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遵循多维劳动力市场分割逻辑,面对我国大学生就业流动现实,从政府体制创新、高校突出创业教育、社会助推创业、就业信息共享平台打造、多元机制提升就业整合力等方面拓展大学生就业空间.  相似文献   

基于就业稳定性差异的农民工创业影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从就业稳定性差异的视角,基于不同就业特征农民工群体进入自雇创业因果机制的差异,对人力与社会资本在稳定就业与不稳定就业农民工自雇创业中的作用进行比较研究。利用实地调查数据的检验,发现人力与社会资本对不同就业特征农民工群体自雇创业的作用方式不同:不稳定就业群体人力资本中的教育程度越低,社会资本桥梁性越高,越可能进入自雇创业;稳定就业群体人力资本中的城市工作时间越长,社会资本内聚性特征越强,越有可能进入自雇创业。  相似文献   

农民工就业培训调查分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
参加就业培训是农民工顺利实现非农就业的关键,调查显示:农民工受教育程度低,主要以初中、高中文化程度为主;政府部门、用人单位和农民工对就业培训的投资力度较弱,大多数农民工只能从事简单体力劳动;现有劳动力就业培训市场不规范,农民工对其表现出极大不信任;就业培训缺乏灵活性和针对性。构建以农民工、用人单位和政府部门为主体,培训机构、培训市场和就业市场相协调的就业促进型培训模式。利用这一模式,提高农民工综合素质,加大就业培训的投资力度,规范劳动力培训市场建设。  相似文献   

农民工就业模式对就业迁移的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
殷晓清 《人口研究》2001,25(3):20-25
按照经典的工业化与城市化理论 ,在工业化取得进展时 ,转移出农业的人口应该向城市迁移流动 ,从而使城市人口比例提高。可是 ,我国乡镇企业的大幅度发展并没有造就积聚这些人口的城镇 ,已经发生的民工潮也没有带来结构性的人口迁移。这说明存在一些结构性的因素影响人口迁移。本文试图将迁移就业的阻力归结为就业模式。先抽象出“农民工”就业模式的基本特征 ,论证转移劳动力采用这种就业模式的先赋性原因及自致性原因 ,最后演绎出一个必然结论 :“农民工”就业模式阻碍我国劳动力转移采取迁移方式  相似文献   

为了引导计生家庭返乡农民工实现就业、创业,广西富川瑶族自治县人口计生部门对返乡农民工的基本情况信息进行详细统计,并积极协调人事劳动、农业、科技等部门开展"阳光工程"培训。组织返乡农民工进行汽车维修、电器维修、烹饪、农业种植、水产畜牧养殖等20多个工种的职业培训,增强他们的就业创业能力,使众多计生家庭农民工由"劳力型"向"技术型"转变,以适应市场的需求。与此同时,该县农村信用社还为计生家庭返乡农民工创  相似文献   

对我国实施以创业带动就业战略的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对我国促进以创业带动就业战略新思路的提出和实施进行阐述,并通过实际调查数据说明,尽管目前创业政策、服务和培训方面都较以往有了很大发展,但整体的创业环境并不十分理想,以创业带动就业战略的实施还有很多局限。文章对创业环境的状况和创业实施中存在的问题进行了分析,从宏观政策到实施策略等方面提出了一些建议和对策。  相似文献   

人力资源开发是我国新时期扩大有效就业的决定性前提条件。它通过优化开发增加人力资源的有效供给,既可促进就业的持续扩大和亿万农民就业非农化的大转换,又能推动新的低劳工成本国际比较优势的形成而扩大就业,从而就可使严重的失业和潜在失业压力得到根本缓解。因此,当前我国应实行"人力资源开发第一"和开发战略重点向农民倾斜的重大战略调整,并重点突破创业能力与创业人才开发的瓶颈,多层次地增加人力资源的有效供给,以从根本上促进有效就业的扩大。  相似文献   

