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世界500强的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 美国《财富》杂志公布的1998年世界500强,究竟给我们什么启示?这是当前我国政界、业界和学术界共同关心的一个问题,值得认真探索。  相似文献   

1998年美国《财富》杂志评选的世界500家最大企业排行榜已于近日公布。该资料显示,发达国家大企业在世界500强中仍占据绝对优势,但美、日、欧大企业的地位与竞争力发生较大变化,美国大企业的实力大大增强;欧洲大企业保持较佳的业绩;日本大企业在停滞的国内经济影响下,再次受到沉重的打击。1998年随着亚洲金融危机影响在全球的扩散,新兴市场国家和地区大企业的经营规模与获利水平继续下降,但中国大企业的发展却引人注目,1998年中国共有8家企业(包括台湾省2家企业)上榜,中国内地上榜大企业数量有了新的突破。在世界500强的行业发…  相似文献   

四川工业500强比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
一、四川工业 50 0强的历史比较(一 )四川工业 5 0 0强地位的变化近年来 ,工业 5 0 0强在四川规模以上企业 (指国有及年销售收入 5 0 0万元以上非国有企业 ,下同 )中一直占据十分重要的地位 ,而且逐年略有上升。工业 5 0 0强销售收入、总资产和税金占规模以上企业的比重分别由 1 998年的 71 8%、71 0 %和 77 0 %上升为 2 0 0 0年的 72 6 %、74 4 %和 77 9%。利润总额的比重则连续 3年超过1 0 0 % ,因为非 5 0 0强企业处于连续亏损状态。与 1 998年相比 ,2 0 0 0年 5 0 0强企业销售收入增长1 4 1 % ,而非 5 0 0强企业只增长 9 3% ;5 0 0…  相似文献   

中国与世界主要国家信息能力的比较   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
 当世界迈向21世纪之际,以微电子为基础、计算机为核心、光纤和卫星通讯为先导的信息技术,将改变全球社会经济运行的本质,并推动人类进入信息经济时代。电子化、数字化和网络化在全球的普及,使人们不受时空的限制而更为自由和快捷地交流信息,信息成为新的生产要素。信息的生产、流通、交换、分配逐渐成为世界经济活动的主体。目前,世界上发达国家都在竞相发展和提高信息技术水平,大力发展信息产业,美国、日本等国家的经济总量中,已有50%以上的增加值是由信息产业创造的,信息产业劳动力已占全社会劳动力的50%以上,信息产业成为发达国家国民经济的支柱产业和经济发展的强大动力。20世纪90年代以来,各发达国家不断竞相加大信息产业投资,加快信息产业的发展,以尽快提高国家信息能力,从而提高国家综合国力,以便在21世纪的竞争中处于领先地位,信息能力已成为衡量国家综合国力和国际竞争力的重要标志。因此,加快中国信息技术提高与信息技术产业的发展,对于提高中国信息能力,乃至提高中国综合国力及国际竞争力水平,都具有重大的战略意义。  相似文献   

世界主要国家和地区居民生活水平的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
余芳东 《统计研究》1994,11(4):61-67
世界主要国家和地区居民生活水平的比较余芳东英国《经济学家》杂志每10年进行一次世界22个主要国家和地区居民生活水平的比较。继1983年之后,最近又公布了1993年的比较结果。其比较的方法是:先把居民生活划分为四个部分:经济生活、社会生活、文化生活和政...  相似文献   

一、两大核算体系差别的最初研究SNA与MPS间的实际性对比开始于1958年。欧洲统计学家会议在其第六次全体会议上的报告认为:“用于苏联和其他中央计划经济国家的国民经济平衡核算体系是描述国民经济全过程的工具。它主要在两点上与其他的国民经济核算体系不同:一是在物质产品的生产和其他国民经济活动方式之间的差别;二是各种各样的社会集团所包含的内容不同。然而根据两大核算体系所获得的资料可以通过重新分组和调整使之进一步完善和相互可比。”这被认为是进行两大核算体系国际比较的开始。  相似文献   

余芳东 《统计研究》1997,14(6):35-39
联合国从60年起开始实施国际比较项目(International Comparison Program,以下简称ICP),采用购买力平价方法(Purchasing Power Parity,以下简称PPP)进行各国国内生产总值的比较。该项目一直作为一项实验性活动,始终没有被列为全球性的日常统计工作,其比较结果也不作为联合国行政决策的依据。目前世界上对ICP持两种截然不同的态度:一是以欧盟和经合组织为代表的国家认为PPP在GDP国际比较和社会经济分析中起着重要的作用,它们每年开展PPP调查,计算PPP系数,并用来比较成员国之间实际GDP水平和调整工资的依据;二是对大部分发展中国家统计基础薄弱以及在经费上难以支持PPP调查外,还由于它们对该项目的比较结果持怀疑态度。为此,联合国国际统计方案和协调工作组在1996年4月16-19日召开的第二十八届会议上就ICP活动提出,在近期内将不在全球范围内推广IPC项目,将对该项目做一个全面彻底的总评价。 本文试图在总结联合国IPC理论与实践的基础上,重新评价国际比较中的PPP和调整汇率法,并剖析了中国经济地位在世界上变化与经济增长的关系,认为PPP不能真实地比较发达国家和发展中国家之间实际经济差距,在当前国际经济关系日益密切、世界经济一体化和区域化日益加强的情况下,采用调整汇率法可以从世界经济发展的联系和总体水平上去比较一国经济实力在世界的地位,更综合、更科学地反映世界各国实际经济规模。  相似文献   

