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文章分析了已有研究提出的时间序列新息异常值诊断法的不稳健性,并从以下两点对其进行稳健改进:一是构建稳健ARMA模型,确保基于该模型得到的残差不受异常值干扰;二是采用无偏Shamos估计量作为残差标准差σ的稳健估计量。通过以上改进,得到了新息异常值稳健诊断统计量。在模拟样本量分别为50、100、200、500,污染率分别为1%、5%、10%时比较传统诊断法与稳健诊断法的诊断效果,结果发现:传统诊断法受异常值干扰较大,在每种样本量下,随着污染率增加,诊断正确率急速下降,特别是在高污染率(10%)下,已基本无诊断力,而稳健诊断法不受异常值干扰,正确率均为100%。随后将稳健诊断法应用于金融时间序列异常值诊断,诊断结果与实际情况相吻合。  相似文献   

时间序列异常值检测是时间序列分析研究中的重要内容,然而,在实际检测中往往存在“遮蔽效应”问题。文章分析了已有研究提出的时间序列TC型异常值检测法的不稳健性,并从两个方面进行改进:第一,建立基于Huber权函数的稳健ARMA模型,得到无干扰AR系数与MA系数;第二,用绝对离差中位数作为残差稳健估计量。通过以上改进得到了TC型异常值稳健检测统计量,并通过模拟对比小样本、中样本、大样本,轻污染、中污染、重污染情形下传统检测法与稳健检测法的检测效力,结果发现:在小样本、轻污染率下,两种检测法相差不大,但随着样本量、污染率的增加,稳健检测法显著优于传统检测法。最后,稳健检测法的优良性在金融市场异常现象检测中得到进一步说明。  相似文献   

时间序列自回归AR模型的Yule-Walker估计法在建模过程中易受离群值的影响,导致计算结果与实际不相符。针对这一现象,基于均值和方差的稳健组合估计量构建了稳健自相关函数,得到了时序AR模型的稳健Yule-Walker估计算法,以克服离群值的影响。并对此方法进行了模拟与金融数据实证检验,模拟和实证检验均表明:当时序数据中不存在离群值时,传统估计方法与稳健估计方法得到的结果基本保持一致;当数据中存在离群值时,运用传统估计方法得到的结果出现较大变化,而运用稳健估计方法得到的结果基本不变。这说明相对于传统估计方法,稳健估计方法能有效抵抗离群值的影响,具有良好的抗干扰性和高抗差性。  相似文献   

在含有极端值总体中,由于样本均值不具有耐抗性,往往难以代表“平均水平”,因此样本方差也难以有效衡量离散程度。在简单随机抽样假设下,可以构造一个考虑极大值和极小值对样本均值大小影响作用不同时的调整均值估计量,并给出了其期望与方差。根据方差最小原则,确定估计量中的参数。随后的统计模拟比较了各种估计量的表现,结果表明:调整的估计量是稳健的和有效的。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 在分层抽样中涉及到样本量最优化分配的问题.样本分配是分层抽样研究的一个重要方面.一般来说,一个恰当的分层的原则是这样的:确定各层的样本容量,使样本容量的分布趋于总体分布,以保证样本具有充分代表性,抽样估计准确度不断提高.为遵循这个原则,我们在分层抽样中所采取第一种方法是,按比例缩小来确定样本单位数结构,这是最简单可行的分配方式.但大多数人认为除遵循样本与总体单位数结构一致性外,还必须考虑总体不同层次方差的差异,满足抽样估计量方差的最小化要求.简而言之,就是指在有限资金、时间或其他与每层的样本分配量相关的条件限制下,分配每层的样本量,使估计量方差最小.这就是本文要研究的样本量最优化分配问题.  相似文献   

文章研究数量特征敏感问题的乘法模型在随机应答技术(RRT)分层三阶段抽样方法下的最优样本量的问题.根据RRT分层三阶段抽样方法给出数量特征敏感乘法模型的调查设计方法,计算出总体均数的估计量及其方差.应用拉格朗日乘数法,给出了两种情况下的最优样本量,一是抽样误差限定而调查费用达到最小情况下的最优样本值,二是调查费用限定而抽样误差达到最小情况下的最优样本值.并计算出抽样误差一定时最小的费用及费用一定时最小的抽样误差.  相似文献   

基于回归组合技术的连续性抽样估计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在使用样本轮换的连续性抽样调查中,不仅可以利用前期调查的研究变量的信息,还可使用现期调查的辅助变量信息来建立回归模型进行回归估计,进而构造回归组合估计量,并在此基础上确定最优样本轮换率和最优权重系数,使得回归组合估计量的方差最小,从而更大程度地提高连续性抽样调查的估计精度。  相似文献   

