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十月革命和科学社会主义的历史命运   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
19世纪中叶,科学社会主义诞生,社会主义运动成为不可抗拒的历史潮流。俄国十月革命的胜利,将社会主义由理想变为现实,把马克思主义推进到一个新的历史阶段——列宁主义阶段。十月革命改变了世界历史的方向,中国革命是十月革命的继续,成为世界无产阶级社会主义革命的一部分。离开中国的特点来谈马克思主义,是抽象的空洞的马克思主义。马克思主义必须和中国的具体特点相结合并通过一定的民族形式才能实现。邓小平理论与列宁主义、毛泽东思想一脉相承,是实践的、具有时代特征和民族特色的马克思主义。当代中国社会发展所取得的宏伟成就,是毫不动摇地坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的结果。在经济全球化的背景下,我们仍生活在十月革命开辟的从资本主义向社会主义过渡的时代。21世纪将是社会主义复兴的世纪,资本主义为社会主义所代替,是世界历史发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

This study proposes a theoretical explanation for the main causes of the third sector's strength. A Boolean comparative analysis based mainly on the theoretical frameworks of Rokkan and Esping-Andersen indicates that the combination of state-supported urban interests and Protestantism are necessary conditions. This result is very close to Max Weber's explanation of civil society which presupposes the facilitating role of the autonomous state. Thus, the empirical results are reinterpreted within the context of a Weberian explanatory framework. The implications of this endeavor within the historical context of developing countries are further explicated.  相似文献   

The comparative approach offers improved understanding of what is at stake for enterprises, workers and States in developing private pension schemes to fill the gap left by public schemes. The features that distinguish private schemes result from the freedom with which they were designed — by enterprises themselves or through collective bargaining — and the limits imposed by growing state intervention in granting fiscal concessions or stipulating social guarantees. Depending on how these various components are combined, private schemes may offers workers added protection or form a source of insecurity.  相似文献   

Owing to the widely accepted limitations of resource-based poverty measures, multiple aspects of children’s agency offer a more appropriate means of investigating this subject. Accordingly, in this paper the capability approach (CA) to studying Taiwanese poor adolescents’ wellbeing situations has been adopted. Two questions are addressed concerning the exploration of both the functionings and capabilities of poor adolescents as well as the determinants in relation to the combination of these facets. The research outcomes demonstrate a marked diversity in disadvantaged adolescents’ wellbeing and lead to the identification of some important factors underpinning this variety. Finally, the research findings have profound implications for reforming child welfare services so as to cater for these adolescents’ needs better.  相似文献   

The political participation of social workers: a comparative study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports on a comparative study that examined the political participation of social workers in KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa, the state of New South Wales (excluding the Hunter region) in Australia, and New Zealand. Each of these contexts had roughly the same number of social workers, that is, approximately 1,200. It was found that social workers in New Zealand tended to be more politically active than their counterparts in New South Wales and KwaZulu-Natal, and the reasons for this are examined. In the process, New Zealand is presented as a case study of the way in which social work has responded to its political context. Finally, conclusions are drawn as to the engagement of social workers in the policy cycle and of the need for them to become more active politically.  相似文献   


Hajer and Wagenaar (2003. Deliberative Policy Analysis: Understanding Governance in the Network Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xiv, 16) advanced a conception of policy analysis – “Deliberative Policy Analysis” – that “rests on three pillars: interpretation, practice and deliberation.” This form of policy analysis, they argued, supports “more direct, participatory forms of democracy” involving “democratic deliberation on concrete issues” (xv, 29). Since their writing, empirical research on such initiatives – “democratic innovations,” for short – has blossomed. However, while deliberative policy analysis is itself post-positivist in orientation, many researchers bring a (quasi-) positivist orientation to their work on democratic innovations. A key challenge for deliberative policy analysts is, then, how to participate in this field of inquiry while maintaining a post-positivist orientation. Pragmatist philosophy, I submit, can help them to meet this challenge. Pragmatism rejects a number of positivist assumptions about the nature of empirical inquiry. Relatedly, it supports the claim that policy analysis should be interpretive, practice-oriented, and deliberative. Indeed, it suggests that policy analysis cannot avoid being so. By way of illustration, I indicate how pragmatism points to an approach to case study research that rests on the three pillars.  相似文献   

Susan Migden Socolow, The Bureaucrats of Buenos Aires, 1769–1810: Amor al Real Servicio (1987), xxi + 356 (Duke University Press, Durham, N.C., $45.00).

W. Hamish Fraser, Conflict and Class. Scottish Workers 1700–1838 (1988), 202 (John Donald, £20.00).

Margaret Ripley Wolfe, Kingsport, Tennessee: A Planned American City (1987), xii + 259 (The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, £24.00).

