migration to population aging in rural areas is 43.4 percent, which is higher than any inf luences from population’s natural changes, and is dominant in population aging in the countryside. Rural-urban migration contributes-118.0 percent to population aging in urban areas by reducing the proportion of aged population and its influence was only lower than that of the initial age structure. The impact of urbanisation on population aging in towns is relatively limited. Among factors from population’s natural changes, the inf luence of the initial age structure is higher than those from changes of mortality and fertility. The paper discusses the causes and developmental trends of impact of urbanisation on population aging between rural and urban areas, and addresses some policy recommendations to deal with socio-economic challenges.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Current Situation and Prospect of Population Aging China has successfully realized the transformation of population reproduction pattern in a relatively short period; and the age structure of its population has changed accordingly, resulting in the  相似文献   

Under the supervision of Ministry of Civil Affairs and Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, an inaugural ceremony of China-Taiwan Association of Marriage and Family and its first General Assembly were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on August 28, 2012.The Association’s first  相似文献   

As one of the leading killers in the world, AIDS has taken its toll in China, too. Experts estimate that the number of HIV carriers in China has exceeded 600,000 and the situation is aggravating due to a lack of knowledge and information among the general public on prevention and treatment of the deadly disease. In view of this, in December 2000, the State Family Planning Commission of China (SFPC), commissioned by UNECEF, Ford Foundation and UNAIDS, conducted a baseline survey …  相似文献   

According to Inner Mongolia, Xinhua Net, as of the end of May, " A Glass of Milk "--Program for maternal Care has benefited 816 pregnant women in Alxa League of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, among which 667 enjoyed flesh milk and 151 milk powder. The program with such a manifest effect at its early stage was acclaimed by the majority of pregnant women and women of childbearing age.  相似文献   

China is a transitional and developing country with the largest population and number of farmers in the world, and shows a striking feature of urban-rural dual structure. The major content in China's rising modernization is the process of urbanization transformation, urbanization of small and middle-sized city in China should become the basic path selection. Which involves three important issues: concept, people, and institution. Only based on the modernization of concept, people and institution, there will automatically generate the modernization of industry, agriculture, technology and national defense, and thus consistently developing prosperous of both the country and the citizens.  相似文献   

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