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Israeli Jewish and Arab experts within Israel have developed innovative intergroup relations programs, educational efforts designed to improve relations between Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs. Social scientists, educators, and practitioners on both sides of the Arab-Jewish conflict have dedicated themselves to lessening the hostility between these two groups within Israel through coexistence educational training. This issue presents theory, methods, and data from these coexistence educational programs. The introductory article presents a brief history of this conflict; the groups' differing perceptions regarding the dispute; some information about the role of culture, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity in the discord; and some of the social psychological processes that perpetuate and recreate the hostilities. Last, it provides a brief preface of this issue's articles.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(1-2):33-41
Teaching students to connect theory and practice requires helping them to break through theoretical and personal boundaries, cultivating their natural curiosity and spontaneity. Thus the student defines problems interactionally rather than individually, and with the instructor, risks and explores that which is less known, less developed, less structured and less certain.  相似文献   

激励性规制尤其是价格上限规制是当今西方国家运用最为普遍的的规制方法.虽然传统的规制理论在定价等方面取得较大发展,但是并没有直接的涉及激励问题.规制目的在于激励企业降低成本、提高效率,并促进社会福利的最大化.激励性规制理论下的价格上限规制取代了传统规制理论下的回报率规制,从生产效率、成本效率、投资三个角度归纳总结激励性规制的实践效果,尤其在激励企业降低成本方面取得明显的成效.  相似文献   

Editors' introduction: James A. Banks was born in the racially segregated Arkansas delta the year that Pearl Harbor was attacked and the United States entered World War II. The justifications of war as a means to promote democracy abroad contradicted with the lived realities at home. His childhood and early teenage years were marked by private ruminations about the racial inequalities he confronted in the public—at schools, churches, water fountains, and more. The stereotypical racist images in textbooks were contrasted with what and who he knew of people in his family and community. These experiences and his early contemplations about "why were the slaves represented as being happy in textbooks?" ( Banks, 2006 , p. 2), set the stage for Banks' indelible legacy to intergroup relations. He is widely renowned as the "father of multicultural education" in the United States. In his commentary, Banks draws on this long-standing, unwavering, and deep commitment to education, equity, and justice. He explores ways in which theory and basic research can inform programs in schools to improve race relations. He shows how the articles contained in this issue, more than the majority of the existing research, grapple with the complexity of intergroup interventions. Banks stresses that interventions must take into account the diversity of participants or students; what may work for one group, say the majority group, may not necessarily work for minority groups.  相似文献   

浅析风险社会理论及其现实意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
黄庆桥 《社会》2004,(3):27-29
理论天地 新世纪的世界真的很不太平,且不说持续不断的局部战争和政局动荡,仅就突发性事件而言,“9.11”恐怖袭击、SARS流行、美国东部大停电事件等等,就已经打破了许多人对未来世界的美好遐想。人们从日益增长的忐忑不安中越来越明显地感受到,当代世界存在着种种难以预测的“风险影像”。由此也引起了人们对西方学术界早先提出的“风险社会理论”的关注。  相似文献   

The new social theories of practice have been inspired by Wittgenstein's late philosophy, phenomenology and more recent sociological theories. They regard embodied skills and routinized, mostly unconscious habits as a key foundation of human practice and knowledge. This position leads to an overstatement of the significance of the habitual dimension of practice. As several critics have suggested this approach omits the problems of transformative agency and change of practices. In turn classical practice theories, activity theory and pragmatism have analyzed the mechanisms of change. Pragmatism suggests that a crisis of a habit calls for reflection. Through working hypotheses and experimentation this leads to a transformation of a practice. Activity theory introduced the concept of remediation. A collective elaboration of shared mediational artefacts is needed to transform an activity.  相似文献   

国际秩序:理论、实践与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结了国际关系学界关于国际秩序的理论 ,并系统地回顾了历史上国际秩序的实践。国际秩序由于其直接关系着国家间的价值分配 ,因此建立自己主导的国际秩序一直是大国斗争的最终目标。不同的时期国际秩序的关键内容也发生着改变 ,主要表现为从土地分配到规则控制的变化。历史上的国际秩序是霸权兴衰的过程 ,但是霸权兴替的旧秩序观却是当今世界应该抛弃的 ,没有前途的秩序观  相似文献   