叶平  王晓晞 《统计研究》1993,10(1):12-16
SNA中的资产负债核算与MPS中的国民财富统计,分别为国际上两大核算体系中的存量统计,各自构成所在核算体系中的重要组成部分。可以毫不夸张地说,没有存量统计,无论是SNA,还是MPS,都不能形成完整的核算体系。  相似文献   

戴艳娟 《统计研究》2010,27(3):94-100
 本文用投入产出的分析模型,将中日价格差异用中间投入生产率、劳动价格、劳动生产率、固定资本价格、资本生产率和“其他”等6个要素进行解释,并推算出这些要素在整个中日价格差异中所占的比重,从而对中日国际竞争力进行比较分析。从分析结果可以得出,中国各产业的国际竞争力的主要因素是低廉的劳动成本和资本价格,而日本则具有较高的劳动生产率和中间投入生产率。  相似文献   

杨京英  王强  铁兵 《中国统计》2002,(11):25-27
美国《财富》杂志近期公布了2001年世界500家最大企业排行榜。资料显示,2001年世界500家最大企业的营业额和利润额同时出现下滑,这与2001年美国经济及世界经济陷入衰退是互为影响和互为联系的。随着全球经济一体化和信息化的发展,世界500家最大企业在国家、地区乃至全球经济发展中,发挥着举足轻重的作用,他们在行业和地区分布的特点及其发展趋势,反映和影响着全球经济结构的变化及经济发展趋势,对世界社会经济发展产生重要的影响。 一、世界500强企业营业额和利润额首次出现双下降,成为2001年世界经济衰退的重要因素 2001年是…  相似文献   

Suppose there are k(>= 2) treatments and each treatment is a Bernoulli process with binomial sampling. The problem of selecting a random-sized subset which contains the treatment with the largest survival probability (reliability or probability of success) is considered. Based on the ideas from both classical approaches and general Bayesian statistical decision approach, a new subset selection procedure is proposed to solve this kind of problem in both balanced and unbalanced designs. Comparing with the classical procedures, the proposed procedure has a significantly smaller selected subset. The optimal properties and performance of it were examined. The methods of selecting and fitting the priors and the results of Monte Carlo simulations on selected important cases are also studied.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of estimation when one of a number of populations, assumed normal with known common variance, is selected on the basis of it having the largest observed mean. Conditional on selection of the population, the observed mean is a biased estimate of the true mean. This problem arises in the analysis of clinical trials in which selection is made between a number of experimental treatments that are compared with each other either with or without an additional control treatment. Attempts to obtain approximately unbiased estimates in this setting have been proposed by Shen [2001. An improved method of evaluating drug effect in a multiple dose clinical trial. Statist. Medicine 20, 1913–1929] and Stallard and Todd [2005. Point estimates and confidence regions for sequential trials involving selection. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 135, 402–419]. This paper explores the problem in the simple setting in which two experimental treatments are compared in a single analysis. It is shown that in this case the estimate of Stallard and Todd is the maximum-likelihood estimate (m.l.e.), and this is compared with the estimate proposed by Shen. In particular, it is shown that the m.l.e. has infinite expectation whatever the true value of the mean being estimated. We show that there is no conditionally unbiased estimator, and propose a new family of approximately conditionally unbiased estimators, comparing these with the estimators suggested by Shen.  相似文献   

A procedure is given for obtaining a random width confidence interval for the largest reliability of k Weibull populations. The procedure does not identify the populations for which the reliability would be a maximum. The maximum likelihood estimators or the simplified linear estimators of the reliability based on type II censored data are used. The cases considered include unknown shape parameters being equal or unequal. Simultaneous confidence intervals for the k reliabilities are also obtained. Tables for the lower and upper limits in selected cases are constructed using Monte Carlo methods.  相似文献   

Upper quantiles of the distribution of the largest root of the multivariate beta matrix are tabulated in this paper. The tables extend the existing ones in regard to the range of one of the two degrees of freedom and are especially useful in tests of equality of two covariance matrices based on Roy's largest root criterion.  相似文献   

We consider the testing hypothesis that two random vectors of p and q components are independent in canonical correlation analysis. In this paper we investigate the powers of the test based on the largest root criterion. As the exact distribution are expressed by the zonal polynomials, the computation is possible only for p=2, and also it is necessary to calculate using quadruplex precision because we lose the significance by subtraction. So in Table I we obtain the percentage points of the largest root criterion for the computation of the quadruplex precision. Then we calculate the power when p=2 and q = 3 to 11 (2). The results show that for the fixed n–q the power becomes smaller when q increases, and for the fixed p1 of the alternative hypothesis (p1, P2) the power does not become significantly large when P2 increases. We can also find the sample size required for the power agnist some alternative hypothesis to be about 0.9. the numerical results may be useful to find the quality of approximation by using formula of the asyptotic distribution.  相似文献   

This paper deals with obtaining an upper tolerance limit for a largest observation X(n) in an ordered sample of size n from a continuous distribution where the first m observations X(1) < X(2) < … < X(m), l ≤ m < n, have been observed. A criterion of “goodness” of tolerance limit is developed, and a method is given to obtain the best tolerance limit. This method is applied to exponential and Pareto distributions.  相似文献   

In this paper some dependent risks are considered, and tail asymptotic probabilities for linear combinations of finite number or random number of randomly weighted order statistics are estimated under various assumptions, where the primary random variables have long and dominatedly varying tails. Our findings are highly motivated by the need of the investigation of extremal behavior of aggregation of large claims, which has been shown in Asimit et al. (2012) Asimit, A.V., Hashorva, E., Kortschak, D. (2012). Exact tail asymptotics of the total loss of largest claim reinsurance treaties. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1993114 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1993114. [Google Scholar].  相似文献   

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