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There is a direct correspondence between the interpretation of homosexuality and the ideas and theories surrounding it. Upon administering the MMPI to a group of female homosexuals and a group of female heterosexuals, the two groups were differentiated on three of the 13 scales. The two groups differed also on 57 of the 566 items. The findings support the idea that differences in personality, although not out of the “normal” ranges (i.e., T scores > 70 or < 30) do occur between female homosexuals and female heterosexuals. The results also indicate that a personality scale to detect homosexuality could be developed.  相似文献   

The growth hormone–insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) axis is an important physiological regulator muscle for development. Although there is evidence that aging muscle retains the ability to synthesize IGF-I, there is also evidence that aging may be associated with attenuation of the ability of exercise to induce an isoform of IGF-I that promotes satellite cell proliferation. However, it is clear that overexpression of IGF-I in the muscle can protect against age-related sarcopenia. Strength training appears to be the intervention of choice for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia. IGF-I has been implicated in the loss of the muscle with age, and IGF-I expression levels change as a consequence of strength training in older adults. However, it seems that advancing age, rather than declining serum levels of IGF-I, appears to be a major determinant of life-time changes in body composition in women and men. We concluded that resistive exercise is a significant determinant of muscle mass and function. Elevated levels of IGF-I have been found in physically active compared to sedentary individuals. Recent work suggests that IGF-I as a mediator plays an important role in muscle hypertrophy and angiogenesis, both of which characterize the anabolic adaptation of muscles to exercise.  相似文献   

We use data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe to examine the hours of home care received by the elderly. The existing empirical literature has mostly examined informal home care from children and formal home care. We identify two additional informal home care providers, namely, relatives (other than children) and friends (including neighbors) who provide about 30 % of the hours of informal home care. Our main new empirical finding is that single elderly persons who can rely less on children—and in particular daughters—for their home care receive not only more formal care but also more care from friends and neighbors. These findings suggest that policymakers need to take into account not only home care provision from children but also home care provision from friends and neighbors to obtain accurate projections concerning the increasing costs of formal care programs due to an aging population.  相似文献   

Parents who are neglectful of their children tend to be socially isolated. One explanation for this is that they are shunned by the community because of their deviant lifestyles. A social distance questionnaire was constructed and administered to 232 urban residents. Scalogram analysis yielded two scales of social distancing behavior applicable at the neighborhood level. Males and working class respondents averaged greater distancing than females and members of the middle class among both Blacks and Whites. Implications for social network interventions to prevent neglect are offered.  相似文献   

The increased life span in human population has shown that some diseases, as infections, cancer and autoimmune phenomena, occur more frequently in the elderly than in the younger. We describe the ageing process involving the innate immune system and the improvement given by moderate physical activity. In addition, we discuss the altered neutrophil granulocytes function, the role of macrophages and natural killer cells, besides the influence of cytokines and secretory IgA. The acquired information help us to explain how these changes could favor the onset of diseases in the elderly and how they may boost their immune function.  相似文献   

Since there has been a gradual increase in the population aged 60 and older, a developing country like India is unable to cope with the needs and problems of its aged populations. While the government continues its efforts to introduce programs for the elderly, the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have played a key role in bringing to the forefront the socioeconomic and health problems of older people in the society at large. This paper looks at the role of the NGOs through their various welfare activities and beneficial programs in carving out a place for the elderly in India. The work of HelpAge India is highlighted to examine how voluntary organizations have worked in the field of aging in India and made an impact on the lives of the senior citizens, especially those below the poverty line who are economically and socially deprived.  相似文献   


