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The cultural turn is nowadays simultaneous to the greatest market enlargement, the globalization, which confronts institutions and leaders with new situations, characterized by the meeting of multiple cultures and by the need of intercultural understanding. As a consequence, among many others, the globalization obliges us to elucidate the multiculturalism, the interculturality and the leadership, as well as their connection.  相似文献   

An analysis of the brain drain from the Andean countries of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru to the United States is presented. The data are from a survey of 62 persons from those countries who are currently residing in the United States and are listed in the current edition of "American Men and Women of Science". The reasons why they left their country of origin and are staying in the United States are considered. (summary in FRE, SPA)  相似文献   

In this case study, we describe a patient with a dementia due to a brain tumor. This unusual cause of dementia illustrates the importance of a thorough evaluation of anyone who experiences relatively sudden changes in cognitive functions. The disorder had features common to other dementias but also had some unusual attributes that made a diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease less likely. Common features included intellectual decline involving difficulties in word-finding, the occurrence of paraphasia, poor concentration, disorientation in familiar environments, problems performing routine complex tasks, and elements of social withdrawal. Unlike more common degenerative dementias, however, there was no marked memory involvement. In addition, the onset of illness was rapid and associated with headaches, incontinence, and some gait and motor dysfunction.  相似文献   


Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a devastating medical condition mat can happen to anyone at anytime, despite precautions. This paper provides details regarding etiology, symptoms, prognosis, and treatment of TBI. Patients and families usually require assistance and direction from several healthcare professionals, including social workers, both during and after the initial period of hospitalization and rehabilitation. After a brief discussion of interventions at several levels, the paper concludes with a focus on both the individual and the family, and how social workers in the hospital or rehabilitation clinic can intervene to assist the patient and family members in learning and using more effective methods of coping. Implications for social work practice are included.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the brain drain of health care professionals and physical scientists from Argentina, using survey data on a group of 89 immigrants who are currently US residents and listed in the current edition of AMERICAN MEN AND WOMEN OF SCIENCE. Although the loss of educated people is probably more likely if their degrees are acquired abroad, even at the doctoral level, the majority of those responding held Argentine degrees. The most important motivation was to gain professional and career advancement. Although pragmatism was associated with the decision to emigrate, the political environment was also quite important. Responses indicate that the losses of scientific personnel which have occurred in the past may be irreversible. Most of the respondents have become US citizens and now have families in that country. However, many respondents still have family, friends, or professional associations in Argentina. Some subtleties bear mention. The retreat of the generals has not removed all political factors from the problem list. Now scientific and professional activities must be de-politicized. The government must take explicit steps to ensure that academic and scientific positions are awarded on the basis of expertise. The evidence suggests that educational considerations are far less important as a causal element in the brain drain from Argentina than is the case in many Third World countries.  相似文献   


Introduction: It is difficult to rationally discuss the question of whether violent behaviour is a disorder because violent actions engender very strong emotional reactions in the public. But there are good reasons to believe that a variety of social and biological factors predispose the individual toward criminal behaviour. This study concerns the question, whether there is an association between violent behaviour and brain abnormalities.

Method: Ninety-six mentally ill offenders of a high security prison consecutively underwent magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (MRI). The number of sex offenders was 62.5%. Fourteen offenders were excluded because they had a neurological disease, a psychotic disorder, a severe organic mental disorder or they were older than 60 years. All scan reports were in narrative format, and they were reviewed and coded according to presence or absence of brain abnormality. Neuroradiologists were blind to clinical diagnoses and offence history. Offenders were distributed either to a “high violent group” or to a “no or low violent group.” There was no significant difference in age between both groups.

Results: In the included sample (n = 82; 50 sex offenders) 48.8% had MRI abnormalities. In the high violent group 65.5% showed MRI abnormalities. In the low violent group 16.6% had MRI abnormalities. This difference is significant (p = 0.001). The high violent sex offender group showed a MRI abnormality rate of 59.4%, and the low violent sex offender group 22.2%. The difference is significant (p = 0.011). There is no significant difference in MRI abnormality rate between the sex offender and the “non sex offender.”