金融危机对我国劳动力就业的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
现阶段,由美国次贷危机引发的金融危机席卷全球,在全球经济一体化背景下,我国自然无法置身事外。金融危机对我国的影响表现在方方面面,其中对劳动力就业的冲击是最重要的问题之一。在现阶段的就业问题中,大学生就业和农民工返乡成为最为重要的两个方面。要应对金融危机对我国劳动力就业的影响,缓解就业压力,需要中央、地方政府、企业和个人的密切配合,从多方面入手寻求解决问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

农民工就业与就业促进问题实证研究——以北京市为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着中国城市化进程的加快,大量的农民从农村来到城市,从事着各种各样的劳动。在中国的产业大军中,农民工数量在迅速增长,农民工日益成为不可或缺的重要力量。由于户籍等原因,作为就业弱势群体的农民工比城镇劳动力面临着更大的失业风险和保障缺失。他们的就业状况究竟如何、他们参加失业保险以及受到就业培训的状况如何,如何促进农民工的就业是值得全社会高度关注的重大问题。本文以北京市为例,就农民工的就业与就业促进问题进行一些分析和探讨。  相似文献   

滕志香  赵书峰 《西北人口》2014,(3):23-26,32
农民工非正规就业成为农村剩余劳动力转移的重要途径,为了了解农民工非正规就业收入的影响因素,本文对山东省17地市的农民工进行了抽样问卷调查,通过对479份有效问卷的Logistic分析,发现务工单位所在行业、单位所有制性质、单位距离、务工者的年龄和性别显著影响农民工的务工收入,而农民工的婚姻状况、学历和是否有耕地对其收入无显著影响;调查采用描述性统计的方法进一步探讨了深层原因,进而发现农民工自身竞争力不强是最主要的影响因素。基于此,建议相关部门联合社会各界力量对农民工进行必要的职业技能培训、加快农村工业化建设、搭建和完善农民工求职信息平台,以及给与农民工其他必要的创业帮助以增加农民工收入。  相似文献   

杨雪 《人口学刊》2003,(2):42-46
1997年制定的《欧盟就业指南1998》中明确了欧盟共同就业策略的基础:企业家的权利和职能,就业能力,适应能力以及相等的就业机会。从此以后,欧盟就业政策的调和与制定都有较大的发展。在欧盟成员国中,丹麦、奥地利、希腊和意大利在劳动力市场政策的运用中有许多成功的实践。  相似文献   

灵活就业形式对女性就业的影响及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在揭示中国灵活就业现状的基础上,着重分析了灵活就业的发展对女性就业的积极影响即:使女性有更多的就业机会;有利于女性竞争力的增强;促进了社区就业;缓解了女性家务与工作的矛盾等。而灵活就业的发展也同时带来女性职业不稳定、女性劳动报酬普遍偏低、女性社会保障水平偏低等负面影响。最后提出了大力发展灵活就业,制定有关法律、改革社会保障制度等应对措施。  相似文献   

The study examines the relationship between the employment stability of first-marriage couples and risk of divorce in Israel. This research question is of particular interest owing to the centrality of the family in Israeli society, rising divorce rates, and increasing employment instability and “deregulation” of the labor market. We capture employment instability through two dimensions: the pattern of employment instability within couples and the continuity of each partner’s employment instability. We utilize this conceptualization to identify the link between employment instability and divorce, focusing on gender and socioeconomic resources. Data were from combined Israeli census files for 1995–2008, annual administrative employment records from the National Insurance Institute and the Tax Authority, and the Civil Registry of Divorce (N = 10,891 couples). Using a series of discrete-time event-history analysis models, findings indicate that husbands’ employment instability, especially when wives have stable employment, increases the risk of divorce; employment stability continuity has opposite gender effects on that risk; and the effect of employment instability on divorce remains significant after taking into account household economic resources. The findings reveal asymmetric gender patterns of the effect of employment instability on divorce, beyond the socioeconomic resources of the household.  相似文献   

孔令锋 《西北人口》2010,31(3):73-77,85
通过对1991-2007年就业状况的研究可以发现,中国的就业增长在宏观产业领域主要产生于非农产业,在微观经济单位主要产生于非公有制经济单位和非正规就业部门.而导致就业增长缓慢的根本原因在于片面追求经济增长、依靠投资拉动的经济发展模式。经济复苏并不一定能够带来相应的就业复苏.在经历全球金融危机之后技能不足所导致的结构性失业有可能成为我国失业的主要形式。为了促进经济复苏和经济发展方式转变.就业增长应成为宏观经济管理的优先目标,为此应在城乡统筹发展和区域协调发展、支持中小企业发展和个人创业、加强城乡一体化的职业教育培训体系建设等方面做出努力。  相似文献   