Carl Chinn, They Worked All Their Lives. Women of the Urban Poor in England, 1880–1939 (1988), xii + 187 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £22.50).

Linda Bryder, Below the Magic Mountain: A Social History of Tuberculosis in Twentieth‐Century Britain (1988), xv + 298 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £30.00).

F. B. Smith, The Retreat of Tuberculosis 1850–1950 (1988), 271 (Croom Helm, £25.00).  相似文献   


This article, based on research conducted with Lakota human service providers, concludes that the Lakota (Teton Sioux) suffer from impaired grief of an enduring and pervasive quality. Impaired grief results from massive cumulative trauma associated with such cataclysmic events as the assassination of Sitting Bull, the Wounded Knee Massacre, and the forced removal of Lakota children to boarding schools.

The research studied a culturally syntonic four‐day psychoeducational intervention designed to initiate a grief resolution process for a group of 45 Lakota human service providers. The methodology included assessment at three intervals: (a)apre‐ and post‐test, utilizing a Lakota Grief Experience Questionnaire andthe semantic differential, (b) a self report evaluation instrument at the end of the intervention, and (c) a six‐week follow‐up questionnaire.

The results confirmed the hypotheses that: (a) education about historical trauma would lead to increased awareness of the impact and associated grief related affects of the traumatic Lakota history, (b) sharing these affects with other Lakota in a traditional context would provide cathartic relief, and (c) grief resolution would be initiated, including a reduction in grief affects, more positive identity, and a commitment to individual and community healing.  相似文献   

崇明 《社会》2014,34(5):41-67
托克维尔在关于法国大革命与拿破仑的未完成著述中讨论了大革命中自由和平等的张力以及革命的政治动力。在作为大革命第一阶段的1787-1789年的自由革命中,由激进的民主自由观念推动的阶级斗争逐步压倒了贵族自由和精英自由观念。王权的削弱和相关的错误决策加剧了阶级斗争并强化了革命意识形态,民众暴力的介入推动了革命的激进化,导致革命在内部分裂和权力斗争中走向恐怖。大革命后期,法国人既厌倦革命和政治的动荡,又热爱革命带来的平等和利益,继承了革命平等而抛弃了自由的拿破仑得到了法国人的拥戴。同时,托克维尔揭示了革命和拿破仑的个人统治如何继承了旧制度的政治文化遗产,特别是国家主义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare poverty among lone parent households and couple households with children in Norway and Germany. The study applied three different measurement strategies: income poverty, material deprivation and reception of social assistance. We found that income poverty and material deprivation rates are higher in Germany than in Norway and are also higher for lone parents than for couples with children. Our analysis of the reception of social assistance shows a different pattern in which both Norwegian and German lone parents frequently receive social assistance. The results show that the different dimensions of poverty are not independent of one another, nor do they wholly overlap. Household characteristic variables, factors influencing labour market status and educational levels also seem to influence the risk of experiencing poverty.  相似文献   

Gao Q, Yoo J, Yang S‐M, Zhai F. Welfare residualism: a comparative study of the Basic Livelihood Security systems in China and South Korea Int J Soc Welfare 2011: 20: 113–124 © 2010 The Author(s), International Journal of Social Welfare © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and International Journal of Social Welfare. In this article, the Basic Livelihood Security (BLS) systems of China and South Korea are compared. The purpose of BLS is to provide a safety net for poor families, particularly the unemployed and the retired who were hard‐hit by recent economic reforms and crises. A common characteristic of the two systems is residual welfare marked by strict eligibility rules and limited coverage. Both systems are subordinate to the primary goal of economic growth and therefore only compensate for the very disadvantaged left behind by market competition. Neither system is particularly effective in achieving its original antipoverty goals. However, South Korea's provision of self‐support programs to supplement cash transfers has helped individuals to move from welfare to work, and thus has implications for China's BLS system. Both countries need to put more emphasis on equity and social justice in their ongoing reforms and expansions of BLS.  相似文献   

现代革命以资产阶级革命作为典范,并借助现代政治哲学的范畴塑造了革命的现代形象。这一形象失落了革命的原初意义。革命的原初本意作为对永恒与秩序的最高象征,表达了古人对"最好政制"与"最美人性"的追求,是一种纯粹理念性的存在。马克思无产阶级革命作为超越现代革命的可能性诉求,既立足于现代性的问题背景,具有坚实的现实基础与历史根据,又在更高的理论界面和更根本的问题域中回归到革命的原初本意,从而达到了对革命问题的现实与理念、批判与建构相统一的理解。  相似文献   

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