在基于抽样调查数据对总体参数进行估计的方法中,小域估计方法能够借助于辅助信息对小样本乃至无样本区域的参数进行有效的估计,并被广泛应用于抽样估计领域。单元水平模型作为小域估计的基本模型之一,是处理单元级别数据估计的有力工具之一。在单元水平模型的应用条件中,需假定区域随机误差和模型随机误差均服从正态分布。然而,在抽样调查中,满足这一条件的调查数据是很少的,尤其是在观测数据中出现离群值时。不满足正态性假设条件下的小域估计量会产生较大的偏差和均方误,因此有必要研究针对正态性假设和离群观测值不敏感的稳健估计方法。通过引入γ散度和γ似然函数,构建了基于单元水平模型的小域稳健估计方法,得到了模型参数的稳健估计和小域目标变量的稳健估计。与现有的稳健估计方法相比,所提新方法能更好地处理区域随机误差和模型随机误差非正态的情形,对于目标变量存在离群观测的情形,具有更好的稳健性,估计均方误更小。在利用模拟数据进行验证中,比较了不同误差分布情形下几类常用估计方法得到的估计量的均方误差,并进一步探究了随着污染分布的方差和比率变化,所得估计量的均方误差变化情形。最后,通过应用于经典的小域估计数据,进一步验证了所提新...  相似文献   

倾向性得分匹配法是估计平均处理效应的常见方法,但是经典的自助法不能直接用于固定匹配个数时平均处理效应的匹配法估计量的统计推断。把每个个体的被匹配次数视为观测值,这解决了重抽样样本中个体被匹配数不是原样本的一致估计问题,基于此提出了两种解决倾向性得分匹配估计的自助法推断方法,一是将基于欧氏距离匹配法的加权自助法推广至倾向性得分匹配法,二是进一步提出了比前者更简单的直接应用经典自助法的方法。由此提出的两种自助法可以正确估计倾向性得分匹配法的平均处理效应的方差及置信区间,同时更容易实现倾向性得分匹配法估计结果的渐正方差公式。数值模拟部分显示两种自助法随着样本量的增加而与样本误差平方和及Abadie和Imbens的渐近结果越来越接近。最后,将此方法用于2016年中国综合社会调查数据,分别得到了性别、婚姻状况、健康状况等对居民收入影响的平均处理效应。  相似文献   

文章主要通过构思以PPS抽样方式抽取单级整群样本,在已用样本资料算出在某总体应用该抽样方案的设计效应的基础上,为推算下一个调查期对该总体依照该方案抽取样本时所需样本量的过程中,讨论如何用PPS单级整群样本来构造总体的个体间方差的无偏估计量的问题.  相似文献   

Efficient score tests exist among others, for testing the presence of additive and/or innovative outliers that are the result of the shifted mean of the error process under the regression model. A sample influence function of autocorrelation-based diagnostic technique also exists for the detection of outliers that are the result of the shifted autocorrelations. The later diagnostic technique is however not useful if the outlying observation does not affect the autocorrelation structure but is generated due to an inflation in the variance of the error process under the regression model. In this paper, we develop a unified maximum studentized type test which is applicable for testing the additive and innovative outliers as well as variance shifted outliers that may or may not affect the autocorrelation structure of the outlier free time series observations. Since the computation of the p-values for the maximum studentized type test is not easy in general, we propose a Satterthwaite type approximation based on suitable doubly non-central F-distributions for finding such p-values [F.E. Satterthwaite, An approximate distribution of estimates of variance components, Biometrics 2 (1946), pp. 110–114]. The approximations are evaluated through a simulation study, for example, for the detection of additive and innovative outliers as well as variance shifted outliers that do not affect the autocorrelation structure of the outlier free time series observations. Some simulation results on model misspecification effects on outlier detection are also provided.  相似文献   

In the multiple linear regression analysis, the ridge regression estimator and the Liu estimator are often used to address multicollinearity. Besides multicollinearity, outliers are also a problem in the multiple linear regression analysis. We propose new biased estimators based on the least trimmed squares (LTS) ridge estimator and the LTS Liu estimator in the case of the presence of both outliers and multicollinearity. For this purpose, a simulation study is conducted in order to see the difference between the robust ridge estimator and the robust Liu estimator in terms of their effectiveness; the mean square error. In our simulations, the behavior of the new biased estimators is examined for types of outliers: X-space outlier, Y-space outlier, and X-and Y-space outlier. The results for a number of different illustrative cases are presented. This paper also provides the results for the robust ridge regression and robust Liu estimators based on a real-life data set combining the problem of multicollinearity and outliers.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose an outlier detection approach in a multiple regression model using the properties of a difference-based variance estimator. This type of a difference-based variance estimator was originally used to estimate error variance in a non parametric regression model without estimating a non parametric function. This article first employed a difference-based error variance estimator to study the outlier detection problem in a multiple regression model. Our approach uses the leave-one-out type method based on difference-based error variance. The existing outlier detection approaches using the leave-one-out approach are highly affected by other outliers, while ours is not because our approach does not use the regression coefficient estimator. We compared our approach with several existing methods using a simulation study, suggesting the outperformance of our approach. The advantages of our approach are demonstrated using a real data application. Our approach can be extended to the non parametric regression model for outlier detection.  相似文献   

