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李翠军  熊莉 《城市》2012,(1):22-25
"十一五"主体功能区规划方案提出了全国"两纵两横"国土开发格局,标志着我国的区域开放开发战略已经由沿海先行进入到沿海、沿江并重时代.当前,以上海浦东为龙头,长江流域的沿江开放开发正由长三角向整个流域快速、高效推进.2009年初,皖江城市带获批成为国家承接产业转移示范区,2010年初其发展规划通过了国务院的审批;重庆"两江新区"已获国家批准.在这样的背景下,湖北提出要加快湖北长江经济带新一轮开放开发工作,并提出在全省形成以武汉为龙头、长江经济带为主轴、武汉城市圈和鄂西生态文化旅游圈为两轮的"一带两圈、双轮驱动"的区域发展新战略.在湖北省委、省政府出台的《关于加快湖北长江经济带新一轮开放开发的决定》中明确提出长江流域整体要联动发展,而如何以武汉为龙头推进流域整体联动发展是值得研究的问题.  相似文献   

长江经济带是中国最具经济活力和开发潜力的地区,湖北长江经济带是长江经济带的重要组成部分。在国家实施西部开发、中部崛起战略和国际资本加速进入长江三角洲的大背景下,湖北新一轮沿江开发的时机正在到来。以江为轴,东西联动,加强湖北与长江上下游地区的经济合作,可以有力推进湖北长江经济带新一轮开发开放。  相似文献   

湖北开放开发已经进入新阶段。“十二五”时期,立足湖北经济社会发展实际,顺应经济全球化趋势,深入实践科学发展观,坚定不移地继续实施开放先导战略,牢固树立开放兴省理念,围绕“加快湖北长江经济带新一轮开放开发”的战略部署,以科学发展、转型发展、创新发展、和谐发展为主题,以应对后金融危机时代、促进湖北长江经济带平衡较快发展为主线,实现湖北长江经济带港口、城市、产业一体化开放开发,加快湖北长江经济带第一、二、三产业统筹开放开发,以质量、效益为主导转变外贸发展方式,以创新、融合为主攻方向优化引资结构,努力构筑开放开发经济平台、培育开放开发经济主体、创新开放开发经济制度,建立健全各种保障措施,加快形成湖北长江经济带开放开发新格局。  相似文献   

加快建设长江经济带战略是当前我国的一项重要决策。武汉城市圈是长江中游流域最大的城市群,推进武汉城市圈融入长江中游城市群发展是实现我国"十三五"时期长江经济带发展战略的重要支撑。通过分析武汉城市圈优劣势,同时借鉴美国密西西比河流域开发和中国京津冀一体化开发经验,对武汉城市圈融入长江中游城市群乃至融入长江经济带进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

针对湖北长江经济带新一轮开放开发,将其定位于循环经济示范带,既符合国内外流域经济发展的规律和保护长江水资源的要求,又为推进长江流域的区域合作搭建了重要的平台,对于湖北“两型社会”建设及经济社会发展更具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

湖北长江经济带已经形成以主导产业为龙头的经济一体化态势,但区域内产业基础差异明显,产业发展不均衡,整体竞争优势不明显。本文在分析湖北长江经济带产业发展优劣势后,提出了湖北长江经济带产业带的发展对策。  相似文献   

肖林 《科学发展》2016,(1):70-77
上海要充分发挥在长江经济带发展中的引领作用,坚持深化改革、扩大开放,始终立足国家战略、服务国家战略,充分发挥上海“四个中心”的综合服务功能和自贸试验区建设的辐射带动效应,着力推进产业协作和优化布局、着力推进沿江综合运输大通道建设、着力推进生态环境一体化建设、着力推进区域城乡一体化建设、着力推进对外开发开放一体化建设,促进区域经济协调发展,引领长江经济带转型升级.  相似文献   

刘治彦 《城市》2018,(6):36-45
在国家"一带一路"建设和构建长江中游经济区过程中,湖北肩负重任.笔者通过分析湖北发展面临的机遇与挑战,确立了其发展定位,即"一带一路"的核心对接区、 国家产业转型升级标志区、 荆楚文化传承区和长江生态保护核心区;制定了湖北的发展战略,即整合华中区域战略、 发展智慧经济战略、 全面扩大开放战略、 推进绿色发展战略和促进协调发展战略;提出了湖北的发展路径,即交通先行、 改善环境、 创新驱动和优化结构;最后就发展政策给出了有关建议.  相似文献   

湖北长江经济带包括成宁长江经济带的开放开发应在规划先行、政策先行,加大基础设施建设,加快推进产业发展和城镇建设的基础上,着力协调好四大关系:一是岸线经济与腹地经济的关系,二是湖北长江经济带与上下游长江经济带的关系,三是开发利用与保护的关系,四是发展与改革的关系。  相似文献   

回顾改革开放30年来中国区域经济发展战略的历程,基本上经历了由非均衡发展到协调发展、再到统筹发展的3个阶段,实现了区域发展战略的重大推进,中国区域经济"多轮驱动"的新格局正在逐步成形.随着十七届三中全会农村改革的深化,中国区域发展又将进入一个新的阶段.  相似文献   

