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王齐 《浙江学刊》2008,2(3):38-44
威廉法官是克尔凯郭尔为代表作Either/Or下卷所塑造的叙述者,他是一个具有多面性的人物,既是伦理生活观的代言人,又是自由的宗教思想者.威廉法官曾讨论过婚姻的神圣性、女人与拯救、劳作与自由等问题,这些问题看似琐碎、渺小,但是在分析过程中威廉法官却流露出了他对<圣经>的自由解读.本文将撷取威廉法官对<圣经>的回应并做出自己的评论,希望以此揭示出克尔凯郭尔作为一名自由的宗教思想家的意义.  相似文献   

法国的救助管理工作 法国的救助机构数量繁多,归类划分,可分为公立救助机构、教堂慈善协会和民间救助组织三种类型.政府管理救助机构一视同仁,都必须严格遵守政府颁布的法令和制度.在资金支持方面,也没有公立和民办之分,哪种机构受众数量多,工作有成效,社会贡献大,得到的资金量就多.中央政府平均每年可向各类救助组织提供4亿欧元资助.  相似文献   

昭凯 《今日辽宁》2007,(3):75-77
幕村的慕容氏有一些风俗,据他们说已经流传700多年了。是不是慕容鲜卑的风俗如此,还有待专家的考证。春节幕村春节和中国其他地方一样,是重要的节日,腊月二十四  相似文献   

企业是社会的细胞。关注自然资源、生态环境、劳动权益和商业伦理,承担对利益相关者和社会的责任,不仅是企业兴旺发达的必由之路,也是建设和谐社会的内在要求。  相似文献   

李勇 《唐都学刊》2008,24(1):51-54
钱默吟和朱先生都是作家精心创造的传统文化孕育的文人形象.钱默吟深明大义,洁身自好,在民族义战中"炼狱",由书生而战士,讴歌民族精神于圣战中高扬与更生.朱先生出入"乱世",矢志于道,心怀仁义,为人师表,洞察秋毫,呼唤吏廉而民安的和谐社会.  相似文献   

主产国的大豆产业发展及对我国的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马增林 《学术交流》2008,(3):121-123
近些年来,世界大豆产量及贸易量最多的国家主要有美国、巴西、阿根延以及中国.美国是世界上大豆产量以及贸易量最多的国家,中国是世界上大豆进口量第一,而产量第四的国家.由于国外优质大豆的大量涌入,致使国内大豆产量明显下降,国内的大豆产业发展受到严重的冲击.全国的豆农,特别是黑龙江省豆农的经济收入受到了严重影响,极大地损害了农民的利益,影响了新农村的建设和和谐社会的发展.通过对大豆主产国产业发展的借鉴,以推动我国大豆产业的快速发展.  相似文献   

目前法学界及法律实务界在某些领域存在一些有偏差的看法,这其中,关于法律与教化的关系就是一例.一般而言,人们总是满足于以下看法:即法律之治与教化是两分的,并强调教化是人治的典型表现.然而,事实上法律与教化并非井水不犯河水的关系,相反,它们是一对天然的关系性范畴--当然,这个命题在今日看来,需要进行论证;另一方面,儒家的伦理之治在古中国又取得了相对成功,而伦理之治强调的正是教化的作用.因此,在法治全球化、现代化的进程中发掘儒家的教化机理进而糅入全球化的法制之中,就是一个值得我们当代中国法学界认真关注的理论问题.  相似文献   

夏莹 《学习与探索》2008,4(2):11-15
"诱惑"作为转折期的鲍德里亚的理论术语是对其早期的"象征性交换"的直接替代.诱惑从来都是不确定的,充满了暧昧与模棱两可,女性气质的力量就是诱惑.诱惑促使人偏离真理的轨道,以游戏的方式消解事物的深度.真正的女性解放就在于摆脱生产的逻辑,恢复诱惑的力量.  相似文献   