Compiling data from several government surveys, this article identifies key social indicators of economic security associated with nonstandard employment in Japan. Empirical trends of nonstandard employment are contextualized in the development of Japanese coordinated capitalism from the economic boom during the 1960s through the recession of the 1990s to the turn of the 21st Century. A case study of Japan, with its high relative and absolute numbers of nonstandard workers, can reveal what happens to economic security when neoliberalism increasingly encroaches on a highly regulated employment relations system. The dramatic increase of nonstandard employment, particularly among women, is rooted in the design of the institutional architecture supporting pillars of the Japanese employment system and its mode of regulation. Based on interviews and a review of labour laws, the article chronicles regulatory reform aimed at stimulating the growth of nonstandard employment as a cheap source of labor with few benefits and limited employment protections. The final section concludes with a proposal for reframing social policies to advance economic security in Japan.
Heidi GottfriedEmail:

本文运用推拉理论对影响中低层灵活就业群体最终实现就业的因素进行分析.作者认为中低层灵活就业的实现是原行业的"推力"大于"拉力",而灵活就业"拉力"大于"推力"合力作用的结果.但由于个体就业意愿和就业环境因素对推力和拉力效应的制约,必须营造良好的制度环境,增大灵活就业的拉力作用.  相似文献   


Despite significant interest in the changing nature of employment as a critical social and economic challenge facing society—especially the decline in the so-called Standard Employment Relationship (SER) and rise in more insecure, precarious forms of employment—scholars have struggled to operationalize the multifaceted and heterogeneous nature of contemporary worker-employer relationships within empirical analyses. Here we investigate the character and distribution of employment relationships in the U.S., drawing on a representative sample of wage-earners and self-employed from the General Social Survey (2002–2018). We use the multidimensional construct of employment quality, which includes both contractual (e.g., wages, contract type) and relational (e.g., employee representation and participation) aspects of employment. We further employ a typological measurement approach, using latent class analysis, to explicitly examine how the multiple aspects of employment cluster together in modern labor markets. We present eight distinct employment types in the U.S., including one resembling the historical conception of the SER model (24% of the total workforce), and others representing various constellations of favorable and adverse employment features. These employment types are unevenly distributed across society, in terms of who works these jobs and where they are found in the labor market. Importantly, women, those with lower education, and younger workers are more likely to be in precarious forms of employment. More generally, our typology reveals limitations associated with binary conceptions of standard vs. non-standard employment, or insider–outsider dichotomies envisioned within dual labor market theories.


This article proposes a new methodology to measure precarious employment with a multidimensional approach. The adjusted multidimensional precariousness rate employed to measure job precariousness is calculated on a counting approach and exhibit several advantages, including its decomposability according to the relative contribution to total precariousness of different dimensions and sub-populations. For illustrative purposes, the methodology is applied to the Spanish case using microdata from the Encuesta de Estructura Salarial (Wage Structure Survey) and considering three precariousness dimensions of jobs (low wages, fixed-term contracts and part-time work). The evidence obtained shows that at the beginning of the economic crisis there was an increase in the incidence and intensity of precariousness for new jobs created in the Spanish economy. Moreover, obtained evidence shows that the incidence of precarious employment is particularly high in certain economic sectors and for females.  相似文献   

文章运用2001~2008年广东省的面板数据,考察就业容量和就业风险对劳动力流动的影响,发现迁入地经济发展创造的就业容量足够大时,劳动者为追求就业机会选择迁移就业;而迁入地的就业风险又会减少地区的吸引力,对劳动力流入有负作用。要实现劳动力平衡流动和平稳就业,就必须平衡发展地区经济以扩大总体就业容量、提供均等化公共服务和统筹社会保障以减少就业风险,减轻失业成本。  相似文献   

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