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In randomized clinical trials, a treatment effect on a time-to-event endpoint is often estimated by the Cox proportional hazards model. The maximum partial likelihood estimator does not make sense if the proportional hazard assumption is violated. Xu and O'Quigley (Biostatistics 1:423-439, 2000) proposed an estimating equation, which provides an interpretable estimator for the treatment effect under model misspecification. Namely it provides a consistent estimator for the log-hazard ratio among the treatment groups if the model is correctly specified, and it is interpreted as an average log-hazard ratio over time even if misspecified. However, the method requires the assumption that censoring is independent of treatment group, which is more restricted than that for the maximum partial likelihood estimator and is often violated in practice. In this paper, we propose an alternative estimating equation. Our method provides an estimator of the same property as that of Xu and O'Quigley under the usual assumption for the maximum partial likelihood estimation. We show that our estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal, and derive a consistent estimator of the asymptotic variance. If the proportional hazards assumption holds, the efficiency of the estimator can be improved by applying the covariate adjustment method based on the semiparametric theory proposed by Lu and Tsiatis (Biometrika 95:679-694, 2008).  相似文献   

Semiparametric transformation models provide flexible regression models for survival analysis, including the Cox proportional hazards and the proportional odds models as special cases. We consider the application of semiparametric transformation models in case-cohort studies, where the covariate data are observed only on cases and on a subcohort randomly sampled from the full cohort. We first propose an approximate profile likelihood approach with full-cohort data, which amounts to the pseudo-partial likelihood approach of Zucker [2005. A pseudo-partial likelihood method for semiparametric survival regression with covariate errors. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 100, 1264–1277]. Simulation results show that our proposal is almost as efficient as the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator. We then extend this approach to the case-cohort design, applying the Horvitz–Thompson weighting method to the estimating equations from the approximated profile likelihood. Two levels of weights can be utilized to achieve unbiasedness and to gain efficiency. The resulting estimator has a closed-form asymptotic covariance matrix, and is found in simulations to be substantially more efficient than the estimator based on martingale estimating equations. The extension to left-truncated data will be discussed. We illustrate the proposed method on data from a cardiovascular risk factor study conducted in Taiwan.  相似文献   

In many clinical studies where time to failure is of primary interest, patients may fail or die from one of many causes where failure time can be right censored. In some circumstances, it might also be the case that patients are known to die but the cause of death information is not available for some patients. Under the assumption that cause of death is missing at random, we compare the Goetghebeur and Ryan (1995, Biometrika, 82, 821–833) partial likelihood approach with the Dewanji (1992, Biometrika, 79, 855–857)partial likelihood approach. We show that the estimator for the regression coefficients based on the Dewanji partial likelihood is not only consistent and asymptotically normal, but also semiparametric efficient. While the Goetghebeur and Ryan estimator is more robust than the Dewanji partial likelihood estimator against misspecification of proportional baseline hazards, the Dewanji partial likelihood estimator allows the probability of missing cause of failure to depend on covariate information without the need to model the missingness mechanism. Tests for proportional baseline hazards are also suggested and a robust variance estimator is derived.  相似文献   

This article develops a local partial likelihood technique to estimate the time-dependent coefficients in Cox's regression model. The basic idea is a simple extension of the local linear fitting technique used in the scatterplot smoothing. The coefficients are estimated locally based on the partial likelihood in a window around each time point. Multiple time-dependent covariates are incorporated in the local partial likelihood procedure. The procedure is useful as a diagnostic tool and can be used in uncovering time-dependencies or departure from the proportional hazards model. The programming involved in the local partial likelihood estimation is relatively simple and it can be modified with few efforts from the existing programs for the proportional hazards model. The asymptotic properties of the resulting estimator are established and compared with those from the local constant fitting. A consistent estimator of the asymptotic variance is also proposed. The approach is illustrated by a real data set from the study of gastric cancer patients and a simulation study is also presented.  相似文献   

Covariate measurement error problems have been extensively studied in the context of right-censored data but less so for interval-censored data. Motivated by the AIDS Clinical Trial Group 175 study, where the occurrence time of AIDS was examined only at intermittent clinic visits and the baseline covariate CD4 count was measured with error, we describe a semiparametric maximum likelihood method for analyzing mixed case interval-censored data with mismeasured covariates under the proportional hazards model. We show that the estimator of the regression coefficient is asymptotically normal and efficient and provide a very stable and efficient algorithm for computing the estimators. We evaluate the method through simulation studies and illustrate it with AIDS data.  相似文献   