The Liu estimator has been developed as an alternative to the ordinary least squares estimator in the presence of collinearity among the elements of regressors in linear regression models. We present the DFFITS and different versions of the Cook distance analogous to the ones given for the ordinary linear regression models of each individual observation on the Liu estimates. We suggest a version of the Cook distance based on one-step approximation. The mean shift outlier model for the Liu regression has also been investigated. Moreover, using the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury theorem, we find approximate versions of the DFFITS and the Cook distance. The proposed diagnostics are evaluated on two data sets and yield promising results.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a "model free' method of outlier detection for Gaussian time series by using the autocorrelation structure of the time series. We also present a graphic diagnostic method in order to distinguish an additive outlier (AO) from an innovation outlier (IO). The test statistic for detecting the outlier has a χ ² distribution with one degree of freedom. We show that this method works well when the time series contain either one type of the outliers or both additive and innovation type outliers, and this method has the advantage that no time series model needs to be estimated from the data. Simulation evidence shows that different types of outliers can be graphically distinguished by using the techniques proposed.  相似文献   


Advances in statistical computing software have led to a substantial increase in the use of ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models in the engineering and applied statistics communities. Empirical evidence suggests that data sets can routinely have 10% or more outliers in many processes. Unfortunately, these outliers typically will render the OLS parameter estimates useless. The OLS diagnostic quantities and graphical plots can reliably identify a few outliers; however, they significantly lose power with increasing dimension and number of outliers. Although there have been recent advances in the methods that detect multiple outliers, improvements are needed in regression estimators that can fit well in the presence of outliers. We introduce a robust regression estimator that performs well regardless of outlier quantity and configuration. Our studies show that the best available estimators are vulnerable when the outliers are extreme in the regressor space (high leverage). Our proposed compound estimator modifies recently published methods with an improved initial estimate and measure of leverage. Extensive performance evaluations indicate that the proposed estimator performs the best and consistently fits the bulk of the data when outliers are present. The estimator, implemented in standard software, provides researchers and practitioners a tool for the model-building process to protect against the severe impact from multiple outliers.  相似文献   

In this article, a robust multistage parameter estimator is proposed for nonlinear regression with heteroscedastic variance, where the residual variances are considered as a general parametric function of predictors. The motivation is based on considering the chi-square distribution for the calculated sample variance of the data. It is shown that outliers that are influential in nonlinear regression parameter estimates are not necessarily influential in calculating the sample variance. This matter persuades us, not only to robustify the estimate of the parameters of the models for both the regression function and the variance, but also to replace the sample variance of the data by a robust scale estimate.  相似文献   

This paper studies the outlier detection and robust variable selection problem in the linear regression model. The penalized weighted least absolute deviation (PWLAD) regression estimation method and the adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) are combined to simultaneously achieve outlier detection, and robust variable selection. An iterative algorithm is proposed to solve the proposed optimization problem. Monte Carlo studies are evaluated the finite-sample performance of the proposed methods. The results indicate that the finite sample performance of the proposed methods performs better than that of the existing methods when there are leverage points or outliers in the response variable or explanatory variables. Finally, we apply the proposed methodology to analyze two real datasets.  相似文献   

Recently, several new robust multivariate estimators of location and scatter have been proposed that provide new and improved methods for detecting multivariate outliers. But for small sample sizes, there are no results on how these new multivariate outlier detection techniques compare in terms of p n , their outside rate per observation (the expected proportion of points declared outliers) under normality. And there are no results comparing their ability to detect truly unusual points based on the model that generated the data. Moreover, there are no results comparing these methods to two fairly new techniques that do not rely on some robust covariance matrix. It is found that for an approach based on the orthogonal Gnanadesikan–Kettenring estimator, p n can be very unsatisfactory with small sample sizes, but a simple modification gives much more satisfactory results. Similar problems were found when using the median ball algorithm, but a modification proved to be unsatisfactory. The translated-biweights (TBS) estimator generally performs well with a sample size of n≥20 and when dealing with p-variate data where p≤5. But with p=8 it can be unsatisfactory, even with n=200. A projection method as well the minimum generalized variance method generally perform best, but with p≤5 conditions where the TBS method is preferable are described. In terms of detecting truly unusual points, the methods can differ substantially depending on where the outliers happen to be, the number of outliers present, and the correlations among the variables.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new robust Bayes factor for comparing two linear models. The factor is based on a pseudo‐model for outliers and is more robust to outliers than the Bayes factor based on the variance‐inflation model for outliers. If an observation is considered an outlier for both models this new robust Bayes factor equals the Bayes factor calculated after removing the outlier. If an observation is considered an outlier for one model but not the other then this new robust Bayes factor equals the Bayes factor calculated without the observation, but a penalty is applied to the model considering the observation as an outlier. For moderate outliers where the variance‐inflation model is suitable, the two Bayes factors are similar. The new Bayes factor uses a single robustness parameter to describe a priori belief in the likelihood of outliers. Real and synthetic data illustrate the properties of the new robust Bayes factor and highlight the inferior properties of Bayes factors based on the variance‐inflation model for outliers.  相似文献   

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