One of the most popular of all urban legends is the story about alligators in the sewers of New York (abbreviated AIS story). While previous investigations have been concerned with the historical origins of AIS stories, this article is concerned with developing a psychoanalytic explanation which accounts for the continuing popularity of such stories. In developing such an explanation, this article makes use of the association between‘penis’ and ‘feces,’ an association that is very likely among the earliest associations formed in the human mind. Given the penis = feces association, and given Freud's suggestion that the young child will typically take defecation as a model for castration, it is argued that AIS stories are ultimately concerned with castration. The fact that ‘castration’ has different connotations for males and females helps to explain some of the details invariably incorporated into an AIS story. Finally, the argument developed in connection with modern AIS stories is used to provide a new perspective upon traditional English stories about dragons.  相似文献   

The paper reports findings from a focus group study on representations of Europe, conducted in England in the run-up to the UK EU referendum. Four themes were identified in the analysis: ‘cultured Europe’; ‘little Europe/global Britain’; ‘Europe as a cultural threat’; and ‘Eastern vs. Western Europe’. Analysis of these themes showed that Europe was an ambivalent identity category that could encapsulate contrary ideas such as cosmopolitanism/isolationism and cultural enrichment/undermining. Europe’s relation to Britain was also ambivalent in the data. Britain could be positioned as superior to Europe, sometimes being seen as closer to the ‘European essence’ in the context of the EU’s eastward expansion, which was seen as diluting European culture. But, Britain could also be seen as backward compared to the idea of cosmopolitan continental Europe. These different lines of argument and their ideological underpinnings are explored in the discussion of the findings.  相似文献   

There have been three major analytical reviews that have examined the voluntary–statutory relationship during the 1990s, one undertaken by government in 1990 and the other two independently in 1993 and 1996. This article suggests that an historical understanding of this relationship (especially in terms of its sociopolitical dimensions) is crucial, but was missing from the 1990 review and misrepresented by the 1993 review. The 1996 document has been subjected to harsh criticism, but it was arguably sounder in its understanding of this fundamental issue. The national compact between representatives of the voluntary sector and the state, launched at the end of 1998, has built upon the arguments put forward in 1996. However, the paper suggests that given the vexed history of partnership between the sectors and the extent to which the statutory sector has become the dominant partner at the end of the 20th century, it would be premature to be overly optimistic. The paper examines three major shifts in the voluntary–statutory relationship during the 20th century, before reviewing the 1990s' documents in more detail.  相似文献   

Marketplaces can provide settings for the appreciation of beauty and the creation of community. The author examines how gun collectors who buy and sell guns continue to see themselves as aesthetes rather than dealers. Gun collector-dealers turn economic encounters at commercial gun shows into occasions for teaching others the symbolic uses of guns — as artifacts, curios, andobjets d'art. Economic relations can produce aesthetic value even when the objects exchanged are conventionally defined as symbols of violence and not beauty.  相似文献   

"The present article will attempt to determine the extent of interethnic marriage in the Soviet Union in the mid-1930s, utilizing materials from the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR." Interethnic marriage is analyzed according to Union Republic, rural or urban area, and socioeconomic and cultural development.  相似文献   


The definition and occurrence of traumatic events is expanding and impacts everyone's lives in some way. The degree to which a violent event impacts an individual, a group, a workplace or the community varies. Unfortunately violent events are all too common. Businesses are realizing the significance of violence as a workplace problem and the varying degrees of trauma that has a devastating impact on employee retention, workplace functionality and personal well-being. The events can include industrial or natural disasters; worksite accidents; organizational changes; suicide; homicides; robbery; assault; threats of violence and even terrorism. How prepared an organization is varies and may be correlated with how resilient individuals and the entire workplace are after workplace violence/trauma. This article focuses on what workplace violence and trauma includes, the effects of repeat events, how resilient people are while trying to prevent additional events if possible in the workplace.  相似文献   

This study compared the economic understanding and attitudes of children living in the city with those living in a kibbutz, collective villages where an extreme socialist lifestyle is practised and preached. The differences in the answer patterns of the urban and kibbutz children were not very large, but the pattern was clear, and in keeping with the dominant ideology in both places: socialist in the kibbutz, middle-class capitalist in the city.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1998,14(3):299-320
Post-modern spatial relationships at the outer edge of Toronto's urban field are interpreted within the context of the Arena Society and urban field concepts. Custom census tabulations of commuting and migration show that although there are strong migration ties between Toronto and communities in the south Georgian Bay study area, most work trips are short and link settlements to the next place up the local settlement hierarchy. Migration from rural townships to urban areas, and between communities in the study area is also significant. A case study of Thornbury demonstrates that it is an ‘Amenity/Affinity/Niche’ community as suggested by the two concepts. It has developed a strong retail/service sector in response to the post-modern conditions facilitating economic links to Toronto and the ‘Golden Horseshoe’, but has also attracted tourists and residents because of its accessible location and appealing amenity characteristics. Local diversification as suggested by the Arena Society concept has combined with the economic interaction proposed by the urban field literature to stimulate settlements in the study area. The Arena Society and urban field concepts are mirror images and should be employed together when interpreting post-industrial settlement evolution.  相似文献   

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