Conclusions: The results indicate that there is an association between unspecified brain anomalies and high violent behaviour in the whole sample as well as in the sex offender group. There is no association between sexual offence and unspecified brain abnormalities. Modern brain imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging should be included in the diagnostic procedure of mentally ill offenders.  相似文献   

This paper draws on world systems and resource dependency theories to show how the changing recruitment practices of English League clubs have deepened the brawn drain from Irish football, thereby compounding its underdevelopment. An analysis of the origins, method of recruitment and destinations of Irish players (North and South) who appeared in the English League between 1946 and 1995 shows that English clubs imported large numbers of Irish players throughout the second half of the twentieth century. However, it was the inclusion of Irish teenagers within the youth policies of the largest clubs in the period after the 1970s that marked a break from the traditional pattern of buyer-supplier relations. Instead of continuing to purchase players who had established reputations within the Irish leagues, English clubs began to hire the most promising schoolboys before they joined Irish sides. As this practice spread, it eventually eliminated a valuable source of income: the selling of players to English clubs. Despite this development it would, however, be inappropriate to view the relationship between the Irish and English football industries as a simple zero sum game as Irish clubs benefit from employing highly trained young players who return home after failing to establish careers in England.  相似文献   

Schore and others have written extensively about the importance of unconscious implicit right brain to right brain communication in (1) driving therapeutic change and (2) understanding and working with the patient’s autonomic nervous system (ANS). Porges, who has re-conceptualized the ANS as a system arranged hierarchically rather than organized around balance, has been extremely influential on clinicians interested in neuroscience. Schore’s and Porges’ theories are discussed in order to make the case that therapist self-disclosure is a powerful and useful technique entirely consistent with their work.  相似文献   

Acquired Brain Damage (ABD) causes immense difficulties for individuals and families and is increasingly recognised as a serious community issue. This paper focuses on the burden placed on family members with a head injured relative. The authors propose that when working with families with a member with a neuropsychological condition, the family therapist may be required to embrace a more flexible role. Depending on the developmental needs of the family, the family therapist may at times: provide educational information about brain damage and its effects arrange family support groups or wider network meetings be the family's advocate in the context of complex legal and financial bureaucracies or undertake marital, sexual or family therapy when required. Whatever the role played, a ‘family sensitive practice’ approach by family therapists is advocated. It is also deemed useful to develop a theoretical assessment model which helps the therapist locate where individual family members are in their negotiation of the tasks of grieving, restructuring, identity reformation and achieving a sense of growth after head injury. Further implications for clinical practice are outlined.  相似文献   

Streams and rivers have essential roles in landscape connectivity; however, urban watersheds are frequently modified to drain stormwater from urban areas. To determine whether an earthen stormwater drain in an urban landscape provides fish habitat temporally, we compared the fish assemblage among three reaches of a contiguous urbanized watershed in Kanata, Ontario, Canada. Watts Creek is connected to an earthen municipal surface stormwater drain (herein Kizell Drain), before discharging into the Ottawa River. We delineated transects in three reaches of the system, in Watts, in the Drain, and below their confluence (Main) and assessed the fish community using single-pass electrofishing repeated across eight months covering all seasons. Fish community composition was compared among reaches using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and permutated multivariate analyses of variance (perMANOVA). Sign association tests identified indicator species driving assemblage patterns among reaches. Redundancy analysis (RDA) was used to assess the influence of physical characteristics of the transects on fish assemblage structure. Finally, fish assemblage measures were separated by month and temporal comparisons of fish assemblage were performed with NMDS and perMANOVA. Over the year, fish assemblages were distinct among the three reaches, and appear to be significantly influenced by temperature, undercut banks, and riparian vegetation type. Biotic homogenization in the Drain can be attributed to degraded physical features associated with channel modification in stormwater drains. Despite management and jurisdictional differences between streams and stormwater drains, evidence that earthen stormwater drains can maintain fish assemblages temporally demonstrates their biological potential and need to be considered as interconnected fish habitat elements within the overall watershed.  相似文献   

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