Self-care has long been of concern to helping professionals at risk for burnout or vicarious traumatization. In this paper we argue that the need for self-care is broader than preventing these outcomes. Instead, it requires consideration of the whole person and mindful attention and intentional efforts to achieve two general aims: to guard against or manage stress and other negative states, and to maintain or enhance well-being and overall functioning. We propose and delineate six life domains—physical, professional, relational, emotional, psychological, and spiritual—that may require attention in each person’s self-care practice, and briefly summarize some empirical findings that support self-care practices within each. We observe that self-care practice in each domain is closely bound to practice and outcomes of other domains. Steps in developing an overall self-care plan, including both maintenance and emergency practices, are also outlined. Because we believe that self-care is not a one-size-fits-all pursuit, we contend that helping professionals would benefit from examining each area of their life, and defining for themselves what self-care means and how they plan to implement their own personal practice. Above all, self-care requires a commitment to one’s own well-being as a priority.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》1999,28(3):267-288
Microeconomics envisions a single decision-maker in a firm or household who is presumed to experience economic relationships only in markets. This theory is largely silent regarding the moral dimension, i.e., the nature of the invisible hand, and how it unconsciously affects the self acting in said markets. Amitai Etzioni, the founder of socioeconomics, offered the vision of the moral dimension as a component of the self. Metaeconomics operationalizes this vision by making explicit the Strict Father moral dimension in the invisible hand and recognizing interdependence of self when Nurturant Parent morality is operant. It builds upon a tripartite, multiple–self concept, with a mediating adult who balances the pleasures with the moral dimension in finding a satisfactory mix of self- and we-interests. By making this dimension explicit, metaeconomics reintegrates ethics and economics, includes values and community, and proposes the starting point for a common analytical engine for all socioeconomists.  相似文献   

The present paper is devoted to placing two theoretical contrasts emerging in the interpersonal distancing literature into a metatheoretical framework. The first of these contrasts is that between reciprocity and compensation; the second is that between intimacy and social control. The point of departure for this placement is a bidimensional approach to interpersonal distancing.Reciprocity is defined as an individuated and attached mode of functioning,compensation as a deindividuated and detached mode.Intimacy is defined as a deindividuated and attached style andsocial control as one that is individuated and detached. Interpersonal and situational constraints are discussed in an attempt to understand better the workings of this typology in relationships.  相似文献   

Two hundred and eight respondents rated what it means to them if they are touched on various areas of their body by either a stranger or a close friend of the same or opposite sex. Male and female respondents agree that (a) touch from a close friend of the opposite sex is pleasant, and (b) touch from a same sex person is unpleasant. However, touch from an opposite-sex stranger, is considered to be unpleasant by women but quite pleasant by men. For women, the meaning of a touch is primarily influenced by how well they know the other person; for men, the meaning is primarily determined by the other person's sex. That the intrusiveness of touch depends on acquaintanceship supports the hypothesis that for psychological comfort the level of intimacy of a) nonverbal behavior and b) the social relationship of two people must be congruent.  相似文献   

Aging is a multifactorial process leading to changes in skeletal muscle quantity and quality, which cause muscle weakness and disability in the aging population. This paper discusses the reasons for muscle weakness??and its biological and physiological mechanisms??in the elderly and describes the role of sarcopenia and dynapenia, and the possibilities to modify the age-associated decline in muscle function and decelerate the development of muscle weakness and disability. Resistance and endurance training are effective measures of exercise therapy in the elderly, which improve muscle metabolism and thereby muscle function and life quality.  相似文献   

The notion of self in older age has been extensively explored from a variety of disciplines. Using personal narratives, researchers have attempted to identify key features of the articulated self in later life. However, often missing from discussions of the self is a deeper exploration of old age as it is culturally constructed, narrated and interpreted in Western society. Narrative form and overriding cultural ideals often shape what is presented, leaving one to ask whether narratives on aging are more about the cultural identities of the elderly rather than the aging self. This article readdresses the idea of a complex interplay between an active though often unarticulated “complementary” self in tandem with the externally presented self.  相似文献   

This paper describes the contributions of voluntary organizations to the provision of social services for the elderly in Norway. It presents data on the volume of social services provided by Norwegian voluntary organizations and discusses the recognition that the central government gives to such organizations, as well as the conditions for supporting voluntary organizations in the Norwegian welfare state. The analysis indicates the scope of the contributions made by these organizations in caring for older people. Though the size of contributions made by the voluntary organizations has been declining rapidly in recent years, the Norwegian government still recognizes their past contributions and the role they can play within the framework of the welfare state's social services for the aged.  相似文献   

Libraries are critical learning spaces and may play a significant role in intercultural education initiatives, particularly in Sweden where the national curriculum ascribes central functions to libraries for learning activities. Unfortunately, the ways in which teachers and librarians may collaborate to leverage mutual resources is not fully understood. This article uses Pirjo Lahdenperä’s model of intercultural education development to consider the case of a small school library in a highly diverse urban neighbourhood. Although public libraries in Scandinavia can support intercultural educational values by addressing individual needs and complementing curriculum-based teaching, the development of new teaching practices requires additional guidance as well as institutional support.  相似文献   

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