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Problem and backgroundPsychotropic medication use is increasingly common among pregnant women. Many women solicit information from other mothers about the safety of these medications for use during pregnancy, yet little is known about the specific advice they receive.AimThe purpose of the current study was to examine the type of feedback women receive on a popular internet message board about psychotropic medication use during pregnancy.MethodsA modified Consensual Qualitative Research approach was used to analyze 1728 comments posted by Babycenter.com users about the safety of the use of six common psychotropic medications during pregnancy. Researchers analyzed the comments for overall themes and core ideas.FindingsResults found that comments were comprised of six themes: (1) Personal Anecdotes, (2) Suggesting Alternative Solutions, (3) Directives, (4) Judgement, (5) Social Support, (6) Skepticism & Mistrust, and (7) Risks vs. Benefits. While many comments conveyed emotional support, or encouraged women to seek professional advice, others contained inaccurate and/or contradictory information, or harsh criticism.ConclusionGiven that the decision about the use of medication during pregnancy has implications for the health of the mother and fetus, it is important for care providers to be aware of what feedback women may receive from this source. Providers should address questions and concerns that women have about safety of these medications and recognize how the social context of the internet impacts the emotional health of pregnant women faced with these decisions.  相似文献   

Although a homophobic and sexist archetype of heterosexual masculinity has been thought to permeate competitive teamsport, matters have been rapidly changing. This is evident in research on openly gay athletes, attitudes among heterosexual athletes, and recent studies on decreasing homophobia among sport media content. In this research, however, we examine how some men still adhere to a homophobic and sexist masculine deposition when discussing sport on the Internet. A textual analysis was used to analyze hegemonic masculinity from a popular American football message board. Although posts related to hegemonic masculinity did not permeate the data, we found that this traditional form of masculinity was upheld through misogyny, homophobia, and the objectification of women. Thus, whereas mainstream sport media is increasingly policed for homophobia and sexism, this research shows that the anonymity of the Internet permits hegemonic masculinity to flourish in specific locations, without contestation.  相似文献   

人口容量是一个历史范畴——对人口容量范畴的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究人口容量的范畴归属是研究人口理论的重要基础。站在不同的研究角度上,学者们已对人口容量这个范畴研究出了许多成熟的结论,在此基础上,我们从历史唯物辨证观出发,从人口容量本身和人类发展情况等方面对其作出了论述,提出人口容量是历史范畴的观点。  相似文献   

解决"三农"问题的根本途径是减少农民   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李建民 《人口研究》2003,27(2):18-21
中国共产党的第十六次代表大会提出了我国全面建设小康社会的发展目标.该目标能否实现关键在于我国农村的社会、经济发展和农民收入的提高.目前制约我国农村发展、农业发展,以及农民收入提高的瓶颈并不是技术性的,也不是资源性的,而是制度性的.  相似文献   

杨建毅 《西北人口》2008,29(4):125-128
依据恩格斯《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》与以人为本的理念,认识到婚姻、家庭关系是建立在人的社会属性之上,并赋予和表达着人的精神追求;自由、平等的一夫一妻制婚姻、家庭是以人为本的本质需要。探索建立以人为本的婚姻、家庭关系的有效途径,对促进社会和谐具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The author examines the gay adult video industry from an insider's perspective. The workaday reality of making porn is contrasted with the skin trade's glamorous myths, and the idea that porn consumers prefer these myths to "truth" is outlined.  相似文献   

老年人长期照护是解决当前就业问题的重要途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
老年人长期照护体系的建设是解决当前就业问题的重要途径。从目前老年人福利需求来看,在服务项目的开发设计和提供上、服务机构的建设上及依据老年人年龄及能力提供的服务区分上都没有得到相应的照护需求满足,而这些方面可以提供给社会更多的就业机会,这也是当前可能被忽视的一个重要就业领域。建议政府在这一过程中鼓励和整合多元社会力量并提供相应保障,增加民间力量对服务项目的设计和开发,加快老年人长期照护的专业化和职业化教育的就业取向。  相似文献   