Length‐biased sampling data are often encountered in the studies of economics, industrial reliability, epidemiology, genetics and cancer screening. The complication of this type of data is due to the fact that the observed lifetimes suffer from left truncation and right censoring, where the left truncation variable has a uniform distribution. In the Cox proportional hazards model, Huang & Qin (Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107, 2012, p. 107) proposed a composite partial likelihood method which not only has the simplicity of the popular partial likelihood estimator, but also can be easily performed by the standard statistical software. The accelerated failure time model has become a useful alternative to the Cox proportional hazards model. In this paper, by using the composite partial likelihood technique, we study this model with length‐biased sampling data. The proposed method has a very simple form and is robust when the assumption that the censoring time is independent of the covariate is violated. To ease the difficulty of calculations when solving the non‐smooth estimating equation, we use a kernel smoothed estimation method (Heller; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102, 2007, p. 552). Large sample results and a re‐sampling method for the variance estimation are discussed. Some simulation studies are conducted to compare the performance of the proposed method with other existing methods. A real data set is used for illustration.  相似文献   

The case-cohort study design is widely used to reduce cost when collecting expensive covariates in large cohort studies with survival or competing risks outcomes. A case-cohort study dataset consists of two parts: (a) a random sample and (b) all cases or failures from a specific cause of interest. Clinicians often assess covariate effects on competing risks outcomes. The proportional subdistribution hazards model directly evaluates the effect of a covariate on the cumulative incidence function under the non-covariate-dependent censoring assumption for the full cohort study. However, the non-covariate-dependent censoring assumption is often violated in many biomedical studies. In this article, we propose a proportional subdistribution hazards model for case-cohort studies with stratified data with covariate-adjusted censoring weight. We further propose an efficient estimator when extra information from the other causes is available under case-cohort studies. The proposed estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Simulation studies show (a) the proposed estimator is unbiased when the censoring distribution depends on covariates and (b) the proposed efficient estimator gains estimation efficiency when using extra information from the other causes. We analyze a bone marrow transplant dataset and a coronary heart disease dataset using the proposed method.  相似文献   


We consider statistical inference for additive partial linear models when the linear covariate is measured with error. A bias-corrected spline-backfitted kernel smoothing method is proposed. Under mild assumptions, the proposed component function and parameter estimator are oracally efficient and fast to compute. The nonparametric function estimator’s pointwise distribution is asymptotically equivalent to an function estimator in partial linear model. Finite-sample performance of the proposed estimators is assessed by simulation experiments. The proposed methods are applied to Boston house data set.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach to estimate the parameters of the Cox proportional hazards model in the presence of collinearity. Generally, a maximum partial likelihood estimator is used to estimate parameters for the Cox proportional hazards model. However, the maximum partial likelihood estimators can be seriously affected by the presence of collinearity since the parameter estimates result in large variances.

In this study, we develop a Liu-type estimator for Cox proportional hazards model parameters and compare it with a ridge regression estimator based on the scalar mean squared error (MSE). Finally, we evaluate its performance through a simulation study.  相似文献   

Regression calibration is a simple method for estimating regression models when covariate data are missing for some study subjects. It consists in replacing an unobserved covariate by an estimator of its conditional expectation given available covariates. Regression calibration has recently been investigated in various regression models such as the linear, generalized linear, and proportional hazards models. The aim of this paper is to investigate the appropriateness of this method for estimating the stratified Cox regression model with missing values of the covariate defining the strata. Despite its practical relevance, this problem has not yet been discussed in the literature. Asymptotic distribution theory is developed for the regression calibration estimator in this setting. A simulation study is also conducted to investigate the properties of this estimator.  相似文献   

In some applications, the failure time of interest is the time from an originating event to a failure event while both event times are interval censored. We propose fitting Cox proportional hazards models to this type of data using a spline‐based sieve maximum marginal likelihood, where the time to the originating event is integrated out in the empirical likelihood function of the failure time of interest. This greatly reduces the complexity of the objective function compared with the fully semiparametric likelihood. The dependence of the time of interest on time to the originating event is induced by including the latter as a covariate in the proportional hazards model for the failure time of interest. The use of splines results in a higher rate of convergence of the estimator of the baseline hazard function compared with the usual non‐parametric estimator. The computation of the estimator is facilitated by a multiple imputation approach. Asymptotic theory is established and a simulation study is conducted to assess its finite sample performance. It is also applied to analyzing a real data set on AIDS incubation time.  相似文献   

Sporting careers observed over a preset time interval can be partitioned into two distinct subsamples. These samples consist of individuals whose careers had already commenced at the start of the time interval (prevalent subsample) and individuals whose careers began during the time interval (incident subsample) as well the respective individual-level covariate data such as salary, height, weight, performance statistics, draft position, etc. Under the assumption of a proportional hazards model, we propose a partial likelihood estimator to model the effect of covariates on survival via an adjusted risk set sampling procedure for when the incident cohort data is used in conjunction with the prevalent cohort data. We use simulated failure time data to validate the combined cohort proportional hazards methodology and illustrate our model using an NBA data set for career durations measured between 1990 and 2008.  相似文献   