This article explores theoretical and applied questions that are relevant to social scientists' efforts to understand and confront sexual stigma. A framework is presented for conceptualizing such stigma as a cultural phenomenon with structural and individual manifestations. The latter include enacted stigma and felt stigma, as well as internalized stigma, which encompasses self-stigma among sexual minorities and sexual prejudice among heterosexuals. Insights suggested by the model for reducing sexual prejudice are discussed. At the structural level, the framework highlights processes whereby heterosexism legitimates and perpetuates sexual stigma and the power differentials that it creates. Social and behavioral scientists, roles in working to eliminate heterosexism are discussed, and psychologists' contributions to court cases challenging state sodomy laws are described. It is argued that confronting sexual stigma will not only address an important social problem but will also enrich scientific understanding of human behavior.  相似文献   

社会学概论是社会学专业入门课程,对学生专业兴趣的引导和培养有重要作用。本文总结了在教学内容、教学方法和成绩考核方面的一些尝试和体会。  相似文献   

高鸿钧 《求是学刊》2014,(3):84-93,173
法律全球化表现在不同维度,既有自上而下的法律全球化,也有自下而上的法律全球化,还有新商人法那样特定领域横行的法律全球化。法律全球化对民族国家政治秩序和法律体制提出了挑战。当代关于法律全球化的主要理论范式对于思考如何应对这种挑战,具有重要启示,但它们也存在某些缺陷。在法律全球化中,中国既面临挑战,也面临机会,只要深化改革,推动开放,就能变被动为主动,并对构建合理的国际、跨国和全球政治与经济秩序,做出较大贡献。  相似文献   

Summary This paper is an attempt to assess the significance of the introductioninto this country of an ‘integrated’ or ‘unitary’approach to social work. An attempt is made to clarify the relationshipbetween paradigms, theories and models. The author claims thatan integrated approach to social work may represent a shiftfrom a predominantly individualistic conceptual model of practiceto an interactionist one. These conceptual models are comparedand critiques of the integrated model are examined. The questionis posed: is it possible to have an integrated model of practicewithout an integrated theory? Some suggestions are made concerningthe essential characteristics of such a theory and the possiblecontribution of sociology to its development Finally, some implicationsof the model for practice and for social work education arediscussed.  相似文献   

充权理论相信每个人的潜能,把恢复个体社会功能作为社会工作专业的特色内容,把弱势群体确定为社会工作充权的对象。本文以充权理论为基础,主张企业社会工作的工作内容是企业员工的社会关系,企业社会工作者的职责在于为青年工人、女员工、农民工和残疾员工等弱势群体充权。  相似文献   

胡杰 《太平洋学报》2012,20(5):35-42
英美海洋联盟的发展历程体现出世界海上霸权由英国转向美国的历史潮流,同时也彰显出英美各自的海洋战略取向。英美海洋联盟具有坚实的战略基础和深刻的现实意义,它推动英国借助美国力量捍卫海洋大国地位,促使美国通过扩展海洋联盟体系强化海上霸权,并深刻影响了世界海权格局的变迁。  相似文献   

伊格尔顿现代西方文学理论批判的总体思路是沿着马克思·韦伯学术与政治问题提出的大背景来展开的.伊格尔顿认为,<文学理论引论>中所讨论和批判的现代西方文学理论无一例外也全都是政治性的,只不过它们大多以一种学术的、纯理论的、非政治的姿态逃避、纵容甚至加强了现代西方资本主义社会不合理的权力系统与政治制度.  相似文献   

Social workers have traditionally relied upon classical reliability theory (CT) to evaluate the consistency of the measures that they develop and use. Generalizability theory (GT), which was developed by Cronbach, Gleser, Nanda, and Rajaratnam, has many advantages over CT, however. While CT lumps error into one aggregate, GT allows the researcher to identify and estimate the magnitude of multiple sources of error. Once these sources have been estimated, GT provides a means for measurement designs to be modified to minimize error. This paper outlines he advantages of GT over CT, and emphasizes how GT better allows for the expression of social work values in measurement. The addition of GT to social work curricula is recommended.  相似文献   

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