Since the subordination of midwifery by medicine and nursing in the 19th and 20th centuries the standard approach to childbirth has been dominated by rationality. This approach proceeds by creating dichotomies and then prioritising one half of the dichotomy whilst rejecting the opposite term. Rationality itself is prioritised, for example, by contrasting it with the rejected opposite: irrationality. Expert clinical practice is, however, increasingly identified as being inclusive of more than merely rational ways of knowing and behaving. This paper is based on a post-structural study concerning changes to women's embodied sense of self during childbearing. We expose the limitations of pure rationality in the context of childbirth and use the concept of safety to exemplify the limitations that pure rationality imposes. The paper draws on philosophical and spiritual theory to present an analysis of ideas about mind, body, soul and spirit. The standard rational/irrational dichotomy is critiqued and contrasted with the embodied reality of nonrational experiences that are individual, contextual and 'in-the-moment'. Nonrational experiences are identified to be inclusive of power and knowledge that are both rational and nonrational. This revised conceptualisation provides a theoretical basis that allows for and promotes more possibilities and thus more holistic ways of knowing in midwifery. Our thesis is that midwives and women need to take conscious account of nonrational knowledge and power during the childbearing year. We argue that pure rational thinking limits possibilities by excluding the midwife's embodied ways of knowing along with the ways of knowing embodied by the woman. The inclusion of women's and midwives'nonrational ways of knowing in childbearing situations opens us up to knowledge and power that provides for a more complete, and therefore a more optimal, decision-making process.  相似文献   

韩景愈 《西北人口》2007,28(6):38-43
当前农村剩余劳动力转移问题已成为我国政府和社会关注的焦点,尤其像甘肃省武山县这样人多地少,农业绝对剩余劳动力过多的农业欠发达地区的劳动力转移问题,更是值得探讨和关注。这一问题的解决将直接关系到我国农村的兴衰,乃至我国社会整体的健康发展。本文在对甘肃省武山县农村剩余劳动力转移方式进行调查分析的基础上,提出了改进其现存劳动力转移方式的几点建议,即通过农业深层次开发,当地优势资源的规划利用等方式,增强农业、农村对剩余劳动力的吸纳能力,从而实现农业欠发达地区农村剩余劳动力的新型化就地转移。对这一新的转移模式的探析,对我国其它农业欠发达地区农村剩余劳动力转移方式也将有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe transition to motherhood is an exciting yet challenging period that requires physical, emotional, and social adjustment. During the postpartum period, mothers require support and information to ensure a smooth transition and adjustment to motherhood. One innovative strategy to provide mothers with this information is mobile health (mHealth), and specifically, text messaging.ObjectiveTo describe the design, development and usability testing of a postnatal text message intervention called Essential Coaching for Every Mother.MethodsFirst time mothers (n = 11) and postpartum healthcare providers (n = 18) were involved in iterative interviewing in Halifax, Canada. Adaption of content occurred through three rounds of user testing using semi-structured interviews. The Information Assessment Method (IAM) Parents survey was also completed by mothers.ResultsThree cycles of iterative testing were conducted with eight participants (3 mothers, 5 healthcare providers), thirteen participants (8 mothers, 5 healthcare providers) and 8 participants (8 healthcare providers), respectively. Messages evolved from risk-focused to prevention and education focused. Mothers felt the messages addressed their needs and healthcare providers ensured the content was consistent with the messaging currently provided to postpartum mothers.ConclusionEssential Coaching for Every Mother is the first postnatal educational text message intervention developed for mothers in Halifax, Canada. We sought to involve first time mothers (end-users) and postpartum healthcare providers (experts) in the development and usability evaluation to ensure the intervention adequately met needs and was consistent with current practices related to postpartum education.  相似文献   