二叉树是编程世界中最重要的数据结构.这里阐述用一个结构代表类,在VB.NET里,实施二叉树的创建,通过增加结点的方法,浏览二叉树,这种算法简单明了,为编辑打开便捷之门.  相似文献   

郑伟 《学术交流》2008,(2):23-26
众所周知,巴门尼德哲学是西方古典哲学和本体论哲学的逻辑开端,它为古典哲学的主流奠定了初步的基础,后来经过苏格拉底-柏拉图在到亚里士多德,以及后来的新柏拉图主义,逐渐形成了蔚为大观的形而上学或本体论传统.后经德国古典哲学集大成者黑格尔达到了本体论、认识论和逻辑三者的统一.德里达沿着海德格尔开辟的"遮蔽-解蔽的本有运作"的路径.受列维纳斯的"他者:踪迹现象"的影响,提出了"延异"的概念.当海德格尔用"此在"来颠覆一切形而上学和本体论的时候,可以说它的希望并没有落空,这场革命是由马克思来开始的,提出了实践唯物主义新的本体论,并显现出的它在理论上和方法上的独特价值.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of what is currently known about elderly alcohol use and abuse. It identifies areas of social work practice that need to be improved to meet the needs of elderly problem drinkers, and makes recommendations regarding identification, treatment, and coordination of services for this population.  相似文献   

Couples who have experienced institutionalization reveal unique problems while attempting to cope with drastic life changes. This paper describes an effort to help such couples through a group process.  相似文献   


The phenomena of hopelessness, depression and, suicidality among the elderly have been long recognized as a social problem. It is commonly agreed that the rates of depression, sense of hopelessness and, suicidality in that age group are higher among older people. Due to its sensitive nature, the gerontological literature has been paid more theoretical and empirical attention to the understanding of such phenomena at the last two decades.

The present study concerned hopelessness, depression and, suicidality among an elderly community population. It aimed at providing a demographic profile of factors contributing to depression and suicidality among old people. At five senior citizen centers at the north of Israel, 316 old people living in the community were randomly selected. Subjects were administered the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Beck Hopelessness Scale (HS), and the Scale for Suicidal Ideation (SSI). The data suggest that four main demographic variables contributed to the explanation of suicidality, depression, and hopelessness among the elderly. Practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between an elderly person and other members of his family is worthy of study from the point of view of both young and old. The extended family, rather than the nuclear or immediate family, is the relevant unit for the majority of people including the elderly. The evidence available from industrialized societies shows that the elderly can gain considerable support during the process of ageing by being included in the modified extended family. While institutions for the elderly are undoubtedly necessary, more elderly people could remain integrated in the normal community providing family life survives and is supplemented by an active policy of home help.  相似文献   

The development of social care policy for elderly Australians is proceeding with little regard for the preferences and perspectives as expressed by the elderly themselves. The likely consequence is a continuation of policies based largely on other people's assumptions about what elderly people actually need and the extension of service categories into which many elderly people do not easily fit. Discussions with 71 elderly consumers during 1983 in Queensland established that they have input to make into policy and service delivery issues such as the provision of information on services, the determination of needs, the extension of choices between alternative services and choice of appropriate service providers. Social care policy should not continue to develop around singular and untested assumptions concerning what elderly people need and prefer.  相似文献   

Housing and the Elderly in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Many existing public assumptions held by social workers about Asian American elderly are misleading. These socially and economically disadvantaged pebple are systefitically excluded from having access to the professional social service, both culturally and structurally. This article studies their negative historical experiences, structural difficulties and cultural barriers in acquiring the necessary social services.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Many existing public assumptions held by social workers about Asian American elderly are misleading. These socially and economically disadvantaged pebple are systefitically excluded from having access to the professional social service, both culturally and structurally. This article studies their negative historical experiences, structural difficulties and cultural barriers in acquiring the necessary social services.  相似文献   

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