We consider two approaches for bias evaluation and reduction in the proportional hazards model proposed by Cox. The first one is an analytical approach in which we derive the n-1 bias term of the maximum partial likelihood estimator. The second approach consists of resampling methods, namely the jackknife and the bootstrap. We compare all methods through a comprehensive set of Monte Carlo simulations. The results suggest that bias-corrected estimators have better finite-sample performance than the standard maximum partial likelihood estimator. There is some evidence oithe bootstrap-correction superiority over the jackknife-correction but its performance is similar to the analytical estimator. Finaily an application iliustrates the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

This article deals with parameter estimation in the Cox proportional hazards model when covariates are measured with error. We consider both the classical additive measurement error model and a more general model which represents the mis-measured version of the covariate as an arbitrary linear function of the true covariate plus random noise. Only moment conditions are imposed on the distributions of the covariates and measurement error. Under the assumption that the covariates are measured precisely for a validation set, we develop a class of estimating equations for the vector-valued regression parameter by correcting the partial likelihood score function. The resultant estimators are proven to be consistent and asymptotically normal with easily estimated variances. Furthermore, a corrected version of the Breslow estimator for the cumulative hazard function is developed, which is shown to be uniformly consistent and, upon proper normalization, converges weakly to a zero-mean Gaussian process. Simulation studies indicate that the asymptotic approximations work well for practical sample sizes. The situation in which replicate measurements (instead of a validation set) are available is also studied.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a general class of partially linear transformation models for recurrent gap time data, which extends the linear transformation models by incorporating non linear covariate effects and includes the partially linear proportional hazards and the partially linear proportional odds models as special cases. Both global and local estimating equations are developed to estimate the parametric and non parametric covariate effects, and the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are established. The finite-sample behavior of the proposed estimators is evaluated through simulation studies, and an application to a clinic study on chronic granulomatous disease is provided.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper considers canonical link generalized linear models with stratum-specific nuisance intercepts and missing covariate data. This family includes the conditional logistic regression model. Existing methods for this problem, each of which uses a conditioning argu- ment to eliminate the nuisance intercept, model either the missing covariate data or the missingness process. The paper compares these methods under a common likelihood framework. The semiparametric efficient estimator is identified, and a new estimator, which reduces dependence on the model for the missing covariate, is proposed. A simulation study compares the methods with respect to efficiency and robustness to model misspecification.  相似文献   

The conventional Cox proportional hazards regression model contains a loglinear relative risk function, linking the covariate information to the hazard ratio with a finite number of parameters. A generalization, termed the partly linear Cox model, allows for both finite dimensional parameters and an infinite dimensional parameter in the relative risk function, providing a more robust specification of the relative risk function. In this work, a likelihood based inference procedure is developed for the finite dimensional parameters of the partly linear Cox model. To alleviate the problems associated with a likelihood approach in the presence of an infinite dimensional parameter, the relative risk is reparameterized such that the finite dimensional parameters of interest are orthogonal to the infinite dimensional parameter. Inference on the finite dimensional parameters is accomplished through maximization of the profile partial likelihood, profiling out the infinite dimensional nuisance parameter using a kernel function. The asymptotic distribution theory for the maximum profile partial likelihood estimate is established. It is determined that this estimate is asymptotically efficient; the orthogonal reparameterization enables employment of profile likelihood inference procedures without adjustment for estimation of the nuisance parameter. An example from a retrospective analysis in cancer demonstrates the methodology.  相似文献   

Case-cohort designs are commonly used in large epidemiological studies to reduce the cost associated with covariate measurement. In many such studies the number of covariates is very large. An efficient variable selection method is needed for case-cohort studies where the covariates are only observed in a subset of the sample. Current literature on this topic has been focused on the proportional hazards model. However, in many studies the additive hazards model is preferred over the proportional hazards model either because the proportional hazards assumption is violated or the additive hazards model provides more relevent information to the research question. Motivated by one such study, the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study, we investigate the properties of a regularized variable selection procedure in stratified case-cohort design under an additive hazards model with a diverging number of parameters. We establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the penalized estimator and prove its oracle property. Simulation studies are conducted to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed method with a modified cross-validation tuning parameter selection methods. We apply the variable selection procedure to the ARIC study to demonstrate its practical use.  相似文献   

In the measurement error Cox proportional hazards model, the naive maximum partial likelihood estimator (MPLE) is asymptotically biased. In this paper, we give the formula of the asymptotic bias for the additive measurement error Cox model. By adjusting for this error, we derive an adjusted MPLE that is less biased. The bias can be further reduced by adjusting for the estimator second and even third time. This estimator has the advantage of being easy to apply. The performance of the proposed estimator is evaluated through a simulation study.  相似文献   

The proportional hazards regression model is commonly used to evaluate the relationship between survival and covariates. Covariates are frequently measured with error. Substituting mismeasured values for the true covariates leads to biased estimation. Hu et al. (Biometrics 88 (1998) 447) have proposed to base estimation in the proportional hazards model with covariate measurement error on a joint likelihood for survival and the covariate variable. Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation (NPMLE) was used and simulations were conducted to assess the asymptotic validity of this approach. In this paper, we derive a rigorous proof of asymptotic normality of the NPML estimators.  相似文献   

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