According to Guang Ming Daily,the number of nurses in every thousand population of China has increased from 1.25 in 2008 to 1.83,which has already been close to the standard of 2 nurses in every thousand population proposed by WHO.By the end of 2012,the  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of preferences for male offspring to female offspring upon the sex ratio of the population. Asymmetric procreation behaviour of this kind is modelled by assuming that a female's procreation ceases only after at least one son or n daughters are born. It is shown that such asymmetric procreation behaviour has no effect on the sex ratio of the society, but influences rather the growth rate of the population. Finally, problems concerning the interrelationship between the sex ratio, the pattern of procreation, and the marriage régime in stationary populations are investigated.Financial support of the Norwegian Research Council (Ruhrgas scholarship scheme) is gratefully acknowledged. I am indebted to two anonymous referees for critical comments, to Gustav Feichtinger for hints to the literature, and to Sabrina Bird, Elizabeth Harrison and Corey Spellman for suggestions to improve my English style.  相似文献   

人口增长必须与物质资料环境和自然生态环境相适应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从环境层级关系分析,人类发展是由物质资料环境和自然生态环境决定的,但人类对物质资料环境和自然生态环境有反作用.当人类完全属于自然生态环境中食物链的一部分时,人类社会与自然生态环境是完全处于自然生态平衡之中;当人类智力得到发展后,人类通过反作用于自然生态环境,创造出物质资料环境时,并且受到科学技术发展片面性的限制,人类社会将破坏自然生态环境,并危及人类自身;当人类自身生产得到控制,科学技术整体化后,自然生态环境得到保护,人类社会与物质资料环境和自然生态环境将和谐共存、协调发展.  相似文献   

苏苹 《人口学刊》2002,(4):10-13
许多人口现象如生育、死亡、寿命、年龄、性别等都是以人口的生物属性为自然基础的。因此人口变量必然与健康问题密切相关。伴随社会进步与社会实践的深入 ,人们对人口变量的认识也正不断深化与拓展。人口科学必须要研究与人口变量有关的健康问题 ,才能透视人口现象的来拢去脉、前因后果 ,才能摸清和掌握人口变化的规律。因此 ,通过多学科的相互合作与互相渗透 ,研究与人口变量有关的健康问题是新世纪深化人口研究的必然趋势 ,也是2 1世纪人口科学研究的亮点之一  相似文献   

本文旨在研究控制人口增长与我国当前经济持续、快速增长之间的相互关系。文章首先确定两个事实:一是用进出口贸易的资料证实中国近年来的经济不是泡沫经济,而是实际增长;二是通过中国各种人口统计指标,特别是总和生育率(TFR)论证中国近年来生育率下降和人口增长率的下降。笔者认为当前TFR值1.8是可接受的。其次,通过减少人口投资,提高人均GDP,提高人力资本和改善人民生活等方面论证生育率和人口增长率下降是促进经济发展的重要条件,并指出人口是我国构建资源节约型和人与自然友好型社会的关键性因素。  相似文献   

老年人的社会价值具有实践性和层次性的特征。实践性决定老年人的社会价值区分为首要价值和次要价值。在中国传统社会 ,老年人首要社会价值表现为伦理价值。在中国当代社会 ,表现为精神价值。但是由于社会处于转型期 ,政府关注不足 ,对价值尺度的片面理解和缺乏足够的宣传 ,老年人的精神价值并未得到应有的重视  相似文献   

The effect of relative domain importance as a weighting mechanism in quality of life (QoL) measures has been a topic of debate for decades. Studies investigating the role of domain importance in QoL measures have produced mixed results. The mixed results may very well be the consequences of a limited choice of global satisfaction or QoL measures, measurements of domain satisfaction, measurements of domain importance and weighting approaches applied to date. This study investigated the effect of importance weighting without assigning any arbitrary weighting function of domain importance. A cluster analysis was first used to classify individuals into groups, based on their perceived importance of various life domains, and then the relationship between global life satisfaction measure and the composite of domain satisfaction scores between these groups was compared. Results of this study showed that the relationship between global life satisfaction and composite of satisfaction scores did not remain consistent for respondents with different importance rankings of major life domains, which suggested an important effect of domain importance in QoL measures.  相似文献   

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